624 research outputs found

    Non-Supersymmetric Brane Configurations, Seiberg Duality and Dynamical Symmetry Breaking

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    We consider type IIA brane configurations, similar to those that realize SO(2N) supersymmetric QCD, that include orientifold planes and anti-branes. Such brane configurations lead to Sp(2N) field theories that become supersymmetric in the large-N limit and break supersymmetry upon the inclusion of 1/N corrections. We argue that this class of field theories admit Seiberg duality and interpret the potential between branes and orientifolds as field theory phenomena. In particular we find in the magnetic theory a meson potential that leads to dynamical symmetry breaking and a meson condensate similar to the anticipated quark condensate in QCD.Comment: 22 pages. LaTex. 5 eps figures. v2: minor changes, reference and a comment about the GMOR relation added. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Goldstinos, Supercurrents and Metastable SUSY Breaking in N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We construct an N=2 supersymmetric generalization of the N=1 supercurrent formalism of Komargodski and Seiberg (KS) and use it to show that N=2 theories with linear superconformal anomalies cannot break SUSY under certain broad assumptions. This result suggests that there are no metastable SUSY breaking vacua in a large class of theories that includes N=2 Super Yang-Mills (SYM).Comment: 19 pages; minor revisions; JHEP versio

    A Bound on the Superpotential

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    We prove a general bound on the superpotential in theories with broken supersymmetry and broken R-symmetry, 2|W|< f_a F, where f_a and F are the R-axion and Goldstino decay constants, respectively. The bound holds for weakly coupled as well as strongly coupled theories, thereby providing an exact result in theories with broken supersymmetry. We briefly discuss several possible applications.Comment: 20 page

    Semi-Direct Gauge Mediation with the 4-1 Model

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    We analyze a model of Semi-Direct Gauge Mediation in which the hidden sector is the 4-1 model and the messenger fields are charged under the U(1) gauge group. At tree level, the SUSY-breaking F-terms induce D-terms from which SUSY-split messenger masses arise. We calculate these masses by three complementary methods. Additionally, we compute the one-loop corrections to the masses. We consider this model both with and without a Fayet-Iliopoulos term for the hidden sector U(1). Finally, we write down a simple model of Minimal Gauge Mediation in which the only scale is dynamically generated.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, harvma

    On the Thermal History of Calculable Gauge Mediation

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    Many messenger models with realistic gaugino masses are based on meta-stable vacua. In this work we study the thermal history of some of these models. Analyzing R-symmetric models, we point out that while some of the known messenger models clearly prefer the supersymmetric vacuum, there is a vast class of models where the answer depends on the initial conditions. Along with the vacuum at the origin, the high temperature thermal potential also possesses a local minimum far away from the origin. This vacuum has no analog at zero temperature. The first order phase transition from this vacuum into the supersymmetric vacuum is parametrically suppressed, and the theory, starting from that vacuum, is likely to evolve to the desired gauge-mediation vacuum. We also comment on the thermal evolution of models without R-symmetry.Comment: 22 pages. V2: Comments on the SM effects added. Minor corrections. Reference added. Valuable discussion with S. Abel, J. Jaeckel and V. Khoze acknowledged. V3: Types of EOGM explicitly defined in the introduction. Discussions about the phase transitions expanded. Typo corrected. Journal versio

    Nonlinear Realization of Spontaneously Broken N=1 Supersymmetry Revisited

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    This paper revisits the nonlinear realization of spontaneously broken N=1 supersymmetry. It is shown that the constrained superfield formalism can be reinterpreted in the language of standard realization of nonlinear supersymmetry via a new and simpler route. Explicit formulas of actions are presented for general renormalizable theories with or without gauge interactions. The nonlinear Wess-Zumino gauge is discussed and relations are pointed out for different definitions of gauge fields. In addition, a general procedure is provided to deal with theories of arbitrary Kahler potentials.Comment: 1+18 pages, LaTe

    Limit Cycles and Conformal Invariance

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    There is a widely held belief that conformal field theories (CFTs) require zero beta functions. Nevertheless, the work of Jack and Osborn implies that the beta functions are not actually the quantites that decide conformality, but until recently no such behavior had been exhibited. Our recent work has led to the discovery of CFTs with nonzero beta functions, more precisely CFTs that live on recurrent trajectories, e.g., limit cycles, of the beta-function vector field. To demonstrate this we study the S function of Jack and Osborn. We use Weyl consistency conditions to show that it vanishes at fixed points and agrees with the generator Q of limit cycles on them. Moreover, we compute S to third order in perturbation theory, and explicitly verify that it agrees with our previous determinations of Q. A byproduct of our analysis is that, in perturbation theory, unitarity and scale invariance imply conformal invariance in four-dimensional quantum field theories. Finally, we study some properties of these new, "cyclic" CFTs, and point out that the a-theorem still governs the asymptotic behavior of renormalization-group flows.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures. Expanded introduction to make clear that cycles discussed in this work are not associated with unitary theories that are scale but not conformally invarian

    Classicalization and Unitarity

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    We point out that the scenario for UV completion by "classicalization", proposed recently is in fact Wilsonian in the classical Wilsonian sense. It corresponds to the situation when a field theory has a nontrivial UV fixed point governed by a higher dimensional operator. Provided the kinetic term is a relevant operator around this point the theory will flow in the IR to the free scalar theory. Physically, "classicalization", if it can be realized, would correspond to a situation when the fluctuations of the field operator in the UV are smaller than in the IR. As a result there exists a clear tension between the "classicalization" scenario and constraints imposed by unitarity on a quantum field theory, making the existence of classicalizing unitary theories questionable.Comment: Some clarifications and refs added. Accepted as a JHEP publication; 12 page

    Three form potential in (special) minimal supergravity superspace and supermembrane supercurrent

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    This contribution begins the study of the complete superfield Lagrangian description of the interacting system of D=4 N=1 supergravity (SUGRA) and supermembrane. Firstly, we review a 'three form supergravity' by Ovrut and Waldram, which we prefer to call 'special minimal supergravity'. This off-shell formulation of simple SUGRA is appropriate for our purposes as the supermembrane action contains the so-called Wess-Zumino term given by the integral over a three form potential in superspace, C3. We describe this formulation in the frame of Wess--Zumino superfield approach, showing how the basic variations of minimal SUGRA are restricted by the conditions of the existence of a three-form potential C3 in its superspace. In this language the effect of dynamical generation of cosmological constant, known to be characteristic for this formulation of SUGRA, appears in its superfield form, first described by Ogievetsky and Sokatchev in their formulation of SUGRA as a theory of axial vector superfield. Secondly, we vary the supermembrane action with respect to the special minimal SUGRA superfields (basic variations) and obtain the supercurrent superfields as well as the supergravity superfield equations with the supermembrane contributions.Comment: 18 pages, no figures. V2: Important references added. The abstract and presentation have been changed to reflect the overloop with that. Submitted to the QTS7 Proceedings. J. Phys. style use

    Making confining strings out of mesons

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    The light mesons such as pi, rho, omega, f0, and a0 are possible candidates of magnetic degrees of freedom, if a magnetic dual picture of QCD exists. We construct a linear sigma model to describe spontaneous breaking of the magnetic gauge group, in which there is a stable vortex configuration of vector and scalar mesons. We numerically examine whether such a string can be interpreted as the confining string. By using meson masses and couplings as inputs, we calculate the tension of the string as well as the strength of the Coulomb force between static quarks. They are found to be consistent with those inferred from the quarkonium spectrum and the Regge trajectories of hadrons. By using the same Lagrangian, the critical temperature of the QCD phase transition is estimated, and a non-trivial flavor dependence is predicted. We also discuss a possible connection between the Seiberg duality and the magnetic model we studied.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, typos corrected, references adde
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