49 research outputs found

    Oxidative stress markers are elevated in exhaled breath condensate of workers exposed to nanoparticles during iron oxide pigment production

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    PubMed ID: 26828137Markers of oxidative stress and inflammation were analysed in the exhaled breath condensate (EBC) and urine samples of 14 workers (mean age 43  ±  7 years) exposed to iron oxide aerosol for an average of 10  ±  4 years and 14 controls (mean age 39  ±  4 years) by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) after solid-phase extraction. Aerosol exposure in the workplace was measured by particle size spectrometers, a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS), and by aerosol concentration monitors, P-TRAK and DustTRAK DRX. Total aerosol concentrations in workplace locations varied greatly in both time and space. The median mass concentration was 0.083 mg m−3 (IQR 0.063–0.133 mg m−3) and the median particle concentration was 66 800 particles cm−3 (IQR 16 900–86 900 particles cm−3). In addition, more than 80% of particles were smaller than 100 nm in diameter. Markers of oxidative stress, malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-trans-hexenale (HHE), 4-hydroxy-trans-nonenale (HNE), 8-isoProstaglandin F2α (8-isoprostane) and aldehydes C6–C12, in addition to markers of nucleic acid oxidation, including 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-OHG), 5-hydroxymethyl uracil (5-OHMeU), and of proteins, such as o-tyrosine (o-Tyr), 3-chlorotyrosine (3-ClTyr), and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NOTyr) were analysed in EBC and urine by LC-ESI-MS/MS. Almost all markers of lipid, nucleic acid and protein oxidation were elevated in the EBC of workers comparing with control subjects. Elevated markers were MDA, HNE, HHE, C6–C10, 8-isoprostane, 8-OHdG, 8-OHG, 5-OHMeU, 3-ClTyr, 3-NOTyr, o-Tyr (all p  <  0.001), and C11 (p  <  0.05). Only aldehyde C12 and the pH of samples did not differ between groups. Markers in urine were not elevated. These findings suggest the adverse effects of nano iron oxide aerosol exposure and support the utility of oxidative stress biomarkers in EBC. The analysis of urine oxidative stress biomarkers does not support the presence of systemic oxidative stress in iron oxide pigment production workers.Web of Science101art. no. 01600

    Relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net in men's Volleybal at the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing

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    Title: Relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net in men Volleyball at the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing. Objective: The purpose of this thesis was to find out relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net in elite volleyball teams. The thesis should also give a more detailed view on progress of this relationship in time, and to show what is the character of the relationship in best teams. Methods: The main method used in this work was, standardized indirect observation. We observed matches on Olympic volleyball tournament 2008, in Beijing, where we assessed the selected playing activities on 5-degree scale. After that, we applied one-dimensional methods of statistical analysis to find out statistical significance (chi-square test) and methods of objectively-logical analysis. Results: The results refer to significant relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net. This relationship appears to be stable in time, independent on changes made in volleyball (rally point system, libero specialization). By comparing of this relationship in best teams we did not find statistically significant differences, but we consider as a big advantage for team to be able to group a two-person block after poor quality service. Key words:..

    Počítačové adaptivní testování v kinantropologii: Monte Carlo simulace s využitím physical self description questionnaire

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    This thesis aims to introduce the use of computerized adaptive testing (CAT) - a novel and ever increasingly used method of a test administration - applied to the field of Kinanthropology. By adapting a test to an individual respondent&apos;s latent trait level, computerized adaptive testing offers numerous theoretical and methodological improvements that can significantly advance testing procedures. In the first part of the thesis, the theoretical and conceptual basis of CAT, as well as a brief overview of its historical origins and basic general principles are presented. The discussion necessarily includes the description of Item Response Theory (IRT) to some extent, since IRT is almost exclusively used as the mathematical model in today&apos;s CAT applications. Practical application of CAT is then evaluated using Monte-Carlo simulations involving adaptive administration of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) (Marsh, Richards, Johnson, Roche, &amp; Tremayne, 1994) - an instrument widely used to assess physical self-concept in the field of sport and exercise psychology. The Monte Carlo simulation of the PSDQ adaptive administration utilized a real item pool (N = 70) calibrated with a Graded Response Model (GRM, see Samejima, 1969, 1997). The responses to test items were generated based on item...Předložená disertační práce si klade za cíl prezentaci využití počítačového adaptivního testování (computerized adaptive testing - CAT) v oblasti Kinantropologie. Přizpůsobením testu latentní úrovni konkrétního testovaného jedince, nabízí CAT řadu teoretických a metodologických výhod a nabízí tím možnost zvýšení efektivity procesu testování. V první části práce jsou představeny teoretické, koncepční a historické základy CAT. Tato diskuse nutně obsahuje stručný popis teorie odpovědí na položku (item response theory - IRT), protože IRT je téměř výhradně používaná jako matematický model v dnešních CAT aplikacích. Praktická využitelnost CAT je posléze hodnocena pomocí Monte-Carlo simulace zahrnující adaptivní administraci Physical Self-description questionnaire (PSDQ) - nástroje, který je široce používán k posouzení tělesného sebepojetí v oblasti psychologie sportu. Pro Monte Carlo simulaci adaptivní administrace PSDQ byla využita skutečná položková banka (n = 70), přičemž jednotlivé položky byly kalibrovány pomocí Graded response modelu (GRM, viz Samejima, 1969, 1997). Odpovědi na jednotlivé položky byly simulovány na základě parametrů položek a předem specifikovaných skutečných hodnot latentní úrovně tělesného sebepojetí. V rámci simulace adaptivní administrace byl hodnocen zejména počet...KinantropologieFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Computerized Adaptive Testing In Kinanthropology: Monte Carlo Simulations Using The Physical Self Description Questionnaire

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    This thesis aims to introduce the use of computerized adaptive testing (CAT) - a novel and ever increasingly used method of a test administration - applied to the field of Kinanthropology. By adapting a test to an individual respondent's latent trait level, computerized adaptive testing offers numerous theoretical and methodological improvements that can significantly advance testing procedures. In the first part of the thesis, the theoretical and conceptual basis of CAT, as well as a brief overview of its historical origins and basic general principles are presented. The discussion necessarily includes the description of Item Response Theory (IRT) to some extent, since IRT is almost exclusively used as the mathematical model in today's CAT applications. Practical application of CAT is then evaluated using Monte-Carlo simulations involving adaptive administration of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) (Marsh, Richards, Johnson, Roche, & Tremayne, 1994) - an instrument widely used to assess physical self-concept in the field of sport and exercise psychology. The Monte Carlo simulation of the PSDQ adaptive administration utilized a real item pool (N = 70) calibrated with a Graded Response Model (GRM, see Samejima, 1969, 1997). The responses to test items were generated based on item..

    Vztah mezi kvalitou podání a obranou na síti ve vrcholovém volejbalu mužů na OH 2008 v Pekingu

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    Názov: Vzťah medzi kvalitou podania a obranou na sieti, vo volejbale mužov na OH 2008 v Pekingu Cieľ práce: Zámerom tejto práce, bolo zistiť súvislosti medzi kvalitou podania a následnou obranou na sieti u vrcholových družstiev volejbalu. Práca taktiež mala podať detailnejší pohľad na vývoj tejto súvislosti v čase a to, aký charakter má táto súvislosť u najlepších družstiev. Metódy: Hlavnou metódou práce bolo štandardizované, nepriame pozorovanie. Sledovali sme zápasy na volejbalovom turnaji OH 2008 v Pekingu, kde sme na 5-stupňovej škále hodnotili vybrané herné činnosti. Na získané dáta boli ďalej aplikované jednorozmerné metódy štatistickej analýzy na zistenie štatistickej významnosti (chí-kvadrat) a metódy vecne logickej analýzy. Výsledky: Výsledky poukázali na významný vzťah medzi kvalitou podania a následnou obranou na sieti. Tento vzťah sa v čase javí ako stabilný, nezávislý na zmenách ku ktorým vo volejbale došlo ("rally score systém", hráčska špecializácia libero, ...). Porovnaním tohto vzťahu u najlepších družstiev sme nezistili štatisticky významné rozdiely. Vecne, sme však identifikovali, ako veľkú výhodu, schopnosť družstva zoskupiť dvojblok pri nekvalitnom podaní. Kľúčové slová: volejbal, herný výkon, diagnostika herného výkonu, podanie, blok Súhlasím s požičaním diplomovej práce pre...Title: Relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net in men Volleyball at the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing. Objective: The purpose of this thesis was to find out relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net in elite volleyball teams. The thesis should also give a more detailed view on progress of this relationship in time, and to show what is the character of the relationship in best teams. Methods: The main method used in this work was, standardized indirect observation. We observed matches on Olympic volleyball tournament 2008, in Beijing, where we assessed the selected playing activities on 5-degree scale. After that, we applied one-dimensional methods of statistical analysis to find out statistical significance (chi-square test) and methods of objectively-logical analysis. Results: The results refer to significant relationship between quality of serving and the defensive phase at net. This relationship appears to be stable in time, independent on changes made in volleyball (rally point system, libero specialization). By comparing of this relationship in best teams we did not find statistically significant differences, but we consider as a big advantage for team to be able to group a two-person block after poor quality service. Key words:...Sportovní hryFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Artificial Intelligence Can Generate Fraudulent but Authentic-Looking Scientific Medical Articles: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened

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    BackgroundArtificial intelligence (AI) has advanced substantially in recent years, transforming many industries and improving the way people live and work. In scientific research, AI can enhance the quality and efficiency of data analysis and publication. However, AI has also opened up the possibility of generating high-quality fraudulent papers that are difficult to detect, raising important questions about the integrity of scientific research and the trustworthiness of published papers. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to investigate the capabilities of current AI language models in generating high-quality fraudulent medical articles. We hypothesized that modern AI models can create highly convincing fraudulent papers that can easily deceive readers and even experienced researchers. MethodsThis proof-of-concept study used ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) powered by the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) language model to generate a fraudulent scientific article related to neurosurgery. GPT-3 is a large language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning algorithms to generate human-like text in response to prompts given by users. The model was trained on a massive corpus of text from the internet and is capable of generating high-quality text in a variety of languages and on various topics. The authors posed questions and prompts to the model and refined them iteratively as the model generated the responses. The goal was to create a completely fabricated article including the abstract, introduction, material and methods, discussion, references, charts, etc. Once the article was generated, it was reviewed for accuracy and coherence by experts in the fields of neurosurgery, psychiatry, and statistics and compared to existing similar articles. ResultsThe study found that the AI language model can create a highly convincing fraudulent article that resembled a genuine scientific paper in terms of word usage, sentence structure, and overall composition. The AI-generated article included standard sections such as introduction, material and methods, results, and discussion, as well a data sheet. It consisted of 1992 words and 17 citations, and the whole process of article creation took approximately 1 hour without any special training of the human user. However, there were some concerns and specific mistakes identified in the generated article, specifically in the references. ConclusionsThe study demonstrates the potential of current AI language models to generate completely fabricated scientific articles. Although the papers look sophisticated and seemingly flawless, expert readers may identify semantic inaccuracies and errors upon closer inspection. We highlight the need for increased vigilance and better detection methods to combat the potential misuse of AI in scientific research. At the same time, it is important to recognize the potential benefits of using AI language models in genuine scientific writing and research, such as manuscript preparation and language editing

    Psychometric validation of Czech version of the Sport Motivation Scale.

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    The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) is a widely used instrument that assesses motivational processes within sport and exercise environments. The scale has demonstrated validity and reliability in multiple cultures, however, there is yet no empirical evidence regarding its psychometric properties in the Czech population. In this study we therefore set out to examine the reliability and construct validity of the SMS in a sample of Czech university-aged athletes. We first examined the SMS factor structure using a nonparametric item response theory model (Mokken monotone homogeneity model) and identified six items violating the unidimensionality of the particular subscales. Remaining items were then subjected to test of hypothesized seven-factor structure and several different forms of measurement invariance examined based on gender, competition level and type of sport (individual vs team sports). The hypothesized seven-factor fit well and there was sufficient evidence supporting full invariance across the examined groups. All SMS subscales had adequate internal consistencies ranging from 0.66 to 0.89. Results of correlational analysis among the SMS subscales and between the SMS and two outcomes of interest further supported validity of the scale. Observed differences in SMS subscales between males and females, recreational and competitive athletes, as well as between individual and team-based sport activities, comported with prior empirical studies using a self-determination theory framework. In conclusion, results reinforce the utility and performance of the SMS in a sample of Czech university athletes. The SMS may therefore be recommended for measurement of the multidimensional motivational processes taking place in the exercise and sport domain

    Psychometric validation of the Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Test –Adolescents (SKAT-A) in an Iranian sample

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    A rise in sexually transmitted diseases and liberalization of sexual attitudes has encouraged several Islamic countries to actively pursue sexual education programs. Support for this effort requires psychometrically sound instruments that can be used to assess sexual attitudes and obtain a richer understanding of the relations between attitudes and behavior. To address this knowledge gap, we translated the Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Test—Adolescents (SKAT-A) from English to Farsi. We then examined the instrument’s factorial structure and criterion validity using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) with a sample of adolescent and young adult Iranians. A six-factor model fit well including constructs assessing premarital sexuality, masturbation, homosexuality, pornography, abortion, and sexual coercion. All scales had adequate internal consistencies ranging from .66 to .85. There was sufficient evidence supporting several different forms of measurement equivalence based on gender, age and religious participation. Associations between sexual attitudes and markers of sexual activity were moderate and in the expected directions. Total replication of the U.S. factor structure was not obtained, however, there is evidence that core constructs in the instrument assessing sexual attitudes are suitable for use in a wide range of cultures, even those predicated on a strong religious beliefs system