5 research outputs found

    Morphofunctional changes of the rats placenta and ovaries under the influence of lead acetate and its combination with metal citrates

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    The formation of the rats fetus and placenta, functional state of rats ovaries under injection of lead acetate and its combined injection with citrate metals (gold, silver) during pregnancy was researched. Embryotoxic, gonadotoxic and placentotoxic effect of lead acetate in isolated injection was found, modifying effect of citrate metals on toxicity of lead acetate in combined injection was found

    Ремоделювання яєчників щурів за умов уведення розчинів важких металів

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    Experimentally we investigated the changes of the main structural elements of the ovaries in conditions of isolated administration of low doses of lead acetate and combined with silver citrate prepared using aquananotechnology. Rats were divided into three groups: an experimental group №1 – animals that received lead acetate at a dose of 0.05 mg / kg, n = 8; experimental group № 2 –animals that received lead acetate at a dose of 0.05 mg / kg with a solution of silver citrate in a dose of 2 mcg / kg, n = 8; group № 3 – control, animals that received distilled water, n = 8 each group, pregnant females are divided depending on the stage on which the planned and ovaries fruit extract for further research into 3 groups: females with gestation 12, 16 and 20 days.Analysis of the results showed that the introduction of insulated lead acetate lead to a decrease in the number of primordial follicles by increasing atresial, premature regression of corpora lutea. As result of the combined effects of lead acetate solution to the silver citrate were observed increase in the number of corpora lutea and primordial follicles with decreasing atresial that testifies to decrease the negative effect of lead acetate on morphological and functionalcondition of the ovaries of rats in the experiment.Вплив низьких доз ацетату свинцю призводив до зменшення кількості примордіальних фолікулів при збільшенні атретичних, передчасного регресу жовтих тіл. За поєднаного введення ацетату свинцю й цитрату срібла кількісний склад основних компонентів яєчників – фолікулів і жовтих тіл – наближено до показників норми

    Harmonious Upbringing of Preschoolers: Physical and Neuropsychological Aspects

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    The article shows that the cultivation of spirituality in preschoolers is closely related to their physical and neuropsychological development, as well as moral and aesthetic education. The article aims to determine the effectiveness of the implemented programme for harmonious upbringing of children in cultural and educational space of preschools by comparing levels of physical and neurophysiological components. Given the neurophysiological indicators inherent in this age, the control group (CG) included 178 children and the experimental group (EG) 180 children. The pedagogical experiment followed certain diagnostic methods, such as control tests on physical fitness and rhythmoplasty. Importantly, age-related neuropedagogical factors made it possible to use the following organizational forms of work based on rhythmoplasty: traditional (morning exercises, physical education classes, entertainment activities) and alternative (fairy-tale therapy, finger gymnastics, dance and movement therapy, health aerobics classes). All forms of work were previously tested for compliance with neuropsychological and neurophysiological parameters for the specified age. The programme aimed to form children’s positive attitude towards themselves and their bodies, introduce various forms of physical activity, general physical culture, and, most importantly, cultivate “self-concept” that maximally corresponds to preschoolers’ neuropsychological status. The obtained data prove that indicators of EG children are higher than in those of CG children due to the implementation of the proposed programme. The novelty of the article is as follows: for the first time, the above-mentioned indicators of children’s harmonious upbringing in cultural and educational space of Ukrainian preschools have been comprehensively formed and measured. Finally, the article closely correlates with the leading trends in scientific-educational discourse.</p

    Remodeling of the Ovaries of the Rats by the Infusion of Heavy Metals.

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    Вплив низьких доз ацетату свинцю призводив до зменшення кількості примордіальних фолікулів при збільшенні атретичних, передчасного регресу жовтих тіл. За поєднаного введення ацетату свинцю й цитрату срібла кількісний склад основних компонентів яєчників – фолікулів і жовтих тіл – наближено до показників норми. Experimentally we investigated the changes of the main structural elements of the ovaries in conditions of isolated administration of low doses of lead acetate and combined with silver citrate prepared using aquananotechnology. Rats were divided into three groups: an experimental group №1 – animals that received lead acetate at a dose of 0.05 mg / kg, n = 8; experimental group № 2 –animals that received lead acetate at a dose of 0.05 mg / kg with a solution of silver citrate in a dose of 2 mcg / kg, n = 8; group № 3 – control, animals that received distilled water, n = 8 each group, pregnant females are divided depending on the stage on which the planned and ovaries fruit extract for further research into 3 groups: females with gestation 12, 16 and 20 days. Analysis of the results showed that the introduction of insulated lead acetate lead to a decrease in the number of primordial follicles by increasing atresial, premature regression of corpora lutea. As result of the combined effects of lead acetate solution to the silver citrate were observed increase in the number of corpora lutea and primordial follicles with decreasing atresial that testifies to decrease the negative effect of lead acetate on morphological and functional condition of the ovaries of rats in the experiment


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    One of the priorities of the modern educational process is the formation and creation of an inclusive space, which includes all components of universal design and, in particular, issues of staff preparedness. Thus, the basic training of specialists in this sphere includes not only the competence of teachers and professionals of helping professions in inclusion, but also the development of established personal attitudes and judgments in accordance with the values of the modern world. Of particular importance is the development of tolerance in future teachers in all aspects of its manifestation - both in the process of learning in higher educational institutions, during the internship, and in the process of professional activity itself, in particular during communication and interaction with persons with special educational needs. The importance of this aspect in a teacher's professional profile prompted us to study this quality and determine the level of tolerant attitude of future specialists to children with special educational needs. To solve this problem, we used a number of methods that allowed us to comprehensively study the personal qualities of students in academic groups where students with special educational needs or who received experience in communicating with children with special educational needs during internship in specialized educational institutions or social welfare institutions. Thus, to analyze the qualitative aspects of tolerance (ethnic, social, personal), we used the express questionnaire “Tolerance Index” (Soldatova, Kravtsova, Khukhlaev, Shaigerova, 2002); In order to study the value and semantic component of students' tolerant attitudes we used the “Tolerance Diagnostics. Incomplete sentences” (Kuhareva, 2013); in research of the emotional-volitional component - the method “The Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale. BEES” (Mehrabian, Epstein, 2000); for the analysis of the communicative component – the test of communicative tolerance (Boyko, 2009).Besides, the listed methods and test were supplemented with the inclusive education questionnaire and the author's art-therapy techniques on the perception of persons with special educational needs and understanding of the importance of tolerant communication within professional activities. This approach in the research has allowed us to review essentially the basic educational components for the formation of professional and inclusive competences on the basis of tolerant attitude, to form and briefly outline in this scientific review our own methodological proposal for the introduction of training and other innovative forms of building interaction in academic groups.