36 research outputs found

    Comparison of titanium mesh implants with PLA-hydroxyapatite coatings for maxillofacial cancer reconstruction

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    Since 2013 physics of TPU and oncologists from the TCRI with participation of the “ConMet” company (Moscow) and the “Sintel” company (Tomsk Special Economic Zone resident) have been working on the theme entitled “Development of the composite implants for reconstructive surgery of a craniofacial areas of the traumatological and oncological patients” supported with the Federal Program ”R&D, part 1.3”. The goal was to develop the maxillo-facial implants on the basis of the transformable titanium mesh with PLA & hydroxyapatite coating. According to the Contract No. 14.578.21.0031, the team of developers had to start supplying these advanced implants to the industrial partners up to 2017. This research was supported with the preliminary market researches by the ISPMS SB RAS and the TP “MF”. The stages of preliminary market researches were: 1) research of the Worldwide CMF market; 2) forecasting the BRIC CMF market up to 2020; 3) the total Russian market (epidemiology) estimation as a sum of official calculations and statistics; 4) looking for the best foreign analogue prices, comparing their and our implant properties; 5) search for the best Russian analogues; 6) the investigation of the world patent databaseEspacenet for the last years, and finding the owners and applicants of patents of CMF osteosynthesis plates on the basis of titanium coated with PLA & hydroxyapatite; 7) comparison of the domestic implants, and making conclusions. Several variants of the meshes have got the equal quality with the best foreign and Russian implants. The closest analogues were titanium, polyethylene, PEEK composite meshes suited to the patient shape by the Synthes company in 2014, and the only hybrid titanium "Grey" implant with layers of gelatin, dextran, collagen, HAP & BMP-2 was found. This implant was produced by Russian institution, and it was mentioned in the report on clinical trials by L.A. Pavlova et al., 2014 [1]. There are no manufacturers of the coated implants in Russia. The average price of the similar foreign implants varies from 12 up to 4

    Photometry, spectroscopy, and polarimetry of distant comet C/2014 A4 (SONEAR)

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    Context. The study of distant comets, which are active at large heliocentric distances, is important for a better understanding of their physical properties and mechanisms of long-lasting activity. Aims. We analyzed the dust environment of the distant comet C/2014 A4 (SONEAR), with a perihelion distance near 4.1 au, using comprehensive observations obtained by different methods. Methods. We present an analysis of spectroscopy, photometry, and polarimetry of comet C/2014 A4 (SONEAR), which were performed on November 5–7, 2015, when its heliocentric distance was 4.2 au and phase angle was 4.7◦. Long-slit spectra and photometric and linear polarimetric images were obtained using the focal reducer SCORPIO-2 attached to the prime focus of the 6 m telescope BTA (SAO RAS, Russia). We simulated the behavior of color and polarization in the coma presenting the cometary dust as a set of polydisperse polyshapes rough spheroids. Results. No emission features were detected in the 3800–7200 Å wavelength range. The continuum showed a reddening effect with the normalized gradient of reflectivity 21.6 ± 0.2% per 1000 Å within the 4650–6200 Å wavelength region. The fan-like structure in the sunward hemisphere was detected. The radial profiles of surface brightness differ for r-sdss and g-sdss filters, indicating a predominance of submicron and micron-sized particles in the cometary coma. The dust color (g–r) varies from 0.75 ± 0.05m to 0.45 ± 0.06m along the tail. For an aperture radius near 20 000 km, the dust productions in various filters were estimated as Afρ = 680 ± 18 cm (r-sdss) and 887 ± 16 cm (g-sdss). The polarization map shows spatial variations in polarization over the coma from about −3% near the nucleus to −8% at a cometocentric distance of about 150 000 km. Our simulations show that the dust particles are dominated (or covered) by ice and tholin-like organics. Spatial changes in the color and polarization can be explained by particle fragmentation. © ESO 2019

    Социальные аспекты множественно лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза

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    The comparative analysis of features of clinical symptoms, spectrum and the importance of burdening medico-social factors of a tuberculosis of lungs with primary MDR М. tuberculosis in comparison with a drug sensitive variant of disease is carried out. Presence of associations between burdening factors of disease and MDR М. tuberculosis is proved. We defined degree of risk of detection MBT with MDR at new cases tuberculosis of lungs with narcotism, a tobacco smoking, a syndrome of alcoholic abuse, stay in imprisonment places, a diabetes of 2nd type, hepatitises B, C, В + С.Проведен сравнительный анализ особенностей клинического течения, спектра и значимости отягощающих медико-социальных факторов туберкулеза легких с первичной множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ) микобактерий туберкулеза (МБТ) в сравнении с лекарственно-чувствительным вариантом заболевания. Доказано наличие ассоциаций между отягощающими факторами заболевания и МЛУ МБТ. Определена степень риска обнаружения МБТ с МЛУ у впервые выявленных больных туберкулезом легких при наркомании, табакокурении, синдроме алкогольной зависимости, пребывании в местах лишения свободы, сахарном диабете 2-го типа, вирусных гепатитах В, С, В + С


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    The aim of the research was to study the regularity of the influence of the culture medium (substrate) on the development of microflora on the pre -fermentation stage of a model medium made from white cabbage «Parus», using strains of lactic acid microorganisms Leuconostoc mesenteroides VKPM B-8818. The main task in the research process was to perform a stepby-step mathematical processing of experimental data and analyze them, to obtain functional dependencies adequately approximating the experimental data for the base (BMS) and modified (MMC) model media. Analysis of the experimental data showed that, depending on the type (composition) of the medium, the same species of microorganisms exhibit different dynamics of titer growth. In connection with this, an algorithm was developed to determine the optimal duration of pre-fermentation – «stop points». The results of the research showed that modification of the model medium with the addition of table salt and ascorbic acid to it promotes the formation of positive dynamics of the comparison indicator. This dynamics has three extreme extremes, but only extremes are of practical significance, which are in the interval of the monotonic decrease of the titer. One of the conditions for successful development of the starting culture at the main stage of fermentation is a relatively small amount of the first culture's titer at the end of the preliminary fermentation stage in order to exclude competition. Consequently, the position of the "stoppoint" corresponds to the period after the last peak of the comparison indicator. These studies on the regularity of the effect of the pre-cultivation of gram-positive microorganisms on the activity of lactic acid microorganisms in the process of fermentation are relevant, since the whole process and the production of high-quality products depend on this approach in full.Целью исследований являлось изучение закономерности влияния культуральной среды (субстрата) на развитие микрофлоры на этапе предварительного ферментирования модельной среды, изготовленной из белокочанной капусты сорта «Парус», с использованием штаммов молочнокислых микроорганизмов Leuconostoc mesenteroides ВКПМ B-8818. Основная задача в процессе исследований состояла в проведении поэтапной математической обработки экспериментальных данных и их анализе, получении функциональных зависимостей адекватно аппроксимирующих экспериментальные данные для базовой (БМС) и модифицированной (ММС) модельных сред. Анализ экспериментальных данных показал, что в зависимости от вида (состава) среды один и тот же вид микроорганизмов проявляет различную динамику нарастания титра. В связи с этим был разработан алгоритм определения оптимальной продолжительности предферментирования – «стоп-точки». Результаты исследований показали, что модификация модельной среды с внесением в неё поваренной соли и аскорбиновой кислоты способствует формированию положительной динамики показателя сравнения. Данная динамика имеет три выраженных экстремума, однако практический смысл имеют только экстремумы, которые находятся в интервале периода монотонного убывания титра. Одним из условий для успешного развития стартовой культуры на основном этапе ферментации является относительно малая величина титра первой культуры по завершению этапа предварительной ферментации с целью исключения конкуренции. Следовательно, положение «стоп-точки» соответствует периоду после последнего пика показателя сравнения. Данные исследования по закономерности влияния предварительного культивирования грамположительных микроорганизмов на активность молочнокислых микроорганизмов в процессе ферментации актуальны, так как от этого подхода в полном объеме зависит протекание всего процесса и получение высококачественной продукции

    Особенности преподавания фтизиатрии на примере разбора врачебных ошибок

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    In the educational program of the Chair of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk), there is a special consideration towards tuberculosis alarm, the ways of TB detection, diagnostics and differential diagnostics of pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB. Moreover, there is an educational promotion of deontology and medical ethics questions to students and listeners of the Advance Training Faculty and the Post-graduate Professional Education Course. They also participate in review conferences related to causes and ways of prevention medical malpractice cases.На кафедре фтизиатрии и пульмонологии Сибирского государственного медицинского университета (г. Томск) в процессе обучения делается упор на фтизиатрическую настороженность, пути и способы выявления, диагностики и дифференциальной диагностики легочного и внелегочного туберкулеза. Такие вопросы, как деонтология, медицинская этика, раскрываются студентам и слушателям ФПК и ППС в процессе обучения, проводятся разборы причин и пути предотвращения врачебных ошибок

    Evidence of sub-surface energy storage in comet 67P from the outburst of 2016 July 03

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    On 2016 July 03, several instruments onboard ESA's Rosetta spacecraft detected signs of an outburst event on comet 67P, at a heliocentric distance of 3.32 au from the Sun, outbound from perihelion. We here report on the inferred properties of the ejected dust and the surface change at the site of the outburst. The activity coincided with the local sunrise and continued over a time interval of 14-68 min. It left a 10-m-sized icy patch on the surface. The ejected material comprised refractory grains of several hundred microns in size, and sub-micron-sized water ice grains. The high dust mass production rate is incompatible with the free sublimation of crystalline water ice under solar illumination as the only acceleration process. Additional energy stored near the surface must have increased the gas density. We suggest a pressurized sub-surface gas reservoir, or the crystallization of amorphous water ice as possible causes.© 2015 The Authors.The support of the national funding agencies of Germany (DLR, grant 50 QP 1302), France (CNES), Austria, Finland and the ESA Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Opposition effect on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using Rosetta-OSIRIS images

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    Aims. We aim to explore the behavior of the opposition effect as an important tool in optical remote sensing on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), using Rosetta-OSIRIS images acquired in different filters during the approach phase, July-August 2014 and the close flyby images on 14 of February 2015, which contain the spacecraft shadow. Methods. We based our investigation on the global and local brightness from the surface of 67P with respect to the phase angle, also known as phase curve. The local phase curve corresponds to a region that is located at the Imhotep-Ash boundary of 67P. Assuming that the region at the Imhotep-Ash boundary and the entire nucleus have similar albedo, we combined the global and local phase curves to study the opposition-surge morphology and constrain the structure and properties of 67P. The model parameters were furthermore compared with other bodies in the solar system and existing laboratory study. Results. We found that the morphological parameters of the opposition surge decrease monotonically with wavelength, whereas in the case of coherent backscattering this behavior should be the reverse. The results from comparative analysis place 67P in the same category as the two Mars satellites, Phobos and Deimos, which are notably different from all airless bodies in the solar system. The similarity between the surface phase function of 67P and a carbon soot sample at extremely small angles is identified, introducing regolith at the boundary of the Imhotep-Ash region of 67P as a very dark and fluffy layer