300 research outputs found

    Strategic Orientation of Film Organization Development in the Digital Age

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    The development of the film industry is inextricably linked with technological changes. Thus, the digital society is already characterized by various achievements in the production of interactive films based on virtual reality, the frequent use of smartphones as cameras, the emergence of fully digital film sets. Modern digital reality has influenced the activities of film organizations, changing the main value chain of film products due to the emergence of new digital platforms in the process of distribution and creation of film products, which created the need to improve the development strategy of the film business. The article draws a connection between strategic management and strategic orientation based on the research of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of economics. The paper proposes the components of the process of strategic orientation in the film business based on the creation of a value chain, since the links between the individual stages affect the competitive advantage of a film company. The presented strategic orientation of the film organization consists of the existing business model of business development, mission, values of each film project, goals, SWOT analysis, various levels of strategies and feedback present at all stages of strategy development and implementation

    Development of the Russian Media Market and Digital Divide

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    The influence of digitalization on the media market leads to the emergence of a new information space, but it creates a threat of a digital divide, which not only deepens information inequality, but also leads to complex socio-economic differentiation of individuals. In the institutions of the information society, the media business is divided into traditional and digital segments, where new consumer groups are formed, with access to Internet technologies, preferring active media consumption methods, capable of creating multimedia works through co-creation. The development of the media market leads to an increase in the number of media platforms with a wide range of content, as well as gradually introducing the rules of the advertising market into the system of consumption of intellectual property. If there are significant competitive advantages of interactive and digital media over traditional media, problems arise not only in the monetization of intellectual work, but also in the process of regulating competition between subjects of international journalism, including those caused by increased competition with media resources prevailing on the Internet. In the context of global changes in the media market, social inequality is increasing under the influence of Internet technologies, and the threat of economic discrimination for mass audience members arises

    International Integration as Factor of Increase in Competitiveness of the Organizations of Cinematography

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    Integration processes in modern conditions of managing are considered as a key issue of increase in Russian film company's competitive ability at the international level. International integration allows film companies to attract additional foreign sources of financing, creates opportunities for the competition in the international market of film spectacular services, provides conditions for cooperation with the leading foreign studios and cinema companies, modernization of funding mechanisms for film projects, participation in the international film projects. Overcoming obstacles to active international cooperation of the Russian cinematographers promotes formation of film company's competitive advantages that are necessary for business on the international film market

    Features of Marketing Activities on the TV-Channel in the Conditions of Eurasian Integration

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    The Eurasian integration processes play a significant role in the development of marketing strategy aimed at improving the competitiveness of television services on the television market through cooperation with other companies, which contributes to the formation of competitive advantages of both sides. The expansion of the interstate cooperation due to the interaction of different mass media raises the efficiency of integration processes


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    In the current research, a method of electrophoretic determination of steroid hormones in urine sample with the use of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction in imidazolium ionic liquid C8MImBF4 during thesample preparation step was proposed. Ionic liquids С6MImNTf2, С6MImBF4, С8MImBF4 were examined as extractants while acetone, methanol and acetonitrile were tested as dispersants.  It was found that the IL nature influences the extraction of steroid hormones, i.e.  the extraction degrees were raised when IL with BF4- anion was used instead of NTf2,and when the length of alkyl radical in imidazolium cation was increased. It was also established that pH of water phase did not affect the steroid hormones extraction. The highest extraction degree values of analytes (69-93%) were obtained under the following condition: addition of 150 mkl of IL C8MImBF4 dissolved in 0.5 ml of acetone to 5 ml aqueous sample. The developed sample preparation technique was successfully applied to the determination of corticosteroid in urine. It was found that the high concentration of salt in the sample matrix favors the mass transfer of analyte to organic phase, and the extraction degrees in IL were increased. The preconcentration factors in sample preparation were 23-30; the achieved limits of quantification were 8-12 ng/ml.         Keywords: imidazolium ionic liquids, liquid-liquid microextraction, dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, steroid hormones, capillary electrophoresisDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.011(Russian)E.A. Kolobova1, L.A. Kartsova2 1The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, 54 Optikov st.,St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation2Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, 26 Universitetskii prospect, St. Petersburg, Petergof 198504, Russian FederationВ работе предложен вариантэлектрофоретического определения стероидных гормонов в образцах мочи с использованием на стадии пробоподготовки дисперсионной жидкостно-жидкостной микроэкстракции в имидазолиевую ионную жидкость (ИЖ). В качестве экстрагента были апробированы ИЖ С6MImNTf2, С6MImBF4, С8MImBF4, а в роли диспергатора испытаны метанол, ацетонитрил, ацетон. Показано, что природа ИЖ влияет на полноту экстракции стероидных гормонов: степени извлечения аналитов возрастают при использовании ИЖ с анионом BF4- вместо NTf2- и увеличении длины алкильного радикала в имидазолиевом катионе. Установлено, что рН водной фазы не влияет на экстракцию стероидных гормонов. Наибольшие значения степеней извлечения аналитов (69-93 %) получены при добавлении к 5 мл водного образца 150 мкл ионной жидкости C8MImBF4, растворенной в 0.5 мл ацетона. Разработанный вариант пробоподготовки был успешно применен при электрофоретическом определение кортикостероидов в образцах мочи. Установлено, что высокая концентрация солевых компонентов в матрице пробы благоприятствуют массопереносу аналитов в органическую фазу и степени извлечения в ИЖ увеличиваются. Факторы концентрирования в процессе пробоподготовки составили 23-30; достигнутые пределы количественного определения  - 8-12 нг/мл.         Ключевые слова: имидазолиевые ионные жидкости, жидкостно-жидкостная экстракция, дисперсионная жидкостно-жидкостная микроэкстракция, стероидные гормоны, капиллярный электрофорезDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.01

    The Issue of Harmonization of Legislation on Public Companies in the Countries of the Integration Project “New Silk Road”

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    Public companies in the “New Silk Road” countries are the only effective economic entity capable, in the foreseeable future to realize the modernization of transport infrastructure, energetics and create a shared socio-cultural space in the region. Despite the fact that the concept of public enterprises varies substantially across countries of the integration project «New Silk Road» there is a common approach to solving the economic challenges that the countries of the region are facing. Political will and legislative solutions in the field of harmonization of corporate law will largely determine economic realities and political success of such a promising integration project as the «New Silk Road»

    Comparative investigation of the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of Ni-based high-temperature alloys manufactured by different methods

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    A comprehensive comparative study of the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of heat-resistant nickel-based Ni-Cr-(X) alloys produced by the methods of traditional metallurgy and self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS metallurgy) is carrie

    Kinetic regularities, catalyst deactivation and reactivation

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    Funding text 1 The research is funded from Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Program No. 075–03–2021–287/6 (Russia). Funding text 2 XPS measurements were carried out at the Central laboratories of Tomsk Polytechnic University (Analytical Center). HRTEM was carried out at the Innovation centre for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University. The ICP-OES analysis was carried out using the core facilities of “Physics and Chemical methods of analysis” of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for Scientific Employment Stimulus Institutional Call (CEECINST/00102/2018), UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020 (LAQV), UIDB/00100/2020 and UIDP/00100/2020 (Centro de Química Estrutural).Betulin, being a pentacyclic triterpene alcohol and an extractive from birch bark, along with its oxo-derivatives, has a broad range of physiological properties of interest for synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Instead of oxidizing betulin with strong and toxic oxidizing agents the present study shows a possibility of using liquid-phase oxidation of betulin with air over supported Ag NPs catalysts as an alternative method for synthesis of its oxo-derivatives. Based on catalytic studies, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the evolution of the surface of nanosilver catalysts during the catalysis was demonstrated, as well as under the impact of reactant gas composition. The kinetic regularities and causes of deactivation of supported Ag NPs catalysts were revealed. An approach to the regeneration of silver catalysts was proposed. Kinetic analysis with numerical data fitting was performed resulting in an adequate description of the concentration dependencies.publishersversionpublishe


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    Covalent coatings of internal quartz capillary walls based on the ionic liquids were synthesized within this research. The synthesis of the covalent coating included a step of silylation followed by the functionalization with imidazole and 1-bromobutane. The resulting coating created anodic electroosmotic flow (EOF) at pH = 2. The range of pH at which coatings do not change their properties was 2.0-5.5. The possibilities of different ways of on-line concentration (large volume sample stacking, head-column field-amplified sample stacking, sweeping, sweeping in combination with electrostacking) of catecholamines were examined. Stacking efficiency factors (SEF) were 105-135 and the detection limits were decreased to 11-17 ng/ml for analytes under the large volume sample stacking.  Under the sweeping conditions, sodium dodecyl sulfate (micelle forming agent) was sorbed on the modified walls, provided a negative charging surface and acted as a strong cation exchanger. This fact led to the additional reserves in the separation selectivity of catecholamines. Under the electrostacking, the values of SEF were above 1000 and the detection limits were reduced to 1-2 ng/ml. An approbation of established patterns in the analysis of urine samples was carried out.Keywords: covalent coating, ioniс liquids, biogenic amines, on-lineconcentration(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.1.006E.A. Kolobova1,2, L.A. Kartsova1, E.A. Bessonova1, A.V. Kravchenko1 1Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, 26 Universitetskii prospect, St. Petersburg, Petergof 198504, Russian Federation2The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, 54 Optikov st.,St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian FederationВ работе предложен вариант синтеза ковалентных покрытий внутренних стенок кварцевого капилляра на основе имидазолиевой ионной жидкости (ИЖ), включающий стадию силилирования с последующей функционализацией имидазолом и 1-бромбутаном. Полученные покрытия создавали анодный электроосмотический поток (ЭОП) при рН = 2. Рабочий диапазон рН фонового электролита, при котором синтезированные покрытия не меняют своих характеристик, составляет 2.0-5.5. Выявлены возможности различных вариантов on-line концентрирования (стэкинг с большим объемом вводимой пробы и «водной пробкой», свипинг, свипинг в сочетании с электростэкингом) катехоламинов. При стэкинге с большим объемом вводимой пробы факторы концентрирования (SEF) аналитов составили 105-135, а пределы обнаружения снижены до 11-17 нг/мл. В варианте свипинга, мицеллообразующий агент – додецилсульфат натрия, сорбируясь на модифицированных стенках, обеспечивал поверхности отрицательный заряд и выполнял роль сильного катионообменника, что приводило к дополнительным резервам в селективности разделения аналитов. При электростэкинге значения факторов концентрирования биогенных аминов превысили 1000, а пределы обнаружения удалось снизить до 1-2 нг/мл. Проведена апробация установленных закономерностей при анализе образцов мочи.Ключевые слова: ковалентные покрытия, ионные жидкости, биогенные амины, on-lineконцентрированиеDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.1.00


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    The current study is devoted to the synthesis of amino acid ionic 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium L-prolinate [C4MIm][L-Pro] liquid and the investigation of its possibilities as a chiral selector for the separation of amino acids (tryptophan and tyrosine) and β-blockers (carvedilol and propranolol) enantiomers. The following factors affecting the resolution of amino acids stereoisomers under ligand exchange capillary electrophoresis were established: background electrolyte pH, concentration of chelate complex, molar ratio of metal and ligand and its nature. The enantioselectivity values of 1.25 for tryptophan enantiomers and 1.17 for tyrosine enantiomers were observed when the background electrolyte consisted of 50 mM borate buffer (pH = 12.2), 20 mM [C4MIm][L-Pro], and 10 mM CuSO4. The synergetic effect of the synthesized ionic liquid and (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrine when added to the background electrolyte content (20 мМ NaH2PO4, pH = 2.5) was discovered during the separation of carvedilol and propranolol enantiomers. The achieved resolution for carvedilol (Rs = 1.1) and propranolol (Rs = 1.6) enantiomers allowed determining the enantiomers ratio of active ingredients in drug formulations.Keywords: ligand exchange capillary electrophoresis, amino acid ionic liquids, chiral selector, amino acids, β-blockers, synergetic effect, enantioseparation(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.004 Kolobova E.A.1, Kartsova L.A.2, Alopina E.V.2, Smirnova N.A.2 1The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine,54 Optikov st., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation2Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, 26 Universitetskii prospect,  St. Petersburg, Petergof, 198504, Russian Federation Работа посвящена синтезу аминокислотной ионной жидкости (ИЖ) 1-бутил-3-метилимидазолий L-пролинат [C4MIm][L-Pro] и изучению ее возможностей в качестве хирального селектора при разделении энантиомеров аминокислот (триптофан и тирозин) и β-блокаторов (пропранолол и карведилол). Исследованы факторы, влияющие на разрешение стереоизомеров аминокислот в режиме лигандообменного капиллярного электрофореза (ЛОКЭ). Показано, что на разрешение энантиомеров влияют рН фонового электролита, концентрация хелатного комплекса, мольное соотношение «металл : лиганд», природа хирального селектора и металла-комплексообразователя. Значения энантиоселективности разделения, составившие 1.25 для энантиомеров триптофана и 1.17 для энантиомеров тирозина, были достигнуты с использованием фонового электролита, содержащего 50 мМ боратный буфер (рН = 12.2), 20 мМ [C4MIm][L-Pro], 10 мМ CuSO4. При разделении энантиомеров карведилола и пропранолола обнаружен синергетический эффект при совместном введении в фоновый электролит (20 мМ NaH2PO4, pH = 2.5) двух хиральных селекторов –  синтезированной аминокислотной ИЖ [C4MIm][L-Pro] и (2-гидроксипропил)-β-циклодекстрина. Достигнутые значения факторов разрешения для энантиомеров пропранолола (Rs = 1.1) и карведилола (Rs = 1.6)позволили определить соотношения энантиомеров действующих веществ в лекарственных препаратах.Ключевые слова: лигандообменный капиллярный электрофорез, аминокислотные ионные жидкости, хиральный селектор, аминокислоты, β-адреноблокаторы, синергетический эффект, разделение энантиомеровDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.00