183 research outputs found

    The Response of Religious Leaders to Intimate Partner Violence: Overcoming the Holy Hush

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) continues to be a social problem with many survivors seeking assistance from their religious leaders. In order to understand how to improve the response of religious leaders to IPV, this dissertation explores the various ways religious leaders understand and respond to survivors of IPV and the religious beliefs that may contribute to their response. The responses of religious leaders vary as some may deny or justify the abuse while others may link survivors to resources within the religious congregation or local community. Furthermore, these responses may be shaped by particular religious beliefs such as beliefs about marriage or forgiveness. To pursue this research, I conducted 20 in-depth interviews with Protestant religious leaders. Religious leaders described IPV as certain types of violence that were on a gradation of violence from verbal to physical. This understanding of IPV also shaped religious leader’s responses to violence as physical violence was viewed as most severe and in need of the most immediate, safety-focused response. Throughout the interviews, religious leaders shared how specific religious beliefs contributed to their understanding of IPV, shaped their view of their role as a religious leader, and informed their response to individuals experiencing IPV. For instance, religious leaders understood marriage and divorce differently and this view shaped their views on how to handle IPV between married partners. In their role as a religious leader, leaders clarified their role as a supporter, but not as a counselor. Thus, many religious leaders emphasized the need for referrals to counseling professionals. Some leaders responded to instances of violence directly through pastoral counseling, accountability, or providing resources, while others emphasized more indirect responses such as prayer or mentioning IPV within their sermons. Lastly, religious leaders discussed what they needed in order to better respond to IPV. Leaders asked for training and resources on how to respond, specifically for responding to challenging cases, working with perpetrators, and for the LGBT community. Findings from this study inform research and trainings for religious leaders and congregations on how to respond to IPV in a way that promotes survivor safety and fosters greater understanding of IPV. Also, results may aid in the creation of protocols for congregations to respond to IPV in ways that align with the religious beliefs and values of the congregation. Finally, findings may provide concrete strategies for religious leaders and congregations to better realize their potential as safe, healing communities for survivors of IPV

    Health literacy concept

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    Uvod: Koncept zdravstvene pismenosti v zadnjem desetletju doživlja intenziven razvoj. Namen prispevka je predstaviti pregled razvoja koncepta zdravstvene pismenosti, inštrumentov za merjenje, modelov, ki pojasnjujejo determinante, in posledice zdravstvene pismenosti ter vlogo zdravstvene nege v nadaljnjem razvoju koncepta. Metode: Pregled literature je bil izveden z deskriptivno metodo. Iskanje del je potekalo v obdobju od januarja 2012 do avgusta 2012 s pomočjo baz podatkov: PubMed, Medline, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Academic Search Complete, COBIB.SI in z brskalnikom Google. Za iskanje literature smo uporabili naslednje pojme: i) health AND literacy, ii) health AND literacy AND assessment, iii) health AND literacy AND definitions, iv) health AND literacy AND models, v) health AND literacy AND nursing, pri čemer je v bazi COBIB.SI iskanje potekalo tudi z ustreznimi slovenskimi izrazi. Izpis zadetkov je bil v znanstvenih bazah omejen z zahtevami: znanstvene revije, recenzirani članki in celotno besedilo. V prvem koraku je bilo tako dobljeno 11.579 del. V drugem koraku smo z dodatnimi kriteriji iskanja del, povezanimi s cilji kvalitativnega pregleda, pridobili 100 znanstvenih del, ki opisujejo in razlagajo koncept zdravstvene pismenosti. Rezultati: Zdravstvena pismenost se je skozi čas razvijala v smeri od pretežno medicinskega koncepta k javnozdravstvenemu in zdravstvenovzgojnemu konceptu. Številni merski pripomočki in teoretični modeli še ne dajo zadovoljivih odgovorov na vprašanje, kako zdravstvena pismenost posameznika vpliva na sistemske in splošne družbene vidike, kot so zdravstvu namenjeni stroški, kakovost zdravstvenih storitev in splošni zdravstveni izidi. Diskusija in zaključek: Zdravstvenovzgojno delo mora temeljiti na oceni zdravstvene pismenosti posameznikov in skupin. Tudi v Sloveniji je potrebno razviti presejalni inštrument, s pomočjo katerega bo mogoče identificirati rizične skupine in načrtovati intervencijske zdravstvenovzgojne programe za povečanje zdravstvene pismenosti.Introduction: The last decade has witnessed a broad and empowering conceptualisation of health literacy which has been defined as the capacity of individuals to obtain, process and understand the necessary health information to make appropriate health decisions. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the concept evolvement, the instruments to measurehealth literacy, the models explaining its determinants and consequences, and the role of nursing in further development of the concept. Methods: Literature review was performed by a descriptive method. The search of the scientific and professional works was performed between January 2012 and August 2012, through the following databases: PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition, Academic Search Premier, Google and COBIB.SI, and with the following key words: i) health AND literacy, ii) health AND literacy AND assessment, iii) health AND literacy AND definitions, iv) health AND literacy AND models, v) health AND literacy AND nursing. In the Slovenian database COBIB.SI, the search was performed with selected Slovenian phrases. The literature review was limited to scientific journals, peer-reviewed articles and full texts. In the first step, 11,579 works were obtained. In the second step, the search was narrowed by additional criteria related to the objectives of the qualitative review. The search yielded 100 scientific papers that describe and explain the concept of health literacy. Results: Health literacy has been developing from the medical concept toward a public health and health education concept. Several measurement tools and theoretical models currently used give no satisfactory answers to the questionof how individuals\u27 health literacy affects the health system - its costs, quality of health services, health outcomes. Discussion and conclusion: Assessment of health literacy of individuals and groups is the foundation on which health education programs should be built. Also in Slovenia, it is necessary to develop a screening instrument, through which it will be possible to identify the risk groups, and develop intervention plans to increase their health literacy


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    The new directions in geography education are predicated not only on the need for knowledge, but also on critically stimulating its development. They view knowledge as a positional good that contributes to the personal social activity of the individual and enables the realization of his privileges, rights and social responsibility. In order to implement these innovations in geographical education and education for sustainable development, stimuli for anticipatory learning and democratic participatory learning-based on interdisciplinary connections and a holistic approach-must be consolidated in a conjunction of necessary educational content for the purpose of creating an active citizenship. The article presents some viewpoints we have to consider in educating and upbringing sustainable and literate citizens which are locally, regionally and globally aware. For reaching that a cross-curricular education should involve a wide range of multidimensional learning goals and we find some important ones. Understanding and realizing the principles of balanced sustainable deve-lopment should not be a topic for working documents alone. These must become component parts of the knowledge and educational values integral to the edu¬cational process.Razumijevanje i ostvarivanje načela uravnoteženog održivog razvoja ne bi smjeli biti samo teme radnih dokumenata. Oni moraju postati komponente znanja i obrazovnih vrijednosti ugrađenih u obrazovni proces. Nove smjernice u obrazovanju na području geografije nisu određene samo potrebom za znanjem, već i kritičnim stimuliranjem njegova razvoja. U njima se znanje smatra statusnim dobrom koje doprinosi osobnoj socijalnoj aktivnosti pojedinca i omogućuje ostvarivanje njegovih povlastica, prava i društvene odgovornosti. Da bi se ove nove smjernice primijenile u geografskoj nastavi u cilju obrazovanja i vaspitanja za održivi razvoj, poticaji za anticipativno učenje i demokratsko participativno učenje, na osnovi interdisciplinarnih veza i holističkog pristupa, moraju se konsolidirati u smislu potrebnih obrazovnih sadržaja u svrhu stvaranja aktivnog građanskog odnosa. Članak predstavlja neka gledišta koja se moraju razmotriti pri obrazovanju i odgoju održivih i pismenih građana koji posjeduju lokalnu, regionalnu i globalnu osviještenost. Da bi se to postiglo, međupredmetno obrazovanje mora uključivati širok raspon višedimenzionalnih ciljeva učenja. Nekoliko vrlo važnih navodi se u članku

    Hochschulgeographien und Geographielehrpläne für die Sekundarstufe in Slowenien

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    In this empirically based study the syllabuses of geography instruction are evaluated by academics at the university level. They had to evaluate the objectives and terminology of physical geography, human geography and regional geography in the syllabus of geography instruction in secondary schools in Slovenia. The terminology as well as the objectives for human geography and in a lesser way for physical geography was quite criticized. The evaluation of the regional geography was ambiguous.In einer empirisch angelegten Studie wurden Lehrende an den Universitäten Sloweniens nach der inhaltlichen und terminologischen Bewertung aktueller Lehrpläne für Geographie an Sekundarschulen befragt. Themen und Begriffskataloge der Humangeographie entsprachen am wenigsten dem wissenschaftlichen universitären Standard. Für Themen aus dem Bereich der Physischen Geographie wurden auch erhebliche Diskrepanzen zwischen Schulcurriculum und Inhalten universitärer Lehrerbildung konstatiert. Die Bewertung regionalgeographischer Inhalte schwankte zwischen Ablehnung, Gleichgültigkeit und Bejahung.V pričujoči empirično utemeljeni študiji predstavljamo rezultate evalvacije učnega načrta za geografijo v splošni gimnaziji v Sloveniji z vidikov akademikov na univerzitetni ravni. Evalvirali so učne cilje in terminologijo fizične geografije, družbene geografije in regionalne geografije. Terminologija in učni cilji družbene geografije ter v manjši meri fizične geografije so bili precej kritizirani. Evalvacija regionalne geograrafije je bila dualistična.Peer Reviewe

    Effects of a Therapeutic Dance Program on Balance and Quality of Life in Community Dwelling Older Adults

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    Background and Purpose Falls are common in older adults and linked to decreased balance and increased morbidity. Regular exercise can improve balance and decrease falls risk. Recent research suggests that participation in cultural-based activities, such as dance, may be associated with decreased falls risk and improved health. The purpose of this study was to examine effects of a dance-based exercise program called The Dancing Heart Program on balance and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults. This is an interactive program facilitated by professional instructors from Kairos Dance Theatre in the Twin Cities. It includes activities challenging balance while providing social engagement. Methods Ten subjects over age 60 were recruited from an assisted living facility and seven subjects completed the study. Demographic information was collected at the beginning of the study. Participants attended 60-minute sessions once a week for 13 sessions. Outcome measures included the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Participants were assessed 1 month prior to the program, at program initiation, and 12 weeks into the program. Results Three people who agreed to participate but did not attend Dancing Heart sessions were classified as non-participants; the four that attended were classified as participants. All subjects demonstrated significant improvement on the BBS over time (p=.01). There were no between group differences for balance or interaction effects. Scores on the SF-36 physical component were significantly lower for participants compared to non-participants (p=.01). There were no significant changes over time or interaction effects for the SF-36 physical component. No significant differences were found for the SF-36 mental component across time or based on participation status. Conclusions Results of this study suggest that the Dancing Heart Program had no significant effect on balance or quality of life. Significant differences between groups on the SF-36 physical component suggest there may be important differences between those who choose to participate in programs such as Dancing Heart and those who do not. In addition, the intensity of the Dancing Heart Program may be too low to effect changes. Primary limitations of this study include small sample size and low power

    Investigation of FSHR-l Protein Function in Regulating Synaptic Transmission at the Neuromuscular Junction in C. elegans

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    euronal communication (synaptic transmission) is critical for nervous system function. This communication occurs at specialized junctions called synapses where chemical neurotransmitters signal from presynaptic to postsynaptic cells. Additional signaling via neuropeptide activated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) fine-tunes synaptic communication. GPCRs are a large family of transmembrane receptor proteins that bind extracellular neurotransmitters and neuropeptides to activate intracellular signaling pathways. My project investigated the function of FSHR-l, a GPCR and potential neuropeptide receptor, in regulating synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) in Caenorhabditis elegans roundworms, which share conservation of nervous system structure and function with humans. Worms lacking the fshr-I gene have reduced muscle contraction at the NMJ; however, the mechanism by which FSHR-l controls signaling at this synapse is unknown. I hypothesized that FSHR-l is a neuropeptide receptor for one or more unknown neuropeptides that acts in presynaptic motor neurons to modulate NMJ transmission. Initial genetic and behavioral analyses of/shr-l and neuropeptide signaling mutants indicate that.f~·hr-l does not interact with neuropeptide signaling; however future studies are needed to fully explore a potential interaction. With regard to downstream targets of FSHR-l signaling at the NMJ, behavioral results indicate that the adenylyl cyclase enzyme ACY -1, may work in the same signaling pathway as FSHR-l to control muscle contraction. I currently am exploring other downstream targets of FSHR-l, as well as quantifying synaptic vesicles in cholinergic and GABAergic motor neurons ofJshr-1 mutants using imaging techniques. To date, I have found that there is an increase in synaptic vesicle accumulation in presynaptic cholinergic motor neurons in fshr-I mutants suggestive of decreased synaptic vesicle release from these cells. Together these results provide information regarding the potential neuronal function of FSHR -1 in synaptic transmission, which may provide insight into human neurological diseases that involve in altered neurotransmission

    Ensemble Monte Carlo calculation of the hole initiated impact ionization rate in bulk GaAs and silicon using a k-dependent, numerical transition rate formulation

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    The hole initiated impact ionization rate in bulk silicon and GaAs is calculated using a numerical formulation of the impact ionization transition rate incorporated into an ensemble Monte Carlo simulation. The transition rate is calculated from Fermi's golden rule using a two-body screened Coulomb interaction including a wavevector dependent dielectric function. It is found that the effective threshold for hole initiated ionization is relatively soft in both materials, that the split-off band dominates the ionization process in GaAs. and that no clear dominance by any one band is observed in silicon, though the rate out of the light hole band is greatest