
Health literacy concept


Uvod: Koncept zdravstvene pismenosti v zadnjem desetletju doživlja intenziven razvoj. Namen prispevka je predstaviti pregled razvoja koncepta zdravstvene pismenosti, inštrumentov za merjenje, modelov, ki pojasnjujejo determinante, in posledice zdravstvene pismenosti ter vlogo zdravstvene nege v nadaljnjem razvoju koncepta. Metode: Pregled literature je bil izveden z deskriptivno metodo. Iskanje del je potekalo v obdobju od januarja 2012 do avgusta 2012 s pomočjo baz podatkov: PubMed, Medline, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Academic Search Complete, COBIB.SI in z brskalnikom Google. Za iskanje literature smo uporabili naslednje pojme: i) health AND literacy, ii) health AND literacy AND assessment, iii) health AND literacy AND definitions, iv) health AND literacy AND models, v) health AND literacy AND nursing, pri čemer je v bazi COBIB.SI iskanje potekalo tudi z ustreznimi slovenskimi izrazi. Izpis zadetkov je bil v znanstvenih bazah omejen z zahtevami: znanstvene revije, recenzirani članki in celotno besedilo. V prvem koraku je bilo tako dobljeno 11.579 del. V drugem koraku smo z dodatnimi kriteriji iskanja del, povezanimi s cilji kvalitativnega pregleda, pridobili 100 znanstvenih del, ki opisujejo in razlagajo koncept zdravstvene pismenosti. Rezultati: Zdravstvena pismenost se je skozi čas razvijala v smeri od pretežno medicinskega koncepta k javnozdravstvenemu in zdravstvenovzgojnemu konceptu. Številni merski pripomočki in teoretični modeli še ne dajo zadovoljivih odgovorov na vprašanje, kako zdravstvena pismenost posameznika vpliva na sistemske in splošne družbene vidike, kot so zdravstvu namenjeni stroški, kakovost zdravstvenih storitev in splošni zdravstveni izidi. Diskusija in zaključek: Zdravstvenovzgojno delo mora temeljiti na oceni zdravstvene pismenosti posameznikov in skupin. Tudi v Sloveniji je potrebno razviti presejalni inštrument, s pomočjo katerega bo mogoče identificirati rizične skupine in načrtovati intervencijske zdravstvenovzgojne programe za povečanje zdravstvene pismenosti.Introduction: The last decade has witnessed a broad and empowering conceptualisation of health literacy which has been defined as the capacity of individuals to obtain, process and understand the necessary health information to make appropriate health decisions. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the concept evolvement, the instruments to measurehealth literacy, the models explaining its determinants and consequences, and the role of nursing in further development of the concept. Methods: Literature review was performed by a descriptive method. The search of the scientific and professional works was performed between January 2012 and August 2012, through the following databases: PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition, Academic Search Premier, Google and COBIB.SI, and with the following key words: i) health AND literacy, ii) health AND literacy AND assessment, iii) health AND literacy AND definitions, iv) health AND literacy AND models, v) health AND literacy AND nursing. In the Slovenian database COBIB.SI, the search was performed with selected Slovenian phrases. The literature review was limited to scientific journals, peer-reviewed articles and full texts. In the first step, 11,579 works were obtained. In the second step, the search was narrowed by additional criteria related to the objectives of the qualitative review. The search yielded 100 scientific papers that describe and explain the concept of health literacy. Results: Health literacy has been developing from the medical concept toward a public health and health education concept. Several measurement tools and theoretical models currently used give no satisfactory answers to the questionof how individuals\u27 health literacy affects the health system - its costs, quality of health services, health outcomes. Discussion and conclusion: Assessment of health literacy of individuals and groups is the foundation on which health education programs should be built. Also in Slovenia, it is necessary to develop a screening instrument, through which it will be possible to identify the risk groups, and develop intervention plans to increase their health literacy

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