12 research outputs found


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    The information security is one of the widespread problems which the modern society is facing. The reason for the aggravation of this problem is the large-scale use of automated means of accumulation, storage, processing and transmission of information. The appearance of global computer networks has made it easy to access information for both individuals and large organizations. However, this achievement has led to a number of complex problems, including the problem of information security. The solution to the problem of information protection is associated with guaranteed information availability, its integrity and confidentiality.The most significant threats to data security are: 1) non-automated access to information; 2) non-automated change of information; 3) non-automated access to networks and services; 4) other network attacks, such as the recurrence of previously intercepted transactions (groups of commands) and denial-of-service attacks.A common method of protection in computer systems is the use of passwords which is more suitable for protecting access to computing resources than for protecting information itself. A password is a kind of shield that separates legitimate users from third party users, after which the authorized user gets the access to all information. The system of information protection involves the use of various methods of organizational-administrative, technological, technical, legal, moral-ethical nature. In addition, we can identify information technologies that include cryptographic and software means of information security.Interactive environments are vulnerable from the data security position. An example of interactive environments is any of the systems with communication capabilities, such as e-mail, computer networks, the Internet. The information transmission through communication channels in the Internet is often risky. Being aware of effective security measures when using e-mail is becoming an urgent need for both organizations and citizens.Keywords: Information security, cryptography, e-mail.Інформаційна безпека - одна з головних проблем, з якою стикається сучасне суспільство. Причиною загострення цієї проблеми є широкомасштабне використання автоматизованих засобів накопичення, зберігання, обробки і передачі інформації. Поява глобальних комп'ютерних мереж зробила простим доступ до інформації, як окремим громадянам, так і великим організаціям. Однак це досягнення спричинило за собою цілий ряд складних проблем, в тому числі і проблему захисту інформації. Рішення проблеми інформаційного захисту пов'язане з гарантованим забезпеченням доступності інформації, її цілісності і конфіденційності (секретності).Найбільш значні загрози безпеки даних представляють: 1) неавтоматизований доступ до інформації; 2) неавтоматизована зміна інформації; 3) неавтоматизованих доступ до мереж і сервісів; 4) інші мережеві атаки, наприклад повтор перехоплених раніше транзакцій (групи команд) і атаки типу «відмова в обслуговуванні».Поширений в комп'ютерних системах спосіб захисту - використання паролів - більш придатний для захисту доступу до обчислювальних ресурсів, ніж для захисту інформації. Пароль - своєрідний екран, що відгороджує законних користувачів від сторонніх, пройшовши який санкціонований користувач отримує доступ до всієї інформації.Система захисту інформації передбачає використання різних методів, що носять організаційно-адміністративний, технологічний, технічний, правової, морально-етичний характер. Крім них можна виділити інформаційні технології, що включають криптографічні та програмні засоби захисту інформації.Інтерактивні середовища уразливі з позицій безпеки даних. Прикладом інтерактивних середовищ є будь-яка з систем з комунікаційними можливостями, наприклад електронна пошта, комп'ютерні мережі, Інтернет.Передача інформації по каналах зв'язку в Інтернеті часто схильна до ризиків. Знання дієвих заходів захисту при використанні електронної пошти стає нагальною потребою і для організацій, і для громадян. Ризиків втрати, перекручування, заміни достовірних даних помилковими схильні до листування, дані адресної книги.Ключові слова: Інформаційна безпека, криптографія, електронна пошта

    The dynamics of hydro-ecological indicators of rivers in the area of placement mining enterprises of region KMA

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    The results of the comparative analysis of hydro-chemical status of surface water bodies exposing of mining, on the example of the small rivers of the Belgorod region according to the results of the research carried out in 2007-2014 are presented. It is shown that the production of iron mine (Yakovlevsky mine) is influenced on the hydroecological state of the Vorskla river for over 60 k

    Current hydroecological situation of the Starooskolsko-Gubkinsky mining region on the example of the Oskolets River

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    The results of the hydroecological study of the small Oskolets river in the area of influence of mining enterprises are presented. It is shown that the residential industrial flow of Gubkin city has a leading influence on the hydrochemical situation. Discharges of drainage waters made by the Lebedinsky mining and processing plant have a definite impact on the hydro-ecological situation with respect to the content of fluorine and lead compounds, and occasionally with respect to nitrogen compound


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    Aim. To compare morphological properties, mineral, and organic profile of spherical calcium phosphate bions (SCPB) and needle calcium phosphate bions (NCPB) for the assessment of the CPB-specific endothelial toxicity in models of mild or severe hypercalcemia/hyperphosphatemia in the further studies.Methods. Both SCPB and NCPB were artificially synthesized employing blood-mimetic medium either moderately or significantly supersaturated of calcium and phosphorus salts. Size and shape of SCPB and NCPB were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Elemental analysis was performed utilizing energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy, and CHNSO analysis, functional groups were examined using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy while chemical formula was identified by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. Protein profile of SCPB and NCPB was screened employing sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis following silver staining.Results. SCPB were visualized as crystalline spherical spongeous particles of 80-200 nm diameter and mean diameter of around 120 nm while NCPB represented needle crystals of a similar diameter. Both SCPB and NCPB had similar crystallinity, surface charge and tended to form clusters of several particles. Furthermore, both SCPB and NCPB were composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, contained phosphate (PO4 3-), carbonate (CO3 2-), and hydroxyl (OH- ) functional groups, and consisted of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4 )6 (OH)2 ) and carbonate-hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)3 (CO3)3 (OH)2 ). In addition, protein profile of SCPB and NCPB was similar and notable for the abundant albumin and fetuin A levels.Conclusion. Having similar size, surface charge, extent of crystallinity, and chemical composition, SCPB and NCPB possess a different shape. Цель Сравнить морфологию, минеральный и органический профиль сферических кальций-фосфатных бионов (СКФБ) и игольчатых кальций-фосфатных бионов (ИКФБ), необходимых для оценки эндотелиотоксического действия КФБ при моделировании умеренной и тяжелой гиперкальциемии/гиперфосфатемии в последующих исследованиях. Материалы и методы СКФБ и ИКФБ были искусственно синтезированы посредством умеренного и выраженного перенасыщения имитирующей состав крови среды солями кальция и фосфора. Размерность и форма СКФБ и ИКФБ были изучены при помощи сканирующей и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии и атомно-силовой микроскопии. Элементный анализ проводился посредством энергодисперсионной рентгеновской спектроскопии, атомно-эмиссионной спектроскопии и CHNSO-анализа, функциональные группы идентифицировались при помощи инфракрасной спектроскопии с преобразованием Фурье и спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния света, формула входящих в состав бионов химических соединений и степень их кристалличности определялась методом рентгеновской порошковой дифрактометрии. Белковый профиль СКФБ и ИКФБ был исследован путем электрофореза в полиакриламидном геле в присутствии додецилсульфата натрия с последующим окрашиванием нитратом серебра. Результаты СКФБ визуализировались как кристаллические сферические частицы губчатой структуры диаметром 80–200 нм и средним диаметром около 120 нм, в то время как ИКФБ представляли собой игольчатые кристаллы такого же диаметра. Как СКФБ, так и ИКФБ имели схожий поверхностный заряд и были склонны к агрегации. СКФБ и ИКФБ состояли из углерода, кислорода, водорода, азота, кальция и фосфора, содержали фосфатные (PO4 3-), карбонатные (CO3 2-) и гидроксильные (OH- ) группы и состояли из гидроксиапатита (Ca10(PO4 ) 6 (OH)2 ) и карбонат-гидроксиапатита (Ca10(PO4 ) 3 (CO3 ) 3 (OH)2 ). Кроме того, СКФБ и ИКФБ обладали идентичной степенью кристалличности и схожим белковым профилем с преобладанием альбумина и фетуина-А над остальными белками. Заключение СКФБ и ИКФБ отличаются лишь формой, имея схожие размерность, поверхностный заряд, степень кристалличности и химический соста

    Transformation of water bodies Starooskolsko-Gubkinsky mining region on the example of the river Stary

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    The results of hydro-chemical study and research of the small river sediment Oskoletz in the zone influence of mining enterprisesye

    Transformation of water bodies Starooskolsko-Gubkinsky mining region on the example of the river Stary

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    yesThe results of hydro-chemical study and research of the small river sediment Oskoletz in the zone influence of mining enterprise

    The dynamics of hydro-ecological indicators of rivers in the area of placement mining enterprises of region KMA

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    The results of the comparative analysis of hydro-chemical status of surface water bodies exposing of mining, on the example of the small rivers of the Belgorod region according to the results of the research carried out in 2007-2014 are presented. It is shown that the production of iron mine (Yakovlevsky mine) is influenced on the hydroecological state of the Vorskla river for over 60 k

    Population size estimation for quality control of ChIP-Seq datasets.

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    Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing, i.e. ChIP-Seq, is a widely used experimental technology for the identification of functional protein-DNA interactions. Nowadays, such databases as ENCODE, GTRD, ChIP-Atlas and ReMap systematically collect and annotate a large number of ChIP-Seq datasets. Comprehensive control of dataset quality is currently indispensable to select the most reliable data for further analysis. In addition to existing quality control metrics, we have developed two novel metrics that allow to control false positives and false negatives in ChIP-Seq datasets. For this purpose, we have adapted well-known population size estimate for determination of unknown number of genuine transcription factor binding regions. Determination of the proposed metrics was based on overlapping distinct binding sites derived from processing one ChIP-Seq experiment by different peak callers. Moreover, the metrics also can be useful for assessing quality of datasets obtained from processing distinct ChIP-Seq experiments by a given peak caller. We also have shown that these metrics appear to be useful not only for dataset selection but also for comparison of peak callers and identification of site motifs based on ChIP-Seq datasets. The developed algorithm for determination of the false positive control metric and false negative control metric for ChIP-Seq datasets was implemented as a plugin for a BioUML platform: https://ict.biouml.org/bioumlweb/chipseq_analysis.html

    Detector response and calibration of the cosmic-ray detector of the Sileye-3/Alteino experiment

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    The experiment Sileye-3/Alteino is constituted by a cosmic-ray silicon detector and an electroencephalograph. The main scientific aims include the investigation of the Light Flash phenomenon, the study of astronaut brain activity in space when subject to cosmic rays, the measurement of cosmic rays and the radiation environment inside the International Space Station. The experiment was operating on board the station from 27 April to 5 May 2002. The cosmic-ray detector is composed of eight silicon strip planes triggered by two scintillators placed on top and bottom of the stack. The detector is capable of identifying nuclei from B to As in the energy range above similar or equal to 60 MeV/n. Also protons and lighter particles are registered although with a reduced efficiency. The instrument was active in the Pits module of the station for 130 h. In this work, we describe the silicon strip detector characteristics and its calibration performed using cosmic-ray nuclei. (c) 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    SRG X-ray orbital observatory. Its telescopes and first scientific results

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    The orbital observatory Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG), equipped with the grazing-incidence X-ray telescopes Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC and eROSITA, was launched by Roscosmos to the Lagrange L2 point of the Sun-Earth system on July 13, 2019. The launch was carried out from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by a Proton-M rocket with a DM-03 upper stage. The German telescope eROSITA was installed on SRG under an agreement between Roskosmos and the DLR, the German Aerospace Agency. In December 2019, SRG started to perform its main scientific task: scanning the celestial sphere to obtain X-ray maps of the entire sky in several energy ranges (from 0.2 to 8 keV with eROSITA, and from 4 to 30 keV with ART-XC). By mid-June 2021, the third six-month all-sky survey had been completed. Over a period of four years, it is planned to obtain eight independent maps of the entire sky in each of the energy ranges. The sum of these maps will provide high sensitivity and reveal more than three million quasars and over one hundred thousand massive galaxy clusters and galaxy groups. The availability of eight sky maps will enable monitoring of long-term variability (every six months) of a huge number of extragalactic and Galactic X-ray sources, including hundreds of thousands of stars with hot coronae. The rotation of the satellite around the axis directed toward the Sun with a period of four hours enables tracking the faster variability of bright X-ray sources during one day every half year. The chosen strategy of scanning the sky leads to the formation of deep survey zones near both ecliptic poles. The paper presents sky maps obtained by the telescopes on board SRG during the first survey of the entire sky and a number of results of deep observations performed during the flight to the L2 point in the frame of the performance verification program.(Abriged)Comment: 30 pages, 46 figures. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 656, A132, 2021. Abstract abridge