8 research outputs found

    Transcriptional and functional motifs defining renal function revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing

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    Recent advances in single-cell sequencing provide a unique opportunity to gain novel insights into the diversity, lineage, and functions of cell types constituting a tissue/organ. Here, we performed a single-nucleus study of the adult Drosophila renal system, consisting of Malpighian tubules and nephrocytes, which shares similarities with the mammalian kidney. We identified 11 distinct clusters representing renal stem cells, stellate cells, regionally specific principal cells, garland nephrocyte cells, and pericardial nephrocytes. Characterization of the transcription factors specific to each cluster identified fruitless (fru) as playing a role in stem cell regeneration and Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (Hnf4) in regulating glycogen and triglyceride metabolism. In addition, we identified a number of genes, including Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor at 64C (RhoGEF64c), Frequenin 2 (Frq2), Prip, and CG1093 that are involved in regulating the unusual star shape of stellate cells. Importantly, the single-nucleus dataset allows visualization of the expression at the organ level of genes involved in ion transport and junctional permeability, providing a systems-level view of the organization and physiological roles of the tubules. Finally, a cross-species analysis allowed us to match the fly kidney cell types to mouse kidney cell types and planarian protonephridia, knowledge that will help the generation of kidney disease models. Altogether, our study provides a comprehensive resource for studying the fly kidney

    Cerebellar nuclei evolved by repeatedly duplicating a conserved cell-type set

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    How have complex brains evolved from simple circuits? Here we investigated brain region evolution at cell-type resolution in the cerebellar nuclei, the output structures of the cerebellum. Using single-nucleus RNA sequencing in mice, chickens, and humans, as well as STARmap spatial transcriptomic analysis and whole-central nervous system projection tracing, we identified a conserved cell-type set containing two region-specific excitatory neuron classes and three region-invariant inhibitory neuron classes. This set constitutes an archetypal cerebellar nucleus that was repeatedly duplicated to form new regions. The excitatory cell class that preferentially funnels information to lateral frontal cortices in mice becomes predominant in the massively expanded human lateral nucleus. Our data suggest a model of brain region evolution by duplication and divergence of entire cell-type sets

    Inhibiting USP16 rescues stem cell aging and memory in an Alzheimer's model.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease observed with aging that represents the most common form of dementia. To date, therapies targeting end-stage disease plaques, tangles, or inflammation have limited efficacy. Therefore, we set out to identify a potential earlier targetable phenotype. Utilizing a mouse model of AD and human fetal cells harboring mutant amyloid precursor protein, we show cell intrinsic neural precursor cell (NPC) dysfunction precedes widespread inflammation and amyloid plaque pathology, making it the earliest defect in the evolution of the disease. We demonstrate that reversing impaired NPC self-renewal via genetic reduction of USP16, a histone modifier and critical physiological antagonist of the Polycomb Repressor Complex 1, can prevent downstream cognitive defects and decrease astrogliosis in vivo. Reduction of USP16 led to decreased expression of senescence gene Cdkn2a and mitigated aberrant regulation of the Bone Morphogenetic Signaling (BMP) pathway, a previously unknown function of USP16. Thus, we reveal USP16 as a novel target in an AD model that can both ameliorate the NPC defect and rescue memory and learning through its regulation of both Cdkn2a and BMP signaling

    Fly Cell Atlas: a single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly

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    Abstract The ability to obtain single cell transcriptomes for stable cell types and dynamic cell states is ushering in a new era for biology. We created the Tabula Drosophilae , a single cell atlas of the adult fruit fly which includes 580k cells from 15 individually dissected sexed tissues as well as the entire head and body. Over 100 researchers from the fly community contributed annotations to >250 distinct cell types across all tissues. We provide an in-depth analysis of cell type-related gene signatures and transcription factor markers, as well as sexual dimorphism, across the whole animal. Analysis of common cell types that are shared between tissues, such as blood and muscle cells, allowed the discovery of rare cell types and tissue-specific subtypes. This atlas provides a valuable resource for the entire Drosophila community and serves as a comprehensive reference to study genetic perturbations and disease models at single cell resolution

    Fly Cell Atlas: a single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly

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    The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has served as a premier model organism for discovering fundamental and evolutionarily conserved biological mechanisms. Combining recent advances in single-cell sequencing with powerful fly genetic tools holds great promise for making further discoveries. Li et al. present a single-cell atlas of the entire adult fly that includes 580,000 cells and more than 250 annotated cell types. Cells from the head and body recapitulated cell types from 15 dissected tissues. In-depth analyses revealed rare cell types, cell-type-specific gene signatures, and sexual dimorphism. This atlas provides a resource for the Drosophila community to study genetic perturbations and diseases at single-cell resolution. —BA

    Fly Cell Atlas: a single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly

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    The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has served as a premier model organism for discovering fundamental and evolutionarily conserved biological mechanisms. Combining recent advances in single-cell sequencing with powerful fly genetic tools holds great promise for making further discoveries. Li et al. present a single-cell atlas of the entire adult fly that includes 580,000 cells and more than 250 annotated cell types. Cells from the head and body recapitulated cell types from 15 dissected tissues. In-depth analyses revealed rare cell types, cell-type-specific gene signatures, and sexual dimorphism. This atlas provides a resource for the Drosophila community to study genetic perturbations and diseases at single-cell resolution. —BA

    Fly Cell Atlas: A single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly

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    For more than 100 years, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been one of the most studied model organisms. Here, we present a single-cell atlas of the adult fly, Tabula Drosophilae , that includes 580,000 nuclei from 15 individually dissected sexed tissues as well as the entire head and body, annotated to >250 distinct cell types. We provide an in-depth analysis of cell type–related gene signatures and transcription factor markers, as well as sexual dimorphism, across the whole animal. Analysis of common cell types between tissues, such as blood and muscle cells, reveals rare cell types and tissue-specific subtypes. This atlas provides a valuable resource for the Drosophila community and serves as a reference to study genetic perturbations and disease models at single-cell resolution