162 research outputs found

    Laser performance of Er-doped potassium double tungstate epitaxial layers

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    © 2018 IEEE. Laser operation of Er-doped epitaxial layer of monoclinic double tungstate composition grown onto undoped KYW substrate is demonstrated for the first time. Maximum output power of 16 mW with slope efficiency of 64% is achieved at 1606 nm under direct in-band pumping by a diode-pump Er,Yb-laser at 1522 nm


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    Aim. To evaluate the relation of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its constituents with markers of subclinical damage of target organs (TOD) in follow-up of almost healthy intellectual laborers.Material and methods. From the selection of 1600 employees of a bank we randomly selected 383 with at least one component of MS without cardiovascular disorders, of those by the end of 2 years period 331 came to final visit (response 86%). Mean age 46,6±9,0 y., mostly women (214 (64,6%)). All patients underwent anthropometry, blood pressure measurement (BP), lipids investigation, creatinine and fasting glucose, echocardiography with the assessment of the left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH), ultrasound study of carotid arteries (intima-media complex thickness — CIM, and atherosclerotic plaques), vascular rigidity assessment, anklebrachial index, albumin concentration in single portion of urine at both stages of observation.Results. While performing multiple logistic regression, presence of arterial hypertension (AH) associated with increased probability of LVH, thickening of CIM and higher vessel rigidity in standardization by gender and age. Relation of MS with the markers of TOD has not been found. In 2 years of follow-up there was a significant increase of patients with thickening of CIM (from 81 (24,5%) to 146 (44,1%), p<0,001) and decrease of LVH prevalence (from 154 (46,7%) to 109 (32,9%), p=0,003) together with significant decrease of BP and total cholesterol.Conclusion. Presence of AH is associated with higher probability of LVH and increased vessel rigidity, as atherosclerotic changes in carotid arteries. MS was not related with an increased prevalence of TOD, and the main predetermining factors for structural heart abnormalities, the vessels and kidneys, were gender and age. In 2 years of observation there was markedly decreased number of patients with LVH and kidney dysfunction at the background of BP pattern improvement, and increase of the number of patients with thicker CIM, regardless of a decrease of the hypercholesterolemia patients. In MS patients there was more common to use antihypertension treatments, that led to more prominent LVH regression

    Metabolomic approach to search for fungal resistant forms of <i>Aegilops tauschii</i> Coss. from the VIR collection

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    Broadening of the genetic diversity of donors of resistance to biotic environmental factors is a challenging problem concerning Triticum L., which can be solved by using wild relatives of wheat, in particular, Aegilops tauschii Coss., in breeding programs. This species, believed to be the donor of D genome of common wheat (T. aestivum L.), is a source of some traits important for breeding. This greatly facilitates the possibility of crossing Ae. tauschii with common wheat. Aegilops L. species are donors of effective genes for resistance to fungal diseases in wheat. For instance, genes that determine resistance to rust agents in common wheat were successfully introgressed from Ae. tauschii into the genome of T. aestivum L. The aim of our study was to identify differences in metabolomic profiles of Ae. tauschii forms (genotypes), resistant or susceptible to such fungal pathogens as Puccinia triticina f. sp. tritici and Erysiphegraminis f. sp. tritici.These indicators may be used as biochemical markers of resistance. A comparative analysis of groups of Ae. tauschii accessions showed that metabolomic profiles of the forms with or without resistance to fungal pathogens differed significantly in the contents of nonproteinogenic amino acids, polyols, phytosterols, acylglycerols, mono- and oligosaccharides, glycosides, phenolic compounds (hydroquinone, kempferol), etc. This fact was consistent with the previously obtained data on the relationship between Fusarium resistance in oats (Avenasativa L.) and certain components of the metabolomic profile, such as acylglycerols, nonproteinogenic amino acids, galactinol, etc. Thus, our studies once again confirmed the possibility and effectiveness of the use of metabolomic analysis for screening the genetic diversity of accessions in the VIR collection, of Ae. tauschii in particular, in order to identify forms with a set of compounds in their metabolomic profile, which characterize them as resistant. Ae. tauschii accessions with a high content of pipecolic acids, acylglycerols, galactinol, stigmasterol, glycerol, azelaic and pyrogallic acids, campesterol, hydroquinone, etc., can be used for creating wheat and triticale cultivars with high resistance to fungal pathogens causing powdery mildew, brown rust, and yellow rust

    Investigation of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Quantum Dots Deposited onto a Sample Glass Using Time-Resolved Inline Digital Holography

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    We report on the application of time-resolved inline digital holography in the study of the nonlinear optical properties of quantum dots deposited onto sample glass. The Fresnel diffraction patterns of the probe pulse due to noncollinear degenerate phase modulation induced by a femtosecond pump pulse were extracted from the set of inline digital holograms and analyzed. The absolute values of the nonlinear refractive index of both the sample glass substrate and the deposited layer of quantum dots were evaluated using the proposed technique. To characterize the inhomogeneous distribution of the samples’ nonlinear optical properties, we proposed plotting an optical nonlinearity map calculated as a local standard deviation of the diffraction pattern intensities induced by noncollinear degenerate phase modulation.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Bacterial number and genetic diversity in a permafrost peatland (Western Siberia): Testing a link with organic matter quality and elementary composition of a peat soil profile

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    Permafrost peatlands, containing a sizable amount of soil organic carbon (OC), play a pivotal role in soil (peat) OC transformation into soluble and volatile forms and greatly contribute to overall natural CO2 and CH4 emissions to the atmosphere under ongoing permafrost thaw and soil OC degradation. Peat microorganisms are largely responsible for the processing of this OC, yet coupled studies of chemical and bacterial parameters in permafrost peatlands are rather limited and geographically biased. Towards testing the possible impact of peat and peat pore water chemical composition on microbial population and diversity, here we present results of a preliminary study of the western Siberia permafrost peatland discontinuous permafrost zone. The quantitative evaluation of microorganisms and determination of microbial diversity along a 100 cm thick peat soil column, which included thawed and frozen peat and bottom mineral horizon, was performed by RT-PCR and 16S rRNA gene-based metagenomic analysis, respectively. Bacteria (mainly Proteobac-teria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria) strongly dominated the microbial diversity (99% sequences), with a negligible proportion of archaea (0.3–0.5%). There was a systematic evolution of main taxa according to depth, with a maximum of 65% (Acidobacteria) encountered in the active layer, or permafrost boundary (50–60 cm). We also measured C, N, nutrients and ~50 major and trace elements in peat (19 samples) as well as its pore water and dispersed ice (10 samples), sampled over the same core, and we analyzed organic matter quality in six organic and one mineral horizon of this core. Using multiparametric statistics (PCA), we tested the links between the total microbial number and 16S rRNA diversity and chemical composition of both the solid and fluid phase harboring the microor-ganisms. Under climate warming and permafrost thaw, one can expect a downward movement of the layer of maximal genetic diversity following the active layer thickening. Given a one to two orders of magnitude higher microbial number in the upper (thawed) layers compared to bottom (frozen) layers, an additional 50 cm of peat thawing in western Siberia may sizably increase the total microbial population and biodiversity of active cells

    Realization of reproductive function in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    The aim of the study – present a clinical case of the realization of reproductive function in a patient with PCOS against the background of conservative treatmentЦель исследования – представление клинического случая реализации репродуктивной функции у пациентки с СПЯ на фоне консервативного лечения

    Appointment of lipid-lowering therapy in the Russian population: comparison of SCORE and SCORE2 (according to the ESSE-RF study)

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    Aim. In 2021, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) were published, where a new SCORE2 CVD risk assessment model was introduced. In our work, we compared approaches to determine the indications for initiating lipid-lowering therapy in the Russian population aged 25-64 years according to the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lipid metabolism disorders of the Russian National Atherosclerosis Society (2020) and ESC guidelines for CVD prevention (2021).Material and methods. The ESSE-RF epidemiological study was conducted in 12 Russian regions. All participants signed informed consent and completed approved questionnaires. We performed anthropometric and blood pressure (BP) measurements, as well as fasting blood sampling. In total, 20665 people aged 25-64 years were examined. The analysis included data from 19546 respondents (women, 12325 (63,1%)).Results. Of the 19546 participants, 3828 (19,6%) were classified as high or very high CV risk based on the 9 criteria: BP ≥180/110 mm Hg, total cholesterol &gt;8,0 mmol/l, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) &gt;4,9 mmol/l, lipid-lowering therapy, chronic kidney disease (CKD) with glomerular filtration rate &lt;60 ml/min/1,73 m2, type 2 diabetes, previous stroke and/or myocardial infarction. Of 3828 people, lipidlowering therapy was indicated in 3758 (98%) (criteria for LDL ≥1,8 mmol/l and LDL ≥1,4 mmol/l, respectively, high and very high risk). In addition, 5519 individuals aged &lt;40 years were excluded from further analysis due to the lower age threshold of models. For 10199 participants aged &gt;40 years without established CVD, diabetes, CKD, cardiovascular risk stratification was performed according to the SCORE and SCORE2. Of them, according to the Russian National Atherosclerosis Society (2020) and ESC 2021 guidelines, lipid-lowering therapy was indicated for 701 and 9487 participants, respectively.Conclusion. Using the new approach proposed by the ESC in 2021, the number of patients aged 40-64 years without CVD, diabetes and CKD with indications for lipidlowering therapy for primary prevention in Russia increases by 14 times compared with the 2020 Russian National Atherosclerosis Society guidelines

    Эффективность регулятора роста растений Атоник Плюс на картофеле в условиях Московской области

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    The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the plant growth regulator Atonic Plus on potatoes as a stimulator of development, immunomodulator and protectant of the negative effects of pesticides in the crop protection system in the agro-climatic conditions of the Central region of the Russian Federation (Moscow region) are presented.In the extreme weather conditions of the growing season of 2010, the growth regulator Atonic Plus effectively demonstrated its qualities in the form of the formation of adaptability and anti-stress resistance in potato plants, providing an increase in yield relative to control by 1.8-7.1% and the quality of tubers is not only compared to the control, but also relative to the reference version. The combined use of a growth regulator with a fungicide contributed to an increase in the yield of standard potatoes in early and mid-late potato varieties by 2-2.5 times compared with the control.Представлены результаты оценки эффективности регулятора роста растений Атоник Плюс на картофеле в качестве стимулятора развития, иммуномодулятора и протектанта негативного действия пестицидов в системе защиты культуры в агроклиматических условиях Центрального региона РФ (Московская область). В экстремальных погодных условиях вегетационного периода 2010 года регулятор роста Атоник Плюс эффективно продемонстрировал свои качества в виде формирования у растений картофеля адаптивности и антистрессовой устойчивости, обеспечив прибавку урожая относительно контроля на 1,8-7,1% и качество клубней не только по сравнению с контролем, но и относительно эталонного варианта. Совместное применение регулятора роста с фунгицидом способствовало повышению урожая стандартного картофеля на раннем и среднепозднем сортах картофеля в 2-2,5 раза по сравнению с контролем


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    The aim of this work is to find of the mechanism the determination of optimal temperature-time mode of crystallization during the whole process of β-BaB2O4 crystal growth by modified Czochralski method. The phase diagram of the BaB2O4-Na2O system in the temperature range of β-BaB2O4 crystal growing is taken as a basis. The regularities of the constant geometric size crystals growth depending on the crystal-forming oxides concentration, the drawing and cooling rates and the slope of liquidus were established. The described algorithm of calculation allows to choose an optimum time-temperature crystallization mode during the whole growth process.Работа направлена на определение механизма нахождения оптимального температурно-временного режима кристаллизации на протяжении всего процесса выращивания QUOTE β-Ba B 2 O 4 β-BaB2O4 модифицированным методом Чохральского. За основу берется фазовая диаграмма системы BaB2О4-Na2O в температурном диапазоне выращивания кристаллов β-BaB2O4. Установлены закономерности получения кристаллов постоянного геометрического размера в зависимости от концентрации кристаллобразующих окислов, наклона кривой ликвидуса, скоростей вытягивания и охлаждения. Приведенный алгоритм расчета позволяет выбирать оптимальный температурно-временной режим кристаллизации на протяжении всего процесса выращивания

    Первичная инвалидность вследствие глаукомы в Красноярском крае

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    PURPOSE. Assessment of the state of primary disability (PD) caused by glaucoma in the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Region over time in the period from 2017 to 2021.METHODS. The information from the reporting documentation of the Bureaus of Medical and Social Expertise (MSE) of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Region for 2017–2021 was analyzed. The analysis of primary disability indicators was carried out for two age groups of the adult population: individuals of working age (men aged 18–59; women aged 18–54) and individuals of retirement age (men aged 60 and older; women aged 55 and older). The obtained results were processed using the Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft, USA).RESULTS. During 2017–2021 in the Krasnoyarsk Region, 1930 adults were recognized for the first time as disabled due to an ocular pathology. Glaucoma occupied the first ranking place — 31.0% (599) of cases in the structure of primary disability. Individuals of retirement age became disabled in 86.8% (520) of cases. Residents of the cities of the region became disabled in 69.1% (414) of cases. Males dominated among those who were recognized as disabled for the first time (RDF) due to glaucoma — 60.4% (362) of cases. The level of PD for glaucoma among the adult population of the region in 2017 was 0.52, in 2018 — 0.52, in 2019 — 0.59, in 2020 — 0.44, in 2021 — 0.57 per 10 thousand adult population. For five years, there was an increase in the level of PD due to glaucoma by 50% among the able-bodied urban population of the region, by 45.6% among senior citizens, by 110% among the able-bodied village population. In persons of retirement age living in rural areas of the region, the prevalence of PD decreased by 21.1%. The maximum values of the intensive indicator of PD were determined for men of retirement age: in 2017 — 3.6 per 10 thousand, in 2021 — 3.8 per 10 thousand of the corresponding population of the region. Formation of the contingent of disabled people occurred mainly due to the RDF of I and II disability groups. The proportion of group I disability was the largest — 40.4% (242/599) of cases. People with group I disability were more often treated with local antihypertensive drugs, were operated on at stage 3 of glaucoma.CONCLUSION. To reduce primary disability for glaucoma it is necessary to increase preventive efforts, timely use modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, including surgery, and ensure sufficient availability of ophthalmological personnel and high-tech equipment.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценка состояния первичной инвалидности (ПИ) вследствие глаукомы у взрослого населения Красноярского края в динамике за период с 2017 по 2021 гг.МЕТОДЫ. Проанализированы сведения из отчетной документации учреждений медико-социальной экспертизы России и Красноярского края за 2017–2021 годы. Анализ ПИ проведен по двум возрастным группам: гражданам трудоспособного возраста (мужчины 18–59 лет; женщины 18–54 лет) и гражданам пенсионного возраста (мужчины 60 лет и старше; женщины 55 лет и старше).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. В 2017–2021 гг. в Красноярском крае впервые признаны инвалидами (ВПИ) вследствие патологии органа зрения 1930 человек в возрасте от 18 лет. В структуре ПИ глаукома занимала первое ранговое место — 31,0% (599) случаев. В 86,8% (520) случаев инвалидами становились граждане пенсионного возраста, в 69,1% (414) — жители городов края. Среди ВПИ преобладали мужчины — 60,4% (362) случаев. Уровень ПИ по глаукоме среди взрослого населения в 2017 году составлял 0,52, в 2018 году — 0,52, в 2019 году — 0,59, в 2020 году – 0,44, в 2021 году — 0,57 на 10 тыс. населения. За 5 лет произошло увеличение ПИ вследствие глаукомы на 50% среди трудоспособного городского населения, на 45,6% среди пенсионеров-горожан, на 110% среди трудоспособных жителей села. У лиц пенсионного возраста, проживающих в сельских территориях, ПИ снизилась на 21,1%. Максимальные значения интенсивного показателя ПИ определены у мужчин пенсионного возраста: в 2017 году — 3,6 на 10 тыс., в 2021 году — 3,8 на 10. тыс. соответствующего населения края. Формирование контингента инвалидов происходило преимущественно за счет ВПИ I и II групп. Доля ВПИ I группы была наибольшей — 40,4% (242/599) случаев. Инвалидов I группы отличала бо́льшая частота использования местной гипотензивной терапии и проведения гипотензивных операций при далеко зашедшей стадии заболевания на лучше видящем глазу.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Вопросы, связанные с ПИ по глаукоме, диктуют необходимость усиления профилактики, своевременного использования современных методов диагностики и лечения больных глаукомой, в том числе хирургического. Это возможно при достаточной обеспеченности медицинских организаций первичного звена офтальмологическими кадрами и актуальным высокотехнологичным оборудованием