208 research outputs found

    The Art Institute of Chicago and the Decision to Start Building

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    This case was prepared for a class discussion rather than to demonstrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation, and is based on interviews with 12 current and former members of the staff and board of the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as financial documents and the public record. The authors would like to thank all of the people who graciously agreed to be interviewed

    Small is Beautiful: Scaling Down the Long Center for the Performing Arts in Austin

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    This case was prepared for a class discussion rather than to demonstrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation, and is based on seven interviews with staff, board members, and community leaders involved with the Long Center for the Performing Arts project as well as internal documents and the public record. The authors would like to thank all of the people who graciously agreed to be interviewed

    Can Roanoke, Virginia, Become the Next Bilbao? Taubman Museum of Art

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    In November 2008, after a 68millionprojecttobuildanewmuseumbuildinginRoanokewascomplete,theTaubmanMuseumofArtreopened.The68 million project to build a new museum building in Roanoke was complete, the Taubman Museum of Art reopened. The 15 million needed to fund the new building was still to be raised, and by the end of the 2008 fiscal year (FY) in July, 14.4millionhadbeenborrowed.Beforethemove,themuseumwasprovidedwithitsspacefreeofanyrental,maintenance,security,custodial,andutilityfeesbyalocaloperatingfoundationatitsCenterintheSquare.Afterthemove,thecostsofstaffingandmaintainingthefacilityfarexceededestimates,whiletherevenuesprovedfarbelowexpectations.Inthefirstyear,themuseumsoperatingbudgetbeforedepreciationwas14.4 million had been borrowed. Before the move, the museum was provided with its space free of any rental, maintenance, security, custodial, and utility fees by a local operating foundation at its Center in the Square. After the move, the costs of staffing and maintaining the facility far exceeded estimates, while the revenues proved far below expectations. In the first year, the museum's operating budget before depreciation was 5.5 million. In fiscal year 2009, an additional 2.8millionhadbeenborrowedand2.8 million had been borrowed and 945,000 paid in interest. This debt expense alone was larger than the entire pre-expansion operating budget. For the grand opening, the Taubman Museum had hired additional staff for a total of 52, but the financial pressure forced four rounds of layoffs, during which the staff was trimmed to 17. At the same time, the admission fee increased, from nothing before the project's beginning to 3duringthecapitalcampaignto3 during the capital campaign to 10.50 after opening. Even after these drastic measures, the museum is still struggling, fighting for its very survival. Moreover, other arts organizations complained that the museum had become a drain into which cultural funds were being sucked from foundations and philanthropists in Roanoke Valley.Why did the Taubman Museum's fortunes change so drastically after its move? To what extent was the new building -- rather than the depressed economy -- to blame for the severity of its crisis? What measures during the planning process could have been taken to prevent this catastrophe

    AT&T Performing Arts Center: Fundraising and Uncertainty

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    This case was prepared for a class discussion rather than to demonstrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation, and is based on interviews with 14 present and former volunteer board members, senior staff, and community leaders, as well as press coverage, annual reports, and internal documents. The authors are deeply grateful to their interviewees for their hospitality and collaboration

    Wiedza historyczna młodzieży polonijnej w Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców w Uniwersytecie Łódzkim

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę


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    C. Sallustius Crispus, premier gouverneur de l’Africa Nova et la dispersion géographique du gentilice Sallustius en Afrique

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    Med razširjena gentilicia v Afriki sodijo gentiina imena rimskih guvernerjev s konca L stoletja pred Kr. in prve polovice 1. stoletja po Kr. V mnogih primerih naletimo celo na praenomen, prevzet po guvernerju, ki se je zavzel za koristi osebe same ali njenega prednika. Večina afriških Sallustijev spada po vsej priliki med potomce tistih, ki so dobili rimsko državljanstvo po zaslugi Gaja Sallustija Krispa, poznejšega zgodovinarja. Bil je prvi proconsul v Afriki Novi, v provinci, ki jo je formiral leta 46 pred Kr. Cezar, neposredno po zmagi nad Pompejanci in kraljem Jubo.Dejstvo, da je imel Sallustij pod juridično oblastjo le del Afrike, ustvarja povsem izjemne pogoje za študij geografske razprostranjenosti tega gentilnega imena. Dejansko lahko predpostavimo, da je bilo posebno razširjeno po teritoriju začasne province Africa Nova, ki jo je upravljal. Hkrati je treba podčrtati, da ta gentilicij ni razširjen ne po drugih predelih rimskega imperija, ne po Italiji (razen v Kampagni). Zanimivo je tudi, da v senatorskem sloju prvega stoletja po Kr. ni bilo mnogo pripadnikov te gentis, ter, da se Sallustiji pojavijo dokaj kasno v fastih afriških provinc. Ime je najbolj razširjeno v tistem predelu Afrike, ki je leta 46 pred Kr. tvoril ozemlje province Africa Nova. Med 173 v Afriki znanimi Sallustiji (brez senatorjev in plemičev), jih spada sem 70. Večina je grupirana v vzhodnem področju Afrike Nove (tistem, vzdolž sekcije Fossa Regia), ki spada med najbolj razvita področja nekdanjega numidijskega kraljestva. Koncentracijo bi dobro razložila hipoteza, da gre za osebe (oziroma njih prednike), ki so prejele rimsko državljanstvo na posredovanje prvega guvernerja. Poznamo pa tudi večje število Sallustijev (45) z juga rimske Afrike, ki ga v L stoletju po Kr. Rimljani še niso bili okupirali. Večina teh (25 oseb) izvira iz področja vojno upravljane Numidije, posebej iz mesta Lambaesis, ki je bila štabna baza legije III. Aug. Imena vojakov te legije odražajo v 2. in 3. stoletju malone onomastikon vse Afrike. Sallustiji z juga Afrike so bili torej pretežno vojaki ali veterani ali potomci veteranov, ki so bili rekrutirani na področju, kjer je bilo to ime prvotno koncentrirano, to je v provinci Africa Nova. Dalje, 22 Sallustijev je poznanih tudi na teritoriju province Africa Vetus, ter 26 na teritoriju, ki je leta 46 pred Kr. pripadal upravnemu področju guvemeja Publija Sittija. Sallustii s tega prostora niso imeli nič skupnega z guvernerjem Afrike Nove. Ker je bilo gentiino ime kot rečeno razširjeno po Kampagni, odkoder je izvirala večina Sittijevih kompanjonov, je njih provenienca jasna. Tako postaja vse verjetneje, da spada večina afriških Sallustijev med potomce tistih, ki so si pridobili državljanske pravice na posredovanje Gaja Sallustija Krispa. Dodatno potrdilo te hipoteze nudi analiza njihovih praenominov. Le-ti so ugotovljivi v 75 primerih, od tega jih je 28 Caius. Za Afriko Novo je trditev, da gre pri tamkajšnjih Sallustijih za juridične potomce rimskega zgodovinarja in prvega guvernerja, evidentna. Notranje migracije in posebej rekrutiranje za legijo III. Aug. v teku 2. in 3. stoletja so izredno razširile ta gentilicij po drugih delih Afrike. Za nekaj primerov ni mogoče zavrniti možnosti, da so se naseljevali iz Kampagne. Še en faktor je pripomogel k razširjenosti tega gentilnega imena v Afriki. Večkrat so si novi državljani gentilicij lahko izbirali; izbor je teoretično lahko padel na ime Sallustius, ki je bilo v Afriki popularno. Geografska razprostranjenost gentilicija Sallustius dokazuje, da je bil historik-guverner dokaj širokogruden pri podeljevanju državljanskih pravic, kar seveda ni v nasprotju niti s splošnimi tendencami v zadnjih letih rimske republike niti s konkretno situacijo v Afriki v letih 46—45 pred Kr. Vsekakor je Sallustius podeljeval državljanske pravice bolj na široko kot njegov administrativni naslednik, T. Sextius (upravnik do leta 40). Ali je s tem vedno zasledoval politične cilje? Ne moremo zanikati vloge, ki so jo imeli lahko finančni oziri, saj je prodaja državljanskih pravic utegnila biti za Sallustija, v času, ko je upravljal Afriko, vir bogastva

    Set in Stone: Building America's New Generation of Arts Facilities, 1994-2008

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    In 2007, just before the domestic economy experienced a major trauma, the Cultural Policy Center at the Harris School and NORC at the University of Chicago launched a national study of cultural building in the United States. It was motivated by multiple requests from leading consultants in the cultural sector who found themselves involved in a steadily growing number of major building projects -- museums, performing arts centers (PACs), and theaters -- and from foundation officers who were frequently asked to help fund these infrastructure projects. With the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, we were able to conduct systematic scientific research on cultural building in the United States between 1994 and 2008 and come to a number of conclusions that have important implications for the cultural sector

    Piloting the Surge: Streaming Video and Academic Libraries

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    Chicago State University’s Gwendolyn Brooks Library decision to trial and acquire Kanopy, A Patro-Driven-Acquisition video streaming service, was completely a patron-demand-driven undertaking. The decision to obtain this service was led by faculty interest in the resource and ranged from the initial inquiry for a trial by a foreign language faculty member to its PDA model, which has allowed faculty to select the films purchased. The article discusses the acquisition process, set-up steps for making the trial and then the resource available to the CSU community, and the steps taken to promote the resource

    Synthesis, photophysical and photochemical properties of oxazolone derivatives

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    Acyloxyphenyl derivatives of oxazolone, which have tree photo active centers, were synthesized and their physicochemical properties are determined by NMR, absorption, fluorescence excitation and emission spectroscopies. The semi-empirical calculations carried out according with the theory of the PM3/Cl level has shown, that at an irradiating of their solutions by UV-light give no possibilities of the photo-Fries reaction. The calculated values are in a good accordance with the experimental ones