231 research outputs found

    A setup for studies of photoelectron circular dichroism from chiral molecules in aqueous solution

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    We present a unique experimental design that enables the measurement of photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) from chiral molecules in aqueous solution. The effect is revealed from the intensity difference of photoelectron emission into a backward-scattering angle relative to the photon propagation direction when ionizing with circularly polarized light of different helicity. This leads to asymmetries (normalized intensity differences) that depend on the handedness of the chiral sample and exceed the ones in conventional dichroic mechanisms by orders of magnitude. The asymmetry is largest for photon energies within several electron volts above the ionization threshold. A primary aim is to explore the effect of hydration on PECD. The modular and flexible design of our experimental setup EASI (Electronic structure from Aqueous Solutions and Interfaces) also allows for detection of more common photoelectron angular distributions, requiring distinctively different detection geometries and typically using linearly polarized light. A microjet is used for liquid-sample delivery. We describe EASI’s technical features and present two selected experimental results, one based on synchrotron-light measurements and the other performed in the laboratory, using monochromatized He-II α radiation. The former demonstrates the principal effectiveness of PECD detection, illustrated for prototypic gas-phase fenchone. We also discuss the first data from liquid fenchone. In the second example, we present valence photoelectron spectra from liquid water and NaI aqueous solution, here obtained from a planar-surface microjet (flatjet). This new development features a more favorable symmetry for angle-dependent photoelectron measurements

    The free energy landscape of retroviral integration

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    Retroviral integration, the process of covalently inserting viral DNA into the host genome, is a point of no return in the replication cycle. Yet, strand transfer is intrinsically iso-energetic and it is not clear how efficient integration can be achieved. Here we investigate the dynamics of strand transfer and demonstrate that consecutive nucleoprotein intermediates interacting with a supercoiled target are increasingly stable, resulting in a net forward rate. Multivalent target interactions at discrete auxiliary interfaces render target capture irreversible, while allowing dynamic site selection. Active site binding is transient but rapidly results in strand transfer, which in turn rearranges and stabilizes the intasome in an allosteric manner. We find the resulting strand transfer complex to be mechanically stable and extremely long-lived, suggesting that a resolving agent is required in vivo

    The relationship between T-lymphocyte infiltration, stage, tumour grade and survival in patients undergoing curative surgery for renal cell cancer

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    The present study examined the relationship between tumour stage, grade, T-lymphocyte subset infiltration and survival in patients who had undergone potentially curative surgery for renal clear-cell cancer (n=73). Intratumoural CD4+ T-lymphocyte infiltrate was associated with poor cancer-specific survival, independent of grade, in this cohort

    Surface enrichment in equimolar mixtures of non-functionalized and functionalized imidazolium-based ionic liquids

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    For equimolar mixtures of ionic liquids with imidazolium‐based cations of very different electronic structure, we observe very pronounced surface enrichment effects by angle‐resolved X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). For a mixture with the same anion, that is, 1‐methyl‐3‐octylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate+1,3‐di(methoxy)imidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C8C1Im][PF6]+[(MeO)2Im][PF6]), we find a strong enrichment of the octyl chain‐containing [C8C1Im]+ cation and a corresponding depletion of the [(MeO)2Im]+ cation in the topmost layer. For a mixture with different cations and anions, that is, [C8C1Im][Tf2N]+[(MeO)2Im][PF6], we find both surface enrichment of the [C8C1Im]+ cation and the [Tf2N]− (bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide) anion, while [(MeO)2Im]+ and [PF6]− are depleted from the surface. We propose that the observed behavior in these mixtures is due to a lowering of the surface tension by the enriched components. Interestingly, we observe pronounced differences in the chemical shifts of the imidazolium ring signals of the [(MeO)2Im]+ cations as compared to the non‐functionalized cations. Calculations of the electronic structure and the intramolecular partial charge distribution of the cations contribute to interpreting these shifts for the two different cations

    Industrially scalable and cost-effective Mn2+ doped ZnxCd1−xS/ZnS nanocrystals with 70% photoluminescence quantum yield, as efficient down-shifting materials in photovoltaics

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    We present colloidally stable and highly luminescent ZnxCd1−xS:Mn/ZnS core–shell nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized via a simple non-injection one-pot, two-step synthetic route, which can be easily upscaled. A systematic variation of the reaction component, parameters and thickness of the ZnS shell yielded doped nanocrystals with a very high photoluminescence quantum yield (Φpl) of 70%, which is the highest value yet reported for these Mn-doped sulfide-semiconductor NCs. These materials can be synthesized with high reproducibility in large quantities of the same high quality, i.e., the same Φpl using accordingly optimized reaction conditions. The application of these zero-reabsorption high quality NCs in the light conversion layers, deposited on top of a commercial monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) solar cell, led to a significant enhancement of the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of this device in the ultraviolet spectral region between 300 and 400 nm up to ca. 12%. EQE enhancement is reflected by an increase in the power conversion efficiency (PCE) by nearly 0.5 percentage points and approached the theoretical limit (0.6%) expected from down-shifting for this Si solar cell. The resulting PCE may result in a BoM (bill of materials) cost reduction of app. 3% for mono-Si photovoltaic modules. Such small but distinct improvements are expected to pave the road for an industrial application of doped semiconductor NCs as cost-effective light converters for silicon photovoltaic (PV) and other optoelectronic applications

    Superimposé: a 3D structural superposition server

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    The Superimposé webserver performs structural similarity searches with a preference towards 3D structure-based methods. Similarities can be detected between small molecules (e.g. drugs), parts of large structures (e.g. binding sites of proteins) and entire proteins. For this purpose, a number of algorithms were implemented and various databases are provided. Superimposé assists the user regarding the selection of a suitable combination of algorithm and database. After the computation on our server infrastructure, a visual assessment of the results is provided. The structure-based in silico screening for similar drug-like compounds enables the detection of scaffold-hoppers with putatively similar effects. The possibility to find similar binding sites can be of special interest in the functional analysis of proteins. The search for structurally similar proteins allows the detection of similar folds with different backbone topology. The Superimposé server is available at: http://bioinformatics.charite.de/superimpose

    Cooperative dynamics of DNA-grafted magnetic nanoparticles optimize magnetic biosensing and coupling to DNA origami

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) provide new opportunities for enzyme-free biosensing of nucleic acid biomarkers and magnetic actuation by patterning on DNA origami, yet how the DNA grafting density affects their dynamics and accessibility remains poorly understood. Here, we performed surface functionalization of MNPs with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) via click chemistry with a tunable grafting density, which enables the encapsulation of single MNPs inside a functional polymeric layer. We used several complementary methods to show that particle translational and rotational dynamics exhibit a sigmoidal dependence on the ssDNA grafting density. At low densities, ssDNA strands adopt a coiled conformation that results in minor alterations to particle dynamics, while at high densities, they organize into polymer brushes that collectively influence particle dynamics. Intermediate ssDNA densities, where the dynamics are most sensitive to changes, show the highest magnetic biosensing sensitivity for the detection of target nucleic acids. Finally, we demonstrate that MNPs with high ssDNA grafting densities are required to efficiently couple to DNA origami. Our results establish ssDNA grafting density as a critical parameter for the functionalization of MNPs for magnetic biosensing and functionalization of DNA nanostructures

    Resonant X ray photoelectron spectroscopy identification of atomic contributions to valence states

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    Valence electronic structure is crucial for understanding and predicting reactivity. Valence non resonant Xray photoelectron spectroscopy NRXPS provides a direct method for probing the overall valence electronic structure. However, it is often difficult to separate the varying contributions to NRXPS; for example, contributions of solutes in solvents or functional groups in complex molecules. In this work we show that valence resonant X ray photoelectron spectroscopy RXPS is a vital tool for obtaining atomic contributions to valence states. We combine RXPS with NRXPS and density functional theory calculations to demonstrate the validity of using RXPS to identify atomic contributions for a range of solutes both neutral and ionic and solvents both molecular solvents and ionic liquids . Furthermore, the one electron picture of RXPS holds for all of the closed shell molecules ions studied, although the situation for an open shell metal complex is more complicated. Factors needed to obtain a strong RXPS signal are investigated in order to predict the types of systems RXPS will work best for; a balance of element electronegativity and bonding type is found to be important. Additionally, the dependence of RXPS spectra on both varying solvation environment and varying local covalent bonding is probed. We find that RXPS is a promising fingerprint method for identifying species in solution, due to the spectral shape having a strong dependence on local covalency but a weak dependence on solvation environmen