31 research outputs found

    A Patient with 38 Years of Smoking History and Severe Shortness of Breath

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    Aim: to present a clinical case of post-COVID bronchiolitis in an adult.Key points. A 54-year-old female patient with a long history of smoking was hospitalized in the pulmonology department of the Clinic with a leading complaint of progressive shortness of breath after a COVID-19 infection. The diagnosis was established: bilateral bronchiolitis associated with a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction — positive); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stage II according to GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease), exacerbation. Against the background of the therapy, there was a significant positive dynamics in well-being and in CT-picture of bronchiolitis. The patient was discharged for outpatient follow-up treatment. One of the most common symptoms of post-COVID syndrome is shortness of breath. Diagnosis of bronchiolitis, in which this symptom may be the only one, is difficult, especially in patients with a long history of smoking and the presence of comorbid pulmonary pathology.Conclusion. A clinical case of bilateral bronchiolitis in the framework of the post-COVID syndrome is presented. The key to successful diagnosis of bronchiolitis is a thorough differential analysis of the totality of anamnestic and clinical laboratory data, as well as a characteristic CT pattern

    Перспективы применения пробиотических препаратов при острых инфекциях респираторного тракта

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    Аcute respiratory infection (ARI) is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide. The disease occurs in any age, so its course could be associated with complications  and poor outcome.  Prevention  and treatment of ARI and complications  are important  problems in clinical practice.  Recent researches of human microbiome  composition  and functions have aroused a great interest to this field in order to prevent ARIs.In this review, the authors discuss non-specific  mechanisms  of human  innate antiviral defense and available data about a role of symbiontic intestinal microf lora for ARI prevention. Typically, main biological properties of probiotic bacteria are considered in the context of modulating effects on the inf lammatory immune response. Published data demonstrated reduction in the risk, severity and duration of ARI under the treatment with probiotic agents both in the children and in adults. The strain-specific effect and potential molecular antiviral mechanisms of probiotics enhancing the antiviral response of symbiontic bacteria are also discussed in the review.Острые  вирусные  инфекции верхних  дыхательных  путей  (ВДП)  являются  одним  из самых  распространенных заболеваний в мире. Заболевание возникает  у лиц всех возрастных  групп и в некоторых случаях может иметь неблагоприятные осложнения и исходы. Одна из приоритетных задач практического здравоохранения состоит в возможности профилактики и лечения  острой респираторной вирусной инфекции и ее осложнений. В представленном обзоре рассмотрены собственные механизмы  неспецифической защиты человеческого организма  от вирусной инфекции. Обобщены  результаты исследований по изучению роли симбионтной кишечной микрофлоры в профилактике острой инфекции ВДП. На основании имеющихся литературных  данных представлены  основные  аспекты биологических свойств пробиотических бактерий,  которые,  как правило,  рассматриваются в контексте  их модулирующего  влияния на воспалительную иммунную реакцию.  Проведен  анализ имеющихся данных о снижении риска возникновения, продолжительности и выраженности симптомов  респираторной инфекции при приеме пробиотических препаратов  (ПБП) как в детском возрасте,  так и во взрослой популяции. Обсуждается  вопрос  штаммоспецифического эффекта  ПБП.  В статье рассмотрены основные  возможные  молекулярные противовирусные механизмы  ПБП, за счет которых симбионтные бактерии усиливают противовирусный ответ

    Apophis planetary defense campaign

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    We describe results of a planetary defense exercise conducted during the close approach to Earth by the near-Earth asteroid (99942) Apophis during 2020 December–2021 March. The planetary defense community has been conducting observational campaigns since 2017 to test the operational readiness of the global planetary defense capabilities. These community-led global exercises were carried out with the support of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the International Asteroid Warning Network. The Apophis campaign is the third in our series of planetary defense exercises. The goal of this campaign was to recover, track, and characterize Apophis as a potential impactor to exercise the planetary defense system including observations, hypothetical risk assessment and risk prediction, and hazard communication. Based on the campaign results, we present lessons learned about our ability to observe and model a potential impactor. Data products derived from astrometric observations were available for inclusion in our risk assessment model almost immediately, allowing real-time updates to the impact probability calculation and possible impact locations. An early NEOWISE diameter measurement provided a significant improvement in the uncertainty on the range of hypothetical impact outcomes. The availability of different characterization methods such as photometry, spectroscopy, and radar provided robustness to our ability to assess the potential impact risk

    Apophis Planetary Defense Campaign

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    We describe results of a planetary defense exercise conducted during the close approach to Earth by the near-Earth asteroid (99942) Apophis during 2020 December–2021 March. The planetary defense community has been conducting observational campaigns since 2017 to test the operational readiness of the global planetary defense capabilities. These community-led global exercises were carried out with the support of NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the International Asteroid Warning Network. The Apophis campaign is the third in our series of planetary defense exercises. The goal of this campaign was to recover, track, and characterize Apophis as a potential impactor to exercise the planetary defense system including observations, hypothetical risk assessment and risk prediction, and hazard communication. Based on the campaign results, we present lessons learned about our ability to observe and model a potential impactor. Data products derived from astrometric observations were available for inclusion in our risk assessment model almost immediately, allowing real-time updates to the impact probability calculation and possible impact locations. An early NEOWISE diameter measurement provided a significant improvement in the uncertainty on the range of hypothetical impact outcomes. The availability of different characterization methods such as photometry, spectroscopy, and radar provided robustness to our ability to assess the potential impact risk. © 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.Brinson Foundation of ChicagoMoscow CenterNASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, (80NSSC18K0284, 80NSSC18K1575, NN12AR55G)NEOOPlanetary Data SystemNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, (80NSSC18K0971)University of Maryland, UMDHorizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020, (870403)Planetary Science Division, PSDNational Research Foundation, NRFMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka, (075-15-2019-1623)National Research Foundation of Korea, NRFMinistry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, (80NSSC18K0849, FEUZ-2020-0030)Overall, the campaign successfully demonstrated the capability of the planetary defense community to respond in real time to a potentially impacting object and obtain data sufficient to characterize its orbit, brightness, size, spectrum, rotation period, and hazard to Earth. Timely reporting of astrometry and preliminary physical property analyses, with appropriate error bars, significantly improved our knowledge of the potential impact consequences. Human factors, such as the end-of-year holiday season, had a distinct impact on rapidly constraining the rotation period of Apophis and demonstrate the importance of building a broad coalition for planetary defense spanning continents and cultures. Future planetary defense campaigns should focus on targets with less-favorable apparitions that might better simulate a future discovery of a hazardous object. Acknowledgments The Apophis campaign was conducted as part of the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN). IAWN is supported by the Planetary Data System (PDS) Small Bodies Node (SBN) at the University of Maryland College Park. The work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, was performed under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This material is based in part on work supported by NASA under the Science Mission Directorate Research and Analysis Programs. This publication makes use of data products from NEOWISE, which is a joint project of the University of Arizona and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, funded by the Planetary Science Division of NASA. Pan-STARRS is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. 80NSSC18K0971 issued through the SSO Near Earth Object Observations Program. Part of this work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education via the State Assignment Project FEUZ-2020-0030. Part of the observations performed with the Zeiss-1000 telescope of the Terskol Observatory Shared Research Centre of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We are extremely grateful to the IRTF and GTC Observatories’ night and day staff for their overwhelming support and assistance that made the observations possible. D.P. & M.M. are thankful to Richard Binzel and Francesca DeMeo for sharing their experience and wisdom while planning and conducting the measurements. D.P. is grateful to the Israeli Space Agency. M.M. was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant No. 80NSSC18K0849 issued through the Planetary Astronomy Program. J.d.L., J.L., and M.P. acknowledge financial support from the NEOROCKS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 870403. This work was funded by NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office. Supercomputing resources supporting this work were provided by the NASA High End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center. This work has made use of data from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) project. ATLAS is primarily funded to search for NEAs through NASA grants NN12AR55G, 80NSSC18K0284, and 80NSSC18K1575byproducts of the NEA search include images and catalogs from the survey area. The ATLAS science products have been made possible through the contributions of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, the Queen’s University Belfast, the Space Telescope Science Institute, and the South African Astronomical Observatory. This work is partially supported by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF). Spacewatch is supported by NASA/NEOO grants and the Brinson Foundation of Chicago, IL. We thank TUBITAK National Observatory for partial support in using the T100 telescope with project number 20CT100-1743. This work was supported by the Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Agreement with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, No. 075-15-2019-1623. This work made extensive use of Python, specifically the NumPy (Harris et al. 2020), Astropy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018), Matplotlib (Hunter 2007), and SciPy (Virtanen et al. 2020b) packages

    Psychological compatibility of multi-seat aircraft crew members and methods of its increasing

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    Летная деятельность носит сложный, опасный и ответственный характер, воздушные суда военной авиации выполняют деятельность по охране безопасности воздушного пространства Республики Беларусь. Экипажи многоместных самолетов несут боевое дежурство, выполняют боевые задачи, с честью представляют нашу страну на ежегодном Всеармейском конкурсе «Авиадартс». Низкий уровень психологической совместимости членов летных экипажей является угрозой безопасности полетов (это является причиной более 70% авиационных инцидентов). Flight activity is complex, dangerous and responsible, military aircrafts carry out activities to protect the safety of the airspace of the Republic of Belarus. Multi-seat aircraft crews are on alert, perform combat missions, represent our country with honor at the annual All-Army competition «Aviadarts». The low level of psychological compatibility of flight crew members is a threat to flight safety (this is the cause of more than 70% of aviation incidents)

    Intestinal Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Patients with Bronchial Asthma

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    Aim. Tostudy the content and profile of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in faeces of patients with bronchial asthma and healthy individuals, as well as to evaluate possible correlations between the SCFA spectrum and clinical phenotype of patients with bronchial asthma. Materials and methods. 44 patients with asthma and 17 healthy volunteers participated in the study. All participants underwent a generally accepted range of clinical and laboratory studies, as well as functional respiratory tests. The SCFA spectrum was determined using gas-liquid chromatographic analysis. The results of patients with asthma showed a significant decrease in the total fatty acid content in faeces (p <0.001); changes in the absolute concentrations of individual acids, such as acetate (p <0.001), propionate (p <0.001) and butyrate (p <0.001); as well as a change in the total isoacid content (p <0.001). In 83% of the cases, the anaerobic type of the SCFA spectrum was detected. The aerobic type of the SCFA metabolic profile was detected in 17% of the cases. The change in the metabolic profile did not depend on the phenotype of the disease.Conclusion. Changes in SCFAs indicate pronounced disorders in the microbiocenosis of the intestinal biotope. The values of the anaerobic index in the context of various changes in the acid metabolic profile indicate the disturbance of the microorganism’s habitat, contributing to the growth of anaerobic or aerobic microflora populations

    New subsystem of the ISON optical network to improve the conjunction analysis

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    In 2015 quantity of telescopes of 37 observatories that collaborate with ISON project in 17 countries is close to 100 units. These telescopes are combined in 4 main subsystems - for GEO survey, bright and faint objects follow up, and for asteroids (ASPIN). KIAM collected 10.7 million astrometry measurements during 2014 and 9.7 millions to the middle of September 2015. Since 2010, ISON is involving in operations of the Roscosmos Automated system of warning on dangerous situations in space (ASPOS OKP). In this system KIAM is responsible for the daily conjunction analysis at high orbits. To improve the quality of this activity ISON is deploying additional subnetwork for extended GEO surveys from 7 small (18-19.2 cm aperture) automated telescopes with field of view 7x7 degree. Extended surveys of new ISON subnetwork allows to KIAM to determine more precise GEO orbits, to detect maneuvers of active satellites and to help maintain the orbits of GEO objects in clusters. Also it was attempted to form the other new ISON subsystem - for LEO observations from 8 telescopes of 12.5 –cm – 50-cm apertures, but then it was solved to complete with these telescopes already existing follow up subsystems


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    Aim — to compare bone metabolism activity in males with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and postmenopausal females.Materials and methods. The prospective cohort study was conducted. 33 male patients with COPD over 55 years old and 33 female patients without respiratory diseases over 55 were included. General examination, clinical and biochemical blood analyses, densitometry of lumbar spine and proximal part of left femoral bone, respiratory function, osteocalcin and C-telopeptids blood levels have been performed to the patients.Results. Male patients with COPD had lower T-score for the femoral neck than postmenopausal female patients without pulmonary disorders,(–1.05 ± 0.85 SD and –0.36 ± 1.24 SD respectively, р &lt; 0.05). Osteocalcin level in males with COPD was significantly higher and C‑telopeptids level was significantly lower than in postmenopausal females (р &lt; 0.05).Conclusion. Male patients with COPD have lower T‑score for the femoral neck than postmenopausal females without pulmonary disorders of the same age. Furthermore osteoclasts in COPD patients seem to be more activated than in postmenopausal females, on the contrary osteoblasts activity is significantly depressed. Therefore it is necessary to use another approach of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in patients with COPD.</p