75 research outputs found


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    PhDThe major characteristics of Joyce's stylistic achievement in the organic unity of contents and expressions are, firstlyp the 'style* is not intended to reveal the author but the whatness, of his characters and subjects described and secondly Joyce's 'style* contains in itself particular meanings beyond the limits of the semantic and lexical contents of words. These features are more specifically defined as his use of the language for mimetic purposes to revealp suggest and represent consciousness (sometimes even unconscious and subconscious) mood, emotion mental patterns thought processes physical movement situation impression and sound effects through his command of the rhythmical syntactical and other grammatical, and phonological possibilities of his medium. In his earlier worksp Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(and Stephen Hero for comparison with the Portrait) examination of the variety of his mimetic devices and their purposes contributes to the better comprehension of his works where each stylistic pattern, whether occurring in limited locality or throughout is woven into the whole design of the works. The main recurrent devices can roughly be distinguished as follows andt accordingly, Joyce's mimetic creative ability and variety in his earlier works are to be examined under the following classification: 1. Rhythmic (defined as 'repetition with variations') devices to represent and reveal certain concealed aspects and qualities of his characters; firstly, for characterization by means of special devices of appellations and secondly for revealing the preoccupations and concerns. II. Syntactical grammatical and rhythmic devices to represent, reflect and suggest firstly, his characters thought processes mental patterns emotion, mood and other psychological aspects, and secondly physical movement situation, atmosphere and impression. III. Phonological devices to imitate and suggest actual and imaginary sound

    Functional Lateralization of Speech Processing in Adults and Children Who Stutter

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    Developmental stuttering is a speech disorder in fluency characterized by repetitions, prolongations, and silent blocks, especially in the initial parts of utterances. Although their symptoms are motor related, people who stutter show abnormal patterns of cerebral hemispheric dominance in both anterior and posterior language areas. It is unknown whether the abnormal functional lateralization in the posterior language area starts during childhood or emerges as a consequence of many years of stuttering. In order to address this issue, we measured the lateralization of hemodynamic responses in the auditory cortex during auditory speech processing in adults and children who stutter, including preschoolers, with near-infrared spectroscopy. We used the analysis–resynthesis technique to prepare two types of stimuli: (i) a phonemic contrast embedded in Japanese spoken words (/itta/ vs. /itte/) and (ii) a prosodic contrast (/itta/ vs. /itta?/). In the baseline blocks, only /itta/ tokens were presented. In phonemic contrast blocks, /itta/ and /itte/ tokens were presented pseudo-randomly, and /itta/ and /itta?/ tokens in prosodic contrast blocks. In adults and children who do not stutter, there was a clear left-hemispheric advantage for the phonemic contrast compared to the prosodic contrast. Adults and children who stutter, however, showed no significant difference between the two stimulus conditions. A subject-by-subject analysis revealed that not a single subject who stutters showed a left advantage in the phonemic contrast over the prosodic contrast condition. These results indicate that the functional lateralization for auditory speech processing is in disarray among those who stutter, even at preschool age. These results shed light on the neural pathophysiology of developmental stuttering

    Developing Critical Thinking Skills and Attitude: An Analysis of a Reading Course in a University English Program

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine whether an English academic readingcourse in a Japanese university fosters critical thinking skills and attitudeamong its students. Critical thinking has long been a topic of debate ineducation, but especially recently, it has become a center of attention ofeducators in Japan. The English program of International Christian University,Tokyo, has been providing quality education with the aim of nurturing criticalthinking skills through academic English. The research question asked in thispaper is “How does the reading course of this program provide the studentswith opportunities to engage in critical thinking?” Based on definitions ofcritical thinking provided by several scholars, this paper analyzes classes andassignments to identify which critical thinking skills the students need toemploy. The findings show that students do engage in activities that requirecritical thinking. This paper also implies that skills and attitude are inseparablefor effective critical thinking

    Auto-tracking camera for dry-box laparoscopic training

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    While laparoscopic surgery is less invasive than open surgery and is now common in various medical fields, laparoscopic surgery often requires more time for the operator to achieve mastery. Dry box training is one of the most important methods for developing laparoscopic skill. However, the camera is usually fixed to a particular point, which is different from practical surgery, during which the operational field is constantly adjusted by an assistant. Therefore, we introduced a camera for dry box training that can be moved by surgeons as desired by using computer vision. By detecting the ArUco marker, the camera attached onto the servomotor successfully tracked the forceps automatically. This system could easily be modified and become operable by a foot switch or voice, and collaborations between surgeons and medical engineers are expected

    Associations of pulmonary and extrapulmonary computed tomographic manifestations with impaired physical activity in symptomatic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, airway disease, and extrapulmonary comorbidities may cause various symptoms and impair physical activity. To investigate the relative associations of pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestations with physical activity in symptomatic patients, this study enrolled 193 patients with COPD who underwent chest inspiratory/expiratory CT and completed COPD assessment test (CAT) and the Life-Space Assessment (LSA) questionnaires to evaluate symptom and physical activity. In symptomatic patients (CAT ≥ 10, n = 100), emphysema on inspiratory CT and air-trapping on expiratory CT were more severe and height-adjusted cross-sectional areas of pectoralis muscles (PM index) and adjacent subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT index) on inspiratory CT were smaller in those with impaired physical activity (LSA < 60) than those without. In contrast, these findings were not observed in less symptomatic patients (CAT < 10). In multivariable analyses of the symptomatic patients, severe air-trapping and lower PM index and SAT index, but not CT-measured thoracic vertebrae bone density and coronary artery calcification, were associated with impaired physical activity. These suggest that increased air-trapping and decreased skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue quantity are independently associated with impaired physical activity in symptomatic patients with COPD

    Reactive peripheral blood plasmacytosis in a patient with acute hepatitis A

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    金沢大学附属病院小児科Reactive plasmacytosis is a transient expansion of plasma cell progenitors and precursors. This rare condition has been reported to occur mainly in infections and tumors. We describe a case of acute hepatitis A presenting with marked peripheral blood plasmacytosis. Plasma cells made up 27.5% of the mononuclear cells and had the immunophenotype CD10-CD19 +CD20-CD21-CD23-CD34 -CD38++HLA-DR+. Although the level of interleukin 6 was not increased, the presence of activated T-cells with an inverted CD4/CD8 ratio and high levels of soluble interleukin 2 receptor and neopterin indicated a marked immune response to acute hepatitis A. The patient\u27s plasma cells had almost disappeared from the blood by hospital day 16. This report may represent the first described case of reactive peripheral blood plasmacytosis in acute hepatitis A. © 2007 The Japanese Society of Hematology