149 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of eclogite- and blueschist-facies rocks from the Bantimala Complex, South Sulawesi, Indonesia: Protolith origin and tectonic setting

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    We present the first data on bulk-rock major and trace element compositions for\ud a suite of eclogite- and blueschist-facies rocks from the Bantimala Complex, Indonesia,\ud with the aim of better constraining the protolith origins and nature of the subducted crust.\ud The eclogites can be classified into two groups: glaucophane-rich eclogite and glaucophanefree\ud eclogite, whereas the blueschists are divided into albite???epidote glaucophanite and\ud quartz???glaucophane schists. SiO2 contents of the eclogites are 43.3???49.6 wt%, with\ud Na2O + K2O contents 3.7???4.7 wt%. The blueschists show a wider range of compositions,\ud with SiO2 = 40.7???63.8 wt% and Na2O + K2O = 2.7???4.5 wt%. Trace element data suggest that\ud the eclogite protoliths include both enriched and normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt\ud (E-MORB and N-MORB) and also gabbroic cumulates. The blueschists show more variation\ud in protoliths, which include N-MORB, Oceanic Island Basalt (OIB) and Island Arc\ud Basalt (IAB). Plots of element concentrations against the immobile Zr show considerable\ud mobility of large ion lithophiles but not of high field-strength elements during highpressure\ud metamorphism, and indicate that the high SiO2 content of some blueschists is\ud probably due to metasomatism by a LILE-rich siliceous aqueous fluid. Strong correlations\ud between K, Rb, Ba and Cs suggests that enrichment of these elements occurred by a single\ud process. All the protoliths were subducted, metamorphosed to blueschist/eclogite-facies\ud and subsequently exhumed. It is noteworthy that the samples deduced to have come from\ud thicker-crust environments (OIB, IAB) were subducted to shallower depths (blueschistfacies)\ud than MORB-derived samples, all except one of which reached eclogite-facies conditions.\ud The geochemical data of this study demonstrate the variety of ocean floor types\ud that were subducted under the southeast margin of Sundaland in the late Jurassic period

    Lateritization process of peridotites in Siruka, Choiseul, Solomon Islands

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    The lateritic weathering crusts exposed in Siruka, Choiseul Islands, Solomon Islands, were developed on the expense of serpentinized peridotite underlain by Siruka schists and Voza lavas with a subhorizontal contact. The lateritic profiles consist of three generalized zones: bedrock, saprolitic zone (weathered and decomposed zone) and the limonitic zones. The profiles demonstrate variations in depths and continuity but illustrate mineralogy and geochemical affinity down profile and are analogous to saprolitic nickel laterite deposits. Silica and magnesia in the bed rock and the saprolitic zones have been removed and only the residual elements (iron, chromium, aluminium, manganese, cobalt and nickel) remain in the limonitic zone. These elements are relatively concentrated as a result of the removal of the soluble elements. Nickel is associated with silica and magnesia, as lizardite ormixed gels (garnierite nickel ore) at the weathering fronts. On the other hand, nickel, with generally low concentrations

    Refeeding Syndrome in a Patient With Anorexia Nervosa

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    Shoulder pain in patients following lung resection

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    Aim and objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the frequency, influencing factors, and clinical course of shoulder pain in patients following lung resection. Background: Thoracoscopes have been introduced in the surgical treatment of lung cancer, and allow for less invasive surgery with a minimal incision. However, decubitus position-related shoulder pain on the operated side has not yet been investigated. Design: A longitudinal descriptive study. Methods: Patients who underwent lung resection in the decubitus position. Patients were interviewed 2 days before surgery and once daily for 5 days after surgery. Interview items included background data, the concomitant use of epidural anesthesia, operative duration, presence of preoperative shoulder stiffness (excluding shoulder pain), type of surgery, and site of operation. The intensity of pain was approximately 5 on an 11-point numerical rating scale. Descriptive statistics on patient backgrounds were obtained using SPSS Statistics 22 for Windows. Results: Of the 74 patients who underwent lung resection in a decubitus position, 30(40.5%) developed shoulder pain on the operated side. The highest rating occurred 1 day after surgery and decreased over time. The following two factors were found to influence shoulder pain on the operated side: operative duration(Z=-2·63;p=0·01), and presence of preoperative shoulder stiffness(excluding shoulder pain)(χ2=4·16;p=0·04). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that approximately 40% of patients who underwent lung resection in the decubitus position developed shoulder pain. Relevance to clinical practice: The presence of postoperative shoulder pain was related to both the duration of the operation and to the presence of preoperative shoulder stiffness. Although the shoulder pain resolves within 4 days, it causes the patient additional discomfort and distress. Therefore, further research is needed on positioning for thoracotomy in order to investigate ways to reduce or eliminate this complication of lung surgery


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    Small scale gold mines discussed here are located at Selogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia which was mined by local community mainly during gold rush in 1990s. This Selogiri gold deposit genetically is characterized by porphyry mineralization overprinted by epithermal system. The ore minerals assemblage consists of pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, chalcocite and rare arsenopyrite. Chemical analysis of soil and stream sediment sampled over 1.5 km across at the Selogiri gold extraction site indicates that the site has been contaminated with mercury due to mining activities. The mercury concentrations in soil and stream sediments collected during dry season range from 0.01 to 481 ppm and 0.01 to 139 ppm, respectively, higher than background value of 0.05 ppm. In contrast, mercury concentration in stream sediments collected during rainy season from the same location as dry season sampling ranges from 0.01 to 13.42 ppm, and one sample has anomalous value of 331 ppm. This result show that rain water may disperse and decrease mercury concentration in stream sediments. In case of arsenic, although the ore contains rare arsenic minerals, arsenic concentration in bulk rock and ore is high ranging from 8 to 59 ppm, while the arsenic concentration in tailing is much higher ranging from 5.8 to 385 ppm. Chemical analyses on pyrite reveal that the pyrite grains contain arsenic and might be the source of arsenic in Selogiri mine site. However, analysis of dug-well water demonstrates that the mercury and arsenic content is still lower than the maximum allowable concentration. Keywords: Mercury, arsenic, contamination, Selogiri, gold min

    The Kago low-sulfidation gold and silver deposit: a peripheral mineralisation to the Nansatsu high-sulfidation system, southern Kyushu, Japan

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    The Kago deposit is a small deposit located at the southern tip of the Satsuma Peninsula of Southern Kyushu, Japan. It lies proximal to the well-known Nansatsu-type mineralisation province dominated by high-sulfidation type epithermal deposits. The deposit was heavily mined in the 18 th Century, largely for its relatively higher gold compared to that of surrounding and regional deposits. The Kago deposit is a typical low-sulfidation deposit, characterised by adularia-quartz veins, composed of electrum, Ag-tetrahedrite, polybasite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. Based on mine records, the grade ranged from 4.1 to 13.3 g/t Au and 2.6–6.6 g/t Ag. Alteration grades from low to high temperature argillic into a propylitic zone at the extremes of the vein exposures. Carbonate is absent. Fluid inclusion microthermometry reveals a typical temperature range of 220–240 °C with salinity of 0.7–2.6 NaCl eq. wt%. Electrum from high-grade ore ranges from 66 to 69 wt% Au. 40Ar/39Ar age dating of adularia bearing colloform/crustiform and brecciated veins, suggests a mineralisation event from 4.23 to 4.0 Ma. δ18O of veined and silicified quartz ranges from +4.0 to +18.4‰. δ18OH2O of fluids in equilibrium with quartz, in the dominant range of measured fluid inclusion temperatures, ranges from −6.5‰ to −0.2‰. δ34S of pyrite has a narrow range from −1.8 to 2.7‰. The deposit lies at the northern extent of the classic Nansatsu high-sulfidation epithermal area, in which a number of silicified bodies punctuate the region in a roughly semi-circular shape. The Kago deposit lies within the principle mineralisation age range of the high-sulfidation deposits, which range from 5.5 to 3.7 Ma. The structural displacement of the Kago deposit from the Nansatsu mineralisation and the differing host rocks has greatly influenced alteration, ore and rock-water interaction of the ore depositing fluids. Here we seek to establish the relationship that this extended mineral province has between the differing styles of mineralisation

    Successful voriconazole treatment of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with acute biphenotypic leukemia

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    A 23-year old woman with acute biphenotypic leukemia (ABL) complained of chest pain with cough, high fever and hemoptysis during induction chemotherapy, although she had been treated with anti-biotics and micafungin. We made a clinical diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) based on a consolidation in the right upper lung field on a chest radiograph as well as a high level of serum beta-D-glucan (with no evidence of tuberculosis and candidiasis). We changed her treatment from micafungin to voriconazole. Later, we discovered an air-crescent sign by CT scan that supported the diagnosis of IPA. Following voriconazole treatment, clinical symptoms ceased and abnormal chest shadows improved gradually and concurrently with a recovery of neutrophils. IPA must be considered in immunocompromised patients with pulmonary infiltrates who do not respond to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Serological tests and CT findings can aid in early diagnosis of IPA, which, along with treatment for IPA, will improve clinical outcomes.</p

    The characterised of Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks from South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This paper report for the first time petrology and geochemistry of highly serpentinzed ultramafic rocks from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Their petrogenesis and their geodynamic significance were also discussedHighly serpentinised ultramafic rocks occur in two separated basement complexes in the South Sulawesi, Bantimala and Barru blocks. The characteristics of the ultramafic are assessed using petrology and geochemistry data. The Bantimala ultramafic rocks consists mainly of serpentinised peridotite (harzburgite and dunite) and cumulates clinopyroxenite with locally podiform chromitite found enclosed in the peridotite bodies. They have been metamorphosed into greenschist facies. In contrast, the Barru ultramafic rocks are composed of strongly serpentinised and metamorphosed lherzolite and harzburgite peridotite and podiform chromitite. They suffered from amphibolite facies metamorphism overprint and later intruded by huge body of volcanic rocks. The absent of garnet indicates that the ultramafic rocks in both blocks were not experienced high-pressure condition. \ud Geochemical classification suggests that all the Bantimala and Barru ultramafics are different from each other. Based on trace element analysis including Nb and Ta anomalies as well as the Cr-spinel compositions suggests that the Barru lherzolite has had some melt extracted and is derived from suprasubduction zone (SSZ) environment, while the Bantimala dunite, harzburgite and clinopyroxenite are cumulates origin. Moreover, the Cr-spinel composition from the podiform chromitite in both blocks showed a very different characteristics, suggesting the different sources


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    -The occurrences of rare earth elements (REE) have been determined using Laser Ablation Inductive Couple Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) method from greenschist facies rock in Bantimala Complex, South Sulawesi. Greenschist facies rocks occur as product of low grade metamorphism along with HP metamorphic rock, including eclogite and bluschist facies rocks. Major element result show that the greenschist facies rock were derived from various affinities, ranged from mid oceanic ridge basalt to upper continental crust which has intermediate to basic composition. They were also enriched in rock with intermediate composition, particularly quartz-epidote chlorite schist whereas other rock which have more basic affinity show relatively low content of REE. All the greenschist facies rocks were characterized by moderate irregular REE pattern with some variation showing LREE enrichment except those from albite actinolite schist. Generally, the ???REEs+Y ranges from 9 ??? 786 ppm with average of 173 ppm. The LREE was much concentrated than the HREE except for albite actinolite schist by a factor of 2.36 ??? 6.27, which suggested that the LREE content in greenschist facies rocks were derived from intermediate rock composition rather than basaltic composition. It is shown from the study that REE were relatively immobile during low grade metamorphism