2,687 research outputs found

    Identification of significant features in signals of equine cardiovascular system using ICA

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    The paper deals with application of the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for looking for causes of the sudden cardiovascular death in horses during surgery. The first chapter describes the solved problem and state of art. Next part describes the ICA method and its properties and an input data format. In the third and fourth parts results of the analysis are presented. It was found that not all the three important components contained in the input data must be also part of the output data set. The most frequent case (6 records of 10) is that only two components were sufficient for description of input data

    On the pitfalls of conceptualizing excessive physical exercise as an addictive disorder: Commentary on Dinardi et al. (2021).

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    This commentary challenges some of the proposals made in the opinion paper entitled "The expanded interactional model of exercise addiction" by Dinardi, Egorov, and Szabo (2021). We first question the usefulness of the (expanded) interactional model of exercise addiction to determine the psychological processes underlying distress and functional impairment in excessive physical exercise. We then consider the authors' use of the Self-Determination Theory to model exercise addiction, which risks the misclassification of strenuous, but adaptive, patterns of physical exercise as exercise addiction. We finally address broader concerns regarding the idea that maladaptive exercising could be conceptualized as an addictive disorder

    Multidisciplinary Intention: Revealing The Consequence of Psychosocial Factors on the Adherence to Treatment of the Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (T2DM) has been becoming a globalworld health problem affecting countries with different income level (Mogre,Johnson, Tzelepis, Shaw, & Paul, 2017). The low level of compliance and theincreased level of the diabetes distress has been closely associated with destituteglycemic control. Some diabetes-specific psychological variables may beimportant for psychological status of patients and glycemic control to theachievement of individual glycemic targets (Indelicato et al., 2017). Therefore,alexithymia – psychological clinical characteristic of the reduced emotionalcomponent that could have been associated with the metabolic syndrome inpatients with type 2 diabetes, for example (Lemche, Chaban, & Lemche, 2014). Itis important to consider the clinical evaluation of mental aspects in patients withT2DM, however, in order to preventing potentially unfavorable self-care behaviorleading to complications of this disease, including a decrease in the quality of lifelevel (Conti et al., 2017). Patient's level of the quality of life is the one of mainimportant components of treatment adherence and clinical decision making forimproving the effectiveness of therapy (Chaban, Khaustova, & Bezsheiko, n.d.).The low level of medication compliance and quality of life could have beenaddicted in consequence to non-adherence and respectively – inefficiency oftherapy of these patients. Therefore, multidisciplinary connection – involvingmental health care specialists can potentially improve treatment effectiveness(Kogut at al., 2018)

    Subordinates’ Resistance and Managers’ Evaluations of Subordinates’ Performance

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    The authors explored the validity of two perspectives as to how managers evaluate subordinates who resist downward influence attempts: a uniformly dysfunctional perspective (i.e., managers regard all manifestations of resistance as indicators of ineffective influence and rate subordinates unfavorably when they resist) and a multifunctional perspective (i.e., managers regard some manifestations of resistance as more constructive than others and rate subordinates more favorably when they employ constructive resistance tactics). The results of two studies provided support for an interactive model, which predicts that the uniformly dysfunctional perspective is characteristic of lower quality leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships and that the multifunctional perspective is characteristic of higher quality leader-member exchanges
