19 research outputs found

    Structure, function, and evolution of plant NIMA-related kinases: implication for phosphorylation-dependent microtubule regulation

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    Patient-specific fibre-based models of muscle wrapping

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    In many biomechanical problems, the availability of a suitable model for the wrapping of muscles when undergoing movement is essential for the estimation of forces produced on and by the body during motion. This is an important factor in the Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human project which is investigating the likelihood of fracture for osteoporotic patients undertaking a variety of movements. The weakening of their skeletons makes them particularly vulnerable to bone fracture caused by excessive loading being placed on the bones, even in simple everyday tasks. This paper provides an overview of a novel volumetric model that describes muscle wrapping around bones and other muscles during movement, and which includes a consideration of how the orientations of the muscle fibres change during the motion. The method can calculate the form of wrapping of a muscle of medium size and visualize the outcome within tenths of seconds on commodity hardware, while conserving muscle volume. This makes the method suitable not only for educational biomedical software, but also for clinical applications used to identify weak muscles that should be strengthened during rehabilitation or to identify bone stresses in order to estimate the risk of fractures

    Complex Interplay of Genes Underlies Invasiveness in Fibrosarcoma Progression Model.

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    Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of mesenchymal tumours, with a great variability in their clinical behaviour. While our knowledge of sarcoma initiation has advanced rapidly in recent years, relatively little is known about mechanisms of sarcoma progression. JUN-murine fibrosarcoma progression series consists of four sarcoma cell lines, JUN-1, JUN-2, JUN-2fos-3, and JUN-3. JUN-1 and -2 were established from a single tumour initiated in a H2K/v-jun transgenic mouse, JUN-3 originates from a different tumour in the same animal, and JUN-2fos-3 results from a targeted in vitro transformation of the JUN-2 cell line. The JUN-1, -2, and -3 cell lines represent a linear progression from the least transformed JUN-2 to the most transformed JUN-3, with regard to all the transformation characteristics studied, while the JUN-2fos-3 cell line exhibits a unique transformation mode, with little deregulation of cell growth and proliferation, but pronounced motility and invasiveness. The invasive sarcoma sublines JUN-2fos-3 and JUN-3 show complex metabolic profiles, with activation of both mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis and a significant increase in spared respiratory capacity. The specific transcriptomic profile of invasive sublines features very complex biological relationships across the identified genes and proteins, with accentuated autocrine control of motility and angiogenesis. Pharmacologic inhibition of one of the autocrine motility factors identified, Ccl8, significantly diminished both motility and invasiveness of the highly transformed fibrosarcoma cell. This progression series could be greatly valuable for deciphering crucial aspects of sarcoma progression and defining new prognostic markers and potential therapeutic targets