450 research outputs found

    Predstavitev v skupnost usmerjenega policijskega dela v svetu in v Sloveniji

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    Namen prispevka je povzeti in predstaviti diplomsko nalogo z naslovom \u27\u27Predstavitev v skupnost usmerjenega policijskega dela v svetu in v Sloveniji\u27\u27. S prispevkom želim seznaniti in predstaviti v skupnost usmerjeno policijsko delo, njegov koncept, težave pri definiranju, njegovo zgodovino, ki je sestavljena iz treh generacij (generacija novosti, generacija razpršitve in generacija institucionalnosti), ki si časovno sledijo

    Impact of chlorides, nitrates, sulfates and phosphates on increased limestone dissolution in the karst vadose zone (Postojna Cave, Slovenia)

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    Distinctive karst hydrology arises from a combination of high carbonate rock solubility and well developed secondary porosity (fissures). Soil CO2 is the most important influence on solubility of carbonate rock (Ford & Williams 2007). Human activity on the karst surface results in pollution that has an important influence on water quality. Degradation of organic pollution (e.g. waste water, leachates from landfill sites) results in inorganic acids too. These acids could have an important additional influence on dissolution of carbonate rocks in the vadose zone. In the framework of more than 20 years of research on precipitation percolation and transfer of contaminants (direct outflow of waste water from a small military facility where about twenty troops were stationed) through the 100-m thick vadose zone of Postojna Cave, contaminated water was observed in drips and trickles in the cave (up to 60 mg Cl-/l, up to 180 mg NO3-/l, up to 2.8 mg PO43-/l, and up to 50 mg SO42-/l). At the same time the sum of calcium and magnesium (Ca+Mg) of trickles was up to two times larger than the Ca+Mg of either the uncontaminated reference trickle or the input waste water. The amount of dissolved limestone carried by waste water to trickles and drips in the cave was directly proportional to the concentration of contaminant anions present. This demonstrates that there is an accelerated widening of fissures below source points of wastewater. Water with contaminants can penetrate faster and deeper into the vadose zone along the increasingly permeable fissures without losing its dissolving power, and thus significant dissolution occurs ever deeper in the vadose zone. This results in ever faster penetration of contaminants through the vadose zone. In the final phase of such development, which takes many decades or longer, relatively rapid transfer of contaminants through the aquifer all the way to karst springs with minimal self-cleansing effects can be expected

    The Role of the Conditionality of EU Membership in Migrant Criminalization in the Western Balkans

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    Odzivanje Evropske unije (EU) na migracijske izzive presega ozemlje njenih držav članic. Prek pozunanjenja mejnega nadzora se preliva na ozemlje Zahodnega Balkana (ZB), ki ga preči ena najpomembnejših migracijskih poti s Srednjega vzhoda in Afrike proti Evropski uniji. Medtem ko države ZB ne kažejo interesa za migrante in jih štejejo za problem EU, ta evropsko integracijo pogojuje z vzpostavitvijo struktur upravljanja z migracijami, podobnimi tistim v EU. Prenos prava EU pa povečuje tudi stopnjo kriminalizacije migracij, kar kaže na problematično vlogo EU in nacionalnih zakonodajalcev na ZB v razmerju do temeljnih pravic migrantov.The EU’s responses to migration challenges exceed the territory of its memberstates. Through externalization of border control they spill over into the countries ofthe Western Balkans (WB), which is crossed by one of the most important migration routes from the Middle East and Africa to the EU. While the WB countries show indifference towards migrants and consider them an “EU problem”, the latter conditions European integration with the establishment of migration management structures similar to those in the EU. The transposition of the EU acquis also increases the criminalization of migrants, which highlights the problematic role of the EU and national legislators in WB in relation to the fundamental rights of migrants

    Zakonodajni in pravosodni odzivi na »begunsko krizo« v Sloveniji in Avstriji: primerjalna perspektiva

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    The article compares key normative and judicial responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria. It does so by comparing the asylum statistics, the main changes to the legislation reflecting populist reactions to the “refugee crisis,” and judicial responses to these changes and reactions. The qualitative legal analysis is based on examples of the most important changes and responses. The article considers the populistic context of these changes, as discussed by some political scientists, who demonstrate that with the crisis, a new wave of populism—“the populist Othering of migrants”—emerged.Avtorica primerja ključne normativne pristope k obravnavanju »begunske krize« v obdobju 2015–2016 ter odzive sodstva na te pristope v Sloveniji in Avstriji. K temu pristopi s primerjavo statističnih podatkov na področju azila, najpomembnejših zakonodajnih sprememb, ki odražajo populistične odzive na »begunsko krizo«, ter odgovorov sodišč na te spremembe in odzive. Analiza je kvalitativna in temelji na izbranih primerih najpomembnejših zakonodajnih sprememb. Članek upošteva populistični kontekst teh sprememb, kot ga razumejo politologi. Ti pokažejo, da se je s krizo pojavil tudi nov val populizma – populistično označevanje migrantov kot Drugih


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    Psychosis brings burden to the families of patients with psychosis. The Zung rating scale for depression has been used to evaluate depressive symptoms in the relatives of patients with psychosis that have been attending the ‘Group with a significant other’ for the last five years. When we sent the Zung rating scale for depression to the families of the schizophrenic patients\u27 (which are or were part of the ‘Group with a significant other’ in the last five years), the results showed 2/3 of the patients had already become depressed due to the illness\u27 effects. This is a much more common phenomena here than in the entire population. Cooperation within the Group has positive effects, such as reducing isolation and stigmatization, while it also works encouragingly on the emotional climate – this is very important for reducing depression


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    Psychosis brings burden to the families of patients with psychosis. The Zung rating scale for depression has been used to evaluate depressive symptoms in the relatives of patients with psychosis that have been attending the ‘Group with a significant other’ for the last five years. When we sent the Zung rating scale for depression to the families of the schizophrenic patients\u27 (which are or were part of the ‘Group with a significant other’ in the last five years), the results showed 2/3 of the patients had already become depressed due to the illness\u27 effects. This is a much more common phenomena here than in the entire population. Cooperation within the Group has positive effects, such as reducing isolation and stigmatization, while it also works encouragingly on the emotional climate – this is very important for reducing depression

    Tracer Test on the Mala Gora Landfill near Ribnica in South-Eastern Slovenia

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    The Mala gora landfill near Ribnica is one of the nine still active landfills on Slovene karst. According to our legislation the monitoring of its impact on groundwater have to be performed, but this can only be effective when the characteristics of the underground water flow in the area of the landfill are well known. Therefore a tracer test was carried out on the Mala gora landfill and the main underground water connections towards the Tominčev studenec, Javornikov izvir, Debeljakov izvir and Šica springs near the settlement Dvor in the Krka valley were proved. In lower concentrations the uranine was detected in the Podpeška jama and Kompoljska jama Caves, as well as in the Šica near Mala Račna spring and both springs of the Krka river. At high waters the flow from the landfill towards the Globočec spring was proved also, but this important source of water supply is primary recharged from other parts of the karst aquifer. The appearance of tracer is forwarded by favourable hydrological conditions and increased concentrations of uranine were measured at all springs after more intensive precipitation events even one year after the injection. Obtained results were considered in the preparation of the monitoring plan

    Characterization of the vadose flow and its influence on the functioning of karst springs: Case study of the karst system near Postojna, Slovenia

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    In three selected drips in the Postojna cave in SWw Slovenia and in the nearby Korentan spring, which in general belongs to the same karst aquifer, the discharge and electrical conductivity were measured at 15-minute intervals. Simultaneously, the meteorological parameters in Postojna were measured and the effective infiltration was assessed. The data obtained in the period of one hydrological year, 2003–2004, was compared in order to study the influence of the vadose flow on the characteristics of groundwater flow in a karst system and on the functioning of a karst spring. The highest discharges of the Korentan spring are the result of the inflow of water through a hierarchy of fissures of various permeabilities within the vadose zone, but the contribution of stored water from low-permeability zones is especially important. One of our most significant findings is that in the conditions of high saturation of the vadose zone, the network of small fissures is hydraulically connected, which enables an integral reaction of the system to the pressure pulse induced by infiltrated precipitation. On the other hand, a detailed comparison of effective infiltration and discharge indicates that in dry periods with a lower saturation of the vadose zone, the infiltrated precipitation is mainly stored in the system and only the most permeable fissures enable a rapid transfer of the recharge impulses toward the spring. Data on measured discharge and conductivity were additionally compared in order to study the complex conditions of the actual mass flow of water through the system.Key words: karst aquifer, vadose zone, Postojna Cave, Korentan spring, Sloveni

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    Voice Quality, Articulation, Nasality, Prosody and Overall Intelligibility in the Speech of Subjects with Hearing Impairment

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    In early infancy, hearing loss significantly affects the development and intelligibility of speech in children with hearing impairment. Assuming that both speech and voice disorders occur in the speech of hearing-impaired speakers, the present study will 1) analyse the speech and overall intelligibility of 91 hearing-impaired speakers (from ages 5 to 23, M = 13 years, 56% males, 44% female) who exhibit an average hearing loss of air conductivity of 99 dB (SD = 19.48); 2) compare latent space in the hearing impaired (HI) subjects’ speech and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (known as ICF) speech and voice functions to determine whether they overlap partially or totally; 3) investigate the presence of an autonomous factor of nasality and determine through analysis of the latent structure of speech whether nasality is a matter of articulation or phonation; and 4) investigate the correlations between derived factors and speech intelligibility of HI subjects from a closed list of words. Using principal component analysis, four relevant factors were determined that explained 65.650% of the total variance. The first prosodic factor, the fluency and rhythm of speech, explained 40.036% of the total variance, the second factor of quality of speech production (voice, articulation and resonance) explained 11.430%, the third factor of micro-chaining explained 7.970% and the fourth factor, nasality, explained 6.214%. The ICF and speech factor distributions were similar but not identical. In this study, speech can be seen in terms of four dimension factors on the micro- and macro-segmental levels: prosodic factors, voice, resonance and articulation quality and nasality. The four factors, especially the second factor of voice, resonance and articulation quality, show statistically significant correlations with the intelligibility of speech in HI subjects (p < 0.01)