38 research outputs found

    Statistical testing of directions observations independence

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    Independence of observations is often assumed when adjusting geodetic network. Unlike the\ud distance observations, no dependence of environmental conditions is known for horizontal\ud direction observations. In order to determine the dependence of horizontal direction observations,\ud we established test geodetic network of a station and four observation points. Measurements of\ud the highest possible accuracy were carried out using Leica TS30 total station along with precise\ud prisms GPH1P. Two series of hundred sets of angles were measured, with the first one in bad\ud observation conditions. Using different methods, i.e. varianceā€“covariance matrices, x2 test and analyses of time series, the independence of measured directions, reduced directions and horizontal angles were tested. The results show that the independence of horizontal direction\ud observations is not obvious and certainly not in poor conditions. In this case, it would be appropriate for geodetic network adjustments to use varianceā€“covariance matrix calculated from measurements instead of diagonal varianceā€“covariance matrix

    New method of precision stabilisation of geodetic points for displacement observation

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    An optimal stabilisation \ud of geodetic points is\ud undeniably an important factor when determining\ud displacements. According to the size of the anticipated\ud displacements a proper stabilisation accuracy must be\ud provided. Traditional ways of stabilisation are discussed\ud as well as a new method for measuring tectonic\ud movement is proposed. Accordingly, a quality analysis\ud of the new stabilisation method used in the precision\ud micro-network of the town of Libna in the vicinity of\ud KrŔko is give

    Precizni daljinomer Mekometer ME 5000 ā€“ princip rada i kalibracija

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    Daljinomer Kern Mekometer ME 5000 jedan je od najpreciznijih elektrooptičkih faznih daljinomera. Velika unutraÅ”nja tačnost instrumenta posledica je upotrebe vrhunske elektronike i odličnih reÅ”enja. Ovaj rad opisuje princip rada instrumenta i način kontrole njegove tačnosti ā€“ kalibriranje instrumenta br. 357043

    Preview of evalution models of geodetic control measurements

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    In the contribution the classification of evaluation\ud models of geodetic control measurements is given.\ud Contemporary geodetic measurement systems offer\ud possibilities to measure movements and deformations\ud of object in all details. As such they give the opportunity\ud to fulfill the trends in engineering surveying which\ud intend to determine not only the geometrical changes\ud of an object but above all to describe the dynamic of\ud the changes in space and time as subject of influencing\ud forces. This procedure demands the use of dynamic\ud models, which consider the object, causative forces and\ud the resulting deformations as the entirety. By\ud simplification of dynamic models the static, kinematic\ud and (identity) models are derived

    Determination of the nonverticality of high chimneys

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    This article deals with practical examples of the applications of modern tachymeters in the determination of the nonverticality of high industrial chimneys, as an alternative to the classic methods. The possibility of a reflectorless measuring mode to determine the point cloud at the chimney's circumference is described. Using these points, we are able to model the chimney as a mathematically correct body using the least squares adjustment method. Subsequently, the unknown nonverticality of the chimney is determined as the deviation of the primary axis of the modelled body from the vertical

    Geodetic measurement of distances in athletics

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    Geodetic measurements are indispensable beyond the borders\ud of surveying technical tasks. In this paper, the usefulness of\ud geodesy in the measurement of sport results is described for\ud throwing events, in accordance with the rules accepted by\ud the IAAF. The article focuses on terrestrial measurements\ud and geometric solutions for the determination of the result\ud of an athlete in the javelin, hammer and discus throw and\ud shot putt. Some effects on measurements within the specified\ud precision of the result are studied. We analyse the influence\ud of ground inclination and gravity on the sport result and the\ud influence of the location of the instrument on the precision\ud of the length of throw

    Rotation with unit quaternion

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    A quaternion is a hyper-complex number. A rule for\ud quaternion multiplications allows us to use it as a rotation in\ud three-dimensional space. The aim of this article is to present\ud quaternion rotations to the Slovene professional geodetic\ud public. Quaternions are described in the article along with\ud the manner to use them for rotations. Two experiments were\ud performed to compare the rotations using quaternions versus\ud rotations with Euler angles. The experiments revealed that\ud transformations using quaternion are more efficient than\ud transformations using Euler angles. An adjustment for the\ud determination of transformation parameters is also more\ud efficient if the mathematical model is based on quaternion\ud rotation

    From Reg Elta to Spatial Station: four decades of ZEISS electronic tacheometers (Trimble).

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    This paper presents a basic overview of the historical\ud development of electronic tachymeters, through\ud solutions developed by the German manufacturer\ud Zeiss. This factory is responsible for the first\ud instrument of its kind in the world, which is described\ud with special attention. Subsequently, the possibilities of\ud different tachymeters are illustrated in chronological\ud order, over their three decades of evolution. Finally,\ud an overview on the current state of development and\ud production of Zeiss tachymeters is given, since the plant\ud became an integral part of Trimble's large concern

    Applicability of selected methods of deformation analysis according to practical examples geodetic networks

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    The basic problem in deformation analysis is detection\ud and determination of stability or displacement of the\ud points in the geodetic network during two epochs. The\ud applicability of the methods of deformation analysis\ud (Hannover, Karlsruhe) and of the simple procedure\ud for testing point displacement was tested on practical\ud examples of geodetic networks for displacement and\ud deformation detection. The procedure, results and\ud assessments of the testing are described

    Geodesy in Geotechnics\ud

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    Geodetic methods are one of the possible means of determining the stability of geotechnical objects. The determination of the displacements of the geotechnical objects is specific due to the size and the expected displacements. The expected size of the displacement determines the necessary precision of the displacement determination, whereas the size of the object determines the method of the geodetic measurement. We choose either the terrestrical or the GNSS methods. There is no relevant legal framework for geotechnical measurements. For this reason, we present the characteristics of the single methods and suggest general recommendations regarding the implementation of the geodetic procedures when monitoring the displacements of the geotechnical objects. The recommendations are intended for geotechnical engineers planning the geotechnical objects and the operators of geodetic measurements and investors. The recommendations the facilitate supervision of the geotechnical projects