656 research outputs found

    Frequency dependent third cumulant of current in diffusive conductors

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    We calculate the frequency dispersion of the third cumulant of current in diffusive-metal contacts. The cumulant exhibits a dispersion at the inverse time of diffusion across the contact, which is typically much smaller than the inverse RCRC time. This dispersion is much more pronounced in the case of strong electron-electron scattering than in the case of purely elastic scattering because of a different symmetry of the relevant second-order correlation functions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Current fluctuations near to the 2D superconductor-insulator quantum critical point

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    Systems near to quantum critical points show universal scaling in their response functions. We consider whether this scaling is reflected in their fluctuations; namely in current-noise. Naive scaling predicts low-temperature Johnson noise crossing over to noise power Ez/(z+1)\propto E^{z/(z+1)} at strong electric fields. We study this crossover in the metallic state at the 2d z=1 superconductor/insulator quantum critical point. Using a Boltzmann-Langevin approach within a 1/N-expansion, we show that the current noise obeys a scaling form Sj=TΦ[T/Teff(E)]S_j=T \Phi[T/T_{eff}(E)] with TeffET_{eff} \propto \sqrt{E}. We recover Johnson noise in thermal equilibrium and SjES_j \propto \sqrt{E} at strong electric fields. The suppression from free carrier shot noise is due to strong correlations at the critical point. We discuss its interpretation in terms of a diverging carrier charge 1/E\propto 1/\sqrt{E} or as out-of-equilibrium Johnson noise with effective temperature E\propto \sqrt{E}.Comment: 5 page

    Energy Relaxation of Hot Dirac Fermions in Graphene

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    We develop a theory for the energy relaxation of hot Dirac fermions in graphene. We obtain a generic expression for the energy relaxation rate due to electron-phonon interaction and calculate the power loss due to both optical and acoustic phonon emission as a function of electron temperature TeT_{\mathrm{e}} and density nn. We find an intrinsic power loss weakly dependent on carrier density and non-vanishing at the Dirac point n=0n = 0, originating from interband electron-optical phonon scattering by the intrinsic electrons in the graphene valence band. We obtain the total power loss per carrier 1012107W\sim 10^{-12} - 10^{-7} \mathrm{W} within the range of electron temperatures 201000K\sim 20 - 1000 \mathrm{K}. We find optical (acoustic) phonon emission to dominate the energy loss for Te>(<)200300KT_{\mathrm{e}} > (<) 200-300 \mathrm{K} in the density range n=10111013cm2n = 10^{11}-10^{13} \mathrm{cm}^{-2}.Comment: 5 page

    Divergence at low bias and down-mixing of the current noise in a diffusive superconductor-normal metal-superconductor junction

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    We present current noise measurements in a long diffusive superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor junction in the low voltage regime, in which transport can be partially described in terms of coherent multiple Andreev reflections. We show that, when decreasing voltage, the current noise exhibits a strong divergence together with a broad peak. We ascribe this peak to the mixing between the ac- Josephson current and the noise of the junction itself. We show that the junction noise corresponds to the thermal noise of a nonlinear resistor 4kBT=R with R V = I V and no adjustable parameters

    Statistics of speckle patterns

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    We develop a general method for calculating statistical properties of the speckle pattern of coherent waves propagating in disordered media. In some aspects this method is similar to the Boltzmann-Langevin approach for the calculation of classical fluctuations. We apply the method to the case where the incident wave experiences many small angle scattering events during propagation, but the total angle change remains small. In many aspects our results for this case are different from results previously known in the literature. The correlation function of the wave intensity at two points separated by a distance rr, has a long range character. It decays as a power of rr and changes sign. We also consider sensitivities of the speckles to changes of external parameters, such as the wave frequency and the incidence angle.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Dangling-bond spin relaxation and magnetic 1/f noise from the amorphous-semiconductor/oxide interface: Theory

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    We propose a model for magnetic noise based on spin-flips (not electron-trapping) of paramagnetic dangling-bonds at the amorphous-semiconductor/oxide interface. A wide distribution of spin-flip times is derived from the single-phonon cross-relaxation mechanism for a dangling-bond interacting with the tunneling two-level systems of the amorphous interface. The temperature and frequency dependence is sensitive to three energy scales: The dangling-bond spin Zeeman energy delta, as well as the minimum (E_min) and maximum (E_max) values for the energy splittings of the tunneling two-level systems. We compare and fit our model parameters to a recent experiment probing spin coherence of antimony donors implanted in nuclear-spin-free silicon [T. Schenkel {\it et al.}, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 112101 (2006)], and conclude that a dangling-bond area density of the order of 10^{14}cm^{-2} is consistent with the data. This enables the prediction of single spin qubit coherence times as a function of the distance from the interface and the dangling-bond area density in a real device structure. We apply our theory to calculations of magnetic flux noise affecting SQUID devices due to their Si/SiO_2 substrate. Our explicit estimates of flux noise in SQUIDs lead to a noise spectral density of the order of 10^{-12}Phi_{0}^{2} {Hz}^{-1} at f=1Hz. This value might explain the origin of flux noise in some SQUID devices. Finally, we consider the suppression of these effects using surface passivation with hydrogen, and the residual nuclear-spin noise resulting from a perfect silicon-hydride surface.Comment: Final published versio

    Propagation of coherent waves in elastically scattering media

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    A general method for calculating statistical properties of speckle patterns of coherent waves propagating in disordered media is developed. It allows one to calculate speckle pattern correlations in space, as well as their sensitivity to external parameters. This method, which is similar to the Boltzmann-Langevin approach for the calculation of classical fluctuations, applies for a wide range of systems: From cases where the ray propagation is diffusive to the regime where the rays experience only small angle scattering. The latter case comprises the regime of directed waves where rays propagate ballistically in space while their directions diffuse. We demonstrate the applicability of the method by calculating the correlation function of the wave intensity and its sensitivity to the wave frequency and the angle of incidence of the incoming wave.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Radiative transfer theory for vacuum fluctuations

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    A semiclassical kinetic theory is presented for the fluctuating photon flux emitted by a disordered medium in thermal equilibrium. The kinetic equation is the optical analog of the Boltzmann-Langevin equation for electrons. Vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field provide a new source of fluctuations in the photon flux, over and above the fluctuations due to scattering. The kinetic theory in the diffusion approximation is applied to the super-Poissonian noise due to photon bunching and to the excess noise due to beating of incident radiation with the vacuum fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revised version according to referee's comment

    Conductance noise in interacting Anderson insulators driven far from equilibrium

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    The combination of strong disorder and many-body interactions in Anderson insulators lead to a variety of intriguing non-equilibrium transport phenomena. These include slow relaxation and a variety of memory effects characteristic of glasses. Here we show that when such systems are driven with sufficiently high current, and in liquid helium bath, a peculiar type of conductance noise can be observed. This noise appears in the conductance versus time traces as downward-going spikes. The characteristic features of the spikes (such as typical width) and the threshold current at which they appear are controlled by the sample parameters. We show that this phenomenon is peculiar to hopping transport and does not exist in the diffusive regime. Observation of conductance spikes hinges also on the sample being in direct contact with the normal phase of liquid helium; when this is not the case, the noise exhibits the usual 1/f characteristics independent of the current drive. A model based on the percolative nature of hopping conductance explains why the onset of the effect is controlled by current density. It also predicts the dependence on disorder as confirmed by our experiments. To account for the role of the bath, the hopping transport model is augmented by a heuristic assumption involving nucleation of cavities in the liquid helium in which the sample is immersed. The suggested scenario is analogous to the way high-energy particles are detected in a Glaser's bubble chamber.Comment: 15 pages 22 figure

    Theory of shot noise in space-charge limited diffusive conduction regime

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    As is well known, the fluctuations from a stable stationary nonequilibrium state are described by a linearized nonhomogeneous Boltzmann-Langevin equation. The stationary state itself may be described by a nonlinear Boltzmann equation. The ways of its linearization sometimes seem to be not unique. We argue that there is actually a unique way to obtain a linear equation for the fluctuations. In the present paper we treat as an example an analytical theory of nonequilibrium shot noise in a diffusive conductor under the space charge limited regime. Our approach is compared with that of Schomerus, Mishchenko and Beenakker [Phys. Rev. B 60, 5839 (1999)]. We find some difference between the present theory and the approach of their paper and discuss a possible origin of the difference. We believe that it is related to the fundamentals of the theory of fluctuation phenomena in a nonequilibrium electron gas.Comment: 17 pages, no figure