78 research outputs found

    Інструментальна оротерапія в комплексній реабілітації дитячого церебрального паралічу

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    Работа посвящена вопросу о возможности использования метода прерывистой нормобарической оротерапии в комплексной реабилитации детей с разными формами церебрального паралича. Для оценки эффективности реабилитации использовали клинические данные, характеризующие динамику заболевания, полученные до и после проведения курса инструментальной оротерапии. Группа сравнения получала лишь традиционное комплексное лечение. Оценку неврологического статуса осуществляли на основании динамики уровня моторного развития. Инструментальная оротератя, основу которой составляет активация защитных сил и физиологических резервов организма больного, является эффективным немедикаментозным методом восстановительного лечения больных ДЦП путем стимуляции естественных механизмов саногенеза

    Роздуми про музичну бібліографію

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    У статті розглянуто особливості розвитку музичної бібліографії в Україні – від доби “радянського часу” до сучасності. В даному контексті висвітлюється науковий доробок у цій царині А. І. Мухи.В статье рассмотрены особенности развития музыкальной библиографии в Украине, начиная с эпохи “советского времени” до современного этапа. В данном контексте освещено научное наследие в этой области А. И. Мухи.The peculiarities of music bibliography development in the Ukraine are investigated in the article (from epoch “Soviet Union” to modern period of time). Connected with music bibliography some books by A. Mukha are examined in this context

    Роль інтелектуальної культури в процесі професійної підготовки майбутнього фахівця

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    Зниження рівня професійної підготовки фахівців у вищих навчальних закладах сьогодні є актуальною проблемою вищої освіти на всьому пострадянському просторі. І не в останню чергу ця проблема пов’язується з рівнем інтелекту студентської молоді

    Украина — член международной комиссии по блоьшим плотинам

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    Within Herd Test Prevalence Affects Genetic Variation in Antibody Response to Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis in Milk of Dutch Holstein-Friesians - K.J.E. van Hulzen, M. Nielen, A.P. Koets, G. de Jong, J.A.M. van Arendonk and H.C.M. Heuven. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Worldwide, classical control strategies based on hygiene and culling of infected animals have not been able to eradicate Johne’s disease. Therefore, breeding for disease resistance may be a useful tool to contribute to control the disease. In this study, genetic parameters were estimated for the presence of a Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis specific antibody response in milk of Dutch Holstein-Friesians using subsets of data based on within herd test prevalence levels. The estimated heritability ranged from 3.1% for the complete dataset to 9.7% for herds with a minimum test prevalence of 10%. Cross-validation analysis showed that breeding values were predicted most accurately using data obtained from herds with at least 2 positive tested animals, hence a heritability of 4.1% (± 0.4)

    Calf and dam characteristics and calf transport age affect immunoglobulin titers and hematological parameters of veal calves

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    This study aimed to investigate effects of transport age of calves (14 vs. 28 d), and of calf and dam characteristics, on immunoglobulin titers and hematological variables of veal calves. Calves (n = 683) were transported to a veal farm at 14 or 28 d of age. Natural antibodies N-IgG, N-IgM, and N-IgA against phosphorylcholine conjugated to bovine serum albumin (PC-BSA) were measured in serum of the dams 1 wk before calving and in first colostrum. These antibodies were also measured in serum of calves 1 wk after birth, 1 d before transport, and in wk 2 and 10 posttransport at the veal farm. Hematological variables were assessed in calves 1 d before transport and in wk 2 posttransport. One day before transport, titers of N-IgG, N-IgM, N-IgA, and neutrophil counts were higher, and lymphocyte counts were lower in 14-d-old calves compared with 28-d-old calves. In wk 2 at the veal farm, calves transported at 14 d of age had higher N-IgG titers and neutrophil counts, but lower N-IgM and N-IgA titers, and lymphocyte counts than calves transported at 28 d. In wk 1 and 1 d before transport, N-Ig in calves were positively related to N-Ig in colostrum. In wk 2 and 10 at the veal farm, N-IgG in calves was positively related to N-IgG in colostrum. The N-IgG titers in calves at the dairy farm were negatively related to the likelihood of being individually treated with antibiotics or other medicines at the veal farm. Our results suggest that calves transported to the veal farm at 28 d of age showed a more advanced development of their adaptive immunity than calves transported at 14 d of age. Quality of colostrum might have long-term consequences for N-IgG titers and immunity in veal calves.Stichting Brancheorganisatie Kalversector (SBK, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands), ZuivelNL (the organization of the Dutch dairy sector, Den Haag, the Netherlands), and the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (Den Haag, the Netherlands).http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-dairy-science/am2022Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Knowledge gaps that hamper prevention and control of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection

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    In the last decades, many regional and country‐wide control programmes for Johne's disease (JD) were developed due to associated economic losses, or because of a possible association with Crohn's disease. These control programmes were often not successful, partly because management protocols were not followed, including the introduction of infected replacement cattle, because tests to identify infected animals were unreliable, and uptake by farmers was not high enough because of a perceived low return on investment. In the absence of a cure or effective commercial vaccines, control of JD is currently primarily based on herd management strategies to avoid infection of cattle and restrict within‐farm and farm‐to‐farm transmission. Although JD control programmes have been implemented in most developed countries, lessons learned from JD prevention and control programmes are underreported. Also, JD control programmes are typically evaluated in a limited number of herds and the duration of the study is less than 5 year, making it difficult to adequately assess the efficacy of control programmes. In this manuscript, we identify the most important gaps in knowledge hampering JD prevention and control programmes, including vaccination and diagnostics. Secondly, we discuss directions that research should take to address those knowledge gaps.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/tbed2019-05-01hj2018Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Effect of continuous milking on immunoglobulin concentrations in bovine colostrum

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    Continuous milking is defined as a dairy cattle management system without a planned dry period for cows in late gestation. Continuous milking has been described to reduce health problems common in periparturient cattle, but may affect colostrum immunoglobulin (Ig) concentration and subsequently calf health. This study reports the influence of continuous milking on Ig concentrations of bovine colostrum in commercial dairy farms. Colostrum Ig concentrations of 227 cows from 13 herds were quantified with a quantitative ELISA for IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgA and IgM. Colostrum samples of continuous milked (CM) cows (n = 38) were compared with colostrum samples of cows (n = 189) after a traditional dry period (DP) of at least 42 days. Results indicated that colostrum Ig concentration was significantly lower in continuous milking systems where IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgA and IgM concentrations were reduced by half compared with cows that had a planned dry period. When relating the results from this study to recommendations for colostrum management it can be concluded that although colostrum Ig concentrations are significantly lower in a continuous milking management system an adequate passive immune transfer can still be achieved based on colostrum quality provided colostrum feeding management is optimal