25 research outputs found

    The Effect of Urban Geometry on Low-Carbon Development in Desa Sruni, Wonosobo

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    Urban geometry is one of the important issues in creating a low-carbon sustainable dwelling area. Open spaces located in the settlement area is one of many elements that help to balance the energy exchange process that occurs in the land surface. The balance between energy absorption and emittance can prevent the occurrence of Urban Heat Island (UHI) which increases air temperature. Desa Sruni is one of the high-density villages located in Wonosobo, Central Java. The village is dominated by settlements that almost reach 60% of the area while the rest is impervious surface used for circulation and vacant lands. This study aims to find the effect of urban geometry changes on urban climatic conditions in Desa Sruni. The research is carried out by using a quantitative method with the help of Envi-met to find the value of some variables such as Sky View Factor (SVF), Air Temperature (Ta), Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt) and Wind Speed (Ws). The outcome of this study can be used as a further reference to create a design recommendation on low-carbon development in Desa Sruni.     Keywords: envi-met, climate change, low-carbon development, urban geometr

    Analysis of Correlation Betweeen Urban Structure Parameters and Climatic Variables in Heritage Area of Rajawali-Surabaya as Urban Heat Island Mitigation

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    Nowadays, Surabaya experience Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon because of the increase of surface temperature from 1994 until 2011. The urban structure parameters have a role in decreasing the UHI phenomenon. Rajawali is a historic area where it can be sensitive to climatic condition and urban heat island. This paper aimed to analyze the correlation of urban structure parameters toward climatic variables (as an indicator affecting UHI) in the heritage area of Rajawali. This study focuses on some urban structure parameters that are Building Coverage Ratio (BCR), Floor Area Ratio (FAR), aspect ratio (H/W), Volumetric Compactness (S/V) and land cover in the site. The analysis method is a simulation from Envi-met where simulation performed is run in March 2018. In order to check how far the urban structure affects climatic variable, the urban structure parameters are compared with each variable of climatic using the statistical package, R. For correlation analysis Piersonā€™s r coefficient is used. The result shows that not all urban structure parameters correlate with climatic variables in the Heritage Area. The findings of this study are expected to be the basis for designing the heritage area in Rajawali so that the design can respond to the UHI phenomenon in Surabaya.     Keywords: Urban Structure Parameters, Climatic Parameters, Heritage Area, UHI (Urban Heat Island

    Preferensi Penggunaan Material pada Atap Rumah Tinggal

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    Roof material preferences for housing can be influenced from the location of the respondents, local climate, culture, knowledge and comfortable condition of the occupants. The aim of this research is to get the reasons behind the selection of roof material for housing. Quantitative method is used in this research by collecting data of online questionnaire. This online questionnaire is distributed using convenient sampling method (snowball-non-random-sampling). It was found the tendency of respondents who choose clay tile because of the comfort and affordability of the price. The tendency of respondents who choose ceramic tile and natural wood tile because of their beauty and sustaniability materials. Concrete is selected by respondents because of their durability and strength. Respondents who have tendency in Zinc, asbestos are selected because zinc and asbestos are easy to apply and commonly materials in their areas. Asphalt, metal, and PVC / galvalum / fiber are chosen by respondents for being lightweight materials

    Diversity and distribution of microalgae in coastal areas of East Java, Indonesia

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    Zakiyah U, Mulyanto, Suwanti LT, Koerniawan MD, Suyono EA, Budiman A, Siregar UJ. 2020. Diversity and distribution of microalgae in coastal areas of East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 1149-1159. Indonesia is well known as one of hotspot for biodiversity, including marine resources. However, Indonesia biodiversity has declined rapidly due to the changes in the aquatic environmental quality as the consequence of human activities. Biodiversity loss has been well studied in larger organisms, however, less is known for microorganisms, such as microalgae. Microalgae have received much attention recently due to its potential as renewable energy sources. This study aimed at describing biodiversity and distribution of microalgae in coastal areas of East Java and Madura, Indonesia. Six sites, i.e. Trenggalek and Sendangbiru representing south coast, Banyuwangi and Situbondo representing north coast of East Java, Pasongsongan and Pamekasan representing Madura north and south coast, respectively were sampled, which representing different background of anthropogenic development in these areas. Results showed that seawater condition in all sites is still good, with average pH 8.0 despite intense human activities, such as ecotourism, fishing and boat harbor, as well as residential area that has the potential to produce a lot of waste. Totally, there were 35 genera from all locations with varying abundance in each location and diversity index ranging from 1.105-3.312. Although most genera belonged to Bacyllariophyta, domination indices showed that there was not any single specific domination in all locations. Morisita indices showed that most distribution gave positive values indicating clumped dispersion of microalgae in all locations. Higher Shannon-Weaver indices characterized the south coast of East Java and Madura compared to the north coast of East Java area, which corresponded with lower dominancy indices Keywords : Biodiversity, East Java, Madura, microalga

    Buoyancy-Driven Ventilation Generated by the Double-Skin FaƧade of a High-Rise Building in Tropical Climate: Case Study Bandung, Indonesia

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    High-rise buildings in tropical region is identical to the use of mechanical Air Conditioning in massive scale. Nevertheless, there is an encouragement to high-rise buildings to reduce its energy consumptions, since they consume quite large amount of energy. This challenge can be overcome with various of strategies, one of them, by means of reducing the cooling load of mechanical Air Conditioning in high-rise building. Prospects come from the modern tall building design strategies, for example the use of double-skin faƧade to give addition of building skin which could provide indoor temperature protection from outside. Double-skin faƧade system has continued to increase in buildings in a tropical region such as in Indonesia. However, there is another potential of double skin faƧade, which is the possibility to increase the buoyancy effect in the air gap between the skin and building envelope. The possibility needs to be studied in order to give a proper way in designing double-skin faƧade of a high-rise building, especially on Bandung-Indonesia tropical climate. This paper explores the potential of double-skin faƧade in driving the air inside the faƧade to generate natural ventilation for a high-rise building in Bandung climate condition. Two parameters are used in exploring the buoyancy force, the width of double-skin faƧade and the temperature of the skin faƧade. In general, double-skin faƧade of a high-rise building in tropical climate can generate buoyancy driven ventilation for the building, it relates strongly to the distance between of the double-skin faƧade and the building envelope

    Visitor Perceptions and Effectiveness of Place Branding Strategies in Thematic Parks in Bandung City Using Text Mining Based on Google Maps User Reviews

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    The city of Bandung, Indonesia contains thematic parks which use certain themes to highlight the features of the park. They are also used as a branding strategy for the city as a whole. As social networking has become a type of media used by most global populations to share experiences and stories and to influence perceptions, and because online reviews are one way to get potential positive information about the success of a business or service, we analyzed online reviews from the Bandung thematic parks. We identified that thematic parks have an influence on the branding of the city of Bandung. Data collection involved data extraction from Google Maps user reviews. Text mining was used to collect the information attributes needed to determine the public perceptions of thematic parks. Data analysis was used to determine the extent to which a park can be a benchmark for place branding in Bandung. This research found that the influence of the thematic park concept is a good strategy for the city of Bandung. Online reviews show that thematic parks in Bandung are better known than non-thematic parks, and that thematic parks get very good ratings and good opinions from online reviewers. This information is expected to be a reference for developing the concept of thematic parks, especially in the city of Bandung, and it can be used by the government, architects, and urban designers to get a better understanding of the users’ perceptions and as a benchmark for similar projects

    A Relationship between Micro-Meteorological and Personal Variables of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: A Case Study in Kitakyushu, Japan

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    Outdoor thermal comfort is an important indicator to create a quality and livable environment. This study examines a relationship between micro-meteorological and personal variables of outdoor thermal comfort conditions in an urban park. The data collection of outdoor thermal comfort is carried out using two methods in combination: micro-meteorological measurement and questionnaire survey. This finding shows that most of the respondents were comfortable with the thermal, wind, and humidity condition. The acceptability and satisfaction level of thermal comfort were positive. The most significant micro-meteorological variable for the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) value is mean radiant temperature (Tmrt). As the Tmrt value is influenced by how much shading is produced from the presence of vegetation or buildings around the measurement location, this finding shows that the shadow was very important to the thermal comfort conditions in the Green Park Kitakyushu. The most influential micro-meteorological variable for the three different personal variables (TSV, WFSV, and HSV) is air temperature. The strongest relationship among the four variables is between TSV and PET. The findings will be the basis for the city authorities in preparing regional development plans, especially those related to the planning of city parks or tourist attractions

    A Relationship between Micro-Meteorological and Personal Variables of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: A Case Study in Kitakyushu, Japan

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    Outdoor thermal comfort is an important indicator to create a quality and livable environment. This study examines a relationship between micro-meteorological and personal variables of outdoor thermal comfort conditions in an urban park. The data collection of outdoor thermal comfort is carried out using two methods in combination: micro-meteorological measurement and questionnaire survey. This finding shows that most of the respondents were comfortable with the thermal, wind, and humidity condition. The acceptability and satisfaction level of thermal comfort were positive. The most significant micro-meteorological variable for the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) value is mean radiant temperature (Tmrt). As the Tmrt value is influenced by how much shading is produced from the presence of vegetation or buildings around the measurement location, this finding shows that the shadow was very important to the thermal comfort conditions in the Green Park Kitakyushu. The most influential micro-meteorological variable for the three different personal variables (TSV, WFSV, and HSV) is air temperature. The strongest relationship among the four variables is between TSV and PET. The findings will be the basis for the city authorities in preparing regional development plans, especially those related to the planning of city parks or tourist attractions

    Building Retrofit to Improve Energy Performance from Office to Accommodation. Case study: Tower Building, Nottingham, UK

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    Designed in Brutalism style by architect Andrew Renton, Tower Building has 17 floors for academic and lecturersā€™ office function. As the highest point in University of Nottingham, this tower has been built for almost five decades. The aim of this project is to propose the tower retrofit from current function to accommodation purpose. Improvement in terms of function and building energy performance by applying sustainable building technologies are the objectives of the retrofit. The advanced plan of building retrofit was proposed after assessing the current building performance and determined the problems. The proposed building design was based on building performance simulation result, literature, and precedent studies. Thereafter, several technologies and design ideas were applied for further investigation, to examine how is the strategies works in the building retrofit. Integrated double skin faƧade with BIPV, bio composite material for internal wall, double low-e glass for external wall, as well as green lung to improve natural ventilation and create public space were proposed for the building

    On the Interaction between the Depth and Elevation of External Shading Devices in Tropical Daylit Classrooms with Symmetrical Bilateral Openings

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    External shading devices are an important design feature in tropical buildings, particularly for climate mitigation. However, the interaction between the depth and elevation of the shading devices and their impact on indoor daylight performance is not fully understood, especially for the case of tropical buildings with bilateral openings. This study therefore aims to evaluate the design possibilities of external shading devices with various depth and elevation in terms of daylight performance for the case of tropical school classrooms with bilateral openings in an Indonesian city. A computational simulation method using Radiance is utilized to perform annual daylight metrics calculations. Geometry, material, and simulation settings are prepared using the Ladybug tool under Grasshopper for four building orientations, namely 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses are conducted for all design combinations. The results show that the interaction between a shading device’s depth and elevation is unique, depending on the building orientation and the availability of direct sunlight. In general, shading elevation is more influential, compared to shading depth, on the observed daylight metrics and the combined objective functions at all orientations