181 research outputs found

    Application of ERTS-1 imagery and underflight photography in the detection and monitoring of forest insect infections in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Analysis of ERTS-1 imagery with underflight aerial photo support including U-2, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, indicates promising possibilities of detecting and monitoring forest insect outbreaks visually with some mechanical support utilizing the VP-8 image analyzer. Visually, it is possible at a scale of 1:1,000,000 to discriminate between large areas of damaged and undamaged forests; timbered and non-timbered areas; pasture land and cultivated fields; desert and riparian vegetation. At a scale of 1:80,000 it is possible to distinguish among three classes of tree mortality; defoliated and undefoliated areas; non-host mixed conifers; and mountain meadows, rock domes, lakes and glaciers. Machine tests showed significant differences in image densities among various bands and mortality areas

    Precision measurement of light shifts in a single trapped Ba+^+ ion

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    Using a single trapped barium ion we have developed an rf spectroscopy technique to measure the ratio of the off-resonant vector ac Stark effect (or light shift) in the 6S_{1/2} and 5D_{3/2} states to 0.1% precision. We find R = Delta_S / Delta_D = -11.494(13) at 514.531 nm where Delta_{S,D} are the light shifts of the m = +/- 1/2 splittings due to circularly polarized light. Comparison of this result with an ab initio calculation of R would yield a new test of atomic theory. By appropriately choosing an off-resonant light shift wavelength one can emphasize the contribution of one or a few dipole matrix elements and precisely determine their values.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, in submission to PR

    Universal de Sitter solutions at tree-level

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    Type IIA string theory compactified on SU(3)-structure manifolds with orientifolds allows for classical de Sitter solutions in four dimensions. In this paper we investigate these solutions from a ten-dimensional point of view. In particular, we demonstrate that there exists an attractive class of de Sitter solutions, whose geometry, fluxes and source terms can be entirely written in terms of the universal forms that are defined on all SU(3)-structure manifolds. These are the forms J and Omega, defining the SU(3)-structure itself, and the torsion classes. The existence of such universal de Sitter solutions is governed by easy-to-verify conditions on the SU(3)-structure, rendering the problem of finding dS solutions purely geometrical. We point out that the known (unstable) solution coming from the compactification on SU(2)x SU(2) is of this kind.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, v2: added reference

    Nonperturbative aspects of ABJM theory

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    Using the matrix model which calculates the exact free energy of ABJM theory on S^3 we study non-perturbative effects in the large N expansion of this model, i.e., in the genus expansion of type IIA string theory on AdS4xCP^3. We propose a general prescription to extract spacetime instanton actions from general matrix models, in terms of period integrals of the spectral curve, and we use it to determine them explicitly in the ABJM matrix model, as exact functions of the 't Hooft coupling. We confirm numerically that these instantons control the asymptotic growth of the genus expansion. Furthermore, we find that the dominant instanton action at strong coupling determined in this way exactly matches the action of an Euclidean D2-brane instanton wrapping RP^3.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. v2: small corrections, final version published in JHE

    Perturbing gauge/gravity duals by a Romans mass

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    We show how to produce algorithmically gravity solutions in massive IIA (as infinitesimal first order perturbations in the Romans mass parameter) dual to assigned conformal field theories. We illustrate the procedure on a family of Chern--Simons--matter conformal field theories that we recently obtained from the N=6 theory by waiving the condition that the levels sum up to zero.Comment: 30 page

    Flux compactification on smooth, compact three-dimensional toric varieties

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    Three-dimensional smooth, compact toric varieties (SCTV), when viewed as real six-dimensional manifolds, can admit G-structures rendering them suitable for internal manifolds in supersymmetric flux compactifications. We develop techniques which allow us to systematically construct G-structures on SCTV and read off their torsion classes. We illustrate our methods with explicit examples, one of which consists of an infinite class of toric CP^1 bundles. We give a self-contained review of the relevant concepts from toric geometry, in particular the subject of the classification of SCTV in dimensions less or equal to 3. Our results open up the possibility for a systematic construction and study of supersymmetric flux vacua based on SCTV.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; v2: references, minor typos & improvement

    Nonabelian Phenomena on D-branes

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    A remarkable feature of D-branes is the appearance of a nonabelian gauge theory in the description of several (nearly) coincident branes. This nonabelian structure plays an important role in realizing various geometric effects with D-branes. In particular, the branes' transverse displacements are described by matrix-valued scalar fields and so noncommutative geometry naturally appears in this framework. I review the action governing this nonabelian theory, as well as various related physical phenomena such as the dielectric effect, giant gravitons and fuzzy funnels.Comment: Lecture at Leuven workshop on ``The quantum structure of spacetime and the geometrical nature of fundamental interactions'' (September 13-19, 2002); ref.'s adde

    The effective theory of type IIA AdS4 compactifications on nilmanifolds and cosets

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    We consider string theory compactifications of the form AdS4 x M6 with orientifold six-planes, where M6 is a six-dimensional compact space that is either a nilmanifold or a coset. For all known solutions of this type we obtain the four-dimensional N=1 low energy effective theory by computing the superpotential, the Kaehler potential and the mass spectrum for the light moduli. For the nilmanifold examples we perform a cross-check on the result for the mass spectrum by calculating it alternatively from a direct Kaluza-Klein reduction and find perfect agreement. We show that in all but one of the coset models all moduli are stabilized at the classical level. As an application we show that all but one of the coset models can potentially be used to bypass a recent no-go theorem against inflation in type IIA theory.Comment: 47 pages main text, 28 pages appendix, 3 tables, 7 figures, v2: added references, corrected typo

    Standard Model tests with trapped radioactive atoms

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    We review the use of laser cooling and trapping for Standard Model tests, focusing on trapping of radioactive isotopes. Experiments with neutral atoms trapped with modern laser cooling techniques are testing several basic predictions of electroweak unification. For nuclear β\beta decay, demonstrated trap techniques include neutrino momentum measurements from beta-recoil coincidences, along with methods to produce highly polarized samples. These techniques have set the best general constraints on non-Standard Model scalar interactions in the first generation of particles. They also have the promise to test whether parity symmetry is maximally violated, to search for tensor interactions, and to search for new sources of time reversal violation. There are also possibilites for exotic particle searches. Measurements of the strength of the weak neutral current can be assisted by precision atomic experiments using traps of small numbers of radioactive atoms, and sensitivity to possible time-reversal violating electric dipole moments can be improved.Comment: 45 pages, 17 figures, v3 includes clarifying referee comments, especially in beta decay section, and updated figure