548 research outputs found

    An exceptional geometry for d=11 supergravity?

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    We analyze the algebraic constraints of the generalized vielbein in SO(1,2) x SO(16) invariant d=11 supergravity, and show that the bosonic degrees of freedom of d=11 supergravity, which become the physical ones upon reduction to d=3, can be assembled into an E_8-valued vielbein already in eleven dimensions. A crucial role in the construction is played by the maximal nilpotent commuting subalgebra of E_8, of dimension 36, suggesting a partial unification of general coordinate and tensor gauge transformations.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2

    On the Yangian Y(e_8) quantum symmetry of maximal supergravity in two dimensions

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    We present the algebraic framework for the quantization of the classical bosonic charge algebra of maximally extended (N=16) supergravity in two dimensions, thereby taking the first steps towards an exact quantization of this model. At the core of our construction is the Yangian algebra Y(e8)Y(e_8) whose RTT presentation we discuss in detail. The full symmetry algebra is a centrally extended twisted version of the Yangian double DY(e8)cDY(e_8)_c. We show that there exists only one special value of the central charge for which the quantum algebra admits an ideal by which the algebra can be divided so as to consistently reproduce the classical coset structure E8(8)/SO(16)E_{8(8)}/SO(16) in the limit 0\hbar\to 0.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2

    The Minimal Unitary Representation of E_8(8)

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    We give a new construction of the minimal unitary representation of the exceptional group E_8(8) on a Hilbert space of complex functions in 29 variables. Due to their manifest covariance with respect to the E_7(7) subgroup of E_8(8) our formulas are simpler than previous realizations, and thus well suited for applications in superstring and M theory.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, version to be published in ATM

    In vivo two-photon fluorescence microscopy opens a new area for investigation of the excretion of cationic drugs in the kidney

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    Polyspecific transporters mediate excretion and reabsorption of organic cations in kidney. With in vivo two-photon fluorescence microscopy, excretion and reabsorption of a fluorescent cation in rat renal proximal tubules was resolved. In combination with specific inhibitors, the contribution of individual cation transporters can be determined

    The Sugawara generators at arbitrary level

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    We construct an explicit representation of the Sugawara generators for arbitrary level in terms of the homogeneous Heisenberg subalgebra, which generalizes the well-known expression at level 1. This is achieved by employing a physical vertex operator realization of the affine algebra at arbitrary level, in contrast to the Frenkel--Kac--Segal construction which uses unphysical oscillators and is restricted to level 1. At higher level, the new operators are transcendental functions of DDF ``oscillators'' unlike the quadratic expressions for the level-1 generators. An essential new feature of our construction is the appearance, beyond level 1, of new types of poles in the operator product expansions in addition to the ones at coincident points, which entail (controllable) non-localities in our formulas. We demonstrate the utility of the new formalism by explicitly working out some higher-level examples. Our results have important implications for the problem of constructing explicit representations for higher-level root spaces of hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebras, and E10E_{10} in particular.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX2e, amsfonts, amssymb, xspace, PiCTe

    Conformal and Quasiconformal Realizations of Exceptional Lie Groups

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    We present a nonlinear realization of E_8 on a space of 57 dimensions, which is quasiconformal in the sense that it leaves invariant a suitably defined ``light cone'' in 57 dimensions. This realization, which is related to the Freudenthal triple system associated with the unique exceptional Jordan algebra over the split octonions, contains previous conformal realizations of the lower rank exceptional Lie groups on generalized space times, and in particular a conformal realization of E_7 on a 27 dimensional vector space which we exhibit explicitly. Possible applications of our results to supergravity and M-Theory are briefly mentioned.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. Revised version. Connection between SU(8) and SL(8,R) bases clarified; formulas corrected; references adde

    The role of SGLT1 and GLUT2 in intestinal glucose transport and sensing.

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    Intestinal glucose absorption is mediated by SGLT1 whereas GLUT2 is considered to provide basolateral exit. Recently, it was proposed that GLUT2 can be recruited into the apical membrane after a high luminal glucose bolus allowing bulk absorption of glucose by facilitated diffusion. Moreover, SGLT1 and GLUT2 are suggested to play an important role in intestinal glucose sensing and incretin secretion. In mice that lack either SGLT1 or GLUT2 we re-assessed the role of these transporters in intestinal glucose uptake after radiotracer glucose gavage and performed Western blot analysis for transporter abundance in apical membrane fractions in a comparative approach. Moreover, we examined the contribution of these transporters to glucose-induced changes in plasma GIP, GLP-1 and insulin levels. In mice lacking SGLT1, tissue retention of tracer glucose was drastically reduced throughout the entire small intestine whereas GLUT2-deficient animals exhibited higher tracer contents in tissue samples than wild type animals. Deletion of SGLT1 resulted also in reduced blood glucose elevations and abolished GIP and GLP-1 secretion in response to glucose. In mice lacking GLUT2, glucose-induced insulin but not incretin secretion was impaired. Western blot analysis revealed unchanged protein levels of SGLT1 after glucose gavage. GLUT2 detected in apical membrane fractions mainly resulted from contamination with basolateral membranes but did not change in density after glucose administration. SGLT1 is unequivocally the prime intestinal glucose transporter even at high luminal glucose concentrations. Moreover, SGLT1 mediates glucose-induced incretin secretion. Our studies do not provide evidence for GLUT2 playing any role in either apical glucose influx or incretin secretion

    Effective Actions for Massive Kaluza-Klein States on AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3

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    We construct the effective supergravity actions for the lowest massive Kaluza-Klein states on the supersymmetric background AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3. In particular, we describe the coupling of the supergravity multiplet to the lowest massive spin-3/2 multiplet which contains 256 physical degrees of freedom and includes the moduli of the theory. The effective theory is realized as the broken phase of a particular gauging of the maximal three-dimensional supergravity with gauge group SO(4) x SO(4). Its ground state breaks half of the supersymmetries leading to 8 massive gravitinos acquiring mass in a super Higgs effect. The holographic boundary theory realizes the large N=(4,4) superconformal symmetry.Comment: 31 pages, v2: minor change

    Maximal gauged supergravity in three dimensions

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    We construct maximally supersymmetric gauged N=16 supergravity in three dimensions, thereby obtaining an entirely new class of AdS supergravities. These models are not derivable from any known higher-dimensional theory, indicating the existence of a new type of supergravity beyond D=11. They are expected to be of special importance also for the conjectured AdS/CFT correspondence. One of their noteworthy features is a nonabelian generalization of the duality between scalar and vector fields in three dimensions. Among the possible gauge groups, SO(8)xSO(8) is distinguished as the maximal compact gauge group, but there are also more exotic possibilities such as F_4 x G_2.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e, minor changes in text, references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Gauged diffeomorphisms and hidden symmetries in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    We analyze the symmetries that are realized on the massive Kaluza-Klein modes in generic D-dimensional backgrounds with three non-compact directions. For this we construct the unbroken phase given by the decompactification limit, in which the higher Kaluza-Klein modes are massless. The latter admits an infinite-dimensional extension of the three-dimensional diffeomorphism group as local symmetry and, moreover, a current algebra associated to SL(D-2,R) together with the diffeomorphism algebra of the internal manifold as global symmetries. It is shown that the `broken phase' can be reconstructed by gauging a certain subgroup of the global symmetries. This deforms the three-dimensional diffeomorphisms to a gauged version, and it is shown that they can be governed by a Chern-Simons theory, which unifies the spin-2 modes with the Kaluza-Klein vectors. This provides a reformulation of D-dimensional Einstein gravity, in which the physical degrees of freedom are described by the scalars of a gauged non-linear sigma model based on SL(D-2,R)/SO(D-2), while the metric appears in a purely topological Chern-Simons form.Comment: 23 pages, minor changes, v3: published versio