27 research outputs found

    Moment-Based Variational Inference for Markov Jump Processes

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    We propose moment-based variational inference as a flexible framework for approximate smoothing of latent Markov jump processes. The main ingredient of our approach is to partition the set of all transitions of the latent process into classes. This allows to express the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the approximate and the exact posterior process in terms of a set of moment functions that arise naturally from the chosen partition. To illustrate possible choices of the partition, we consider special classes of jump processes that frequently occur in applications. We then extend the results to parameter inference and demonstrate the method on several examples.Comment: Accepted by the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2019

    Learning Sparse Graphon Mean Field Games

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    Although the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has made considerable progress in the last years, solving systems with a large number of agents remains a hard challenge. Graphon mean field games (GMFGs) enable the scalable analysis of MARL problems that are otherwise intractable. By the mathematical structure of graphons, this approach is limited to dense graphs which are insufficient to describe many real-world networks such as power law graphs. Our paper introduces a novel formulation of GMFGs, called LPGMFGs, which leverages the graph theoretical concept of LpL^p graphons and provides a machine learning tool to efficiently and accurately approximate solutions for sparse network problems. This especially includes power law networks which are empirically observed in various application areas and cannot be captured by standard graphons. We derive theoretical existence and convergence guarantees and give empirical examples that demonstrate the accuracy of our learning approach for systems with many agents. Furthermore, we extend the Online Mirror Descent (OMD) learning algorithm to our setup to accelerate learning speed, empirically show its capabilities, and conduct a theoretical analysis using the novel concept of smoothed step graphons. In general, we provide a scalable, mathematically well-founded machine learning approach to a large class of otherwise intractable problems of great relevance in numerous research fields.Comment: accepted for publication at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2023; code available at: https://github.com/ChrFabian/Learning_sparse_GMFG

    Multi-StyleGAN: Towards Image-Based Simulation of Time-Lapse Live-Cell Microscopy

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    Time-lapse fluorescent microscopy (TLFM) combined with predictive mathematical modelling is a powerful tool to study the inherently dynamic processes of life on the single-cell level. Such experiments are costly, complex and labour intensive. A complimentary approach and a step towards in silico experimentation, is to synthesise the imagery itself. Here, we propose Multi-StyleGAN as a descriptive approach to simulate time-lapse fluorescence microscopy imagery of living cells, based on a past experiment. This novel generative adversarial network synthesises a multi-domain sequence of consecutive timesteps. We showcase Multi-StyleGAN on imagery of multiple live yeast cells in microstructured environments and train on a dataset recorded in our laboratory. The simulation captures underlying biophysical factors and time dependencies, such as cell morphology, growth, physical interactions, as well as the intensity of a fluorescent reporter protein. An immediate application is to generate additional training and validation data for feature extraction algorithms or to aid and expedite development of advanced experimental techniques such as online monitoring or control of cells. Code and dataset is available at https://git.rwth-aachen.de/bcs/projects/tp/multi-stylegan.Comment: revised -- accepted to MICCAI 2021. (Tim Prangemeier and Christoph Reich --- both authors contributed equally

    Moment-Based Variational Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations

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    Existing deterministic variational inference approaches for diffusion processes use simple proposals and target the marginal density of the posterior. We construct the variational process as a controlled version of the prior process and approximate the posterior by a set of moment functions. In combination with moment closure, the smoothing problem is reduced to a deterministic optimal control problem. Exploiting the path-wise Fisher information, we propose an optimization procedure that corresponds to a natural gradient descent in the variational parameters. Our approach allows for richer variational approximations that extend to state-dependent diffusion terms. The classical Gaussian process approximation is recovered as a special case

    Learning Mean Field Games on Sparse Graphs: A Hybrid Graphex Approach

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    Learning the behavior of large agent populations is an important task for numerous research areas. Although the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has made significant progress towards solving these systems, solutions for many agents often remain computationally infeasible and lack theoretical guarantees. Mean Field Games (MFGs) address both of these issues and can be extended to Graphon MFGs (GMFGs) to include network structures between agents. Despite their merits, the real world applicability of GMFGs is limited by the fact that graphons only capture dense graphs. Since most empirically observed networks show some degree of sparsity, such as power law graphs, the GMFG framework is insufficient for capturing these network topologies. Thus, we introduce the novel concept of Graphex MFGs (GXMFGs) which builds on the graph theoretical concept of graphexes. Graphexes are the limiting objects to sparse graph sequences that also have other desirable features such as the small world property. Learning equilibria in these games is challenging due to the rich and sparse structure of the underlying graphs. To tackle these challenges, we design a new learning algorithm tailored to the GXMFG setup. This hybrid graphex learning approach leverages that the system mainly consists of a highly connected core and a sparse periphery. After defining the system and providing a theoretical analysis, we state our learning approach and demonstrate its learning capabilities on both synthetic graphs and real-world networks. This comparison shows that our GXMFG learning algorithm successfully extends MFGs to a highly relevant class of hard, realistic learning problems that are not accurately addressed by current MARL and MFG methods.Comment: accepted at ICLR 202

    Learning Decentralized Partially Observable Mean Field Control for Artificial Collective Behavior

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    Recent reinforcement learning (RL) methods have achieved success in various domains. However, multi-agent RL (MARL) remains a challenge in terms of decentralization, partial observability and scalability to many agents. Meanwhile, collective behavior requires resolution of the aforementioned challenges, and remains of importance to many state-of-the-art applications such as active matter physics, self-organizing systems, opinion dynamics, and biological or robotic swarms. Here, MARL via mean field control (MFC) offers a potential solution to scalability, but fails to consider decentralized and partially observable systems. In this paper, we enable decentralized behavior of agents under partial information by proposing novel models for decentralized partially observable MFC (Dec-POMFC), a broad class of problems with permutation-invariant agents allowing for reduction to tractable single-agent Markov decision processes (MDP) with single-agent RL solution. We provide rigorous theoretical results, including a dynamic programming principle, together with optimality guarantees for Dec-POMFC solutions applied to finite swarms of interest. Algorithmically, we propose Dec-POMFC-based policy gradient methods for MARL via centralized training and decentralized execution, together with policy gradient approximation guarantees. In addition, we improve upon state-of-the-art histogram-based MFC by kernel methods, which is of separate interest also for fully observable MFC. We evaluate numerically on representative collective behavior tasks such as adapted Kuramoto and Vicsek swarming models, being on par with state-of-the-art MARL. Overall, our framework takes a step towards RL-based engineering of artificial collective behavior via MFC.Comment: Accepted to ICLR 202

    Context-Aware Technology Mapping in Genetic Design Automation

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    Genetic design automation (GDA) tools hold promise to speed-up circuit design in synthetic biology. Their widespread adoption is hampered by their limited predictive power, resulting in frequent deviations between the in silico and in vivo performance of a genetic circuit. Context effects, i.e., the change in overall circuit functioning, due to the intracellular environment of the host and due to cross-talk among circuits components are believed to be a major source for the aforementioned deviations. Incorporating these effects in computational models of GDA tools is challenging but is expected to boost their predictive power and hence their deployment. Using fine-grained thermodynamic models of promoter activity, we show in this work how to account for two major components of cellular context effects: (i) crosstalk due to limited specificity of used regulators and (ii) titration of circuit regulators to off-target binding sites on the host genome. We show how we can compensate the incurred increase in computational complexity through dedicated branch-and-bound techniques during the technology mapping process. Using the synthesis of several combinational logic circuits based on Cello’s device library as a case study, we analyze the effect of different intensities and distributions of crosstalk on circuit performance and on the usability of a given device library

    Multiclass Yeast Segmentation in Microstructured Environments with Deep Learning

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    Cell segmentation is a major bottleneck in extracting quantitative single-cell information from microscopy data. The challenge is exasperated in the setting of microstructured environments. While deep learning approaches have proven useful for general cell segmentation tasks, existing segmentation tools for the yeast-microstructure setting rely on traditional machine learning approaches. Here we present convolutional neural networks trained for multiclass segmenting of individual yeast cells and discerning these from cell-similar microstructures. We give an overview of the datasets recorded for training, validating and testing the networks, as well as a typical use-case. We showcase the method's contribution to segmenting yeast in microstructured environments with a typical synthetic biology application in mind. The models achieve robust segmentation results, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art in both accuracy and speed. The combination of fast and accurate segmentation is not only beneficial for a posteriori data processing, it also makes online monitoring of thousands of trapped cells or closed-loop optimal experimental design feasible from an image processing perspective.Comment: IEEE CIBCB 2020 (accepted

    Multiclass Yeast Segmentation in Microstructured Environments with Deep Learning

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    Cell segmentation is a major bottleneck in extracting quantitative single-cell information from microscopy data. The challenge is exasperated in the setting of microstructured environments. While deep learning approaches have proven useful for general cell segmentation tasks, existing segmentation tools for the yeast-microstructure setting rely on traditional machine learning approaches. Here we present convolutional neural networks trained for multiclass segmenting of individual yeast cells and discerning these from cell-similar microstructures. We give an overview of the datasets recorded for training, validating and testing the networks, as well as a typical use-case. We showcase the method's contribution to segmenting yeast in microstructured environments with a typical synthetic biology application in mind. The models achieve robust segmentation results, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art in both accuracy and speed. The combination of fast and accurate segmentation is not only beneficial for a posteriori data processing, it also makes online monitoring of thousands of trapped cells or closed-loop optimal experimental design feasible from an image processing perspective