43 research outputs found

    Organizing Observable Reading Behaviors

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    All teachers observe their students while they read. That is part of the job. The question is: How well organized is the observation? For example, when asked for information about the child who is being referred because of a reading problem, what can be said and how logically is it organized? Or, when facing the parent of a child with a reading problem, what information might be reasonable to have at hand

    Development and Application of an Integrated Approach toward NASA Airspace Systems Research

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Airspace Systems Program is contributing air traffic management research in support of the 2025 Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). Contributions support research and development needs provided by the interagency Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO). These needs generally call for integrated technical solutions that improve system-level performance and work effectively across multiple domains and planning time horizons. In response, the Airspace Systems Program is pursuing an integrated research approach and has adapted systems engineering best practices for application in a research environment. Systems engineering methods aim to enable researchers to methodically compare different technical approaches, consider system-level performance, and develop compatible solutions. Systems engineering activities are performed iteratively as the research matures. Products of this approach include a demand and needs analysis, system-level descriptions focusing on NASA research contributions, system assessment and design studies, and common systemlevel metrics, scenarios, and assumptions. Results from the first systems engineering iteration include a preliminary demand and needs analysis; a functional modeling tool; and initial system-level metrics, scenario characteristics, and assumptions. Demand and needs analysis results suggest that several advanced concepts can mitigate demand/capacity imbalances for NextGen, but fall short of enabling three-times current-day capacity at the nation s busiest airports and airspace. Current activities are focusing on standardizing metrics, scenarios, and assumptions, conducting system-level performance assessments of integrated research solutions, and exploring key system design interfaces

    Development and Feasibility of a Structured Goals of Care Communication Guide

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    BackgroundDiscussing goals of care and advance care planning is beneficial, yet how to best integrate goals of care communication into clinical care remains unclear.ObjectiveTo develop and determine the feasibility of a structured goals of care communication guide for nurses and social workers.Design/setting/subjectsDevelopmental study with providers in an academic and Veterans Affairs (VA) health system (n = 42) and subsequent pilot testing with patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure (n = 15) and informal caregivers (n = 4) in a VA health system. During pilot testing, the communication guide was administered, followed by semistructured, open-ended questions about the content and process of communication. Changes to the guide were made iteratively, and subsequent piloting occurred until no additional changes emerged.MeasurementsProvider and patient feedback to the communication guide.ResultsIterative input resulted in the goals of care communication guide. The guide included questions to elicit patient understanding of and attitudes toward the future of illness, clarify values and goals, identify end-of-life preferences, and agree on a follow-up plan. Revisions to guide content and phrasing continued during development and pilot testing. In pilot testing, patients validated the importance of the topic; none said the goals of care discussion should not be conducted. Patients and informal caregivers liked the final guide length (∼30 minutes), felt it flowed well, and was clear.ConclusionsIn this developmental and pilot study, a structured goals of care communication guide was iteratively designed, implemented by nurses and social workers, and was feasible based on administration time and acceptability by patients and providers

    Kopplung eines mikromechanischen Porenwachstumsmodells mit einem Makrorissmodell zur Beschreibung der Schaedigung in duktilen Materialien

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    Es wird ein Loesungsweg vorgestellt, der Aussagen ueber die Entwicklung der Materialschaedigung von metallischen Werkstoffen unter grossen Verschiebungen und Verzerrungen liefert. Der gesamte Schaedigungsbereich wird in die beiden Abschnitte der Mikro- und Markroschaedigung aufgeteilt. Im Bereich der Mikroschaedigung wird ein fuer isotropes, duktiles Materialverhalten unter isothermen Bedingungen entwickeltes Porenwachstumsmodell nach Cocks/Ashby verwendet. In dieser Arbeit wird das Mikroschaedigungsmodell, nach Ueberschreiten seiner Gueltigkeitsgrenzen, mit einem Risswachstumsmodell fuer den Bereich der Makroschaedigung gekoppelt. Damit ist es moeglich, den Prozess der Schaedigungsentwicklung vom Entstehen und Wachsen erster Mikroporen bis hin zur Entwicklung von Makrorissen und der vollstaendigen Zerstoerung des Materials zu simulieren. Die numerische Behandlung des Problems erfolgt im Rahmen der Methode der Finiten Elemente. Dabei wird, um den Rissweg unabhaengig von der Vernetzung zu halten, mit einer fuer jeden inkrementellen Rissfortschritt adaptiv veraenderten Vernetzung gearbeitet. Eine spezielle Datenstruktur erlaubt die effektive numerische Simulation des inkrementellen Rissfortschritts. (orig.)In this work we present a way to simulate damage for metal materials under large displacements and large deformations. The complete damage range is divided into a micro-damage and a macro-damage range. The micro-damage phase is described by the Cocks/Ashby void-growth model for isotropic, ductile materials under isothermal conditions. After reaching the critical void-volume fraction a macro crack is introduced into the model. Therewith it is possible to simulate the damage evolution from nucleation and growth of first micro-voids to initiation of macro cracks and total failure of the material. The Finite Element Method is used for the numerical formulation. For every incremental crack step a special mesh is constructed. Therewith the crack path remains independent of the initial FE-mesh. A special data structure allows a very effective data manipulation for the incremental crack propagation simulation. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 3043(94-4) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Database Processing : Dasar-dasar, Desain dan Implementasi

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    xiv, 391 hlm., 25 cm

    Readability and Filmstrip Selection in Science

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