49 research outputs found

    Registratie en monitoring van antibioticumgebruik in dieren

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    Gebruik antibiotica bij dieren kan zowel bij mens als dier resistentie veroorzaken. Alhoewel er regels zijn voor het gebruik van antibiotica, stijgt het antibioticagebruik toch. Dit onderzoek poogt inzicht te geven in de redenen van het antibioticagebrui

    Registratie antibioticagebruik : vijf private initiatieven nader bekeken

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    Onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van registratie van diergeneesmiddelengebruik op basis van private initiatieven. Dit houdt een evaluatie in van de initiatieven voor registratie vanuit vier verschillende sectoren (varkens, vleeskuikens, vleeskalveren, rundvee) en de stichting VETbase. Investigation into the possibilities of registering the use of veterinary medicines using private initiatives. The report comprises an evaluation of the initiatives for registration from the standpoint of four different sectors (pigs, broilers, veal calves and cattle) and the VETbase Foundation

    Диференційна діагностика жінок з полікістозною та мультіфолікулярною стукрурою яєчників

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    Синдром полікістозних яєчників (СПКЯ) є найчастішою ендокринопатією у жінок репродуктивного віку як в Україні ,так і за кордоном і становить гетерогенну групу порушень із широкою клінічною і біохімічною варіабельністю. Частота СПКЯ в популяції складає від 4 до 15 % і зустрічається однаково часто в різних етнічних групах: в Україні – від 0,6 до 11 %, у країнах ближнього зарубіжжя -1,8-11%, в Європі - 15-20%, в США - 6-10%.Більшість пацієнток репродуктивного віку з СПКЯ страждають на безпліддя, частота якого складає 35-74%

    The importance of between-farm transmission for the infection of broiler farms by Campylobacter

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    Escherichia coli Concentrations in Feces of Geese, Coots, and Gulls Residing on Recreational Water in The Netherlands

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    Abstract Contamination of recreational water by bird feces is a main concern of water managers. It is important to understand the sources of Escherichia coli contamination since the organism is frequently used as a water hygiene parameter. Here, we address presence and levels of E. coli in fecal shedding from several waterfowl (25 geese, 20 coots, and 40 gulls) and demonstrate that there is a bird species variation. Results indicate that gull feces contain a greater average concentration of E. coli per gram than do geese or coot feces. However, contamination risks also depends on bird abundance. These are important aspects for effective water bird management

    Molecular diversity of Bacillus anthracis in the Netherlands: investigating the relationship to the wordwide population using whole-genome SNP discovery

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    Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, has been widely described as a clonal species. Here we report the use of both canonical SNP analysis and whole-genome sequencing to characterize the phylogenetic lineages of B. anthracis from the Netherlands. Eleven strains isolated over a 25-years period (1968–1993) were paired-end sequenced using parallel sequencing technology. Five canSNP groups or lineages, i.e. A.Br.001/002 (n = 6), A.Br.Aust94 (n = 2), A.Br.008/011 (n = 1), A.Br.011/009 (n = 1) and A.Br.Vollum (n = 1) were identified. Comparative analyses, with a focus on SNPs discovery, were carried out using a total of 52 B. anthracis genomes. A phylogeographic “Dutch” cluster within the dominant A.Br.001/002 group was discovered, involving isolates from a single outbreak. Diagnostic SNPs specific to the newly identified sub-groups were developed into high-resolution melting SNP discriminative assays for the purpose of rapid molecular epidemiology. Phylogenetic relationships with strains from other parts of the world are discussed