77 research outputs found

    Hybrid imaging from A to Z

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá hybridními přístroji na oddělení nukleární medicíny. Teoretická část obsahuje průřez této problematiky od fyzikálních aspektů přes technickou stránku samotných přístrojů, přehled používaných radiofarmak a v neposlední řadě výběr prováděných vyšetření. Praktická část demonstruje na vybraných pacientech význam těchto vyšetření.Katedra záchranářství a technických oborůObhájenoThis bachelor thesis treats with hybrid devices at the department of nuclear medicine The theoretical part contains a summary of this issue from physical aspects to technical description of the devices themselves, overview of radiopharmaceuticals and also an example of implemented examinations. The practical part demonstrates the importance of these examinations on chosen patients

    Možnosti využití hmyzí moučky v krmivech pro candáta obecného (Sander lucioperca)

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    A feeding trial was carried out to assess the effect of replacing fish meal by partially deffated black soldier fly pre-pupae meal in feed for pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). A diet with fish meal, that covered 30 % of total protein, was used as a control. Three other diets contained 7,5%, 15% and 30% of insect meal, which coresponded to 25% (H25), 50% (H50) and 100% (H100) replacement of fish meal. Each tested group had 3 repetitions and experiment lasted 63 days. At the end of the trial, groups H25 and H50 did not show any significant statistical differences in growth and lenght performance compared to CON. There were no differences among groups in coefficient of variation, condition factor, hematocrit, feed conversion ratio, economic conversion ratio, fat and ash content in muscle. On the other hand, significant differences were observed in specific growth rate, contain of proteins in muscles, dry matter, somatic indexes and economic profit index. No differences in survival were found until 42. day. However, between 42. a 63. day of rearing high mortality caused by bacterial infection was observed in two of three tanks fed with H100 diet. This fact influenced this parameter for group H100. In conclusion, 7,5 % inclusion of insect meal from partially deffated black soldier fly pre-pupae meal, corresponding to 25% replacement of fish meal, may successfully replace fish meal in diet for pikeperch, as this substitution did not have negative influence on any parameter

    "The Old Town Secluded Places"

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    The presented thesis is focused on the inspiration and the creation of the series of six graphic sheets. The leitmotif of this complex are the old town secluded places, namely the place of former Prague ghetto. The places, which have disappeared, are interconnected with the present by means of the graphic sheets. The aim of the thesis was to depict the Prague Jewish town and to intensify this visually grateful theme by art depicting. The thesis contains a detailed summary of the artistic and literally depicting of the lost Jewish Prague in the course of centuries. There is also a map of some chosen places of the former ghetto ? its original purpose and the original appearance in contrast with the present. Further, the thesis describes graphic techniques including the dry needle technique, which is used for six graphic sheets. The thesis further deals with the topic of use of the graphic technique at the art schools. The conclusion of the thesis is the consideration regarding the collision of the present and seemingly lost world within the former Jewish Prague

    Machbarkeitsstudie zum Heißverpressen von bepinnten Metallen mit glasfaserverstärktem Polyamid

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in engl. SpracheLeichtbau ist ein Konstruktionsprinzip, bei dem die Fügung von verschiedenen Materialien eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Die Wahl und Ausführung der Fügetechnik beeinflusst maßgebend die Entfaltungsmöglichkeit der Eigenschaften der verwendeten Materialien. In diesem Sinne wird in dieser Diplomarbeit die Fügetechnik von bepinnten Metallplatten, gefügt durch ein Heißpress-verfahren mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen, genauer untersucht. Primäres Ziel ist generell eine Machbarkeitsstudie, ob dieses Verfahren mit den verwendeten Fügematerialien überhaupt möglich ist. Bei den verwendeten Metallen handelt es sich um Aluminium und Stahl und bei den Faserverbundkunststoffen um ein endlos- und kurzglasfaser-verstärktes Polyamid 66. Nach Evaluierung der Machbarkeit geht es um die Ermittlung der Parameter wie Temperatur und Druck des angewendeten Fügeverfahrens, dem Heißpressen, um eine möglichst qualitativ hochwertige Fügeverbindung herzustellen und anschließend diese mit mechanischen Prüfverfahren zu prüfen. Wichtig für die gewählten mechanischen Prüfverfahren, bei denen es sich um den Scher-, Schäl- und Kopfzugversuch handelt, war eine für diese Versuche und Fügetechnik geeignete Probengeometrie für möglichst reproduzierbare und aussagekräftige Ergebnisse zu wählen. Die Wahl der mechanischen Prüfmethoden erfolgte in Hinblick auf mögliche in der Anwendung auftretende Belastungen und einer guten Vergleichsmöglichkeit der Proben untereinander. Die Vorversuche zur Ermittlung der optimalen Heißpressbedingungen wurden optisch ohne Hilfsmittel und mittels Lichtmikroskopie untersucht. Die Auswertung und Diskussion der finalen Versuche erfolgte durch grafische und tabellarische Auswertung der während der Versuche aufgenommenen Daten. Diese Daten werden für einen direkten Vergleich des Einflusses der Probenparameter auf die Fügeverbindung gegenübergestellt. Zum Abschluss erfolgt eine Diskussion der Ergebnisse und der möglichen Einflüsse der gewählten Probenparameter auf die Fügeverbindung sowie mögliche weitere Parameter, die in Zukunft interessant zu untersuchen wären.Light weight construction is a construction principle where joining of different materials plays a major role. The choice and execution of the joining technology greatly influence the ability of the materials to unfold their full potential. In this spirit this diploma thesis researches the joining technology of joining metal plates with welded pins on it through a matched metal press molding with fiber-reinforced plastics. Primary target is a feasibility study to demonstrate the suitability whether this process is possible with the used materials. The used metals with pins are aluminum and steel, the used fiber-reinforced plastics are short glass fiber and continuous glass strand reinforced polyamide 66. After evaluating the feasibility of this process the focus is on the determination of the process parameters like temperature and pressure to optimize the joining and producing samples which will be tested on their mechanical properties. Important for the mechanical testing was the proper planning of the sample geometry for a reproducible and meaningful result. The chosen mechanical tests are the tensile shear test, peel test and cross tension test. The mechanical tests were chosen because of the possible strains in use and the facility of comparing the samples with each other. The first samples for the determination of the process parameters were inspected without optical device and with light microscopy. The analysis and discussion of the final tests is done with a graphical and tabulation overview of the measured data. With the measured data the samples will be directly compared to each other concerning the influence of the sample parameter at the joining. Finally there will be a discussion of possible influences of the chosen sample parameters at the joining and some thoughts for future testing.13

    Možnosti zvýšení adaptability a prevence negativních změn v chování u násady jesetera sibiřského (Acipenser baerii)

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    The experiment was performed to assess the impact of a modification in feed technology in the intensive rearing of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) on the fish behavior. Four feeding regimes were tested in three repetitions: surface feeding during the day (DFSF), surface feeding at night (NFSF), bottom feeding during the day (DFBF), bottom feeding at night (NFBF). Sturgeon behavior was recorded using a video system in experimental observation tank before the application of different feeding regimens at 48th days post-hatching (dph) and every 20 days therafter (68th, 88th and 108th dph). In addition, the effect of five and ten-day starvation on fish behavior was determinated. Five parameters were tested: the total time spent in the lowest 10 and 25 % of the observation tank, the total time spent in the uppermost 10 and 25 % of the observation tank and the total activity. The whole experiment including larval rearing lasted 100 days and videos were analyzed using MATLAB software. Statistical differences were observed among the tested groups during our experiment. Experimental group NFBF at 88th dph showed the highest spending time in the lowest 25 % of the tank. Furthermore, NFBF at 68th and 88th dph displayed the lowest spending time in the uppermost 25 % of tank (only NFSF was not significantly different from NFBF at 68th dph). No statistical differences were observed in the uppermost or the lowest 10 % of the tank after all-day videorecording. After starvation, some differences were observed among the groups, however no clear trend or continuity with the data obtained before the starvation were found. In conclusion, the tested group NFBF showed better preconditions for intensive rearing of sturgeons, which might be subsequently stocked in open waters due to the lowest movement in the uppermost part of the tank (68th and 88th dph) than other tested groups. This could increase survival of the fish in the wild due to lower predation risk

    Detoxication and Utilization of Castor Pomace

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    Race, Class, and Psychological Distress: Contextual Variations across Four American Communities

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    Abstract available at publisher's web site.http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/13634593000040020