58 research outputs found

    Bilan D’activités De 10 Ans De Pratique D’endoscopie Urologique Au Niger : Résultats, Défis Et Perspectives

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    But: Rapporter les rĂ©sultats de la pratique d’endoscopie urologique au Niger, recenser les dĂ©fis et annoncer les perspectives. MatĂ©riels et MĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude descriptive rĂ©trospective allant du 1er janvier 2010 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2019 portant sur les dossiers des patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de procĂ©dures endoscopiques urologiques. L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e sur quatre sites du pays qui disposaient de matĂ©riel endoscopique urologique. Les paramètres sont : les caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques des patients, le type de procĂ©dure endoscopique, les indications, les rĂ©sultats. RĂ©sultat: Au total 5806 gestes chirurgicaux dont 535 procĂ©dures endoscopiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur la pĂ©riode d’étude. Treize (13) dossiers incomplets ont Ă©tĂ© exclus. Les activitĂ©s endoscopiques constituaient 9,21% de l’ensemble des activitĂ©s chirurgicales. L’âge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 49,60 ans avec un Ă©cart type de 18,15 et la tranche d’âge [41-60 ans] Ă©tait la plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e avec 36,21%. Le sexe ratio Ă©tait de 2,4 en faveur de l’homme. L’endoscopie Ă©tait diagnostique dans 90,04%. L’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©tait la procĂ©dure la plus pratiquĂ©e (88,70%) suivie de l’urĂ©trotomie interne endoscopique (UIE) (4,21%). La rĂ©section trans urĂ©trale de la prostate (RTUP) et la rĂ©section trans urĂ©trale de la vessie (RTUV) reprĂ©sentaient respectivement 0,96% et 1,34%. Les principales indications de l’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©taient l’hĂ©maturie avec 245 cas soit 52,91% suivie des SBAU avec 113 cas soit 24,40%. Les rĂ©sultats de l’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©taient dominĂ©s par les tumeurs de vessie (31,10%) ; l’hypertrophie prostatique (17,71 %). Conclusion : L’urĂ©trocystoscopie domine la pratique de l’endoscopie au Niger. Le vĂ©ritable problème demeure le manque de matĂ©riels d’oĂą la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’équiper les diffĂ©rents services d’urologie du pays. Aim: To report the results of the practice of urological endoscopy in Niger, identify the challenges, and to announce the prospects. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019 on the records of patients who underwent urological endoscopic procedure. The study took place at four sites across the country that had urologic endoscopic equipment. The parameters studied were: the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, the type of endoscopic procedure, the indications, and the results. Results: A total of 5,806 surgical procedures, including 535 endoscopic procedures, were performed over the study period. Thirteen (13) incomplete files were excluded. Endoscopic activities constituted 9.21% of all surgical activities. The mean age of the patients was 49.60 years with a standard deviation of 18.15 and the age group [41-60 years] was the most represented with 36.21%. The sex ratio was 2.4 in favor of the male. Endoscopy was diagnostic in 90.04%. Urethrocystoscopy was the most frequently performed procedure (88.70%) followed by endoscopic internal urethrotomy (EIU) (4.21%). Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP and transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) accounted for 0.96% and 1.34%, respectively. The main indications for urethrocystoscopy were hematuria with 245 cases (52.91%), followed by lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with 113 cases (24.40%). Urethrocystoscopy findings were dominated by bladder tumors (31.10%) and prostatic hypertrophy (17.71%). Conclusion: Urethrocystoscopy dominates the practice of endoscopy in Niger. The real problem remains the lack of materials. Hence, there is the need to equip the various urology services in the country

    Of mice and men: molecular genetics of congenital heart disease

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    Aspirin and prostacyclin synthesis in humans.

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    Trends for coronary heart disease in Japan.

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    Seismicity associated with the 1991-1995 dome growth at Unzen Volcano

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    From May 1991 until February 1995, seismicity in the crater area of Unzen Volcano, southwest Japan, intensified in conjunction with the growth of a dacite lava dome. We used data from seismic stations located near the crater to identify approximately 580,000 summit earthquakes with maximum amplitudes equal to or greater than 1 Ă— 10- 3 cm/s. The temporal characteristics of the seismicity level were different for exogenous and endogenous periods of dome growth. Periods of solely exogenous growth were accompanied by several days or weeks of increased seismicity, and levels of seismicity were notably reduced between successive seismically active periods. In contrast, levels of seismicity were generally high during periods when the dome grew endogenously, with repeated cycles of increasing and decreasing seismicity of one to two months duration. We classified the waveforms of summit earthquakes into high-frequency (HF), medium-frequency (MF), and low-frequency (LF) types on the basis of spectral analysis. Dominant waveform types varied significantly over time: HF was dominant in May 1991, LF from June 1991 until August 1993, MF during September and October 1993, and HF and MF from November 1993. HF and MF events are mainly distributed at depths of 500-1100 m above sea level (ASL), just below the lava dome, while LF events are widely distributed at depths from 500 m ASL to the interior of the dome itself. To efficiently detect earthquake families, we conducted a cross-correlation analysis of waveforms. Using the events one-by-one as reference events, we calculated peak correlation coefficients between each reference event and events that occurred within 24 h either side of the reference event. The results show that many earthquake families of all waveform types occurred throughout the growth period of the dome. The durations of most families were less than two weeks and were not related to the intensity of seismic activity. The incidence rate of events within each family reached a peak in the middle of the respective activity period. The results also suggest that the waveforms in several analyzed families gradually evolved over time. During periods when HF events intensified, several families appeared contemporaneously. In contrast, during periods when LF events intensified, the occurrence pattern of earthquake families was relatively simple: a new family became active only once the activity of the previous family had declined or ceased completely. A possible source mechanism for families of HF events is stick-slip within the stiff rocks surrounding the conduit; however, several different types of source mechanisms should be considered for families of LF events
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