56 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Anatoly Fedorovich Koni to the Development of the Criminal Process at the Beginning of the 20th Century

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    Based on a set of archival materials, the article shows the evolution of the views of the famous Russian lawyer Anatoly Fedorovich Koni in the 1900-1910’s on the essence and principles of the criminal process. Koni developed his creative potential in three aspects: practical, theoretical and legislative. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the theoretical and legislative activities of the senator came to the fore. As a practical lawyer, he actively participated in the drafting of comments on the Charter of criminal proceedings (where he gave a scientific assessment of the final debate in court, the accusatory speech of the prosecutor, the private prosecution, the defense speech of the lawyer, the conclusion of the prosecutor in cassation proceedings, etc.). As a participant in the legislative process, Koni defended in the State Council (in the early 1910s) bills aimed at improving procedural law. He defended the preservation of the rite of trial, insisted on changing the clarification to jurors of the issue of punishment for the accused, limiting the powers of the justice of the peace, etc. The role of the senator was especially active in 1917, when, as chairman of the subcommittee to change the Charter of Criminal Procedure, Koni had a decisive influence to change the judicial process in the Russian Republic. A huge contribution to the development of the foundations of criminal justice was made by the work of Anatoly Fedorovich – Judicial Ethics. In it, he set a high ethical and legal standard of conduct for all participants in the process. The study analyzes in detail those legal institutions of the criminal process that have become the object of study by the senator. Including the principles of procedural law, the procedure for considering cases of crimes of the press, the procedure for the rite of passage to court, the procedure for explaining to jurors the consequences of their sentence, the status of a private attorney, the status of a prosecutor in court, etc. The senator's ideas about the evolution of procedural norms are considered separately. The purpose of this work is to establish the contribution of A.F. Koni in the development of criminal justice through his theoretical and legislative activities. In preparing the publication, the problem-chronological method, as well as the historical method, were used

    Проблемы применения советского процессуального права в 30-е гг. ХХ в.

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    УДК 340.158The subject. Features of the organization of justice and the quality of procedural law enforcement in the USSR in the 1930s.The purpose. The determination of historical patterns of judicial enforcement in the USSR in the 1930s and the identification of the causes of the ineffectiveness of the proceedings in this period.Methodology. The author uses historical legal method, formal legal interpretation of statutes, the method of analysis of judicial statistics.Results, scope of application. After the criminal law campaigns of the early 1930s the judg-ment in the Soviet Union was in a disturbed condition. The Soviet civil process was almost absolutely eliminated. Tens thousands materials of court cases were lost throughout the Union every year. The courts were extremely busy.The courts used accusatory approach. The petitions of the accused were almost never solved. Prisoners were not handed copies of the indictments.During the terror of the old evils of the judicial system worsened, the destruction of the judicial process began. The timeframe for completing cases increased. Almost half of criminal cases in case of complaint (appeal) has been revised by the higher courts. The courts again applied the simplified procedure.At the end of the 1930s the procedural regulation of the judicial work was the duty of People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR and of the Supreme Court of the USSR. USSR Supreme Court continued to take decisions in litigation in the plenums. The Boards of Su-preme Court examines cases influencing law of practice.The quality of judgment by the Supreme Courts of the Republics of Soviet Union in the late 1930s did not change significantly in comparison with the previous period. This was due to constant staff turnover and low level of qualification of judges. The Supreme Courts of the Republics had no Plenum, so they could influence law of practice by the rulings of of the Boards. These rulings were extremely ignorant in many republics. The low quality of staff in the regional courts led to numerous errors.The role of statistics in assessing the quality of the judiciary increased.One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the proceedings can be considered as bad organization of work of the courts. So, due to the negligence of secretaries, in some regions up to 50 % of the cases appointed for consideration were sabotaged. Low qualification of judges often led to comical or controversial resolution of cases.Conclusions. Timid attempts of the Supreme bodies of justice to rehabilitate civil and criminal proceedings in the mid 1930s were frustrated during the campaign of the Great Terror in 1936-1938 years. The cycle of rule of law (1933-1936) was replaced by a new cycle of lawlessness. Since 1938 the authorities began to make efforts to restore normal proceedings.The authors distinguish the following main reasons of inefficient work of judicial bodies of the USSR in 1930s: the low qualification of the judges, the dependence of courts on local and Central government, the inability to normally perform some judicial acts, not satisfactory logistical support of court activities, the noisy and senseless political campaigns, unleashed by Stalin.УДК 340.158Статья раскрывает историю применения процессуальных норм в СССР в 30-е гг. ХХ в. Рассматривается общая динамика судопроизводства в СССР. Объясняются основные причины проблем, возникающих при применении гражданского и уголовного процесса

    Анатолий Федорович Кони – один из основателей практической этики (деонтологии) в России

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    The subject of research is the concept of practical ethics by Anatoly F. Koni who was an outstanding Russian lawyer in the late 19th – beginning of 20th centuries. Particular attention is paid to his ethical research in the article. The interest in this area is not accidental. The principles of professional ethics formulated by Koni have become largely a model for Russian lawyers.The purpose of the article is to identify the stages of the formation of Koni’s ethical theory, its main elements and sources, which made it possible to reconstruct the ideas of the famous lawyer.As the main research methods the authors applied the problem-chronological approach and the systemic approach, considering Koni's ethics as an emerging theory, which turned into a complete concept in the 1920s. The structure of the ethical concept was outlined by Koni in 1919 in the Program "Ethics of Cohabitation".The main results, scope of application. It was revealed that for Koni issues of legal ethics were only part of his colossal work on ethics. He has been developing ethical themes since the 1880s. He formed the foundations of the theory, developed the main types of ethics at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the idea crystallized in the 1920s. In particular, he formulated the types of ethics: public order, financial, literary, public events, medical, conscience, national, personal behavior, etc. After going through three successive stages in the course of the study Koni developed the foundations of practical ethics, which could serve as a model for creating relations in a new society as he assumed. Koni chose ethics as the object of his scientific research. He made great efforts to develop his deontology, which we will not find any analogues of. He contributed to the philosophy and philosophy of law. He summarized all his works on deontology in the work "Ethics of the Cohabitation", which was prepared in 1927, but have never been published.Conclusions. Koni not only collected moments of crisis in contemporary ethical manifestations, analyzed the works of the main deontologists, analyzed in detail the types of ethics (some of which he formulated for the first time in science), but also formed a harmonious practical ethics of human personal behavior. At the same time Koni assumed such a development of a sensitive personality that would be able to take into account the smallest men-tal characteristics of other people and behave tactfully as much as possible. He returned to ethical issues in numerous works over and over again whether he wrote about social ills, about psychology, about expertise. He saw the main causes of deformations in the destruction of ethical principles. "Moral perversions" threatened the very existence of the state. He perceived the fall of Russia in 1917 as a logical completion of the disintegration of ethics. Koni saw a future salvation in the revival of Russia. His ethical ideal was Christian in nature in many ways, although Koni himself almost never connected ethics with religion in his works. Here he acted as a Kantian, as a supporter of the categorical imperative.Предметом исследования является концепция практической этики Анатолия Федоровича Кони. Цель статьи состоит в выявлении этапов формирования этической теории, ее основных элементов и источников, позволивших реконструировать идеи знаменитого юриста. В качестве основных методов исследования применены проблемно-хронологический подход и системный подход, позволившие рассмотреть этику Кони как формирующуюся теорию, которая в 1920-е гг. превратилась в законченную концепцию. Российские и зарубежные ученые продолжают изучать различные аспекты жизни и деятельности выдающегося юриста А.Ф. Кони. Особое внимание уделяется его этическим исследованиям. Интерес к этой сфере не случаен. В существенной степени принципы профессиональной этики, сформулированные Кони, являются образцом для российских юристов. Выявлено, что для Кони вопросы юридической этики были только частью его колоссального труда по проблемам этики. Этические темы он разрабатывал с 1880-х гг. Основы теории Анатолий Федорович создавал в начале ХХ в., а кристаллизовалась она в 1920-е гг. В том числе он сформулировал виды этики: общественного порядка, финансовая, литературная, публичных мероприятий, врачебная, совести, национальная, личного поведения и т. д. Разработал основы практической этики, которая, как он предполагал, могла бы послужить образцом для создания отношений в новом обществе. Кони как ученый выбрал этику как объект своих исследований. Он приложил огромные усилия по разработке своей деонтологии, аналогов которой мы не найдем. Внес вклад в философию и философию права. Все свои труды по деонтологии он обобщил в работе «Этика общежития», которая была подготовлена в 1927 г., но в свет не вышла


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    The character and wear values of plunger pairs of high-pressure fuel pump is described. Plunger pairs of diesel fuel pumps work in conditions of high loadings and considerable wear. Plunger and sleeve precision surfaces are subjected to various types of wear, abrasive one being prevail. Geometrical parameters of the parts leading to the decrease in cyclic fuel supply, hydraulic density, change of the intake angle and others are varied. Methods of plunger pair restoration and hardening by means of high hardness coating on the precision surface are analyzed and compared. Technological process of carbide-chrome coating by virtue of diffusive chromium plating (vacuum and gas method) of a plunger and a sleeve made of steels ХВГand 25Х5М is described. Special features of plunger and sleeve machining are described. To increase capability and restoration of plunger pairs of high-pressure fuel pumps a method of diffusive chromium plating is proposed. The latter means that the parts are covered with a layer of hard coating. This results not only in hardening parts but also in compensating for their wear.Purpose – to determine methods of plunger pair restoration and hardening by virtue of high hardness coating on the precision surface.Method and techniques – technological process of carbide-chrome coating by virtue of diffusive chromium plating (vacuum and gas method) of a plunger and a sleeve made of steels ХВГand 25Х5М is given.Results: capability and restoration of high-pressure fuel pump plunger pairs are increased by using a method of diffusive chromium plating.Field of result application: it makes sense to use the results obtained to increase capability and restoration of high-pressure fuel pump plunger pairs.Описывается характер и величины износов плунжерных пар топливного насоса высокого давления. Плунжерные пары топливных насосов дизеля работают в условиях высоких нагрузок и значительного изнашивания. Прецизионные поверхности плунжера и гильзы подлежат различным видам изнашивания, среди которых преобладает абразивный износ. Изменяются геометрические параметры деталей, приводящие к снижению цикловой подачи топлива, гидравлической плотности, изменению угла впрыска и других показателей. Характеризуются и сравниваются методы восстановления и упрочнения плунжерных пар путем образования на прецизионной поверхности покрытия высокой твердости. Описывается технологический процесс нанесения карбиднохромового покрытия путем диффузионного хромирования (вакуумным и газовым способами) плунжера и втулки из сталей ХВГ и 25Х5М. Описываются особенности механической обработки плунжера и втулки. Для повышения ресурса и восстановления плунжерных пар топливных насосов высокого давления предлагается использовать метод диффузионного хромирования, при котором на детали наносится слой твердого покрытия, позволяющий помимо упрочнения деталей компенсировать их износ.Цель – определение методов восстановления и упрочнения плунжерных пар путем образования на прецизионной поверхности покрытия высокой твердости.Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье приведен технологический процесс нанесения карбиднохромового покрытия путем диффузионного хромирования (вакуумным и газовым способами) плунжера и втулки из сталей ХВГ и 25Х5М.Результаты: повышен ресурс плунжерных пар топливных насосов высокого давления использованием метода диффузионного хромирования, позволяющий помимо упрочнения деталей компенсировать их износ.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты целесообразно применять для повышения ресурса и восстановления плунжерных пар топливных насосов высокого давления

    The X‐ray photoelectron spectra of Ir, IrO2 and IrCl3 revisited

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    The X-ray photoelectron spectra of metallic iridium and the technologically important iridium compounds, IrO2 and IrCl3, have been studied. The results not only improve the accuracy of published data but also expand the binding energy database of other iridium core-levels. The difference between anhydrous and hydrated materials is explored, and the effect on curve-fitting is discussed, together with the derivation of suitable line shapes for peak fitting of data acquired from a conventional monochromatic Al Kα X-ray source. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Laboratory characteristics of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with chronic heart failure

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    The article discusses the features of laboratory indicators of community-acquired pneumonia - indicators of a general blood test (hemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells, ESR), a biochemical blood test (creatinine level and CRP). A comparative analysis of laboratory parameters in patients with pneumonia and concomitant cardiological pathology and patients without cardiological pathology was performed.В статье рассмотрены особенности лабораторных показателей внебольничных пневмоний – показателей общего анализа крови (гемоглобин, лейкоциты, эритроциты, СОЭ), биохимического анализа крови (уровень креатинина и СРБ). Произведен сравнительный анализ лабораторных показателей у пациентов с пневмонией и сопутствующей кардиологической патологией и пациентов без кардиологической патологии

    Problems of Soviet procedural law enforcement in 1930s.

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    УДК 340.158The subject. Features of the organization of justice and the quality of procedural law enforcement in the USSR in the 1930s.The purpose. The determination of historical patterns of judicial enforcement in the USSR in the 1930s and the identification of the causes of the ineffectiveness of the proceedings in this period.Methodology. The author uses historical legal method, formal legal interpretation of statutes, the method of analysis of judicial statistics.Results, scope of application. After the criminal law campaigns of the early 1930s the judg-ment in the Soviet Union was in a disturbed condition. The Soviet civil process was almost absolutely eliminated. Tens thousands materials of court cases were lost throughout the Union every year. The courts were extremely busy.The courts used accusatory approach. The petitions of the accused were almost never solved. Prisoners were not handed copies of the indictments.During the terror of the old evils of the judicial system worsened, the destruction of the judicial process began. The timeframe for completing cases increased. Almost half of criminal cases in case of complaint (appeal) has been revised by the higher courts. The courts again applied the simplified procedure.At the end of the 1930s the procedural regulation of the judicial work was the duty of People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR and of the Supreme Court of the USSR. USSR Supreme Court continued to take decisions in litigation in the plenums. The Boards of Su-preme Court examines cases influencing law of practice.The quality of judgment by the Supreme Courts of the Republics of Soviet Union in the late 1930s did not change significantly in comparison with the previous period. This was due to constant staff turnover and low level of qualification of judges. The Supreme Courts of the Republics had no Plenum, so they could influence law of practice by the rulings of of the Boards. These rulings were extremely ignorant in many republics. The low quality of staff in the regional courts led to numerous errors.The role of statistics in assessing the quality of the judiciary increased.One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the proceedings can be considered as bad organization of work of the courts. So, due to the negligence of secretaries, in some regions up to 50 % of the cases appointed for consideration were sabotaged. Low qualification of judges often led to comical or controversial resolution of cases.Conclusions. Timid attempts of the Supreme bodies of justice to rehabilitate civil and criminal proceedings in the mid 1930s were frustrated during the campaign of the Great Terror in 1936-1938 years. The cycle of rule of law (1933-1936) was replaced by a new cycle of lawlessness. Since 1938 the authorities began to make efforts to restore normal proceedings.The authors distinguish the following main reasons of inefficient work of judicial bodies of the USSR in 1930s: the low qualification of the judges, the dependence of courts on local and Central government, the inability to normally perform some judicial acts, not satisfactory logistical support of court activities, the noisy and senseless political campaigns, unleashed by Stalin

    The role of judicial authorities in criminal proceedings for political crimes in the Stalinist period: modern historiography

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    The subject. Historiography of the participation of the judicial authorities in mass repressions in Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that the number of studies of the historical involvement of the judiciary in repression in recent years is increasing; researches cover more and more regions of the former USSR and help to create a complete picture of the special procedural law for political cases in Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s.Methodology. The author uses historical legal method. The author analyses legal and historic literature, written by scientists who live in former USSR. Analysis of judicial statistics is used also.Results, scope of application. The history of the Soviet court remains the subject of active research interest at the present time. At the same time, special publications summarizing the entire body of scientific works on the participation of justice in mass repressions are not issued. A number of works on the history of the judicial authorities contain sections on the application of the rules of judicial procedure to political crimes. Currently, PhD theses, covering an increasing number of regions of Russia, are being defended actively. Unfortunately, some regional researchers are not familiar with the modern historiography of the judicial system and, therefore, repeats some of the conclusions that have been made before. Researchers are trying to formulate new approaches to assess the repressive policy of the Soviet state. For example, V. N. Karaman determines the repressions using political criterion. Researches that are not directly related to the history of judicial proceedings contain valuable information about the participation of courts in mass repressions often. Also, the group of researchers continues to develop the theme of rehabilitation of victims of political repression. New young researchers are emerging.We should also highlight a group of works on the historiography of mass repression. The appearance of such works is justified. A lot of research has accumulated for 70 years, which need to be generalized and systematized. Three of the PhD thesis, dedicated to the repression of the state security organs, five theses on the mass repressions, 14 theses on the camps during the war were defended during 1990-2010 years in SiberiaThe Russian-French seminars "Judicial political processes in the USSR and Communist countries of Europe: a comparative analysis of mechanisms and practices", held in 2009-2011, played an important role in summarizing the main problems of legal proceedings in political cases.Modern science continues to study various aspects of the application of criminal procedure for counter-revolutionary crimes. Scientists are exploring in detail the role of the j judicial authorities in conducting mass repressions in Soviet Union the 1930-1950s. Individual problems of political justice are considered in detail: types of political processes, rehabilitation procedures, official forgery, cassation on political affairs, etc. There are separate areas of activity of the judicial authorities, directed against certain groups of the population: military, intellectuals, party-soviet officials, peasants, etc. Regional studies continue to appear, reflecting the role of the judicial authorities in mass repressions.Conclusions. The judicial authorities are considered generally in the context of the activities of all repressive bodies in modern legal and historical scientific literature; researches cover more and more regions of the former USSR and may lead to a complete picture of the special procedural law in political cases in Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s

    Значение органов юстиции в осуществлении уголовного судопроизводства по политическим преступлениям в сталинский период: современная историография

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    The subject. Historiography of the participation of the judicial authorities in mass repressions in Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that the number of studies of the historical involvement of the judiciary in repression in recent years is increasing; researches cover more and more regions of the former USSR and help to create a complete picture of the special procedural law for political cases in Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s.Methodology. The author uses historical legal method. The author analyses legal and historic literature, written by scientists who live in former USSR. Analysis of judicial statistics is used also.Results, scope of application. The history of the Soviet court remains the subject of active research interest at the present time. At the same time, special publications summarizing the entire body of scientific works on the participation of justice in mass repressions are not issued. A number of works on the history of the judicial authorities contain sections on the application of the rules of judicial procedure to political crimes. Currently, PhD theses, covering an increasing number of regions of Russia, are being defended actively. Unfortunately, some regional researchers are not familiar with the modern historiography of the judicial system and, therefore, repeats some of the conclusions that have been made before. Researchers are trying to formulate new approaches to assess the repressive policy of the Soviet state. For example, V. N. Karaman determines the repressions using political criterion. Researches that are not directly related to the history of judicial proceedings contain valuable information about the participation of courts in mass repressions often. Also, the group of researchers continues to develop the theme of rehabilitation of victims of political repression. New young researchers are emerging.We should also highlight a group of works on the historiography of mass repression. The appearance of such works is justified. A lot of research has accumulated for 70 years, which need to be generalized and systematized. Three of the PhD thesis, dedicated to the repression of the state security organs, five theses on the mass repressions, 14 theses on the camps during the war were defended during 1990-2010 years in SiberiaThe Russian-French seminars "Judicial political processes in the USSR and Communist countries of Europe: a comparative analysis of mechanisms and practices", held in 2009-2011, played an important role in summarizing the main problems of legal proceedings in political cases.Modern science continues to study various aspects of the application of criminal procedure for counter-revolutionary crimes. Scientists are exploring in detail the role of the j judicial authorities in conducting mass repressions in Soviet Union the 1930-1950s. Individual problems of political justice are considered in detail: types of political processes, rehabilitation procedures, official forgery, cassation on political affairs, etc. There are separate areas of activity of the judicial authorities, directed against certain groups of the population: military, intellectuals, party-soviet officials, peasants, etc. Regional studies continue to appear, reflecting the role of the judicial authorities in mass repressions.Conclusions. The judicial authorities are considered generally in the context of the activities of all repressive bodies in modern legal and historical scientific literature; researches cover more and more regions of the former USSR and may lead to a complete picture of the special procedural law in political cases in Soviet Union in the 1930s-1950s.Анализируются работы историков и правоведов, исследовавших роль органов правосудия при проведении массовых репрессий в 1930–1950-е гг. Отмечено, что учеными рассматриваются отдельные проблемы политического правосудия: типы политических процессов, процедуры реабилитации, служебные подлоги, кассация по политическим делам; выделяются направления деятельности органов юстиции, ориентированные против отдельных групп населения: военнослужащих, интеллигенции, партийно-советских чиновников, крестьян и т. д. Сделан вывод о том, что органы юстиции, как правило, рассматриваются в контексте деятельности всех репрессивных органов, а исследования охватывают все больше регионов, что должно привести к созданию полной картины специального процессуального права по политическим делам