19 research outputs found

    Study of basic taste recognition among the tourism and catering management students of the Budapest Business School

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    The role of sensory analyses in the food industry and in gastronomy has increased significantly in the last decade. The regulation of both quality and certification is of paramount importance in this area as well. In this paper presenting our series of analyses, we endeavored to find out to what extent tourism and catering management students are able to recognize the four basic tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) when using all of their senses, and whether their abilities are affected by the exclusion of sight and smell. In the first part of the study, tasters could use all their sense organs. In this case, sweet and salty tastes were properly recognized by more than 75% of the students. However, sour and bitter tastes were correctly identified by only 30% of the students, many mixed them up, and a quarter of the students did not even attempt to identify the taste. In terms of sensing sweet, salty and sour tastes, there was no difference between men and women, but the bitter taste was properly identified by more than 40% of men, and only 30% of women. False identification of bitter and sour tastes to such a large extent can be explained by significant consumption of coffee, tea or cigarettes, or by an inappropriate diet [7]. During smoking, substances in the tobacco smoke can greatly impair the functioning of taste buds. Consumption of energy drinks and tea can also add to the flavor reducing effect of coffee and cigarettes, so these factors together could be responsible for the large number of false identification of the bitter taste

    Analysis of the correlation between the incidence of food-borne diseases and climate change in Hungary

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    It is increasingly accepted globally, that many food-borne diseases are associated with climate change. The goal of the present research is to investigate whether changes in the annual number of the registered food-borne diseases in Hungary can be correlated to any climate parameter, as it is reasonable to suppose that it can be linked to climate change. Ten climate parameters and indices were examined as potential influencing factors. A multiple linear regression model was employed, using the backward elimination method to find the climate factors that have a significant effect on the annual number of food-borne diseases. It was found that the annual mean temperature was the only significant predictor of the annual number of registered food-borne diseases, and that 22.0% of the total variance in the annual number of food-borne diseases can be explained by the annual mean temperature. It should be noted that this relationship is negative, given that they are derived from time series with opposite trends. This phenomenon may be explained by the process of evolution and adaptation of the infecting fauna

    Virslifogyasztás az egészségtudatos táplálkozás tükrében

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    Diplomamunkám alapjául egy közkedvelt, mindenki által ismert és szívesen fogyasztott húsipari terméket, a virslit választottam. Szerettem volna egy olyan terméket vizsgálni, amely mindenki számára könnyen hozzáférhető, hiszen éppúgy megtalálható egy falusi kisboltban, mint egy nagyvárosi szupermarket hűtőpultjában. A vizsgálatok során összesen 15 féle sertés és baromfi virslit vettem górcső alá. A virslik vizsgálatakor meghatároztam a termékek szárazanyag-, hamu-, kálium-, kalcium-, magnézium-, foszfor- és vas-tartalmát. Célkitűzéseim között szerepelt, hogy e paraméterekre támaszkodva összehasonlítsam a kiválasztott termékeket. Továbbá választ kerestem arra vonatkozóan is, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják az általam vizsgált húsipari készítmények ásványianyag-tartalmát, hiszen, mint minden élelmiszeripari termék, így a virsli is számos technológiai folyamaton megy keresztül, melyek kihatással vannak az előállított termék beltartalmi paramétereire.MSc/MAélelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnö

    Szalámifélék nátrium-, kálium- és nitrit- tartalmának szervezetre gyakorolt hatása

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    A szakdolgozat a különböző szalámifélék nátrium,- kálium- és nitrit- tartalmáról szól. A dolgozat kitér arra, hogy a termékek mennyire felelnek meg a Magyar Élelmiszerkönyv előírásainak, valamint, hogy a húskészítményekben alkalmazott nitrit- és nitrát-vegyületek milyen káros és hasznos mellékhatásokkal rendelkeznek, mind a termékre, mind a fogyasztóra nézve. A dolgozatban 11 mintát vizsgáltunk és megállapítottuk a nátrium-, a kálium- és a nitrit-koncentrációt, valamint az ajánlott maximális napi beviteli értéket is.BSc/BAÉlelmiszermérnök Bsc

    Franchising Theme Parks : Disneyland Paris inFocus

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    The report consisted of the analysis of theoretical frameworks of franchise and using franchising as a promotional method of theme parks. The definition of franchise and the use, right and regulations of it are essential knowledge to understand the base of franchise based theme parks. Also it was analyzed how franchising affects tourism in specific fields of existing franchises. The role of a franchise in our society and its values was also taken into consideration. The values and the role of the Walt Disney company were under analysis in the thesis. Also the franchising techniques and the success of the Walt Disney company are included. The goal of the thesis was to show that a franchise can be used as a promo-tional technique for a tourist destination, especially for theme parks. It was also important to show how theming can influence specific products or spaces. Furthermore the history of theme parks and how it formed our society is elaborated in the thesis. The importance of theming in nowadays society is discussed in the focus of the Walt Disney company and how it can create further business possibilities as much as the purchase procedure of a franchise. The topic consisted of the future aspects and the possible rise of Disneyland Paris, and an overall view of the Disney franchise. It was analyzed through a survey how franchise based theme parks can be more successful. The target group was Disneyland Paris’s cast members. The questions of the survey were to determine that what are the methods to improve the attendance rate and how to improve the theme experience in their view