25 research outputs found

    Humán és bakteriális hősokkfehérjék komplementaktiváló képességének összehasonlító vizsgálata = Study on the complement activating ability of human and bacterial heat-shock proteins

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    A kutatási periódusban 4 célkitűzésben vizsgáltuk humán és bakteriális hősokkfehérjék komplementaktiváló képességét. A komplementaktiváció legfontosabb regulátorainak, a Hsp60/65 ellens antitestek vonatkozásában azt kaptuk, hogy jelentős reguláló tényező az IL-6 promóter -174-es polimorfizmusa. Kimutattuk továbbá, hogy az anti-Hsp60 autoantitestek a természetes autoantitest repertoárba tartoznak, valamint epitóp szinten is elkülöníthetők a az anti-Hsp65 antitestektől. Eredményeink jelentőségét az adja, hogy eddig csak korlátozott ismeretanyaggal rendelkeztünk az anti-Hsp autoantitestek összefüggéseire és regulációjára vonatkozóan. A pályázat támogatásával az erre vonatkozó részletes immunológiai ismeretanyag gazdagodott. A Hsp70 komplementaktiváló képességének in vitro vizsgálatát megnehezítette a rekombináns fehérjék endotoxin szennyezettsége, ami mellett nem tudtuk megítélni a komplementaktiváció pontos mechanizmusát. A Hsp70 további vizsgálatát in vivo, klinikai beteganyagon valósítottuk meg, ezek a megfigyeléseink lehetővé teszik egy későbbi, in vivo komplementaktivációra vonatkozó munkahipotézis kialakítását. Eredményeinknek gyakorlati vonatkozását az adja, hogy a hősokkfehérjék immunológiai szerepe egyre több klinikai állapotban nyer bizonyítást, és az ezzel kapcsolatos részletes szabályozó folyamatok jellemzése hozzájárul az adott kórállapotok pontosabb megértéséhez. | The complement (C) activating ability of human and bacterial heat shock proteins was investigated along four objectives in this project. Investigating the main regulator of Hsp60/Hsp65 induced C activation, i.e. anti-Hsp antibodies, the primary regualting role of the IL-6 -174 promoter polymorphism was shown. Furthermore, evidences were obtained about the natural autoantibody properties of anti-Hsp60 IgM antibodies. These antibodies can also be distinguished from anti-Hsp65 antibodies based on their epitope specificities. There were only limited data available until now on the regulation and associations of anti-Hsp autoantibodies. With the support of the current research grant detailed immunological knowledge has been obtained on the above topic. The in vitro investigations on the Hsp70 induced C activation was hampered by the endotoxin contamination of the recombinant Hsp70 preparations. Therefore, our subsequent in vivo investigation on Hsp70 was done in clinical studies. The results of these provide base for follow-up in vivo research to determine the exact mechanism of Hsp70 induced C acitvaiton in vivo. The physiological relvance of our results is related to the fact of recent observations about the roles of heat shock proteins in different human diseases. Understanding the precise immunological mechanisms behind these associations will help in the future to appreciate the clinical consequences of Hsps in more depth

    Does dermatitis herpetiformis result in bone loss as coeliac disease does? A cross sectional study

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    Introduction and objectives: coeliac disease (CD) and its cutaneous manifestation, dermatitis herpetiformis are both (DH) gluten-sensitive diseases. Metabolic bone disease is common among patients with CD, even in asymptomatic forms. Data are scarce about bone density in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. The aim of our study was to compare bone mineral density (BMD) of celiac and dermatitis herpetiformis patients. Methods: 34 coeliac patients, 53 with dermatitis herpetiformis and 42 healthy controls were studied. The mean age was 38.0 ± 12.1, 32.18 ± 14.95, 35.33 ± 10.41 years in CD, dermatitis herpetiformis, and healthy controls, respectively. Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine, the left femoral neck and radius were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Low bone density, osteopenia and osteoporosis were defined as a body mass density (BMD) T-score between 0 and -1, between -1 and -2.5, and under -2.5, respectively. Results: at lumbar region, consisting of dominantly trabecular compartment, a decreased BMD was detected in 49 % (n = 26) patients with dermatitis herpetiformis, 62 % (n = 21) of CD patients, and 29 % (n = 12) of healthy controls, respectively. Lower BMD were measured at the lumbar region in dermatitis herpetiformis and CD compared to healthy subjects (0.993 ± 0.136 g/cm² and 0.880 ± 0.155 g/cm² vs. 1.056 ± 0.126 g/cm²; p < 0.01). Density of bones consisting of dominantly cortical compartment (femoral neck) did not differ in dermatitis herpetiformis and healthy subjects. Conclusions: our results show that a low bone mass is also frequent among patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. Bone mineral content in these patients is significantly lower in those parts of the skeleton which contain more trabecular than cortical bone

    The effect of a preparation of minerals, vitamins and trace elements on the cardiac gene expression pattern in male diabetic rats

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetic patients have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death in developed countries. Although multivitamin products are widely used as dietary supplements, the effects of these products have not been investigated in the diabetic heart yet. Therefore, here we investigated if a preparation of different minerals, vitamins, and trace elements (MVT) affects the cardiac gene expression pattern in experimental diabetes. METHODS: Two-day old male Wistar rats were injected with streptozotocin (i.p. 100 mg/kg) or citrate buffer to induce diabetes. From weeks 4 to 12, rats were fed with a vehicle or a MVT preparation. Fasting blood glucose measurement and oral glucose tolerance test were performed at week 12, and then total RNA was isolated from the myocardium and assayed by rat oligonucleotide microarray for 41012 oligonucleotides. RESULTS: Significantly elevated fasting blood glucose concentration and impaired glucose tolerance were markedly improved by MVT-treatment in diabetic rats at week 12. Genes with significantly altered expression due to diabetes include functional clusters related to cardiac hypertrophy (e.g. caspase recruitment domain family, member 9; cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily B, polypeptide; FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 3), stress response (e.g. metallothionein 1a; metallothionein 2a; interleukin-6 receptor; heme oxygenase (decycling) 1; and glutathione S-transferase, theta 3), and hormones associated with insulin resistance (e.g. resistin; FK506 binding protein 5; galanin/GMAP prepropeptide). Moreover the expression of some other genes with no definite cardiac function was also changed such as e.g. similar to apolipoprotein L2; brain expressed X-linked 1; prostaglandin b2 synthase (brain). MVT-treatment in diabetic rats showed opposite gene expression changes in the cases of 19 genes associated with diabetic cardiomyopathy. In healthy hearts, MVT-treatment resulted in cardiac gene expression changes mostly related to immune response (e.g. complement factor B; complement component 4a; interferon regulatory factor 7; hepcidin). CONCLUSIONS: MVT-treatment improved diagnostic markers of diabetes. This is the first demonstration that MVT-treatment significantly alters cardiac gene expression profile in both control and diabetic rats. Our results and further studies exploring the mechanistic role of individual genes may contribute to the prevention or diagnosis of cardiac complications in diabetes

    RAGE Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

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    The pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS), a devastating neuroinflammatory disorder of the central nervous system, has been presumed to involve the possible importance of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). The aim of this study was to investigate the relevance of the genetic polymorphisms of RAGE in MS patients. A total of 168 patients with MS were enrolled; 136 healthy blood donors served as controls. The -374 T/A, -479 T/C, and the G82S polymorphisms of RAGE were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). There was a significant difference in RAGE -374 T/A genotype distribution between the controls and the MS patients. The AA homozygote variants were detected in 8% of the patients with MS, as compared with 19% of healthy controls (OR = 2.75; 95% CI = 1.319-5.733, p = 0.007). No differences were observed between the MS patients and the controls, concerning the frequencies of the -479 T/C and G82S genotypes of the RAGE. Our results revealed an association between the -374 T/A polymorphism of the RAGE promoter and MS. The genetic variant -374 AA (which has previously been shown to exert significant effects on transcriptional activity) can be considered a preventive factor as regards the occurrence of MS. Our findings support the view that RAGE plays a role in the development of MS