2 research outputs found

    Difficulties in the diagnosis of allergic diseases

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    Diagnosis of allergic diseases is one of the most difficult in medicine. Detailed gathering of a medical history, especially if it concerns food allergy is a big challenge, among others due to the amount and variety of food intake, the presence of cofactors, or the use of food additives. The problem is also the presence of the so-called hidden allergens. Diagnostic process is also complicated by the lack of precise research tools, which are characterized by 100% sensitivity and specificity. Each of the methods used has its limitations, and the negative result is not the basis for the exclusion of allergies. The article presents problems that may be encountered by a doctor diagnosing allergic diseases. The authors hope that it will be helpful, especially in those patients whose clinical manifestations do not correlate with the results of the tests. The more so that allergic diseases are an increasing problem that affects not only the patient himself, but they also constitute a social and economical problem. The symptoms of allergic diseases are so troublesome for patients that they have been combined into one disease entity known as: allergic irritability syndrome.Diagnostyka chor贸b alergicznych nale偶y do najtrudniejszych w medycynie. Du偶ym wyzwaniem jest prawid艂owe zebranie wywiadu, szczeg贸lnie je偶eli chodzi o alergi臋 pokarmow膮 m.in. ze wzgl臋du na ilo艣膰 i r贸偶norodno艣膰 spo偶ywanych pokarm贸w, obecno艣膰 kofaktor贸w, czy stosowanie dodatk贸w do 偶ywno艣ci. Problemem jest r贸wnie偶 obecno艣膰 tak zwanych alergen贸w ukrytych. Diagnostyk臋 komplikuje r贸wnie偶 brak precyzyjnych narz臋dzi badawczych, kt贸re charakteryzuj膮 si臋 100% czu艂o艣ci膮 i swoisto艣ci膮. Ka偶da ze stosowanych metod ma swoje ograniczenia, a ujemny wynik nie jest podstaw膮 do wykluczenia alergii. W artykule przedstawiono problemy, z kt贸rymi mo偶e spotka膰 si臋 lekarz zajmuj膮cy si臋 diagnostyk膮 alergii. Autorzy maj膮 nadziej臋, 偶e b臋- dzie on pomocny, szczeg贸lnie u tych chorych, u kt贸rych obraz kliniczny nie koreluje z wynikiem otrzymywanych bada艅. Tym bardziej, 偶e choroby alergiczne stanowi膮 coraz wi臋kszy problem, kt贸ry dotyczy on nie tylko samego chorego, ale r贸wnie偶 stanowi膮 problem spo艂eczny i ekonomiczny. Objawy chor贸b alergicznych s膮 na tyle uci膮偶liwe dla pacjent贸w, 偶e po艂膮czono w jedn膮 jednostk臋 chorobow膮 okre艣lan膮 jako: allergic irritability syndrome

    The use of kinesiotaping in the rehabilitation of women after mastectomy with long pectoral nerve damage- case stady

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer occurring in the female population. Early diagnosis and appropriately implemented treatment results in high curability. The method of choice is surgery, depending on the extent of the changes, a radical method is used, consisting in complete removal of the mammary gland, or sparing. Additional, complementary methods of treatment are radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Surgery involves interference with tissue continuity and hence scarring. During the procedure, mechanical long pectoral nerve injury may also occur. The paper presents an example of a case study using kinesiotaping as a complementary method of rehabilitation of women after mastectomy with long pectoral nerve damage. The paper analyzes available literature and own experienc