27 research outputs found

    Uncountable sets of unit vectors that are separated by more than 1

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    Let XX be a Banach space. We study the circumstances under which there exists an uncountable set A⊂X\mathcal A\subset X of unit vectors such that ∥x−y∥>1\|x-y\|>1 for distinct x,y∈Ax,y\in \mathcal A. We prove that such a set exists if XX is quasi-reflexive and non-separable; if XX is additionally super-reflexive then one can have ∥x−y∥⩾1+ε\|x-y\|\geqslant 1+\varepsilon for some ε>0\varepsilon>0 that depends only on XX. If KK is a non-metrisable compact, Hausdorff space, then the unit sphere of X=C(K)X=C(K) also contains such a subset; if moreover KK is perfectly normal, then one can find such a set with cardinality equal to the density of XX; this solves a problem left open by S. K. Mercourakis and G. Vassiliadis.Comment: to appear in Studia Mat

    The ideal of weakly compactly generated operators acting on a Banach space

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    We call a bounded linear operator acting between Banach spaces weakly compactly generated (WCG\mathsf{WCG} for short) if its range is contained in a weakly compactly generated subspace of its codomain. This notion simultaneously generalises being weakly compact and having separable range. In a comprehensive study of the class of WCG\mathsf{WCG} operators, we prove that it forms a closed surjective operator ideal and investigate its relations to other classical operator ideals. By considering the ppth long James space Jp(ω1)\mathcal{J}_p(\omega_1), we show how properties of the ideal of WCG\mathsf{WCG} operators (such as being the unique maximal ideal) may be used to derive results outside ideal theory. For instance, we identify the K0K_0-group of B(Jp(ω1))\mathscr{B}(\mathcal{J}_p(\omega_1)) as the additive group of integers

    On a composite functional equation fulfilled by modulus of an additive function

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    We deal with the problem of determining general solutions f : R → R of the following composite functional equation introduced by Fechner: f(f(x) − f(y)) = f(x + y) + f(x − y) − f(x) − f(y). Our result gives a partial answer to this problem under some assumptions upon f(R). We are applying a theorem of Simon and Volkmann concerning a certain characterization of modulus of an additive function. A new proof of their result is also presented