26 research outputs found


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    Co-production is currently one of the pillars of the public sector reform around the world. The potential of this concept is increasingly recognized in the design and improvement of public services in cities. Co-production is a partnership among citizens, public institutions and enterprises, which enables all the parties to be more involved in the management of the city and contributes to greater control over public resources (Horne, Shirley, 2009). In the subject literature, it is pointed out that these reforms are directed to the implementation of effective public services, are a response to the deficit of active citizenship and active communities and enterprises that are insufficiently involved in the processes of designing and co-creating innovative public services in cities. The basic - and basically still valid today - conceptualization of co-production was carried out in several works published in the first half of the 1980s. The aim of this paper is to analyse the state of research on the issue of co-production in public services and to identify the main research areas related to this subject. The paper was based on a systematic review of literature, which included, among others, the emergence of basic literature and selection of publications, bibliometric analysis and content analysis. The results of the conducted research show that the issue of co-production in public services is a new subject, still not well recognized in the literature and which may constitute a current and interesting area of research

    The quality of inter-organizational relations and the intention of commercialization of knowledge by academic entrepreneurs – a theoretical approach and outline of research

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    The main purpose of this article is to develop a framework to study the impact of high-quality inter-organizational relationships (between scientists and supporting institutions) on academic entrepreneurs’ willingness to commercialize research results. The concept of the theoretical model was developed on the basis of a literature review and available empirical research results. The specific objectives of the article include the identification of key institutions supporting academic entrepreneurs, and the identification of factors building the quality of inter-organizational relations. The developed model is only a preliminary and partial proposal to measure the intent of commercializing research results by academic entrepreneurs, taking into account one of the important aspects of this process, namely the quality of relationships

    Public sector innovativeness in Poland and in Spain – comparative analysis

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    Background. In many economies, both developed and developing rapidly, we can observe the potential of administration as organizations which under appropriate conditions may show high levels of innovation. The administration on one hand may be an active participant and on the other hand act as a creator of conditions conducive to innovative activities. Both of these roles are important and complementary to each other because the administration can create a legislative base as well as adequate infrastructure and space for innovation, and then actively participate in the process of their diffusion. In recent years, the European Union has shown increasing interest in the actions for measuring innovativeness of the European administration and stimulating its growth. Research aims. The aim of the study is to compare the degree of innovativeness of Polish and Spanish administration and the activities undertaken to stimulate it. In research on the innovativeness of the EU economies (Innovation Union Scoreboard, 2014) both countries were in the group of "moderate innovators", although there are noticeable differences in the approach to the implementation of innovations and cultural conditions of their diffusion. Methods. The adopted research method was analysis of the reports on public sector innovativeness in the EU and foreign and national literature studies. Key findings. The analyzed research results clearly show a higher degree of innovativeness of Spanish administration in comparison to Polish administration. Spanish administration has more experience in implementing innovations in the field of management systems, communication, involvement of entities outside the sector to work on innovation and shaping the organizational culture conduciv

    Inicjatywy lokalne na rzecz poprawy jakości życia na obszarach wiejskich Podlasia – formy wsparcia

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    The author of the article focuses on the subject of the quality of life within rural areas. She presents possible actions that might be undertaken at the local levels in order to improve the satisfaction of life in the country. The main area of the presented research concerns the Podlasie region, a typical agricultural part of the country. The author of the article analyses the defi nition of the quality of life and presents the variables shaping it, as well as focuses on the research initiatives within the area of the quality of life in Poland and other counties. The article demonstrates results of the research in the area of quality of life in Podlasie region, indicates its weak and strong sides, and examines the causes of the current states of affairs. At the end of the article, the author analyses instruments of fi nancial support form UE founds dedicated to improvement of quality of life in Podlasie region

    Satysfakcja obywateli i innych interesariuszy a instrumenty zarządzania w JST

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    Publikacja recenzowanaProblematyka zarządzania w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego (JST) stanowi jeden z najważniejszych obszarów badań dotyczących funkcjonowania władzy lokalnej. Z tego powodu stanowi ona przedmiot zainteresowania teoretyków i praktyków, którzy swoje rozważania kierują w stronę samorządu terytorialnego. Jest to szczególnie istotne w sytuacji, gdy rysuje się presja na poprawę ekonomicznych i społecznych wyników działania tych organizacji. Osiąganie korzystnych rezultatów nie jest możliwe bez nowoczesnego zarządzania, a jednocześnie różnorodność procesów i zjawisk składających się na ten system powoduje znaczne trudności i perturbacje w osiąganiu celów bieżących i rozwojowych. Przeciwdziałanie tym negatywnym zjawiskom wymaga zatem podejmowania już na etapie planowania decyzji, które stanowić będą wyznacznik dla skuteczności, wydajności i oszczędności w procesie świadczenia usług publicznych na szczeblu lokalnym

    Inicjatywy lokalne na rzecz poprawy jakości życia na obszarach wiejskich Podlasia – formy wsparcia

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    The author of the article focuses on the subject of the quality of life within rural areas. She presents possible actions that might be undertaken at the local levels in order to improve the satisfaction of life in the country. The main area of the presented research concerns the Podlasie region, a typical agricultural part of the country. The author of the article analyses the defi nition of the quality of life and presents the variables shaping it, as well as focuses on the research initiatives within the area of the quality of life in Poland and other counties. The article demonstrates results of the research in the area of quality of life in Podlasie region, indicates its weak and strong sides, and examines the causes of the current states of affairs. At the end of the article, the author analyses instruments of fi nancial support form UE founds dedicated to improvement of quality of life in Podlasie region

    Europos Sąjungos parama gerinant valdymo sistemų kokybę administracinėse institucijose Lenkijoje

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    In many countries of Europe and the world, in the past several years, management in the public sector has been radically changed. The experience of the administration of each country shows that organizations in this area have a significant impact on the economies, taking over increasingly more responsibilities in solving many complex socio-economic problems. In order for the task of public entities to be effectively executed and correspond to social expectations, it becomes necessary to implement structures of management tools, in particularly, quality standards. Implementation of practical solutions in the field of quality management results in the establishment of corporate standards, more efficient use of resources and greater citizen satisfaction with the work of public institutions. Quality management systems have become the standard in public administration offices in Poland. The most common tool in this area is ISO 9001. Some offices choose to improve the quality of services with the use of the CAF self-assessment. Many authorities improve their services by utilising project financing from the European Union funds. This paper analyzes the effectiveness, relevance and sustainability of the implementation of quality management tools in local government units in Poland.Daugelyje Europos ir viso pasaulio šalių valdymas viešajame sektoriuje per pastaruosius keletą metų radikaliai pasikeitė. Šalių administracinė patirtis rodo, kad viešosios organizacijos šioje srityje ženkliai įtakoja ekonomikas, perimdamos vis daugiau atsakomybių, sprendžiant sudėtingas socialines ekonomines problemas. Tačiau siekiant, kad viešosios įstaigos veiktų efektyviai ir atitiktų socialinius lūkesčius, būtina realizuoti valdymo priemones ir ypatingai – kokybės standartus. Tinkamų sprendimų kokybės valdymo srityje rezultatas – bendrų standartų sukūrimas, efektyvesnis išteklių naudojimas ir didesnis piliečių pasitenkinimas viešųjų institucijų darbu. Kokybės valdymo sistemos Lenkijos viešojo administravimo įstaigose yra tapę standartu. Populiariausia naudojama priemonė – ISO 9001. Daugelis institucijų gerina savo paslaugų kokybę finansuodamos šį projektą Europos Sąjungos fondų lėšomis. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas kokybės valdymo priemonių realizavimo efektyvumas, tinkamumas ir tvarumas Lenkijos vietos savivaldos administraciniuose vienetuose

    Public sector innovativeness in Poland and in Spain – comparative analysis

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    Background. In many economies, both developed and developing rapidly, we can observe the potential of administration as organizations which under appropriate conditions may show high levels of innovation. The administration on one hand may be an active participant and on the other hand act as a creator of conditions conducive to innovative activities. Both of these roles are important and complementary to each other because the administration can create a legislative base as well as adequate infrastructure and space for innovation, and then actively participate in the process of their diffusion. In recent years, the European Union has shown increasing interest in the actions for measuring innovativeness of the European administration and stimulating its growth. Research aims. The aim of the study is to compare the degree of innovativeness of Polish and Spanish administration and the activities undertaken to stimulate it. In research on the innovativeness of the EU economies (Innovation Union Scoreboard, 2014) both countries were in the group of "moderate innovators", although there are noticeable differences in the approach to the implementation of innovations and cultural conditions of their diffusion. Methods. The adopted research method was analysis of the reports on public sector innovativeness in the EU and foreign and national literature studies. Key findings. The analyzed research results clearly show a higher degree of innovativeness of Spanish administration in comparison to Polish administration. Spanish administration has more experience in implementing innovations in the field of management systems, communication, involvement of entities outside the sector to work on innovation and shaping the organizational culture conduciv

    Relational aspects of academic entrepreneurship from the perspective of entities involved in cooperation between the university and business

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    Problematyka przedsiębiorczości akademickiej jest szeroko eksplorowana w naukach o zarządzaniu. Widoczna jest ewolucja w podejściu do przedsiębiorczości akademickiej, a w konsekwencji w jej definiowaniu. Uwidaczniają się w tym obszarze zasady typowe dla zachowań rynkowych, opartych na wzajemności, znajomości potrzeb poszczególnych stron wymiany. Celem artykułu jest systematyzacja wiedzy w zakresie relacyjnego kontekstu przedsiębiorczości akademickiej oraz identyfikacja relacyjnego zakresu przedsiębiorczości akademickiej (czynników, narzędzi i barier) postrzeganej z perspektywy przedsiębiorców i podmiotów wsparcia. Jako metodę badań przyjęto IDI (ang. Individual In-depth Interview) z przedsiębiorcami akademickimi oraz przedstawicielami instytucji wsparcia, tworzącymi szeroko pojęty ekosystem przedsiębiorczości akademickiej.The issue of academic entrepreneurship is widely explored in management sciences. There is a visible evolution present in the approach to academic entrepreneurship and, consequently, in its definition. In this area, the principles typical of market behavior, based on reciprocity and knowledge of the needs of individual parties to the exchange, are visible. The aim of the article is to identify the relational scope of academic entrepreneurship (factors, tools and barriers) perceived from the perspective of support entities, and to systematize knowledge in the relational context of academic entrepreneurship. The method of research was IDI with academic entrepreneurs and representatives of support institutions, creating the broadly understood ecosystem of academic entrepreneurship

    Cultural determinants of the quality of relations in the support of academic entrepreneurship

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    Celem artykułu stały się teoretyczna identyfikacja czynników wpływających na jakość relacji, które zachodzą pomiędzy poszczególnymi interesariuszami (uczelnie, inkubatory, władze lokalne) w zakresie wspierania PA, oraz ustalenie wpływu uwarunkowań kulturowych na jakość relacji istotnych dla wsparcia przedsiębiorczości akademickiej. Jako metodę badawczą przyjęto krytyczny przegląd literatury krajowej i zagranicznej. Wyniki analiz teoretycznych nie wyczerpują w pełni tematu uwarunkowań kulturowych i ich wpływu na jakość relacji w zakresie wsparcia PA, dostarczają jednak wiedzy o pewnych ich aspektach oraz otwierają nowe pole badawcze, identyfikując obszary, które należałoby pogłębić w badaniach empirycznych.The aim of the article became the theoretical identification of factors affecting the quality of relations that take place between individual stakeholders (universities, incubators, local authorities) in the scope of academic entrepreneurship (AP) support, and determining the impact of cultural conditions on the quality of relationships relevant to the support of academic entrepreneurship. As a research method, a critical review of domestic and foreign literature was adopted. The results of theoretical analyzes do not fully cover the topic of cultural conditions and their impact on the quality of relations in AP support, but they provide knowledge about some of their aspects and open up a new research field, identifying areas that should be deepened in empirical research