1,435 research outputs found

    Inequalities on Bruhat graphs, R- and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials

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    From a combinatorial perspective, we establish three inequalities on coefficients of RR- and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for crystallographic Coxeter groups: (1) Nonnegativity of (q1)(q-1)-coefficients of RR-polynomials, (2) a new criterion of rational singularities of Bruhat intervals by sum of quadratic coefficients of RR-polynomials, (3) existence of a certain strict inequality (coefficientwise) of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. Our main idea is to understand Deodhar's inequality in a connection with a sum of RR-polynomials and edges of Bruhat graphs.Comment: 16 page

    Nominal Compounds in the Yājñavalkyasmṛti

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    As an application of linear algebra for enumerative combinatorics, we introduce two new ideas, signed bigrassmannian polynomials and bigrassmannian determinant. First, a signed bigrassmannian polynomial is a variant of the statistic given by the number of bigrassmannian permutations below a permutation in Bruhat order as Reading suggested (2002) and afterward the author developed (2011). Second, bigrassmannian determinant is a q-analog of the determinant with respect to our statistic. It plays a key role for a determinantal expression of those polynomials. We further show that bigrassmannian determinant satisfies weighted condensation as a generalization of Dodgson, Jacobi-Desnanot and Robbins-Rumsey (1986)

    Schubert Numbers

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    This thesis discusses intersections of the Schubert varieties in the flag variety associated to a vector space of dimension n. The Schubert number is the number of irreducible components of an intersection of Schubert varieties. Our main result gives the lower bound on the maximum of Schubert numbers. This lower bound varies quadratically with n. The known lower bound varied only linearly with n. We also establish a few technical results of independent interest in the combinatorics of strong Bruhat orders

    Gravity on an extended brane in six-dimensional warped flux compactifications

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    We study linearized gravity in a six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell model of warped braneworlds, where the extra dimensions are compactified by a magnetic flux. It is difficult to construct a strict codimension two braneworld with matter sources other than pure tension. To overcome this problem we replace the codimension two defect by an extended brane, with one spatial dimension compactified on a Kaluza-Klein circle. Our background is composed of a warped, axisymmetric bulk and one or two branes. We find that weak gravity sourced by arbitrary matter on the brane(s) is described by a four-dimensional scalar-tensor theory. We show, however, that the scalar mode is suppressed at long distances and hence four-dimensional Einstein gravity is reproduced on the brane.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures; v2: references and comments added; v3: version published in Physical Review

    Ramanujan-Shen's differential equations for Eisenstein series of level 2

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    Ramanujan (1916) and Shen (1999) discovered differential equations for classical Eisenstein series. Motivated by them, we derive new differential equations for Eisenstein series of level 2 from the second kind of Jacobi theta function. This gives a new characterization of a system of differential equations by Ablowitz-Chakravarty-Hahn (2006), Hahn (2008), Kaneko-Koike (2003), Maier (2011) and Toh (2011). As application, we show some arithmetic results on Ramanujan's tau function.Comment: 21 page


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    This article is based on the author's talk "Two integral representations for Apery constant" for Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics, Kyoto RIMS ( online) on October 12, 2021. There are certain overlaps with [9].We generalize the proof of Basel problem by Boo Rim Choe (1987) to obtain two integral representations for Apéry constant. As applications, we also show integral representations for multiple values ζ(3, 2, ... , 2) and t(3, 2, ... , 2)