18 research outputs found

    Saturacja dydaktyki uczelni wyższej : stymulowanie kreatywności, proaktywności i współpracy

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    Aside from factual knowledge not only should didactic process in higher education be focused on accomplishing objectives, which would mean that students gain more knowledge, but also on achieving many other objectives. It should meet new demands stated by labor market environment as well as challenges mounted by advanced technologies, and any challenges of the conceptual era, or anticipation of creativity and innovation. It does no longer suffice to offer students merely the knowledge. They need to be provided with a certain „knowledge manual,” that is tools that would handle the perfecting of creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Practically, it evokes the notion of „saturation” of education with the idea of entrepreneurship and proactivity, as well as the ideas of creativity and innovation

    Zagrożenia wpływu społecznego w organizacji

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    W dobie współpracy międzynarodowej, w dobie kryzysu i globalizacji powstają dylematy związane z możliwościami sprostania coraz większym wymaganiom ze strony kierownictwa firm i instytucji. Zastanawiamy się, co zrobić, aby nie zmarnować najcenniejszych wartości polskich pracowników — ich entuzjazmu, zapału i kreatywności, chęci pracy w przyjaznych zespołach pracowniczych. Powstaje następne pytanie: W jaki sposób stwarzać w dzisiejszych warunkach okazje do rozwoju w roli pracownika? Pytania te adresowane są często do kadry kierowniczej, od której oczekuje się umiejętności dobroczynnego spożytkowania władzy, wykorzystania tego, co w ludziach jest najlepsze dla dobra firmy, ale też dla dobra samych pracowników i ich rozwoju


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    Niniejsza praca powstała jako odpowiedź na wyzwania związane z koniecznością wspierania rozwoju innowacyjności. Poziom innowacyjności w Polsce jest nadal niski. Zgodnie z diagnozą dokonaną przez uczestników panelu „Polska przyszłości” zorganizowanego przez kancelarię premiera z okazji dwulecia rządu Donalda Tuska, Polska w obszarze kapitału intelektualnego zwiększa dystans wobec rozwiniętych gospodarczo krajów świata. Konieczne więc jest wyzwolenie kreatywności i innowacyjności, aby Polska mogła zbliżyć się do rozwiniętych gospodarczo krajów świata (Fragment tekstu)

    Czy psychologia może wspierać innowacyjność? Rola kompetencji psychologicznych

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    In the rapidly changing technology in the global world and rising expansion of Asia, our postindustrial civilization to survive must make a shift towards emphasis on creativity and empathy and human ability to adapt to changes to meet the challenges of new consumption based on values and the infuse of values into economy. To flourish and develop the organizations must give way to inventiveness, empathy and meaning. That means that psychological knowledge and skills are crucial in the process in innovation creation, transfer and adaptation (as Poland is characterized by low level of innovativeness should take it into account). Psychology, and especially psychology of organization and innovation, offers models and practical suggestions to make innovativeness processes more successful. Nevertheless, as the research results indicate, there are still psychological barriers in the process of innovation which should be broken by psychologists and their competences to know how to use theoretical knowledge in organizational practice

    Kluczowa rola psychologii we wspieraniu i w stymulowaniu innowacyjności

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    In the rapidly changing technology in the global world and rising expansion of Asia, our postindustrial civilization to survive must make a shift towards emphasis on creativity and empathy and human ability to adapt to changes to meet the challenges of new consumption based on values and the infuse of values into economy. To flourish and develop the organizations must give way to inventiveness, empathy and meaning. That means that psychological knowledge and skills are crucial in the process in innovation creation, transfer and adaptation as Poland is characterized by low level of innovativeness should take it into account. Psychology, and especially psychology of organization and innovation, offer models and practical suggestions to make innovativeness processes more successful. Nevertheless, as the research results indicate, there are still psychological barriers in the process of innovation which should be broken by treating psychology as a partner for innovative process problem solving and psychologists themselves should be determined to play important crucial role with their knowledge and skills

    Development and validation of the Influence Regulation and Deinfluentization Scale (DEI-beh)

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    Our article presents work on the development and validation of Influence Regulation and Deinfluentization Scale (DEI-beh). Reviewing concepts regarding its influence constitutes an introduction to the original deinfluentization concept coined by Barbara Kożusznik. The author’s theory has provided the basis for creating a diagnostic tool. The elaborated DEI-beh method consists in evaluating conditions which determine managerial effectiveness and shape reciprocal influences among team members. Our article describes this tool’s creation and its validation procedure. Positive relationships between DEI-beh’s individual dimensions and temperament characteristics, defined in Pavlov’s concept (1952), and selected personality traits, proposed in the Five-Factor Model Personality by Costa and McCrae (1992), confirm the tool’s external validity

    Tactics of Influence and Deinfluentization, Personality and the Personal Sense of Power Among Polish Managers

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    Power in organizations creates interpersonal settings and lays the ground for designating individual roles and positions of superiors and subordinates. In such a context, influence tactics are situation-specific behaviors used to change the behavior of others and achieve organizational goals. The notion that power and influence can be based on personal or positional variables was used to de-sign the framework of the present studies intended to describe how trait- and state-like variables are related to influence tactics and deinfluentization. The subjects were 250 Polish managers. Study 1 (n = 250) was undertaken to collect data about the influence tactics of Polish managers to fill the void in information in the field of social psychology in organizations. In Study 2 (n = 104) we correlated influence tactics with the personal sense of power. The results proved that the per-ception of having the ability to exert power over others was positively related to rational persua-sion, apprising, and pressure. In Study 3 (n = 69) we investigated the relationships of influence tactics and deinfluentization with the Big Five and directiveness. The results showed that Neuroti-cism was positively correlated with pressure, legitimating, and coalition, but negatively with ra-tional persuasion and consultation. Extraversion was positively correlated with rational persuasion, so was Conscientiousness. Agreeableness was negatively related to coalition. Directiveness was in a positive relation with pressure but correlated negatively with personal appeals. Deinfluentization positively correlated with Agreeableness and negatively with directiveness

    Mediation and Conciliation in Collective Labor Conflicts in Poland

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    The specific characteristics of collective labor conflicts in Poland are related to the ownership structure of Polish companies. Frequently the company management is not a direct party in a conflict, rather it is the company owner, e.g. State Treasury (education, health care system), a parent company based overseas, or territorial self-governmental authorities (transport, water supply). This context often leads to stagnation and prevents conflict resolution. Apart from the structural problem, also the perception of the role of mediators is noteworthy. Parties may come to an agreement when choosing one, but afterwards it may result in applying for a mediator to be appointed by the Minister (to prevent either of the parties getting the feeling that “their own mediator” has been chosen). There are also collective conflicts which are mediated by a local authority or someone considered as impartial

    Humiliation at work – theoretical concepts and importance for the health of workers and the functioning of the organisation

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    Humiliation at work is a dangerous and, at the same time, poorly understood phenomenon. It is associated with an asymmetry of power, which induces in the humiliated person a feeling of having a lesser value and being inferior. It manifests itself as an internal event (judgment and emotions), an external event (an act of violence) or systemic social conditions (poverty and discrimination). Experiencing humiliation has negative consequences both when an individual becomes a subject and a witness of a humiliating event. These consequences concern many areas of an individual's life and functioning within an organization. The article discusses the relationship between humiliation at the organizational level and work pathologies such as mobbing, intimidation, bullying, or harassment. Their purpose and effect is to humiliate an individual or a group of people, and since humiliation is associated with a sense of injustice and a desire for revenge, it often permanently disrupts the relationship between the parties and observers of such behaviors. Despite its individual and social significance, the phenomenon of humiliation is still a gap in the consideration of a healthy working environment and the relationship between people employed in the organization. Unlike in foreign literature, the phenomenon of humiliation is not a frequent subject of consideration in Polish studies, although interest has increased in recent years. The article proposes definitions of this phenomenon from 3 research perspectives, along with presenting selected concepts concerning the nature of this phenomenon and reports from research on the consequences of humiliating behavior at work, from the point of view of both an individual and an organization

    The symphony of team flow in virtual teams : using artificial intelligence for its recognition and promotion

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    More and more teams are collaborating virtually across the globe, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further encouraged the dissemination of virtual teamwork. However, there are challenges for virtual teams – such as reduced informal communication – with implications for team effectiveness. Team flow is a concept with high potential for promoting team effectiveness, however its measurement and promotion are challenging. Traditional team flow measurements rely on self-report questionnaires that require interrupting the team process. Approaches in artificial intelligence, i.e., machine learning, offer methods to identify an algorithm based on behavioral and sensor data that is able to identify team flow and its dynamics over time without interrupting the process. Thus, in this article we present an approach to identify team flow in virtual teams, using machine learning methods. First of all, based on a literature review, we provide a model of team flow characteristics, composed of characteristics that are shared with individual flow and characteristics that are unique for team flow. It is argued that those characteristics that are unique for team flow are represented by the concept of collective communication. Based on that, we present physiological and behavioral correlates of team flow which are suitable – but not limited to – being assessed in virtual teams and which can be used as input data for a machine learning system to assess team flow in real time. Finally, we suggest interventions to support team flow that can be implemented in real time, in virtual environments and controlled by artificial intelligence. This article thus contributes to finding indicators and dynamics of team flow in virtual teams, to stimulate future research and to promote team effectiveness