62 research outputs found

    Molluscs of extremely artificial, small temporary water bodies in a city park

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    The Pole Mokotowskie Park in Warsaw contains small, artificial and temporary water bodies created in the 1970s and supplied with water from waterworks. In them, molluscs constituted the dominant group of macroinvertebrates. They were represented by eight gastropod and one bivalve species. Both Prosobranchia (mainly Bithynia tentaculata and Valvata piscinalis), and Pulmonata (mainly Radix balthica, Planorbis planorbis and Bathyomphalus contortus) occurred abundantly. The bivalve Musculium lacustre, listed in The Red List of Threatened and Endangered Species in Poland, was also numerous. A large spatial diversity of species composition and abundance of molluscs was observed in a small and relatively homogenous area. The role of this type of water bodies in the creation of mollusc habitats as well as the possibility of colonisation of man-made and artificially drained water bodies by these animals are discussed

    The clinical differences of asthma in patients with molds allergy

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    INTRODUCTION: Bronchial asthma is an increasing problem worldwide. The course of bronchial asthma is dependent on the type of inducing allergens. The differences between the clinical features of asthma in patients with monovalent allergies to molds and with other allergies were explored. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Randomly selected 1910 patients (924 women and 986 men) between 18−86 years in age were analyzed according to type of allergy and asthma. The diagnosis of asthma was confirmed on the basis of GINA criteria, physical examination and spirometry. Allergy diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of medical history, a positive skin prick test and the measurement of serum-specific IgE to inhalant allergens, using an extended profile of mold allergens. RESULTS: Patients with monovalent allergies to molds (4% of analyzed group) had significantly more frequent diagnoses of asthma than patients in the other group (53% vs. 27.1−32.4%, p < 0.05). Patients with allergies to Alternaria alternata had an odds ratio of 2.11 (95%CI: 1.86−2.32) for receiving a diagnosis of bronchial asthma. They had less control over their asthma, which was more severe compared to patients with other allergies. Patients with asthma and allergies to mold had significantly more frequent exacerbation of asthma requiring systemic corticosteroids and/or hospitalization. They used a significantly greater mean daily dose of inhaled steroids compared to other patients. CONCLUSION: Patients with monovalent IgE allergies to molds are at a higher risk for asthma than patients with other allergies. Their asthma is often more intense and less controlled compared to that of patients with other types of allergies.INTRODUCTION: Bronchial asthma is an increasing problem worldwide. The course of bronchial asthma is dependent on the type of inducing allergens. The differences between the clinical features of asthma in patients with monovalent allergies to molds and with other allergies were explored. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Randomly selected 1910 patients (924 women and 986 men) between 18−86 years in age were analyzed according to type of allergy and asthma. The diagnosis of asthma was confirmed on the basis of GINA criteria, physical examination and spirometry. Allergy diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of medical history, a positive skin prick test and the measurement of serum-specific IgE to inhalant allergens, using an extended profile of mold allergens. RESULTS: Patients with monovalent allergies to molds (4% of analyzed group) had significantly more frequent diagnoses of asthma than patients in the other group (53% vs. 27.1−32.4%, p < 0.05). Patients with allergies to Alternaria alternata had an odds ratio of 2.11 (95%CI: 1.86−2.32) for receiving a diagnosis of bronchial asthma. They had less control over their asthma, which was more severe compared to patients with other allergies. Patients with asthma and allergies to mold had significantly more frequent exacerbation of asthma requiring systemic corticosteroids and/or hospitalization. They used a significantly greater mean daily dose of inhaled steroids compared to other patients. CONCLUSION: Patients with monovalent IgE allergies to molds are at a higher risk for asthma than patients with other allergies. Their asthma is often more intense and less controlled compared to that of patients with other types of allergies

    Equilateral hyperbolic moiré zone plates with variable focus obtained by rotations

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    We present equilateral hyperbolic zone plates with variable focal length, which are formed as moiré patterns by a mutual rotation of two identical basic grids. Among others, all principal zone plates, except of the spherical one, can be used as these basic transmittances. Three most important advantages of the proposed moiré zone plates are: a constant aperture of the created element during the mutual movement of basic grids, lack of aberrations due to their undesired mutual lateral displacements and high diffraction efficiency of the binary phase version. To obtain clearer moiré fringe pattern, a radial carrier frequency can be added additionally to the transmittances of basic grids. The destructive interference between both arms of the focal cross of the equilateral hyperbolic moiré zone plate can be obtained by a constant phase shift introduced in the transmittances of the basic grids. Potential applications of discussed elements are indicated, including the most promising one in the three-point alignment techniqueThis work was supported by the Network of Excellence on Micro-Optics (NEMO) and the programme CODI of the University of Antioquia, Medellin, ColombiaS

    Primary aldosteronism — recent progress and current concepts

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    Pierwotny hiperaldosteronizm (PA) to najczęstsza postać nadciśnienia tętniczego uwarunkowanego hormonalnie, którego częstośćw ogólnej populacji chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze szacuje się na 6–13%. Wśród pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym opornymna leczenie odsetek chorych z PA jest jeszcze większy. Dzięki intensywnym badaniom z dziedziny nauk podstawowych i tworzeniudużych rejestrów chorych z PA poznawany jest wpływ nadmiaru aldosteronu nie tylko na układ sercowo-naczyniowy, ale również namorfologię i funkcję pozostałych organów . W najnowszych badaniach podkreśla się odmienności w regulacji gospodarki wapnioweju chorych z gruczolakiem nadnercza i PA. Wiele miejsca poświęca się doskonaleniu metod diagnostyki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniemcewnikowania żył nadnerczowych, które zyskuje coraz większe znaczenie. W ciągu ostatniego roku pojawiło się wiele publikacji dotyczącychwystępowania mutacji w kanale potasowym u chorych z guzem nadnercza i PA. Wyodrębniono również nową postać rodzinniewystępującego hiperaldosteronizmu — FIII.Leczenie pacjentów z PA w dalszym ciągu opiera się na stosowaniu antagonistów receptora dla mineralokortykoidów lub adrenalektomii,optymalnie poprzedzonej potwierdzeniem lateralizacji w wydzielaniu aldosteronu za pomocą cewnikowania żył nadnerczowych.Primary aldosteronism is the commonest form of hormone-related hypertension, with an estimated prevalence of 6–13% in the generalpopulation of hypertensive patients. Among patients with resistant hypertension, the proportion of PA is even higher. Through intensiveresearch in the field of basic science and the creation of large registries of patients with PA, it is possible to understand the effect ofexcess aldosterone not only on the cardiovascular system but also on the morphology and function of the other organs. Recent researchhas highlighted the differences in the regulation of calcium metabolism in patients with adrenal adenomas and PA. A lot of attention hasbeen paid to the improvement of diagnostic methods, with particular emphasis on adrenal vein sampling, which is becoming increasinglyimportant. In recent years there have been many publications on the prevalence of mutations in the potassium channel in patients withadrenal tumours and PA. A new form of familial hyperaldosteronism - FIII, has also been distinguished. Treatment of patients with PAstill relies on the use of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists or adrenalectomy, preferably preceded by a confirmation of aldosteronesecretion lateralisation by adrenal vein sampling

    Balance of proteinases and antiproteinases and smoking tobacco

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    Palenie tytoniu może indukować powstawanie stanu zapalnego w drogach oddechowych oraz powodować uszkodzenie płuc. W badaniach eksperymentalnych stwierdzono, że ekspozycja na dym tytoniowy powoduje wzrost przepuszczalności naczyń krwionośnych, co sprzyja zwiększonej migracji komórek zapalnych. W wyniku wzrostu ekspozycji na reaktywne formy tlenu dochodzi do zaburzeń równowagi proteazowo-antyproteazowej i stresu oksydacyjnego oraz zmian stężenia komórkowych enzymów antyoksydacyjnych. Z upływem lat wymienione zaburzenia mogą prowadzić do pogorszenia sprawności wentylacyjnej płuc, a w konsekwencji również do wystąpienia przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP), która staje się poważnym problemem zdrowotnym w skali światowej. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 3: 207-214Smoking tobacco can induce formation of inflammable state in respiratory tract and cause lungs damage. Experimental investigations affirm, that the exposure to tobacco smoke causes growth of penetrability of blood-vessels, which favors the enlarged migration of inflammable cells. The growth of exposure to reactive forms of oxygen and concentration changes of cellular antioxidants enzymes, leads to disorders in balance of proteinases and antiproteinases and oxidative stress. As the years go, the disorders mentioned above can lead to deterioration of ventilating efficiency of lungs, and consequently to pronouncement chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which becomes serious problem on a world scale. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 3: 207-21

    Selected taste masking techniques of active ingredients

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    The unpleasant taste, which characterizes a large group of medicinal substances, may be a challenge both for scientists at the stage of designing a drug form, as well as for the patient when taking a given preparation. Taste impressions play an important role nowadays, sometimes being one of the selection criteria that a patient follows during visit in a community pharmacies. They could also have a positive impact on the impression of a given preparation and, as a result, the successful commercialization of a medicinal product. The taste experience plays a key role in the case of oral forms of a drug, and above all, soluble forms and other liquid forms of drugs. The main target group of liquid medicinal preparations are pediatric patients and people with problems swallowing oral solid forms, as well as seniors. Especially children are a group of patients for whom the type of taste is extremely important. Drug substances characterized by an unpleasant taste and / or odor, due to low patient acceptance, may also reduce the effectiveness of the treatment process. Effective masking of the unpleasant taste of a given drug substance is possible because of the development of many techniques enabling this process, which in turn may translate into more regular drug intake by the patient according to appropriate recommendations. The masking of the unpleasant taste of API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) can be achieved by a variety of methods. The aim of the article is to discuss some of the most popular. In this article are present techniques using the addition of flavors and / or sweeteners, microencapsulation, rheological changes, formation of inclusion complexes, granulation, multiple emulsions, ion exchange resins and the use of liposomes. It should be noted that the selection of the appropriate method should be guided by several aspects, including, in particular, the physicochemical properties of a given drug substance, the frequency of dosing, and the form of the drug

    Pierwotny hiperaldosteronizm — współczesne oblicze problemu, postępy w diagnostyce i leczeniu

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    Pierwotny hiperaldosteronizm (PA) to najczęstsza postać nadciśnienia tętniczego uwarunkowanego hormonalnie, którego częstość w ogólnej populacji chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze szacuje się na 6–13%. Wśród pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym opornym na leczenie odsetek chorych z PA jest jeszcze większy. Dzięki intensywnym badaniom z dziedziny nauk podstawowych i tworzeniu dużych rejestrów chorych z PA poznawany jest wpływ nadmiaru aldosteronu nie tylko na układ sercowo-naczyniowy, ale również na morfologię i funkcję pozostałych organów . W najnowszych badaniach podkreśla się odmienności w regulacji gospodarki wapniowej u chorych z gruczolakiem nadnercza i PA. Wiele miejsca poświęca się doskonaleniu metod diagnostyki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem cewnikowania żył nadnerczowych, które zyskuje coraz większe znaczenie. W ciągu ostatniego roku pojawiło się wiele publikacji dotyczących występowania mutacji w kanale potasowym u chorych z guzem nadnercza i PA. Wyodrębniono również nową postać rodzinnie występującego hiperaldosteronizmu — FIII. Leczenie pacjentów z PA w dalszym ciągu opiera się na stosowaniu antagonistów receptora dla mineralokortykoidów lub adrenalektomii, optymalnie poprzedzonej potwierdzeniem lateralizacji w wydzielaniu aldosteronu za pomocą cewnikowania żył nadnerczowych