288 research outputs found

    History and present state of the Slano Blato landslide

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    The Slano Blato landslide is more than 1290 m long, 60 to 200 m wide and 3 to 11 m deep with a volume of about 700 000 m(3). It is located in the Eocene flysch region of western Slovenia with a limestone overthrust in the direct vicinity, above the landslide. The landslide moves mainly as a viscous earth flow with occurrences of rapid mud flows. In dry periods or in freezing conditions it behaves as a group of several slow to moderate landslides. The landslide follows the course of the Grajscek stream and is presently only 220 m away from Lokavec village. The landslide was first mentioned about 200 years ago. In 1887 it flowed as a liquid flow and reached and destroyed the main road in the valley 2 km away. The Austro-Hungarian monarchy sent one engineer to the site and 17 years later the slide was remediated with a series of torrential check dams. The monarchy prohibited any construction works in the influence, area of the landslide. During the 20th century the region changed from Austrian, Italian, Yugoslav, and finally to Slovenian government in 1991. The relevant Austrian measures and decisions were forgotten during the course of the years, and building permits were issued after the World War II to local people who populated the part of the landslide influence area. Simultaneously, regular maintenance of the excellent past engineering works was neglected. In November 2000 a large landslide of mud and debris was triggered again and it still presents a danger to the relatively new residential houses today. At present, the village is protected against mudflows by a small rockfill dam and by the regulation of the stream bed. In rainy periods removal of mud is necessary to maintain safe conditions for the village. The paper discusses the geological, hydrogeological, hydrological and geotechnical conditions for the occurrence of the Slano Blato landslide. The primary reasons for the Slano blato landslide are the geological and hydrogeological conditions just beneath the overthrust of a Triassic limestone plateau over the Eocene flysch of Vipava valley. The direct reason for triggering the earth flow in 2000 was the intensive precipitation. During the course of years the precipitation threshold for earth flow movements has diminished. The landslide has to be remediated for two main reasons (1) the village below the landslide is endangered, and (2) the landslide is still advancing retrogressively and laterally. The foreseen permanent remediation measures that are currently under construction are briefly presented

    Modelling and Visualisation of the Optical Properties of Cloth

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    Cloth and garment visualisations are widely used in fashion and interior design, entertaining, automotive and nautical industry and are indispensable elements of visual communication. Modern appearance models attempt to offer a complete solution for the visualisation of complex cloth properties. In the review part of the chapter, advanced methods that enable visualisation at micron resolution, methods used in three-dimensional (3D) visualisation workflow and methods used for research purposes are presented. Within the review, those methods offering a comprehensive approach and experiments on explicit clothes attributes that present specific optical phenomenon are analysed. The review of appearance models includes surface and image-based models, volumetric and explicit models. Each group is presented with the representative authors’ research group and the application and limitations of the methods. In the final part of the chapter, the visualisation of cloth specularity and porosity with an uneven surface is studied. The study and visualisation was performed using image data obtained with photography. The acquisition of structure information on a large scale namely enables the recording of structure irregularities that are very common on historical textiles, laces and also on artistic and experimental pieces of cloth. The contribution ends with the presentation of cloth visualised with the use of specular and alpha maps, which is the result of the image processing workflow

    Comparison of blockchain implementations using a register of inquiries

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    The thesis presents and compares two implementations of blockchain technology. The comparison is based on a register of insights into personal data, as an example use case. The register enables various institutions and companies to have better control, as well as a cleaner overview of insight into personal data of their customers from within their computer systems. Additionally, it helps users towards compliance with the new GDPR regulation regarding personal data. Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly popular, mainly influenced by the rise of cryptocurrencies, which were the first to implement this technology. In the thesis we take a look into the technology, its design, properties, capabilities as well as pros and cons. There is a more detailed focus on two main implementations, the Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric platforms, with comparison and description of our application

    Komunikacija s starostniki z demenco

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    Bosiljevo; Cultural, Historical and Natural Features

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    Članak obrađuje područje Bosiljeva s obzirom na karakterističnu tradicionalnu arhitekturu i urbanu strukturu, te njegove prirodne vrijednosti, a mikroperiodizacijom je obuhvaćen povijesni i prostorni raspored kulturne i prirodne baštine, pojave stilova te povijesno-političke promjene vezane za hrvatsku povijest i kulturu.This article describes the Bosiljevo area, its characteristic traditional architecture and urban structure, and its natural features. The microperiodization covers the historical and spatial distribution of the cultural and natural heritage, the appearance of styles, and historical and political changes connected to Croatian history and culture

    Ptičica, molim! : izlaganje fotografija u Gradskome muzeju Karlovac - između stvarnosti i mogućnosti

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    Zbirka fotografija, fotografske opreme i pribora Gradskog muzeja Karlovac ima nešto više od 2000 muzejskih predmeta. Od 2016. registrirana je kao kulturno dobro RH, a obuhvaća razdoblje od 1849. do 1990. Danas se građa Zbirke predstavlja publici povremenim studijskim izložbama o karlovačkim fotografima, tematskim izložbama, gostovanjima na izložbama drugih muzeja te u obliku publikacija: stručnih i znanstvenih članaka, kataloga izložaba i kataloga Zbirke (u tiskanome i digitalnom izdanju) te u monografiji

    The Activities of the City Council and City Government of Karlovac during World War I

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    Rad analizira postupke i aktivnosti Gradskoga zastupstva i Gradskoga poglavarstva grada Karlovca tijekom Prvoga svjetskog rata. Kako su radovi o Karlovcu u spomenutom vremenu malobrojni, jer je sustavno bavljenje tim razdobljem počelo prilikom obilježavanja stote godišnjice njegova početka 2014., kada je Gradski muzej Karlovac uz izložbu izdao i katalog Za kralja i dom s tekstovima Vijolete Herman Kaurić, Sande Kočevar i Filipa Hameršaka, ovaj se rad temelji na zapisnicima skupština Gradskoga zastupstva. Zapisnici kao izvor, iako su tiskani uglavnom po završetku tekuće godine, sačuvani su samo u Državnom arhivu Karlovac, osim jedne knjige zapisnika za razdoblje od 5. studenoga 1913. do 7. prosinca 1915., koja se nalazi u Zbirci dokumentarne građe Gradskoga muzeja Karlovac. Osim zapisnika, korišten je i tadašnji tisak, posebice starčevićanski nastrojen tjednik Sloga, koji jedini izlazi čitavo ratno vrijeme, a glasila Hrvatsko-srpske koalicije Karlovac i Narodni glas prestala su izlaziti već u kolovozu odnosno rujnu 1914. godine. Aktivnosti Gradskoga zastupstva i Gradskoga poglavarstva sagledane su u nekoliko aspekata: odnos prema ratu, vijestima s ratišta, vojnicima na bojištu, ranjenicima, poginulima i njihovim obiteljima, te preko toga i odnos s društvima poput Crvenoga križa i Hrvatskoga sokola kao i prema ostalim građanima Karlovca, što se ponajprije očituje u organiziranoj opskrbi živežnim namirnicama i ogrjevnim drvom. Iznose se i negativne pojave, pljačke, malverzacije i bogaćenje vezani prvenstveno uz aprovizaciju grada, te njihove posljedice.This paper analyses the procedures and activities of the City Council and the City Government of Karlovac during World War I. It is based on the minutes of the City Council assemblies and the contemporaneous press – the Starčevićian Sloga (Concord), and the Karlovac and Narodni glas (People’s Voice), organs of the Croat-Serb Coalition, which ceased to be published in August and September 1914, respectively. The City Council consisted of 30 representatives, most of whom were members of the Croat-Serb Coalition. The greatest number of them were landowners and merchants. After the elections in 1916, however, members of the intelligentsia began to be represented in greater numbers. A representative’s mandate lasted six years, but half of the representatives were excluded by lot after half of their mandate passed, so that new ones could be elected. The last elections before World War I were held in 1913. The communal improvements experienced by the city (introduction of public electric lighting in 1908, waterworks in 1913) were halted due to the lack of manpower and materials, higher prices, and the collapse of the Karlovac Savings Bank, in which the City had invested a large part of its funds, in 1914. The activities of the City Council and City Government were made more difficult due to the general mobilisation, representatives moving to other towns and cities, and deaths among the representatives, so there was no quorum for holding assemblies and adopting effective decisions. The situation improved after the elections in May 1916, when 19 new representatives were elected. The activities of the City Council and City Government during World War I are examined through their relationship towards the war immediately after its declaration, and after news about the first battles, soldiers on the front, wounded soldiers, and slain soldiers and their families arrived. Their relationship with associations such as the Red Cross and the Croatian Sokol is also analysed in such a manner. The provisioning of citizens with food and firewood (aprovizacija) was organised but, due to a lack of control, became fertile ground for malfeasance and the enrichment of individuals close to those in power

    Comparative Analysis of the Preserved Copies of the Photo Monograph “The City of Karlovac and its Countryside” by Photographer Hinko Krapek

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    U ovom članku donesen je rezultat analize do sada poznatih sačuvanih primjeraka fotomonografije „Grad Karlovac i njegova okolica“ karlovačkog fotografa Hinka Krapeka. Na temelju sličnosti i razlika između pojedinih primjeraka, potvrđena je jedinstvenost svakog albuma koja se prvenstveno očituje u samoj opremi albuma. Krapekovi albumi važan su dio karlovačke i hrvatske fotografske baštine, ali i jedinstvena autorska djela.The album “The City of Karlovac And Its Countryside” by Karlovac photographer Hinko Krapek is one of the most significant achievements of Karlovac, as well as Croatian early photography. Since its release in January 1889 it has been praised by the Karlovac and Zagreb newspapers and its importance has been recognized by researchers of the Croatian photographic history. Its popularity was still vivid in Karlovac families in 1930s. This research shows that there are only five preserved albums, three in Karlovac (the Karlovac City Museum and the City Library “Ivan Goran Kovačić”), two in the Croatian State Archives and the Special Library of the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture in Zagreb, while the copy from the National and University Library in Zagreb is lost. All of them are of the same size, with the same text by the history teacher Franjo Valla about the history of Karlovac and the photographed sites, printed by the Karlovac printer Dragutin Hauptfeld. The analysis proved that Valla had no influence over the sites’ selection or the arrangement of the photographs within the album. All the albums, but one in the possession of the Karlovac City Museum, have twenty-four photographs. Although they slightly differ by the final cut-out during the making of prints out of negatives, main differences concern the album layout – starting with its cover design, different texts of dedication, cover sheet and captions under photographs. Due to its final presentation, every preserved copy of the album should be considered a unique item of the kind

    Določevanje kovin v vzorcih vina z atomsko absorpcijsko in atomsko emisijsko spektroskopijo

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    V treh vzorcih vin sem z atomsko absorpcijsko in atomsko emisijsko spektroskopijo določevala koncentracije bakra, železa, natrija in kalija. Vzorca 1 in 3 sta bila vzorca belega vina, vzorec 2 pa je bil rdeče vino. Ugotavljala sem vpliv matrice oziroma topila na določitev kovin z eksternim standardom in s standardnim dodatkom. Primerjala sem določitve v deionizirani vodi, 10% etanolu, 1% HNO3 in 1% HCl. Ugotovila sem, da se rezultati v različnih topilih in vrstah vin razlikujejo, kar je lahko posledica vpliva matrice na določevanje. Koncentracije določene z metodama AAS in AES so primerljive.Determination of copper, iron, sodium and potassium in wine samples by atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopy in three wine samples. Samples number 1 and number 3 were white wine and sample number 2 was a red wine. To determine the influence of matrix or solvent on the analysis I used external standard calibration and standard addition methods. I also compared concentrations of analytes in deionized water, 10% ethanol, 1% HNO3 and 1% HCl. My results varied in different solvents and types of wine, which may be the consequence of the complex matrix. Concentrations determined by atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopy were similar