30 research outputs found

    Sağlığa Uzanan Sanal Köprü: Telesağlık

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    Tıp alanında uzaktan erişimin yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte telekomünikasyon sistemleri önemli bir evrim geçirdi. Bu gelişmelerin temel sebepleri, internet tabanlı uygulamaların ve akıllı telefonların yaygınlaşmasıdır. COVID-19 pandemisi öncesinde telesağlık uygulamaları, hastaneye ve doktora ulaşımı zor olan veya hastaneye gitme imkânı bulunmayan vatandaşlar için düşünülmüştü. Ancak günümüzde, telesağlık artık her türlü sağlık hizmetinin bireylere sağlanabileceği bir alan haline geldi

    The WONCA Europe 2016 Family Medicine Conference was Held in Copenhagen

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    WONCA Europe 2016 organized by the World Organization of Family Doctors was held in Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, between 15 and 18 June 2016. Many European countries participated in the congress.WONCA Europe 2016 was organized with the theme “Family Doctors with Heads and Hearts” and calls for action to achieve:ü  Global health insurance, high quality family medicine practices throughout Europe and further development of family medicineü  integration of healthcare services across different healthcare professionals at the primary care level, as well as across primary and secondary care.ü  stronger links between public health strategies and person-oriented medicine in clinical practice.ü  a rational distribution of resources driven by the needs of the community. More than 3000 family physicians from different countries participated in the conference. More than 600 poster and 800 non-poster presentations (oral presentations, workshops and symposiums) were performed. Nearly a group of 60 participants included academics, family medicine specialists and residents from Turkey and this group from Turkey demonstrated significant scientific participation with oral presentations, poster presentations and workshops.Activities conducted by special interest groups and networks on various subjects played an important role in providing content. The symposiums and workshops held by special interest groups and networks focused on “Aging in Europe, optimizing healthcare services, the future of family medicine, a vital task for family medicine: diagnosis, inequalities in special patient groups and healthcare”. Meetings were held about refugees and refugee health that has gained importance throughout the world lately. Additionally, doctors participating from our country shared their experience in different fields with their European colleagues and new joint research groups were formed for multicentric studies.The WONCA World Conference 2016 will be held in Rio, the WONCA Europe Conference 2017 will be held in Prague, 2018 will be in Krakow and 2019 will be in Bratislava

    Determining smoking level of hospital employees and the evaluation of the smoke-free air zone applications

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    Evidence-based medicine and health technology assessments

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    Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the transparent and rational use of the best evidence available to make decisions about patient care. Today, health care has become more complicated and expensive, patient demands have increased and EBM is needed to obtain optimal results, to reduce the differences across clinical practices, to provide high quality services and to promote an efficient and cost-effective health care culture. Evidence based medicine practices concern the health policy makers as well as clinicians. As evidence based medicine gained importance in the field of health policy making the concept of “Evidence Based Health Policy” has emerged. This intent of this concept is for health politicians to moderate the purposes, methods and contents of health care offered to the public, to make decisions between alternatives considering up-to-date information and considering the setting, and to identify and announce political goals that benefit the public. Today it serves as an important means of identifying evidence based health policies and assessing health technologies. In this review, the definition, components, and grounds for evidence based medicine will be discussed, and health technology assessment which is one of the most important instruments of evidence based health policies will be examined


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    Narcotic analgesic use of hospitalized patients with lung cancer in palliative care service

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    Introduction: Greater than half of cancer patients suffer from the pain, which is the one of the major problems that disrupt the quality of life at, any time during the disease. Pain should be decreased as soon as possible and the maintenance treatment should be planned in these groups of patients. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests the use of a three-step analgesic ladder approach including non-opioid, weak opioid and strong opioids according to the severity of the pain. However, the pain palliation can’t be accomplished in more than 80% of patients because of the wrong thoughts of health professionals, patients and patients’ relatives about narcotic analgesics.Methods: In this study 72 lung cancer patients, hospitalized between 29 July 2013 to 31 December 2015 at Izmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Education and Research Hospital Palliative Care and Support Service were assessed retrospectively about pain palliation.Results: Patients mean ages 61.2 ± 8.2 and 77.8% (56) were male, and 22.2% (16) were female. Patients applied with different complaints such as Inability to feed, pain, general condition disorders, shortness of breath and nausea and 27.8% (20) of patients had only admitted with pain. The median duration of hospital stay was 7 (2-45) days, which is the 18.1% of patients were not given any analgesics. 49.2% (29) of patients have second line treatment, 50.8% (30) had received third line treatment. Hospitalization indication and discharge status of the patients was statistically significant association between analgesic use (p = 0.002; p = 0.03).Conclusion: Cancer pain is the most common symptom affecting the quality of life negatively. Pain management should be well known by clinicians. Success in the treatment of pain patients linked to multidisciplinary approach include the whole psychological and social environment will be possible with the treatment applied by step approach

    Evaluation Of Dietary Habits During Pregnancy

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    Objective: Pregnancy is a special period of increased nutritional needs during which conscious nutritional support is required. Insufficient and imbalanced nutrition in this period of life causes serious conditions that affect both child and mother. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between pregnancy and nutrition/nutritional habits during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, a questionnaire was conducted on a voluntary basis to pregnant women who were admitted to the Pregnancy Outpatient Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. Questions about general information, pregnancy-related information, thoughts and knowledge about breastfeeding, nutritional habits, and meal frequency were asked to pregnant women. Three hundred fourteen questionnaires were assessed in the study. SPSS for Windows Version 16.0 and MS-Excel 2007 were used for statistical evaluations. P<0.05 was accepted as statistical significance. Results: There was a statistically significant relationship between pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and number of pregnancies; level of education and income levels; number of children and history of caesarian section as an additional problem within previous pregnancies. The change of nutritional habits during pregnancy was examined; we found that consumption of fruits (51%) and vegetables (40.8%) increased the most, while intake of tea (26.1%) and redmeat (21%) mainly decreased during pregnancy. It was found that during pregnancy 20.4% of pregnant women had never consumed fish, 13.1% abstained from red meat, and 12.4% excluded white meat from their diet. Conclusions: We believe that this study will help to raise awareness about adequate and balanced nutrition during pregnancy and to define special nutritional recommendations.PubMe