187 research outputs found

    Bibliotekaren flipper - Perspektiver pĂĽ et paradigmeskift: Fra videnformidling til facilitering og Flipped Learning.

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    Ønsket om at højne niveauet samt at skabe større sammenhæng mellem fagene har været drivkraften i den omorganisering, jeg har arbejdet med i forhold til den biblioteksfaglige undervisning, jeg i flere år har stået for på biblioteket. Deltagelsen i et udviklingsprojekt om Flipped Learning samt færdiggørelsen af min masteruddannelse var med til at give mig klarhed over, ”HVORDAN” opgaven skulle gribes an. Dette har blandt andet medført, at min underviserrolle er blevet markant forandret ligesom fokus i undervisningen i langt højere grad er blevet noget så essentielt som eleverne. Således er der i høj grad blevet vendt op og ned på måden at tænke biblioteksundervisning på på Social- og Sundhedsskolens afdeling i Fredericia

    Indefra og udefra – serendipitet som kunstfagdidaktisk princip i teater bag murene

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    Udgangspunktet for denne studie skal findes i et kunstnerisk projekt med det norske scenekunst-kompagni Teater Bak Murene. I forüret 2019 arbejdede kompagniet med at udvikle forestillingen Innefra og Ut, som blev vist og udviklet sammen med indsatte i Trondheim FÌngsel i forbindelse med dansefestivallen MultipliÊ. I vores undersøgelse af arbejdet med Innefra og Ut fokuserer vi pü de kunstfagdidaktiske potentialer, som opstür i krydsfeltet mellem det kunstneriske udviklingsarbejde, deltagerne og publikums møde med forestillingen. I analysen gennemfører vi en fÌnomen-grafering (JuelskjÌr, 2019) af to hÌndelser fra forestillingen. Gennem fÌnomen-graferingen og begreberne serendipitet, som vi henter fra teaterteori, samt intra-aktion og agens (Barad, 2007; JuelskjÌr, 2019) übner vi op for at bringe et vÌld af forbindelser, büde af menneskelige og ikke-menneskelige karakterer, med ind i analysen af forestillingen. Hensigten med artiklen er at undersøge, hvordan serendipitet som kunstfagdidaktisk princip kan bringes med ind i udviklingen af- og mødet med en teaterforestilling.publishedVersio

    Co-operation with the Geological Survey Department of Ghana

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    Between October 2001 and the end of 2003 there was a close co-operation between the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the Geological Survey Department of Ghana (GSD), as part of a project to enhance GSD’s institutional capabilities and effectiveness, mainly in the fields of management, geological mapping, map production and data handling. During this period a team of geologists, GIS (Geographic Information System) and database experts as well as administrative staff from GEUS have visited GSD, and GSD officers have visited GEUS in Copenhagen. The main obstacles to GSD becoming an effective organisation are its status as a department under the Ghana Ministry of Mines, insufficient funding by the government, and poor remuneration of its professional staff. To overcome these obstacles, attempts are being made to change the status of GSD from a ‘civil servant organisation’ into a semiautonomous institution, which will permit the Survey to generate funding for its core activities by providing services to outside organisations, and pay better salaries to its personnel. Despite many problems, geological mapping has been resumed and three new geological maps have been produced by GSD during the project and stored in GIS format. A mapping manual has been prepared, and the structure and ‘Mission and Vision Statements’ for the Survey have been revised

    Is Long-Term Prognosis for Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Different from Prognosis for Autistic Disorder? Findings from a 30-Year Follow-Up Study

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    We followed 74 children with autistic disorder (AD) and 39 children with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD NOS) for 17–38 years in a record linkage study. Rates of disability pension award, marital status, criminality and mortality were compared between groups. Disability pension award was the only outcome measure that differed significantly between the AD and PDD NOS groups (89% vs. 72%, p < 0.05). The lower rate of disability pension award in the PDD NOS group was predicted by better psychosocial functioning. The lack of substantial differences in prognosis between the groups supports a dimensional description of autism spectrum disorder, in line with proposed DSM-V revision
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