2,964 research outputs found

    Sparsity prior for electrical impedance tomography with partial data

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    This paper focuses on prior information for improved sparsity reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography with partial data, i.e. data measured only on subsets of the boundary. Sparsity is enforced using an â„“1\ell_1 norm of the basis coefficients as the penalty term in a Tikhonov functional, and prior information is incorporated by applying a spatially distributed regularization parameter. The resulting optimization problem allows great flexibility with respect to the choice of measurement boundaries and incorporation of prior knowledge. The problem is solved using a generalized conditional gradient method applying soft thresholding. Numerical examples show that the addition of prior information in the proposed algorithm gives vastly improved reconstructions even for the partial data problem. The method is in addition compared to a total variation approach.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Determining nonsmooth first order terms from partial boundary measurements

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    We extend results of Dos Santos Ferreira-Kenig-Sjoestrand-Uhlmann (math.AP/0601466) to less smooth coefficients, and we show that measurements on part of the boundary for the magnetic Schroedinger operator determine uniquely the magnetic field related to a Hoelder continuous potential. We give a similar result for determining a convection term. The proofs involve Carleman estimates, a smoothing procedure, and an extension of the Nakamura-Uhlmann pseudodifferential conjugation method to logarithmic Carleman weights

    Distinguishability revisited: depth dependent bounds on reconstruction quality in electrical impedance tomography

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    The reconstruction problem in electrical impedance tomography is highly ill-posed, and it is often observed numerically that reconstructions have poor resolution far away from the measurement boundary but better resolution near the measurement boundary. The observation can be quantified by the concept of distinguishability of inclusions. This paper provides mathematically rigorous results supporting the intuition. Indeed, for a model problem lower and upper bounds on the distinguishability of an inclusion are derived in terms of the boundary data. These bounds depend explicitly on the distance of the inclusion to the boundary, i.e. the depth of the inclusion. The results are obtained for disk inclusions in a homogeneous background in the unit disk. The theoretical bounds are verified numerically using a novel, exact characterization of the forward map as a tridiagonal matrix.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Reconstruction of less regular conductivities in the plane

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    We study the inverse conductivity problem of how to reconstruct an isotropic electrical conductivity distribution γ\gamma in an object from static electrical measurements on the boundary of the object. We give an exact reconstruction algorithm for the conductivity \gamma\in C^{1+\epsilon}(\ol \Om) in the plane domain Ω\Omega from the associated Dirichlet to Neumann map on \partial \Om. Hence we improve earlier reconstruction results. The method used relies on a well-known reduction to a first order system, for which the \ol\partial-method of inverse scattering theory can be applied

    The CalderĂłn problem with partial data for less smooth conductivities

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    Limited Angle Acousto-Electrical Tomography

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    This paper considers the reconstruction problem in Acousto-Electrical Tomography, i.e., the problem of estimating a spatially varying conductivity in a bounded domain from measurements of the internal power densities resulting from different prescribed boundary conditions. Particular emphasis is placed on the limited angle scenario, in which the boundary conditions are supported only on a part of the boundary. The reconstruction problem is formulated as an optimization problem in a Hilbert space setting and solved using Landweber iteration. The resulting algorithm is implemented numerically in two spatial dimensions and tested on simulated data. The results quantify the intuition that features close to the measurement boundary are stably reconstructed and features further away are less well reconstructed. Finally, the ill-posedness of the limited angle problem is quantified numerically using the singular value decomposition of the corresponding linearized problem.Comment: 23 page

    Simulation of waviness in neutron guides

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    As the trend of neutron guide designs points towards longer and more complex guides, imperfections such as waviness becomes increasingly important. Simulations of guide waviness has so far been limited by a lack of reasonable waviness models. We here present a stochastic description of waviness and its implementation in the McStas simulation package. The effect of this new implementation is compared to the guide simulations without waviness and the simple, yet unphysical, waviness model implemented in McStas 1.12c and 2.0
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