407 research outputs found

    Combined VSWIR/TIR Products Overview: Issues and Examples

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    The presentation provides a summary of VSWIR data collected at 19-day intervals for most areas. TIR data was collected both day and night on a 5-day cycle (more frequently at higher latitudes), the TIR swath is four times as wide as VSWIR, and the 5-day orbit repeat is approximate. Topics include nested swath geometry for reference point design and coverage simulations for sample FLUXNET tower sites. Other points examined include variation in latitude for revisit frequency, overpass times, and TIR overlap geometry and timing between VSWIR data collections

    Reconstructed Historical Land Cover and Biophysical Parameters for Studies of Land-Atmosphere Interactions within the Eastern United States

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    The local environment where we live within the Earth's biosphere is often taken for granted. This environment can vary depending on whether the land cover is a forest, grassland, wetland, water body, bare soil, pastureland, agricultural field, village, residential suburb, or an urban complex with concrete, asphalt, and large buildings. In general, the type and characteristics of land cover influence surface temperatures, sunlight exposure and duration, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, soil moisture amount, plant life, birds, and other wildlife in our backyards. The physical and biological properties (biophysical characteristics) of land cover help to determine our surface environment because they directly affect surface radiation, heat, and soil moisture processes, and also feedback to regional weather and climate. Depending on the spatial scale and land use intensity, land cover changes can have profound impacts on our local and regional environment. Over the past 350 years, the eastern half of the United States, an area extending from the grassland prairies of the Great Plains to the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, has experienced extensive land cover and land use changes that began with land clearing in the 1600s, led to extensive deforestation and intensive land use practices by 1920, and then evolved to the present-day landscape. Determining the consequences of such land cover changes on regional and global climate is a major research issue. Such research requires detailed historical land cover data and modeling experiments simulating historical climates. Given the need to understand the effects of historical land cover changes in the eastern United States, some questions include: - What were the most important land cover transformations and how did they alter biophysical characteristics of the land cover at key points in time since the mid-1600s? - How have land cover and land use changes over the past 350 years affected the land surface environment including surface weather, hydrologic, and climatic variability? - How do the potential effects of regional human-induced land cover change on the environment compare to similar changes that are caused by the natural variations of the Earth's climate system? To help answer these questions, we reconstructed a fractional land cover and biophysical parameter dataset for the eastern United States at 1650, 1850, 1920, and 1992 time-slices. Each land cover fraction is associated with a biophysical parameter class, a suite of parameters defining the biophysical characteristics of that kind of land cover. This new dataset is designed for use in computer models of land-atmosphere interactions, to understand and quantify the effects of historical land cover changes on the water, energy, and carbon cycle

    Special Opportunities for Highly Sampled Areas

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    This slide presentation reviews the coverage areas for the two instruments that are scheduled to be on board the HyspIRI mission, (i.e.,visible to short wave infrared (VSWIR) and a multispectral thermal infrared (TIR) imager.

    The Flora Mission for Ecosystem Composition, Disturbance and Productivity

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    Global land use and climate variability alter ecosystem conditions - including structure, function, and biological diversity - at a pace that requires unambiguous observations from satellite vantage points. Current global measurements are limited to general land cover, some disturbances, vegetation leaf area index, and canopy energy absorption. Flora is a pathfinding mission that provides new measurements of ecosystem structure, function, and diversity to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of human and natural disturbances, and the biogeochemical and physiological responses of ecosystems to disturbance. The mission relies upon high-fidelity imaging spectroscopy to deliver full optical spectrum measurements (400-2500 nm) of the global land surface on a monthly time step at 45 meter spatial resolution for three years. The Flora measurement objectives are: (i) fractional cover of biological materials, (ii) canopy water content, (iii) vegetation pigments and light-use efficiency, (iv) plant functional types, (v) fire fuel load and fuel moisture content, and (vi) disturbance occurrence, type and intensity. These measurements are made using a multi-parameter, spectroscopic analysis approach afforded by observation of the full optical spectrum. Combining these measurements, along with additional observations from multispectral sensors, Flora will far advance global studies and models of ecosystem dynamics and change

    SPITZER observations of dust destruction in the Puppis A supernova remnant

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    The interaction of the Puppis A supernova remnant (SNR) with a neighboring molecular cloud provides a unique opportunity to measure the amount of grain destruction in an SNR shock. Spitzer Space Telescope MIPS imaging of the entire SNR at 24, 70, and 160 μm shows an extremely good correlation with X-ray emission, indicating that the SNR’s IR radiation is dominated by the thermal emission of swept-up interstellar dust, collisionally heated by the hot shocked gas. Spitzer IRS spectral observations targeted both the Bright Eastern Knot (BEK) of the SNR where a small cloud has been engulfed by the supernova blast wave and outlying portions of the associated molecular cloud that are yet to be hit by the shock front. Modeling the spectra from both regions reveals the composition and the grain size distribution of the interstellar dust, both in front of and behind the SNR shock front. The comparison shows that the ubiquitous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of the interstellar medium are destroyed within the BEK, along with nearly 25% of the mass of graphite and silicate dust grains

    Turbulence Measurements in Shear Flow Liquid Systems

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    The paper is a composite of a number of years of work on turbulence measurements in a variety of liquid flow systems. The trials and tribulations of such measurements are emphasized. Pipe flow Is considered in some detail, and the consistency between results of various investigators is analyzed. Other systems discussed are a stirred tank unit and a multi-jet reactor configuration. Statistical turbulence measurements such as autocorrelation, spectrum, probability density, flatness factor, and skewness factor are considered in terms of obtaining these from digital signals obtained by conversion of the normal analog signals. Descriptive parameters of statistical turbulence, such as microscale, macroscale, and kinetic energy dissipation, are discussed, as well as various attempts at the estimation of these without using statistical turbulence measurements

    HyspIRI: Sampling and Time Series Issues

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    Thermal performance of two heat exchangers for thermoelectric generators

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    Thermal performance of heat exchanger is important for potential application in integrated solar cell/module and thermoelectric generator (TEG) system. Usually, thermal performance of a heat exchanger for TEGs is analysed by using a 1D heat conduction theory which ignores the detailed phenomena associated with thermo-hydraulics. In this paper, thermal and mass transports in two different exchangers are simulated by means of a steady-state, 3D turbulent flow k -e model with a heat conduction module under various flow rates. In order to simulate an actual working situation of the heat exchangers, hot block with an electric heater is included in the model. TEG model is simplified by using a 1D heat conduction theory, so its thermal performance is equivalent to a real TEG. Natural convection effect on the outside surfaces of the computational model is considered. Computational models and methods used are validated under transient thermal and electrical experimental conditions of a TEG. It is turned out that the two heat exchangers designed have a better thermal performance compared with an existing heat exchanger for TEGs, and more importantly, the fin heat exchanger is more compact and has nearly half temperature rise compared with the tube heat exchanger
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