753 research outputs found

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Adsorption/Desorption in Packed Sorption Beds Under Ideal and Non-Ideal Flows

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    The importance of the wall effect on packed beds in the adsorption and desorption of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water on molecular sieve 5A of 0.127 cm in radius is examined experimentally and with one-dimensional computer simulations. Experimental results are presented for a 22.5-cm long by 4.5-cm diameter cylindrical column with concentration measurements taken at various radial locations. The set of partial differential equations are solved using finite differences and Newman's method. Comparison of test data with the axial-dispersed, non-isothermal, linear driving force model suggests that a two-dimensional model (submitted to Separation Science and Technology) is required for accurate simulation of the average column breakthrough concentration. Additional comparisons of test data with the model provided information on the interactive effects of carrier gas coadsorption with CO2, as well as CO2-H2O interactions


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    This study evaluated implications of increased bollworm problems in a 20-county area of the Texas High Plains relative to cotton yields and economic impact. Results did not indicate a serious effect of bollworms upon lint yield when insecticides were used for control. However, estimated annual reduction in farmer profit due to the bollworm for 1979-81 was over $30 million. Yields were estimated to decline about 300,000 bales without insecticide use and about 30,000 bales with insecticide use. This decline suggests potentially serious implications for the comparative economic position of cotton in this region if insecticide resistance were to develop among insect pests.Crop Production/Industries,

    A nexus perspective on competing land demands: Wider lessons from a UK policy case study

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    As nations develop policies for low-carbon transitions, conflicts with existing policies and planning tools are leading to competing demands for land and other resources. This raises fundamental questions over how multiple demands can best be managed. Taking the UK as an empirical example, this paper critiques current policies and practices to explore the interdependencies at the water-energy-food nexus. It considers how current land uses and related policies affect the UK’s resilience to climate change, setting out an agenda for research and practice relevant to stakeholders in land-use management, policy and modelling. Despite recent progress in recognising such nexus challenges, most UK land-related policies and associated science continue to be compartmentalised by both scale and sector and seldom acknowledge nexus interconnections. On a temporal level, the absence of an over-arching strategy leaves inter-generational trade-offs poorly considered. Given the system lock-in and the lengthy policy-making process, it is essential to develop alternative ways of providing dynamic, flexible, practical and scientifically robust decision support for policy-makers. A range of ecosystem services need to be valued and integrated into a resilient land-use strategy, including the introduction of non-monetary, physical-unit constraints on the use of particular services

    Characterization of T-bet and eomes in peripheral human immune cells.

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    The T-box transcription factors T-bet and Eomesodermin (Eomes) have been well defined as key drivers of immune cell development and cytolytic function. While the majority of studies have defined the roles of these factors in the context of murine T-cells, recent results have revealed that T-bet, and possibly Eomes, are expressed in other immune cell subsets. To date, the expression patterns of these factors in subsets of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells beyond T-cells remain relatively uncharacterized. In this study, we used multiparametric flow cytometry to characterize T-bet and Eomes expression in major human blood cell subsets, including total CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cells, γδ T-cells, invariant NKT cells, natural killer cells, B-cells, and dendritic cells. Our studies identified novel cell subsets that express T-bet and Eomes and raise implications for their possible functions in the context of other human immune cell subsets besides their well-known roles in T-cells. The corrigendum regards data and text for the final figure of the manuscript, Figure 7: Subsequent analysis of T-bet levels in human lymphocytes comparing different permeabilization procedures (eBioscience FoxP3 transcription factor kit, BD Pharmingen Cytofix/Cytoperm) has revealed variable findings in the level of T-bet expression detected within certain lymphocyte populations. While this does not change our conclusions for the majority of the populations assessed in this study, B cells in particular show differences under these conditions. Specifically, permeabilization via the eBioscience FoxP3 transcription factor staining buffer set indicates that subpopulations of memory B cells express significantly higher levels of T-bet (MFI) compared to plasmablasts, and that plasmablasts express T-bet only at low levels. Subsequent RNA transcript analysis confirms that plasmablasts express T-bet RNA at a level comparable to naïve B cells. Together, in combination with fluorescence-minus-one and isotype control studies, these new findings suggest that subsets memory B cells, not plasmablasts, express the highest levels of T-bet in the B cell compartment and plasmablasts express T-bet at a lower frequency than is reported in Figure 7. Figure 7 Legend should read: (C) Histograms depicting T-bet expression levels in B-cells and NK cells from a representative donor. Histograms represent the following subsets: naïve B-cells (thick black line), memory B-cells (shaded gray), plasmablasts (thin black line), CD56bright NK cells (gray line), and CD56dim NK cells (shaded black). B-cell results section should be titled T-bet is predominantly expressed in mature memory B-cells and should read: While Eomes was undetectable in B-cells (data not shown), we found T-bet in ~10% of B-cells (Figure 7B). This T-bet expression was largely relegated to memory B-cells, with significantly lower amounts observed in transitional/immature B-cells, naïve B-cells, and plasmablasts (Figure 7B). Greater than 15% of memory B-cells expressed T-bet, a significantly higher frequency than that of all other B-cell populations, suggesting that T-bet may play a particularly important role in memory B-cell function. The discussion related to T-bet expression in plasmablasts should be reconsidered as follows: We found that T-bet is not significantly expressed in transitional/immature B-cells, naïve B-cells, and plasmablasts, but is highly expressed in subsets of memory-B cells. Reduced frequencies of T-bet expression in plasmablasts indicate a specific role for T-bet at the memory B-cell stage of development, which may no longer be necessary after further differentiation to the plasmablast stage. Conflict of Interest Statement The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest

    The luminosity dependence of thermally-driven disc winds in low-mass X-ray binaries

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    We have carried out radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of thermally-driven accretion disc winds in low-mass X-ray binaries. Our main goal is to study the luminosity dependence of these outflows and compare with observations. The simulations span the range 0.04Lacc/LEdd1.0\rm{0.04 \leq L_{acc}/L_{Edd} \leq 1.0} and therefore cover most of the parameter space in which disc winds have been observed. Using a detailed Monte Carlo treatment of ionization and radiative transfer, we confirm two key results found in earlier simulations that were carried out in the optically thin limit: (i) the wind velocity -- and hence the maximum blueshift seen in wind-formed absorption lines -- increases with luminosity; (ii) the large-scale wind geometry is quasi-spherical, but observable absorption features are preferentially produced along high-column equatorial sightlines. In addition, we find that (iii) the wind efficiency always remains approximately constant at M˙wind/M˙acc2\rm{\dot{M}_{wind}/\dot{M}_{acc} \simeq 2}, a behaviour that is consistent with observations. We also present synthetic Fe XXV and Fe XXVI absorption line profiles for our simulated disc winds in order to illustrate the observational implications of our results.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Integrated Atmosphere Resource Recovery and Environmental Monitoring Technology Demonstration for Deep Space Exploration

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    Exploring the frontiers of deep space continues to be defined by the technological challenges presented by safely transporting a crew to and from destinations of scientific interest. Living and working on that frontier requires highly reliable and efficient life support systems that employ robust, proven process technologies. The International Space Station (ISS), including its environmental control and life support (ECLS) system, is the platform from which humanity's deep space exploration missions begin. The ISS ECLS system Atmosphere Revitalization (AR) subsystem and environmental monitoring (EM) technical architecture aboard the ISS is evaluated as the starting basis for a developmental effort being conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) via the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Atmosphere Resource Recovery and Environmental Monitoring (ARREM) Project.. An evolutionary approach is employed by the ARREM project to address the strengths and weaknesses of the ISS AR subsystem and EM equipment, core technologies, and operational approaches to reduce developmental risk, improve functional reliability, and lower lifecycle costs of an ISS-derived subsystem architecture suitable for use for crewed deep space exploration missions. The most promising technical approaches to an ISS-derived subsystem design architecture that incorporates promising core process technology upgrades will be matured through a series of integrated tests and architectural trade studies encompassing expected exploration mission requirements and constraints

    An Open-Source Data Manager for Network Models

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    Developing simulation and optimisation models for resource networks like water or energy systems increasingly involves integrating multiple data sources and software. Connecting multiple models and managing data accessed by different groups of analysts is a software challenge. Many resource systems are represented in computer models as networks of nodes and links, driven by a range of objectives and rules. We present a data storage platform, written in Python, which exploits the commonality of network representations to store data for multiple model types within a single deployment. This open-source platform provides a common source of data to multiple models using consistent data formats, reducing likelihood of error compared to file based data management. When deployed as a web service, it allows data to be shared securely among authorised users over the internet, facilitating collaboration. A case study describes the hosting of a water utility planning model, with an accompanying worked example

    Receptor Quaternary Organization Explains G Protein-Coupled Receptor Family Structure.

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    The organization of Rhodopsin-family G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the cell surface is controversial. Support both for and against the existence of dimers has been obtained in studies of mostly individual receptors. Here, we use a large-scale comparative study to examine the stoichiometric signatures of 60 receptors expressed by a single human cell line. Using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer- and single-molecule microscopy-based assays, we found that a relatively small fraction of Rhodopsin-family GPCRs behaved as dimers and that these receptors otherwise appear to be monomeric. Overall, the analysis predicted that fewer than 20% of ∼700 Rhodopsin-family receptors form dimers. The clustered distribution of the dimers in our sample and a striking correlation between receptor organization and GPCR family size that we also uncover each suggest that receptor stoichiometry might have profoundly influenced GPCR expansion and diversification