6,650 research outputs found

    The supervised IBP: neighbourhood preserving infinite latent feature models

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    We propose a probabilistic model to infer supervised latent variables in the Hamming space from observed data. Our model allows simultaneous inference of the number of binary latent variables, and their values. The latent variables preserve neighbourhood structure of the data in a sense that objects in the same semantic concept have similar latent values, and objects in different concepts have dissimilar latent values. We formulate the supervised infinite latent variable problem based on an intuitive principle of pulling objects together if they are of the same type, and pushing them apart if they are not. We then combine this principle with a flexible Indian Buffet Process prior on the latent variables. We show that the inferred supervised latent variables can be directly used to perform a nearest neighbour search for the purpose of retrieval. We introduce a new application of dynamically extending hash codes, and show how to effectively couple the structure of the hash codes with continuously growing structure of the neighbourhood preserving infinite latent feature space

    Forcing boundary-layer transition on an inverted airfoil in ground effect and at varying incidence

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    Presented at 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics ConferenceThe influence of the laminar boundary-layer state on a wing operating in ground effect at Re = 6 × 10 has been investigated using experiments with a model that provides two-dimensional flow and computations with a panel-method code. The effect of a boundary-layer trip placed at varying distances from the leading edge was observed at various incidences in terms of on-surface characteristics, including pressure measurements, flow visualisation and hot-film anemometry, and off-surface characteristics with LDA surveys below and behind the wing. The act of forcing transition led to downforce being reduced and drag increased, moreover, it altered almost all aspects of the wing’s aerodynamic characteristics, with the effect becoming greater as the trip was placed closer to the leading edge. These aspects include the replacement of a laminar separation bubble with trailing-edge separation, a thicker boundary layer, and a thicker wake with greater velocity deficit. The importance of considering laminar phenomena for wings operating in ground effect has been show

    Understanding financial institutions – The role of reading economic news in Germany and the UK

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    This chapter argues that the news media play an important factor in educating the public about financial institutions. It presents some novel survey results, exploring the role of economic news use for the perceived understanding of financial institutions in Germany and the UK. Two web-based surveys were conducted: one in the UK in winter 2018 and one in Germany in summer 2019. Findings show that economic news use is positively related with a better perceived understanding of financial institutions in both countries, even after controlling for demographics and financial socialization. We find that the level of perceived understanding of financial institutions is positively related with education and income and negatively related with being female. The need for information significantly impacted the relationship between economic news use and understanding of financial institutions in the UK but not in Germany. Practical implications for economic and financial news journalists are discussed

    Probing quasiparticle excitations in a hybrid single electron transistor

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    We investigate the behavior of quasiparticles in a hybrid electron turnstile with the aim of improving its performance as a metrological current source. The device is used to directly probe the density of quasiparticles and monitor their relaxation into normal metal traps. We compare different trap geometries and reach quasiparticle densities below 3um^-3 for pumping frequencies of 20 MHz. Our data show that quasiparticles are excited both by the device operation itself and by the electromagnetic environment of the sample. Our observations can be modelled on a quantitative level with a sequential tunneling model and a simple diffusion equation

    Consistent treatment of hydrophobicity in protein lattice models accounts for cold denaturation

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    The hydrophobic effect stabilizes the native structure of proteins by minimizing the unfavourable interactions between hydrophobic residues and water through the formation of a hydrophobic core. Here we include the entropic and enthalpic contributions of the hydrophobic effect explicitly in an implicit solvent model. This allows us to capture two important effects: a length-scale dependence and a temperature dependence for the solvation of a hydrophobic particle. This consistent treatment of the hydrophobic effect explains cold denaturation and heat capacity measurements of solvated proteins.Comment: Added and corrected references for design procedure in main text (p. 2) and in Supplemental Information (p. 8

    Volume 55 (2023)

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    The 2023 edition of The Broad River Review was edited by C. V. Davis and Ella Knowles. COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: Scott Holstein, St. Marks Foggy Palms THE 2023 RASH AWARD IN FICTION: Maureen Sherbondy, Rules of the Rich THE 2023 RASH AWARD IN POETRY: Marina Hope Wilson, Origin THE 2023 J. CALVIN KOONTS POETRY AWARD: LaNora Paige McIntyre, Winter Shopping THE 2023 FOOTHILLS WRITING AWARD: Varleine Coq, Woes of a Lost Jersey Girl POETRY: Ida Marie Beck, Matins; Lawrence Ernest Bridges, Watching TV; Anne Bucey, Canebrake; Alexandra Burack, The Eighth Child; Charles; Byrne, Photosensitivity; Jeremy Caldwell, Looking Past the Future; Sharon Charde, Love Me Do; Leonardo Chung, The Last Time I Set Foot in a Café; J. Mark Cooney, Body-Shop Icon; Caleb Coy, Blind Woman; Max Roland Ekstrom, The Vibrating Pines; Daniel Ginsburg, The Carpet; Daniel Gleason, Tagged; Carol Hamilton, Legends; Karen Luke Jackson, Plumbed; Carol Parris Krauss, Those Just Beyond the Backyard; Gary Lark, Gifts; Al Maginnes, Inevitable; Terri McCord, Sun Surround; Megan Mary Moore, For Evelyn McHale; Ryan Nelson, Aged Spirit; Scott Thomas Outlar, The Good Old Days; Lauro Palomba, Second Nature; Maria Palumbo, Frames; Daye Phillippo, Flock; Christy Prahl, An Insect Gives a Lesson on Darwinism; David B. Prather, Death of the Drive-In; Elisabeth Preston-Hsu, He Who Wanted to Taste Gibraltar; Annie Przypyszny, Opening Up; Xiaoqiu Qiu, Woman on a High Stool, Matisse, Las Vegas; Kelly Sargent, Seed Fruit; L.B. Sedlacek, Soda Shoppe Blues; Danielle Sellers, Letter to Myself, Age Six; Cassidy Shao, Seventh Grade Science; Matthew J. Spireng, For a Friend Hospitalized After a Fall from His Roof; David Starkey, Final Car Ride to the Vet; Max Stephan, A Requiem for Sylvia Plath’s ‘Mushrooms’; Jo Barbara Taylor, Wednesday Concert; Lucinda Trew, Remainderman; Allen Tullos, Silver Queen; Pamela Wax, England Has a Ministry of Loneliness Now; Bob Wickless, Reading Poetry on a Stage Where Chet Baker Once Played; Christy Wise, Goodwill; Diana Woodcock, The Peace of Detachment; Janice Zerfas, Albino Deer FICTION: Gilbert Allen, God’s Second Chance; Nancy Brock, Porch Rocker; Timothy Dodd, Prism; Mindy Friddle, Weather Girl; S.G. Fromm, Mondi’s Malocchio; Billy Gee, Peanut Butter Balls and the Unanswered Letter; Laila Hartman-Sigall, Together We Hated Oureslves and Waited to Be Helped; Marianne Leek, Resurrecting Harleigh; Ray Morrison, Empty Sky; Barry Peters, JohnnyMac!; David E. Poston, A Valediction; Eric Rasmussen, Ms. Breyer’s Last Four Days; Alex Rost, Uncle Bill’s Mule; Maureen Sherbondy, The Mystery Shopper; Larry D. Thacker, A Good View; L. Vocem, Deportation Papers CREATIVE FICTION: Brent House, The Heartwood Triptych; Jill Jepson, Subjunctive Mood; Michael Schoeffel, Coffee Shop; Martha Graham Wiseman, Feed Mehttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/brreview/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Quantum Diffusion and Delocalization for Band Matrices with General Distribution

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    We consider Hermitian and symmetric random band matrices HH in d≥1d \geq 1 dimensions. The matrix elements HxyH_{xy}, indexed by x,y∈Λ⊂Zdx,y \in \Lambda \subset \Z^d, are independent and their variances satisfy \sigma_{xy}^2:=\E \abs{H_{xy}}^2 = W^{-d} f((x - y)/W) for some probability density ff. We assume that the law of each matrix element HxyH_{xy} is symmetric and exhibits subexponential decay. We prove that the time evolution of a quantum particle subject to the Hamiltonian HH is diffusive on time scales t≪Wd/3t\ll W^{d/3}. We also show that the localization length of the eigenvectors of HH is larger than a factor Wd/6W^{d/6} times the band width WW. All results are uniform in the size \abs{\Lambda} of the matrix. This extends our recent result \cite{erdosknowles} to general band matrices. As another consequence of our proof we show that, for a larger class of random matrices satisfying ∑xσxy2=1\sum_x\sigma_{xy}^2=1 for all yy, the largest eigenvalue of HH is bounded with high probability by 2+M−2/3+ϵ2 + M^{-2/3 + \epsilon} for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where M \deq 1 / (\max_{x,y} \sigma_{xy}^2).Comment: Corrected typos and some inaccuracies in appendix

    “Transfer Talk” in Talk about Writing in Progress: Two Propositions about Transfer of Learning

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    This article tracks the emergence of the concept of “transfer talk”—a concept distinct from transfer of learning—and teases out the implications of transfer talk for theories of transfer of learning. The concept of transfer talk was developed through a systematic examination of 30 writing center transcripts and is defined as “the talk through which individuals make visible their prior learning (in this case, about writing) or try to access the prior learning of someone else.” In addition to including a taxonomy of transfer talk and analysis of which types occur most often in this set of conferences, this article advances two propositions about the nature of transfer of learning: (1) transfer of learning may have an important social, even collaborative, component and (2) although meta-awareness about writing has long been recognized as valuable for transfer of learning, more automatized knowledge may play an important role as well

    Approximate solutions in space mission design

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    In this paper, we address multi-objective space mission design problems. From a practical point of view, it is often the case that,during the preliminary phase of the design of a space mission, the solutions that are actually considered are not 'optimal' (in the Pareto sense)but belong to the basin of attraction of optimal ones (i.e. they are nearly optimal). This choice is motivated either by additional requirements that the decision maker has to take into account or, more often, by robustness considerations. For this, we suggest a novel MOEA which is a modification of the well-known NSGA-II algorithm equipped with a recently proposed archiving strategy which aims at storing the set of approximate solutions of a given MOP. Using this algorithm we will examine some space trajectory design problems and demonstrate the benefit of the novel approach
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