339 research outputs found

    Sinkless: A Preliminary Study of Stress Propagation in Group Project Social Networks using a Variant of the Abelian Sandpile Model

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    We perform social network analysis on 53 students split over three semesters and 13 groups, using conventional measures like eigenvector centrality, betweeness centrality, and degree centrality, as well as defining a variant of the Abelian Sandpile Model (ASM) with the intention of modeling stress propagation in the college classroom. We correlate the results of these analyses with group project grades received; due to a small or poorly collected dataset, we are unable to conclude that any of these network measures relates to those grades. However, we are successful in using this dataset to define a discrete, recursive, and more generalized variant of the ASM. Abelian Sandpile Model, College Grades, Self-organized Criticality, Sinkless Sandpile Model, Social Network Analysis, Stress PropagationComment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Fault-Tolerant, but Paradoxical Path-Finding in Physical and Conceptual Systems

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    We report our initial investigations into reliability and path-finding based models and propose future areas of interest. Inspired by broken sidewalks during on-campus construction projects, we develop two models for navigating this "unreliable network." These are based on a concept of "accumulating risk" backward from the destination, and both operate on directed acyclic graphs with a probability of failure associated with each edge. The first serves to introduce and has faults addressed by the second, more conservative model. Next, we show a paradox when these models are used to construct polynomials on conceptual networks, such as design processes and software development life cycles. When the risk of a network increases uniformly, the most reliable path changes from wider and longer to shorter and narrower. If we let professional inexperience--such as with entry level cooks and software developers--represent probability of edge failure, does this change in path imply that the novice should follow instructions with fewer "back-up" plans, yet those with alternative routes should be followed by the expert?Comment: 8 page

    Shifting distributions and speciation: species divergence during rapid climate change

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    Questions about how shifting distributions contribute to species diversification remain virtually without answer, even though rapid climate change during the Pleistocene clearly impacted genetic variation within many species. One factor that has prevented this question from being adequately addressed is the lack of precision associated with estimates of species divergence made from a single genetic locus and without incorporating processes that are biologically important as populations diverge. Analysis of DNA sequences from multiple variable loci in a coalescent framework that (i) corrects for gene divergence pre-dating speciation, and (ii) derives divergence-time estimates without making a priori assumptions about the processes underlying patterns of incomplete lineage sorting between species (i.e. allows for the possibility of gene flow during speciation), is critical to overcoming the inherent logistical and analytical difficulties of inferring the timing and mode of speciation during the dynamic Pleistocene. Estimates of species divergence that ignore these processes, use single locus data, or do both can dramatically overestimate species divergence. For example, using a coalescent approach with data from six loci, the divergence between two species of montane Melanoplus grasshoppers is estimated at between 200 000 and 300 000 years before present, far more recently than divergence estimates made using single-locus data or without the incorporation of population-level processes. Melanoplus grasshoppers radiated in the sky islands of the Rocky Mountains, and the analysis of divergence between these species suggests that the isolation of populations in multiple glacial refugia was an important factor in promoting speciation. Furthermore, the low estimates of gene flow between the species indicate that reproductive isolation must have evolved rapidly for the incipient species boundaries to be maintained through the subsequent glacial periods and shifts in species distributions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75592/1/j.1365-294X.2006.03167.x.pd

    Navigating the unknown: model selection in phylogeography

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    Despite the widespread use and obvious strengths of model-based methods for phylogeographic study, a persistent concern for such analyses is related to the definition of the model itself. The study by Peter et al. (2010) in this issue of Molecular Ecology demonstrates an approach for overcoming such hurdles. The authors were motivated by a deceptively simple goal; they sought to infer whether a population has remained at a low and stable size or has undergone a decline, and certainly there is no shortage of software packages for such a task (e.g., see list of programs in Excoffier & Heckel 2006 ). However, each of these software packages makes basic assumptions about the underling population (e.g., is the population subdivided or panmictic); these assumptions are explicit to any model-based approach but can bias parameter estimates and produce misleading inferences if the model does not approximate the actual demographic history in a reasonable manner. Rather than guessing which model might be best for analyzing the data (microsatellite data from samples of chimpanzees), Peter et al. (2010) quantify the relative fit of competing models for estimating the population genetic parameters of interest. Complemented by a revealing simulation study, the authors highlight the peril inherent to model-based inferences that lack a statistical evaluation of the fit of a model to the data, while also demonstrating an approach for model selection with broad applicability to phylogeographic analysis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79081/1/j.1365-294X.2010.04851.x.pd

    In the Face of Anticipation: Decision Making under Visible Uncertainty as Present in the Safest-with-Sight Problem

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    Pathfinding, as a process of selecting a fixed route, has long been studied in Computer Science and Mathematics. Decision making, as a similar, but intrinsically different, process of determining a control policy, is much less studied. Here, I propose a problem that appears to be of the first class, which would suggest that it is easily solvable with a modern machine, but that would be too easy, it turns out. By allowing a pathfinding to anticipate and respond to information, without setting restrictions on the \structure of this anticipation, selecting the \best step appears to be an intractable problem. After introducing the necessary foundations and stepping through the strangeness of “safest-with-sight, I attempt to develop an method of approximating the success rate associated with each potential decision; the results suggest something fundamental about decision making itself, that information that is collected at a moment that it is not immediately “consumable , i.e. non-incident, is not as necessary to anticipate than the contrary, i.e. incident information. This is significant because (i) it speaks about when the information should be anticipated, a moment in decision-making long before the information is actually collected, and (ii) whenever the model is restricted to only incident anticipation the problem again becomes tractable. When we only anticipate what is most important, solutions become easy to compute, but attempting to anticipate any more than that and solutions may become impossible to find on any realistic machine

    Strengths-Based Practice and Motivational Interviewing

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    There has been recent concern that many practices and programs erroneously claim to be strengths-based. In reaction some have called for researchers to make systematic comparisons to the tenets of strengths-based practice (SBP) before making the contention that an intervention is strengths-based. Motivational interviewing (MI) is an intervention which has been described as being strengths-based; however, no systematic efforts have yet been made to compare the two. This article takes a methodical approach to comparing SBP and MI to determine level of cohesion and how they might be used together. A case-example is used to illustrate how MI and SBP may be used in conjunction and implications for social work practice and education are discussed

    Positive words carry less information than negative words

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    We show that the frequency of word use is not only determined by the word length \cite{Zipf1935} and the average information content \cite{Piantadosi2011}, but also by its emotional content. We have analyzed three established lexica of affective word usage in English, German, and Spanish, to verify that these lexica have a neutral, unbiased, emotional content. Taking into account the frequency of word usage, we find that words with a positive emotional content are more frequently used. This lends support to Pollyanna hypothesis \cite{Boucher1969} that there should be a positive bias in human expression. We also find that negative words contain more information than positive words, as the informativeness of a word increases uniformly with its valence decrease. Our findings support earlier conjectures about (i) the relation between word frequency and information content, and (ii) the impact of positive emotions on communication and social links.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    The school environment and adolescent physical activity and sedentary behaviour : A mixed-studies systematic review

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    There is increasing academic and policy interest in interventions aiming to promote young people's health by ensuring that the school environment supports healthy behaviours. The purpose of this review was to summarize the current evidence on school-based policy, physical and social-environmental influences on adolescent physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Electronic databases were searched to identify studies that (1) involved healthy adolescents (11-18years old), (2) investigated school-environmental influences and (3) reported a physical activity and/or sedentary behaviour outcome or theme. Findings were synthesized using a non-quantitative synthesis and thematic analysis. Ninety-three papers of mixed methodological quality were included. A range of school-based policy (e.g. break time length), physical (e.g. facilities) and social-environmental (e.g. teacher behaviours) factors were associated with adolescent physical activity, with limited research on sedentary behaviour. The mixed-studies synthesis revealed the importance of specific activity settings (type and location) and intramural sport opportunities for all students. Important physical education-related factors were a mastery-oriented motivational climate and autonomy supportive teaching behaviours. Qualitative evidence highlighted the influence of the wider school climate and shed light on complexities of the associations observed in the quantitative literature. This review identifies future research needs and discusses potential intervention approaches to be considered