143 research outputs found

    Approximate Queueing Network Analysis of Patient Treatment Times

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    We develop an approximate generating function analysis (AGFA) technique which approximates the Laplace transform of the probability density function of customer response time in networks of queues with class-based priorities. From the approximated Laplace transform, we derive the first two moments of customer response time. This technique is applied to a model of a large hospitals Accident and Emergency department for which we obtain the mean and standard deviation of total patient service time. We experiment with different patient-handling priority schemes and compare the AGFA moments with the results from a discrete event simulation. Copyright 2007 ICST

    Uncle traps: harvesting rewards in a queue-based ethereum Mining Pool

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    Mining pools in Proof-of-Work cryptocurrencies allow miners topool their computational resources as a means of reducing payoutvariance. In Ethereum,uncle blocksare valid Proof-of-Work solu-tions which do not become the head of the blockchain, yet yieldrewards if later referenced by main chain blocks. Mining pool opera-tors are faced with the non-trivial task of fairly distributing rewardsfor both block types among pool participants.Inspired by empirical observations, we formally reconstruct aSybil attack exploiting the uncle block distribution policy in a queue-based mining pool. To ensure fairness of the queue-based payoutscheme, we propose a mitigation. We examine the effectiveness ofthe attack strategy under the current and the proposed policy via adiscrete-event simulation. Our findings show that the observed attackcan indeed be obviated by altering the current reward scheme

    Cross-species models of human melanoma

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    Although transformation of melanocytes to melanoma is rare, the rapid growth, systemic spread, as well as the chemoresistance of melanoma present significant challenges for patient care. Here we review animal models of melanoma, including murine, canine, equine, and zebrafish models, and detail the immense contribution these models have made to our knowledge of human melanoma development, and to melanocyte biology. We also highlight the opportunities for cross‐species comparative genomic studies of melanoma to identify the key molecular events that drive this complex disease. © 2015 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland


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    Human neurology The Human Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas. 3rd revised ed. Ed. by R. Nieuwenhuys, J. Voogd, C. H. R. van Huijzen. Pp. xii + 437. Illustrated. DM 85. Berlin: SpringerVerlag. 1988.Paediatric respiratory disorders Kendig's Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children. 5th ed. Ed. by Victor Chernick. Consulting ed. Edwin L. Kendig, jun. Pp. xxi + 1055. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. 1990.Maxillofacial imaging Maxillofacial Imaging. Ed. by A. M. Delbalso. pp. Vlll + 799. Illustrated. Kent: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1990.Introduction to philosophy of medicine Philosophy of Medicine: An Introduction. Ed. by H. R. Wulff, S. A. Pedersen and R. Rosenberg. pp. xv + 222. £14,95. Oxford: Blackwell. 1990.Cataract management Management of Cataract in Primary Health Care Services. Pp. vi + 43. Illustrated. SFr. 15. Geneva: WHO. 1990.Family practice-management Family Practice Management. Ed. by G. J. and C. M. 1. Pistorius. Pp. 587. Illustrated. R99,50. Parow: Haurn/De Jager. J99O.Obstetrics and gynaecology Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology. By E. Malcolm Symonds. pp. vi + 266. Illustrated. Edinburgh: Maskew Miller Longman.Surgical memoirs Surgical Roots and Branches. Ed. by R. Murley. Pp. x + 341. Illustrated. £18,50. Hamilton: Libriger Book Distribution. 1990.Survival in a hostile environment Staying Alive. Ed. by Ron Reid-Daly. Pp. ix + 259. Illustrated. R49,95. Rivonia: Ashami. 1990.Urolithiasis Urolithiasis: Medical and Surgical Reference. Ed. by M. 1. Resnick and C. Y. C. Pak. Pp. x + 375. Illustrated. R53,50. Kent: Harcoun Brace Jovanovich. 1990.Mental health in primary health care The Introduction of a Mental Health Component into Primary Health Care. pp. 1-59. SFr. 11,50. Geneva: WHO. 1990Tuberculosis in South Africa White Plague, Black Labor: Tuberculosis and the Political Economy of Health and Disease in South Africa. Ed. by Randall M. Packard. pp. xxii + 389. Illustrated. 40(cloth)and40 (cloth) and 15,95 (paperback). California: University of California Press. 1989.Medical research Research in Medicine:"A Guide to Writing a Thesis in the Medical Sciences. Ed. by G. Murrell, C. Huang and H. Ellis. PP: xii + 105. Illustrated. £19,50 (hIb) £7,50 (Plb). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990

    Systematically missing confounders in individual participant data meta-analysis of observational cohort studies.

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    One difficulty in performing meta-analyses of observational cohort studies is that the availability of confounders may vary between cohorts, so that some cohorts provide fully adjusted analyses while others only provide partially adjusted analyses. Commonly, analyses of the association between an exposure and disease either are restricted to cohorts with full confounder information, or use all cohorts but do not fully adjust for confounding. We propose using a bivariate random-effects meta-analysis model to use information from all available cohorts while still adjusting for all the potential confounders. Our method uses both the fully adjusted and the partially adjusted estimated effects in the cohorts with full confounder information, together with an estimate of their within-cohort correlation. The method is applied to estimate the association between fibrinogen level and coronary heart disease incidence using data from 154,012 participants in 31 cohort


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    Проблема и ее связь с научными и практическими задачами. В связи с тем, что в поступающем на обогатительные фабрики сырье содержится до 30% ма-териала крупностью менее 1 мм, роль процесса флотации существенно возрас-тает. Этому способствует и возможность создания достаточно простых замкну-тых водно-шламовых схем, включающих флотацию в качестве основного эле-мента очистки оборотных вод. Многими исследованиями, которые проводились ранее и продолжают выполняться и в настоящее время, установлены направле-ния совершенствования этого достаточно сложного физико-химического про-цесс

    Identification of a Mutation Associated with Fatal Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome in the Fell and Dales Pony

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    The Fell and Dales are rare native UK pony breeds at risk due to falling numbers, in-breeding, and inherited disease. Specifically, the lethal Mendelian recessive disease Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS), which manifests as B-lymphocyte immunodeficiency and progressive anemia, is a substantial threat. A significant percentage (∼10%) of the Fell ponies born each year dies from FIS, compromising the long-term survival of this breed. Moreover, the likely spread of FIS into other breeds is of major concern. Indeed, FIS was identified in the Dales pony, a related breed, during the course of this work. Using a stepwise approach comprising linkage and homozygosity mapping followed by haplotype analysis, we mapped the mutation using 14 FIS–affected, 17 obligate carriers, and 10 adults of unknown carrier status to a ∼1 Mb region (29.8 – 30.8 Mb) on chromosome (ECA) 26. A subsequent genome-wide association study identified two SNPs on ECA26 that showed genome-wide significance after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing: BIEC2-692674 at 29.804 Mb and BIEC2-693138 at 32.19 Mb. The associated region spanned 2.6 Mb from ∼29.6 Mb to 32.2 Mb on ECA26. Re-sequencing of this region identified a mutation in the sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter gene (SLC5A3); this causes a P446L substitution in the protein. This gene plays a crucial role in the regulatory response to osmotic stress that is essential in many tissues including lymphoid tissues and during early embryonic development. We propose that the amino acid substitution we identify here alters the function of SLC5A3, leading to erythropoiesis failure and compromise of the immune system. FIS is of significant biological interest as it is unique and is caused by a gene not previously associated with a mammalian disease. Having identified the associated gene, we are now able to eradicate FIS from equine populations by informed selective breeding