62 research outputs found

    ‘Of course I ask the best students to demonstrate’:digital normalizing practices in physical education

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    In this paper, we focus on the use of digital video technology for instruction in physical education (PE). Physical educators can produce PE instruction videos (PIVs) as educational resources and often use them to enable independent learning situations. Little research has focused on the criteria teachers use to select students for demonstration in such video practices, while such selections may impact the constructions of (un) desirable bodies in PE. The purpose of this study therefore was to uncover discourses that guide teachers in their selection of students to demonstrate in instructional videos and to discuss the possible consequences these selections may have for the privileging and marginalizing of certain students. We recruited six physical educators who participated in a network of early adopters for ICT in PE and we used their own PIV's as instruments for individual stimulated recall interviews. We subsequently discussed issues raised in these interviews with four focus-groups. We analyzed the data inductively by using open, focused and selective coding, looking for themes in the explanations the teachers used about their selection of students. The results suggest that the selection of students to demonstrate was based on a degree of perceived competence to perform well in the video and a degree of perceived resilience to cope with public scrutiny of their bodies. The teachers constructed hierarchies of desirable bodies that were embedded in intersecting discourses of ability, gender and ethnicity. This resulted in the selection of students who primarily embodied practices associated with white, able-bodied masculinities while other bodies were made invisible. We reflect on how these discursive practices may privilege and marginalize certain students and the possible consequences of this and of the use of students in such videos in general

    Проблеми та можливості споживання енергії в Україні

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    Проаналізовано споживання енергії в різних секторах економіки й подано модель визначення потенціалу зниження споживання енергії в Україні. Ключові слова: енергоефективність, енергозбереження, енергоємність, енергоспоживання, потенціал зменшення споживання енергії.Проанализированы потребления энергии в различных секторах экономики и представлена модель определения потенциала снижения потребления энергии в Украине. Ключевые слова: энергоэффективность, энергосбережение, энергоемкость, энергопотребление, потенциал уменьшения потребления энергии.The paper analyses energy consumption in different economic sectors and presents the model of determining the potential of reducing energy consumption in Ukraine. Keywords: energy efficiency, energy saving, energy intensity, energy waste, energy consumption, potential of reducing energy consumption

    “We want more diversity but…”: resisting diversity in recreational sports clubs

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    Participation in sport is highly valued by governments and policy makers. Policies and programs encourage participation of populations who are underrepresented in sport. In many countries sport participation is possible primarily under the auspices of voluntary sports clubs, many of which name demographic diversity as an organizational value. Underrepresented population groups continue to lag, however, in participating in sports clubs. Change has been slow in coming. Relatively little research focuses on resistance by those in positions of leadership to the entry or involvement of underrepresented or marginalized population groups into sports clubs. The purpose of this paper is to develop insight into why change may be so slow in coming even though demographic diversity is purportedly highly valued. Drawing on Raby's (2005) conceptualizations of practices of resistance, on empirical research on diversity in recreational sports clubs and on work by Foucault, the authors identify six discursive practices that those in positions of leadership in sport clubs draw on to resist diversity: speech acts, moral boundary work, in-group essentialism, denial/silencing, self-victimization, and bodily inscription. The authors conclude that resistance to diversity in sport clubs has emerged from a confluence of discourses that enable noncompliance at the micro level with the use of a macro-level discourse of diversity

    A behaviorally based appraisal of coaching performance in women's athletics at Michigan State University

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    The purpose of this study was to construct a multitrait multirater model for the appraisal of the 10 head coaches in the women's athletic program at Michigan State University in 1977-78. The resulting instrument was a behaviorally anchored rating scale (KBARS) consisting of 10 dimensions. The construction of the KBARS involved members of the rater population. They submitted 623 examples of effective and ineffective coaching behaviors. These incidents were refined to 299 statements. On the basis of the literature pertaining to coaching and the content of these incidents, 12 categories or dimensions of coaching performance were defined. A stratified sample of 43 raters-to-be allocated each statement to a dimension and assigned the item a numerical value from one to seven. In order to be included in the final KBARS, items and dimensions had to meet modal assignment, variability, and agreement criteria

    Clinical trial data sharing: Here's the challenge

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    Objective Anonymised patient-level data from clinical research are increasingly recognised as a fundamental and valuable resource. It has value beyond the original research project and can help drive scientific research and innovations and improve patient care. To support responsible data sharing, we need to develop systems that work for all stakeholders. The members of the Independent Review Panel (IRP) for the data sharing platform Clinical Study Data Request (CSDR) describe here some summary metrics from the platform and challenge the research community on why the promised demand for data has not been observed. Summary of data From 2014 to the end of January 2019, there were a total of 473 research proposals (RPs) submitted to CSDR. Of these, 364 met initial administrative and data availability checks, and the IRP approved 291. Of the 90 research teams that had completed their analyses by January 2018, 41 reported at least one resulting publication to CSDR. Less than half of the studies ever listed on CSDR have been requested. Conclusion While acknowledging there are areas for improvement in speed of access and promotion of the platform, the total number of applications for access and the resulting publications have been low and challenge the sustainability of this model. What are the barriers for data contributors and secondary analysis researchers? If this model does not work for all, what needs to be changed? One thing is clear: that data access can realise new and unforeseen contributions to knowledge and improve patient health, but this will not be achieved unless we build sustainable models together that work for all

    Scholarship on Gender and Sport in Sex Roles and Beyond

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    In this paper we critically review how research on girls or women and sport has developed over the last 35 years. We use a post-positivist lens to explore the content of the papers published in Sex Roles in the area of women, gender and sport and examine the shifts in how gender and sport have been conceptualized in these accounts. In order to initiate a broader dialogue about the scholarly analysis of gender and sport, we subsequently explore ideas inspired by feminist theorizing that have dominated/guided related research in other outlets over this time period but have received relatively little attention in papers published in Sex Roles. We conclude by briefly making suggestions for further research in this area

    Assessing the sociology of sport : On critical sport sociology and sport management

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    On the 50th anniversary of the ISSA and IRSS, Annelies Knoppers, one of the leading scholars in understanding the culture of sport in organizational settings, considers how the critical lens of sociology can enhance and mesh with research on sport management. Knoppers argues that there have been lost opportunities and understandings from the little overlap between scholars publishing in journals in the sociology of sport and sport management. Using the topic of gender and leadership, she describes the benefits that might result from using a sociological lens and a ‘critical reflexivity’ to study power and social inequalities in sport management and organizations. Consideration is given to how critical understandings about gender can enhance organizational effectiveness by valuing ‘hybridity’ in leadership styles. The essay closes with arguments for a critical intersectional approach to the study of sport management with recognition that ‘disciplinary’ practices shape the wielding of leadership power within organizations

    Vrouwen in badpakken is sport?

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    Recensie van: Laurel R. Davis, The Swimsuit Issue and Sport: Hegemonic Masculinity in Sports Illustrated. State University of New York Press, Albany NY, 1997.