1,194 research outputs found

    Development of novel multiplex microsatellite polymerase chain reactions to enable high-throughput population genetic studies of Schistosoma haematobium

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    © 2015 Webster et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Praziquantel coverage in schools and communities targeted for the elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis in Zanzibar: a cross-sectional survey

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    © 2015 Knopp et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Study and implementation of urogenital schistosomiasis elimination in Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba islands) using an integrated multidisciplinary approach

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection that continues to be a major public health problem in many developing countries being responsible for an estimated burden of at least 1.4 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in Africa alone. However, morbidity due to schistosomiasis has been greatly reduced in some parts of the world, including Zanzibar. The Zanzibar government is now committed to eliminate urogenital schistosomiasis. Over the next 3--5 years, the whole at-risk population will be administered praziquantel (40 mg/kg) biannually. Additionally, snail control and behaviour change interventions will be implemented in selected communities and the impact measured in a randomized intervention trial. METHODS: In this 5-year research study, on both Unguja and Pemba islands, urogenital schistosomiasis will be assessed in 45 communities with urine filtration and reagent strips in 4,500 schoolchildren aged 9--12 years annually, and in 4,500 first-year schoolchildren and 2,250 adults in years 1 and 5. Additionally, from first-year schoolchildren, a finger-prick blood sample will be collected and examined for Schistosoma haematobium infection biomarkers. Changes in prevalence and infection intensity will be assessed annually. Among the 45 communities, 15 were randomized for biannual snail control with niclosamide, in concordance with preventive chemotherapy campaigns. The reduction of Bulinus globosus snail populations and S. haematobium-infected snails will be investigated. In 15 other communities, interventions triggering behaviour change have been designed and will be implemented in collaboration with the community. A change in knowledge, attitudes and practices will be assessed annually through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with schoolchildren, teachers, parents and community leaders. In all 45 communities, changes in the health system, water and sanitation infrastructure will be annually tracked by standardized questionnaire-interviews with community leaders. Additional issues potentially impacting on study outcomes and all incurring costs will be monitored and recorded. DISCUSSION: Elimination of schistosomiasis has become a priority on the agenda of the Zanzibar government and the international community. Our study will contribute to identifying what, in addition to preventive chemotherapy, needs to be done to prevent, control, and ultimately eliminate schistosomiasis, and to draw lessons for current and future schistosomiasis elimination programmes in Africa and elsewhere.Trial registrationISRCTN4883768

    Renormalization of Multiple qq-Zeta Values

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    In this paper we shall define the renormalization of the multiple qq-zeta values (MqqZV) which are special values of multiple qq-zeta functions ζq(s1,...,sd)\zeta_q(s_1,...,s_d) when the arguments are all positive integers or all non-positive integers. This generalizes the work of Guo and Zhang (math.NT/0606076v3) on the renormalization of Euler-Zagier multiple zeta values. We show that our renormalization process produces the same values if the MqqZVs are well-defined originally and that these renormalizations of MqqZV satisfy the qq-stuffle relations if we use shifted-renormalizations for all divergent ζq(s1,...,sd)\zeta_q(s_1,...,s_d) (i.e., s1≤1s_1\le 1). Moreover, when \qup our renormalizations agree with those of Guo and Zhang.Comment: 22 pages. This is a substantial revision of the first version. I provide a new and complete proof of the fact that our renormalizations satisfy the q-stuffle relations using the shifting principle of MqZV

    GPS-based fine-scale mapping surveys for schistosomiasis assessment: a practical introduction and documentation of field implementation

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    BACKGROUND: Fine-scale mapping of schistosomiasis to guide micro-targeting of interventions will gain importance in elimination settings, where the heterogeneity of transmission is often pronounced. Novel mobile applications offer new opportunities for disease mapping. We provide a practical introduction and documentation of the strengths and shortcomings of GPS-based household identification and participant recruitment using tablet-based applications for fine-scale schistosomiasis mapping at sub-district level in a remote area in Pemba, Tanzania. METHODS: A community-based household survey for urogenital schistosomiasis assessment was conducted from November 2020 until February 2021 in 20 small administrative areas in Pemba. For the survey, 1400 housing structures were prospectively and randomly selected from shapefile data. To identify pre-selected structures and collect survey-related data, field enumerators searched for the houses' geolocation using the mobile applications Open Data Kit (ODK) and MAPS.ME. The number of inhabited and uninhabited structures, the median distance between the pre-selected and recorded locations, and the dropout rates due to non-participation or non-submission of urine samples of sufficient volume for schistosomiasis testing was assessed. RESULTS: Among the 1400 randomly selected housing structures, 1396 (99.7%) were identified by the enumerators. The median distance between the pre-selected and recorded structures was 5.4 m. A total of 1098 (78.7%) were residential houses. Among them, 99 (9.0%) were dropped due to continuous absence of residents and 40 (3.6%) households refused to participate. In 797 (83.1%) among the 959 participating households, all eligible household members or all but one provided a urine sample of sufficient volume. CONCLUSIONS: The fine-scale mapping approach using a combination of ODK and an offline navigation application installed on tablet computers allows a very precise identification of housing structures. Dropouts due to non-residential housing structures, absence, non-participation and lack of urine need to be considered in survey designs. Our findings can guide the planning and implementation of future household-based mapping or longitudinal surveys and thus support micro-targeting and follow-up of interventions for schistosomiasis control and elimination in remote areas. Trial registration ISRCTN, ISCRCTN91431493. Registered 11 February 2020, https://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN91431493

    Novel tools and strategies for breaking schistosomiasis transmission: study protocol for an intervention study

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    BACKGROUND: Global elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem is set as target in the new World Health Organization's Neglected Tropical Diseases Roadmap for 2030. Due to a long history of interventions, the Zanzibar islands of Tanzania have reached this goal since 2017. However, challenges occur on the last mile towards interruption of transmission. Our study will investigate new tools and strategies for breaking schistosomiasis transmission. METHODS: The study is designed as an intervention study, documented through repeated cross-sectional surveys (2020-2024). The primary endpoint will be the sensitivity of a surveillance-response approach to detect and react to outbreaks of urogenital schistosomiasis over three years of implementation. The surveys and multi-disciplinary interventions will be implemented in 20 communities in the north of Pemba island. In low-prevalence areas, surveillance-response will consist of active, passive and reactive case detection, treatment of positive individuals, and focal snail control. In hotspot areas, mass drug administration, snail control and behaviour change interventions will be implemented. Parasitological cross-sectional surveys in 20 communities and their main primary schools will serve to adapt the intervention approach annually and to monitor the performance of the surveillance-response approach and impact of interventions. Schistosoma haematobium infections will be diagnosed using reagent strips and urine filtration microscopy, and by exploring novel point-of-care diagnostic tests. DISCUSSION: Our study will shed light on the field applicability and performance of novel adaptive intervention strategies, and standard and new diagnostic tools for schistosomiasis elimination. The evidence and experiences generated by micro-mapping of S. haematobium infections at community level, micro-targeting of new adaptive intervention approaches, and application of novel diagnostic tools can guide future strategic plans for schistosomiasis elimination in Zanzibar and inform other countries aiming for interruption of transmission. Trial registration ISRCTN, ISCRCTN91431493. Registered 11 February 2020, https://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN91431493

    Absence of bound states for waveguides in 2D periodic structures

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    We study a Helmholtz-type spectral problem in a two-dimensional medium consisting of a fully periodic background structure and a perturbation in form of a line defect. The defect is aligned along one of the coordinate axes, periodic in that direction (with the same periodicity as the background), and bounded in the other direction. This setting models a so-called "soft-wall" waveguide problem. We show that there are no bound states, i.e., the spectrum of the operator under study contains no point spectrum.Comment: This is an updated version of our paper (in slightly different form in Journal of Mathematical Physics). An anonymous reviewer kindly made us aware that ref. 10 is not applicable in our situation. An application of the theorem in ref. 10 would have proved the absence of singular continuous spectrum also. Our result on the absence of point spectrum is not affected by thi

    Sensitivity and Specificity of Multiple Kato-Katz Thick Smears and a Circulating Cathodic Antigen Test for Schistosoma mansoni Diagnosis Pre- and Post-repeated-Praziquantel Treatment

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    Two Kato-Katz thick smears (Kato-Katzs) from a single stool are currently recommended for diagnosing Schistosoma mansoni infections to map areas for intervention. This ‘gold standard’ has low sensitivity at low infection intensities. The urine point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen test (POC-CCA) is potentially more sensitive but how accurately they detect S. mansoni after repeated praziquantel treatments, their suitability for measuring drug efficacy and their correlation with egg counts remain to be fully understood. We compared the accuracies of one to six Kato-Katzs and one POC-CCA for the diagnosis of S. mansoni in primary-school children who have received zero to ten praziquantel treatments. We determined the impact each diagnostic approach may have on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and drug-efficacy findings

    A Cold Front in A3667: Hydrodynamics and Magnetic Field in the Intracluster Medium

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    This conference presentation discusses a Chandra observation of the cold front in Abell 3667. We first review our earlier results which include a measurement of the front velocity, M~1, using the ratio of exterior and interior gas pressures; observations of the hydrodynamic effects expected for a transonic front motion (weak bow shock and gas compression near the leading edge of the front); direct observation of the suppressed diffusion across the front, and estimate of the magnetic field strength near the front from suppression of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. The new results include using the 2-dimensional brightness distribution inside the cold front (a) to show that the front is stable and (b) to map the mass distribution in the gas cloud. This analysis confirms the existence of a dark matter subcluster traveling with the front. We also fix an algebraic error in our published calculations for the growth rate of the KH instability and discuss an additional effect which could stabilize the front against the small-scale perturbations. These updates only strengthen our conclusions regarding the importance of the magnetic fields for the front dynamics.Comment: Shortened version of the paper published in Astronomy Letters; based on talk at conference "High Energy Astrophysics 2001", Moscow, Dec 200

    A Holder Continuous Nowhere Improvable Function with Derivative Singular Distribution

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    We present a class of functions K\mathcal{K} in C0(R)C^0(\R) which is variant of the Knopp class of nowhere differentiable functions. We derive estimates which establish \mathcal{K} \sub C^{0,\al}(\R) for 0<\al<1 but no K∈KK \in \mathcal{K} is pointwise anywhere improvable to C^{0,\be} for any \be>\al. In particular, all KK's are nowhere differentiable with derivatives singular distributions. K\mathcal{K} furnishes explicit realizations of the functional analytic result of Berezhnoi. Recently, the author and simulteously others laid the foundations of Vector-Valued Calculus of Variations in L∞L^\infty (Katzourakis), of L∞L^\infty-Extremal Quasiconformal maps (Capogna and Raich, Katzourakis) and of Optimal Lipschitz Extensions of maps (Sheffield and Smart). The "Euler-Lagrange PDE" of Calculus of Variations in L∞L^\infty is the nonlinear nondivergence form Aronsson PDE with as special case the ∞\infty-Laplacian. Using K\mathcal{K}, we construct singular solutions for these PDEs. In the scalar case, we partially answered the open C1C^1 regularity problem of Viscosity Solutions to Aronsson's PDE (Katzourakis). In the vector case, the solutions can not be rigorously interpreted by existing PDE theories and justify our new theory of Contact solutions for fully nonlinear systems (Katzourakis). Validity of arguments of our new theory and failure of classical approaches both rely on the properties of K\mathcal{K}.Comment: 5 figures, accepted to SeMA Journal (2012), to appea
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