15 research outputs found

    Визначення ймовірності удару блискавки в елементи об’єкта з урахуванням статистичного розподілу сили струму

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    Problem. Modern international standards in the field of lightning protection, when assessing the probability of a lightning strike into an object, do not take into account the statistical distribution of the lightning current. Goal. Justification of the expediency of taking into account the statistical distribution of the lightning current with a determined probability of lightning striking the elements of the object, and the effectiveness of the application of the improved «rolling sphere» method. Methodology. Method of mathematical modeling, based on RSM with additional consideration of the probability distribution of lightning current. Results. The expediency of taking into account the statistical distribution of lightning current at the determined probability of lightning striking the elements of the object has been proven. The effectiveness of the improved «rolling sphere» method, implemented in the form of a computer program, which takes into account the given probability distribution of lightning current in the range from 2 kA to 200 kA, has been proved. The expediency of introducing the concept of «average value of the area of the collection area» is substantiated, taking into account the probability of lightning with a current in a given range. It has been established that the application of the standardized formula leads to a significant (many times) overestimation of the predicted number of lightning strikes to the object, if the height of the object exceeds 20 m. The reasons for the difference, according to the author, are due to the following properties of the standardized methodology: usually, the real shape of the object is not taken into account; statistical distribution of lightning current is not taken into account; it is based on the results of experimental studies obtained mainly for mast or rod-type objects in laboratory conditions with a limited discharge interval. Practical value. This approach will provide an opportunity to optimize the layout of lightning arresters during the restoration of objects, taking into account green reconstruction. The obtained results are proposed for consideration by the Technical Committee TC 81 IEC for inclusion in the next editions of the standards.В роботі розглянуто застосування методу «сфери що котиться» до об’єктів інфраструктури у вигляді території, яка включає будівлі та споруди довільної форми. Запропоновано алгоритм урахування статистичного розподілу ймовірності сили струму блискавки для визначення ймовірності влучення блискавки у елементи об’єкту. Визначено, що не урахування цього аспекту у сучасних нормативних документах, призводить до суттєвих помилок. Такий підхід наддасть можливість оптимізувати схему розміщення блискавкоприймачів під час відновлення об’єктів з урахуванням зеленої реконструкції


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    Purpose. Description of construction and basic technical descriptions developed and created in Research & Design Institute «Molniya» National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» high-voltage heavy-current coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to measure the peak-temporal parameters (PTP) of impulses of current of artificial lightning in wide peak and temporal ranges with the integral of their action to 15·106 J/Ohm. Methodology. Electrophysics bases of high-voltage impulsive technique, scientific and technical bases of development and creation of high-voltage heavy-current impulsive electrical equipment, including the powerful generators of current of lightning (GCL), and also measuring methods in bit chains powerful high-voltage GCL AVP large impulsive currents of micro- and millisecond temporal ranges. Results. Offered and described new construction of measuring high-voltage heavy-current shunt, containing a measuring round disk from stainless steel easily soiled a 12Х18Н10Т thickness 2 mm and external diameter 80 mm. Experimental a way impulsive active resistance of RS≈0,08 mOhm of the indicated measuring disk and on his basis a calculation coefficient transformation is found of SS of coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, numeral equal in the concerted mode of operations of his coaxial cable line (CCL) SS≈2/RS≈25·103 A/V. It is rotined that it is expedient to use this value SS for measuring in the heavy-current bit chain of GCL ATP impulsive A- and repeated impulsive D- component of current of artificial lightning, and also ATP of aperiodic impulse of current of artificial lightning of temporal form 10 μc/350 μc. It is set that taking into account application in the end CCL of shunt of a co-ordinate divizor of voltage with two output coaxial sockets 1:1 (for SSA≈25·103 A/V) and 1:2 (SSC≈12,5·103 A/V) at measuring of ATP intermediate B-, protracted C- and shortened protracted C*- component of current of artificial lightning in GCL it is expedient to utillize a numeral value SS for the examined shunt, equal 12,5·103 A/V. Practical approbation and verification of capacity of the improved measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 is executed in the high-voltage heavy-current bit chain of powerful GCL, forming on the actively-inductive loading of A- and C*- the components of current of artificial lightning with rationed ATP. Originality. Developed and created new high-voltage heavy-current measuring shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to register rationed ATP of attenuation sinewave and aperiodic impulses of current of artificial lightning in the bit chains of powerful GCL with amplitude to ±220 кА and integral them action to 13,5·106 J/Ohm. On the measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 from government metrology service of Ukraine the certificate of accordance of the set form is got. Practical value. Application of the created shunt of type of SC-300M2 in composition the high-voltage heavy-current bit chains of powerful GCL will allow in a certain measure to improve the metrology providing of tests of aviation and space-rocket technique, and also objects of electroenergy on stability to lightning.Описана конструкция разработанного и созданного измерительного коаксиального дискового шунта типа ШК-300М2, позволяющего с помощью коаксиальной кабельной линии связи и цифровых запоминающих осциллографов одновременно измерять амплитудно-временные параметры (АВП) основных компонент тока искусственной молнии, генерируемых высоковольтным генератором грозовых разрядов в соответствии с требованиями нормативных документов США SAE ARP 5412: 2013 и SAE ARP 5416: 2013. Приведены основные технические характеристики измерительного коаксиального дискового шунта типа ШК-300М2. Показано, что данный шунт позволяет измерять и АВП апериодического импульса тока временной формы 10 мкс/350 мкс, нормированный интеграл действия которого согласно требований международного стандарта IEC 62305-1: 2010 может численно составлять до 13,5·106 Дж/Ом

    Психологічні аспекти організації комунікативної діяльності слідчого у межах кримінального провадження за фактом вчинення хуліганських дій

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    Князєв Ю.В. Психологічні аспекти організації комунікативної діяльності слідчого у межах кримінального провадження за фактом вчинення хуліганських дій / Ю.В. Князєв // Актуальні напрями практичної психології і психотерапії : матеріали VIII Міжнар. наук.- практ. конф. молодих вчених, студентів та аспірантів (м. Харків, 16 груд. 2020 р.). - Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. - С. 84 - 87.В статті розглядаються психологічні аспекти організації комунікативної діяльності слідчого у межах кримінального провадження за фактом вчинення хуліганських дій. В статье рассматриваются психологические аспекты организации коммуникативной деятельности следователя в рамках уголовного производства по факту хулиганских действий. The article considers the psychological aspects of the organization of communicative activities of the investigator within the criminal proceedings on the fact of committing hooliganism


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    Purpose. Calculation and experimental researches of electro-thermal resistibility of the pre-production thin-walled sheet models of outward roof of height technical buildings from stainless steel are easily soiled 12Х18Н10Т to direct action on them rationed by the International Standard IEC 62305-1-2010 aperiodic impulse of current of short bow of artificial lightning of temporal form 10/350 μs with the proper admittances on his peak-temporal parameters (PTP). Methodology. Electrophysics bases of technique of high voltage and large impulsive currents (LIC), and also scientific and technical bases of planning of high-voltage impulsive devices and measuring methods in them LIC with followings below extreme PTP: amplitude of impulse of current of ImL=200 кА (with admittance ±10 %); integral of action of impulse of current of JL=10·106 A2·s (with admittance ±35 %); %); duration of wavefront current of T1=10 μs (with admittance ±20 %); time, proper amplitude of impulse of current of ImL, tmL≤24 μs (with admittance ±20 %); duration of flowing of impulse of current of T2=350 μs (with admittance ±10 %). Results. The results of evaluation calculation and experimental researches of electro-thermal resistibility of the indicated pre-production sheet models are resulted measuring in the plan of 0,5 x 0,5 m from stainless steel are easily soiled the 12Х18Н10Т thickness of 1 mm to action on them of aperiodic impulse of current of short blow of artificial lightning with rationed PTP on the requirements of the International Standard IEC 62305-1-2010. In high current experiments amplitude of ImL of the aperiodic rationed impulse of current of artificial lightning of temporal form of T1/T2=15 μs/315 μs changed in the range of (100-184) кА. The integral of action of JL of impulse of current for I-IV of levels of protection of lightning of technical objects (TO) numeral made from 2,32·106 А2·s to 7,88·106 А2·s, and the flowing through the probed pre-production steel models electric charge of qL numeral changed from 44,2 Kl to 81,3 Kl. It is shown that direct influence rationed by the International Standard IEC 62305-1-2010 impulse of current of short blow of artificial lightning with in-use PTP on the indicated pre-production steel models causes in them the rounded small hole of melting of surface of coverage a depth no more than 50 μm and diameter no more than 60 mm. The results of calculation and experiment coincide within the limits of 5 %. Originality. First in world practice on the unique generator of LIC of short blow of artificial lightning of type of GITM-10/350 experimental researches of electro-thermal resistibility of pre-production sheet models of outward roof are conducted TO of stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т is easily soiled to direct action on them of impulses of current of an artificial storm air spark digit with extreme parameters. Practical value. Drawing on the got results in practice of protection height TO from linear lightning will allow substantially to promote their functional and fire-prevention safety in the conditions of direct action on them of the plasma ductings of high current storm air spark discharge.Приведены результаты расчетной и опытной оценки электротермической стойкости тонкостенного покрытия наружной кровли высотного технического сооружения из нержавеющей стали марки 12Х18Н10Т к прямому воздействию на него нормированного по международному стандарту IEC 62305-1-2010 апериодического импульса тока искусственной молнии временной формы 10/350 мкс c амплитудой от 100 до 200 кА и заданными допусками на его амплитудно-временные параметры. Показано, что указанный импульсный ток молнии вызывает лишь локальное поверхностное термическое повреждение исследуемого стального покрытия при радиусе данной зоны повреждения не более 30 мм и глубине проплавления его стенки не более 50 мкм.Приведены результаты расчетной и опытной оценки электротермической стойкости тонкостенного покрытия наружной кровли высотного технического сооружения из нержавеющей стали марки 12Х18Н10Т к прямому воздействию на него нормированного по международному стандарту IEC 62305-1-2010 апериодического импульса тока искусственной молнии временной формы 10/350 мкс c амплитудой от 100 до 200 кА и заданными допусками на его амплитудно-временные параметры. Показано, что указанный импульсный ток молнии вызывает лишь локальное поверхностное термическое повреждение исследуемого стального покрытия при радиусе данной зоны повреждения не более 30 мм и глубине проплавления его стенки не более 50 мкм


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    Purpose. Development and evaluation, on the basis of existing ultra-high-voltage generator of pulsed voltages and currents of GINT-4 type, of the new scheme of design of its charging-discharging circuit (CDC), and creation of modernized powerful ultra-high-voltage high-current generator of GINT-2 type to form microsecond voltage pulses with amplitudes up to ±2 MV and current with amplitude up to ±150 kA in the electrical load, with electrical energy stored in its capacitive energy storage (CES) up to 1 MJ. Methodology. Fundamentals of theoretical and applied electrical engineering, electrical power engineering, electrophysical principles of high-voltage and high pulsed current engineering, fundamentals of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), instrument engineering, high-voltage instrumentation and standardization. Results. The new scheme of design of CDC of the modernized powerful ultra-high-voltage, heavy-current generator of GINT-2 type of outdoor placement, that allows obtaining, with preservation of the main electrotechnical elemental base of existing powerful prototype generator GINT-4 (rated output voltage ±4 MV with rated electrical energy stored in CES of 1 MJ and maximal amplitude of output current  pulse in  electrical  load up  to ±75 kA) pulses of current of microsecond duration with doubled amplitude (up to ±150 kA) in the long (from 1 to 4 m length) air gap of standard two-electrode discharging «needle-plane» system, in comparison with parameters of current pulses with amplitudes up to ±75 kA that are formed in the discharging circuit of generator of GINT-4 type with the use of the analogous air discharging system, has been developed. Experimental evaluations of the developed new discharging circuit in CDC of the modernized generator of GINT-4 type has been performed in field conditions, and its advantages over the old discharging circuit in composition of CDC of generator of GINT-4 type have been shown. Calculated evaluations of rise rates of high pulsed current (HPC) in plasma channel of air spark discharge of CES with energy up to 1 MJ of generator of GINT-2 type, and strength of electric and magnetic field that are formed around this high-current channel of spark discharge and are powerful electromagnetic interference (PEMI) for objects of armaments and military equipment (OAME) were performed. It was shown that rise rates of HPC obtained for generator GINT-2 in the channel of long air spark discharge (of artificial lightning) and PEMI around this channel practically satisfy strict requirements of the NATO Standards AESTP-250: 2014 and USA MIL-STD-464C: 2010. Originality. The new scheme of design of CDC in composition of the modernized powerful ultra-high-voltage high-current generator of GINT-2 type (developer – Research & Design Institute «Molniya» of NTU «KhPI»), satisfying requirements of the mentioned standards for full-scale tests of OAME for EMC and immunity to action on them of PEMI from long atmospheric spark electric discharges (lightning) was developed for the first time. Practical value. Application of the created ultra-high-voltage high-current generator of GINT-2 type in tests of OAME for EMC and immunity to action on them of PEMI from artificial lightning will assist increase in reliability of OAME functioning in conditions of damaging (destabilizing) action on them HPC and PEMI of natural and artificial origin.Предложена и апробирована новая схема построения мощного сверхвысоковольтного сильноточного генератора импульсных напряжений и токов ГИНТ-2 наружной установки, формирующего на активно-индуктивной нагрузке микросекундные импульсы напряжения амплитудой до ±2 МВ и тока амплитудой до ±150 кА при запасаемой электрической энергии до 1 МДж. Данный генератор построен на основе размещенного в полевых условиях модернизированного стационарного генератора ГИНТ-4 на номинальное напряжение ±4 МВ и номинальный ток амплитудой ±75 кА с запасаемой в его высоковольтных конденсаторах электрической энергией номинальным значением 1 МДж. Приведены описания схемных и конструктивных решений генератора ГИНТ-2, позволяющих обеспечить при сохранении основной электротехнической элементной базы генератора ГИНТ-4 получение на длинном разрядном воздушном промежутке двухэлектродной системы «игла-плоскость» импульсов тока микросекундной длительности с удвоенной амплитудой по сравнению с параметрами импульсов тока, формируемых в разрядной цепи генератора ГИНТ-4 с использованием аналогичной двухэлектродной системы. Перевод генератора ГИНТ-4 в режим работы генератора ГИНТ-2 с уменьшенным вдвое уровнем выходного импульсного напряжения и увеличенным вдвое уровнем выходного импульсного тока обусловлен требованиями стандартов НАТО AECTP-250: 2014 и США MIL-STD-464C: 2010 при испытаниях технических объектов на электромагнитную совместимость и невосприимчивость к воздействию на них мощных электромагнитных помех от атмосферных грозовых сильноточных электрических разрядов (молний).

    A calculation of basic thermophysical, gasodynamic and electropower parameters of electric explosion is in the gas environment of metallic explorer

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    Goal. Receipt and analysis of close analytical correlations for the engineering calculation of maximal temperature of Tm and pressures of Pm in a plasma channel, time of tex explosion of explorer, active resistance of Rc and specific conductivity of γp of plasma channel, to entered in explorer Wi and selected in the channel of Wc of thermal energy and high speed of vmw distribution of shock acoustic wave in the plasma products of electric explosion (EE) in gas of explorer under the action of large impulsive current (LIC). Methodology. Basis of thermophysics, thermodynamics, theoretical and applied electrical engineering, electrophysics bases of technique of high-voltage and large impulsive currents, basis of heavy-current electronics, theory of explosion and plasma, measuring technique and electromagnetic compatibility. Results . Close formulas are got for the analytical calculation of temperature of Tm and pressures of Pm in a plasma channel, time of tex explosion of explorer, active resistance of Rc and specific conductivity of γp of plasma channel, to entered in explorer Wi and selected in the channel of Wc of thermal energy and speed of vmw of shock acoustic wave in «metallic plasma» at EE in gas of explorer, testing action LIC in the discharge chain of high-voltage generator of impulsive currents (GIC) with the stocked energy of W0. It is rotined that at EE in atmospheric air of copper explorer long 110 mm and by a radius 0,1 mm in the bit chain of GIC of the microsecond temporal range (Imc≈−190 кА; tmc≈42 μs; ωc≈26,18·103 s-1; W0≈121,4 кJ) levels of temperature of Tm, to time of tex explosion, pressures of Pm and speeds of vmw in the area of his explosion can arrive at numeral values: Tm≈121,6·103 K, tex≈3,32 μs; Pm≈14,19·109 Pa and vmw≈4693 m/s. The ways of receipt are formulated in the bit chain of GIC of «record» (most) values of temperature of Tm, pressures of Pm and speeds of vmw. It is set that at EE in atmospheric air of the indicated short thin copper explorer the coefficient of the useful use of ηc of electric energy of W0 of condenser battery of GIC arrives at the numeral value of ηc≈(Wi+Wc)/W0≈0,326 (32,6 %). Arising up in the plasma channel of discharge, initiated EE in gas of explorer, temperature of Tm and pressure of Pm, time of tex explosion of explorer, specific conductivity of γp of channel, thermal energy of Wc and speed of vmw of shock acoustic wave selected in a channel in «metallic plasma» can be certain experimental a way on results decoding of oscillograms of discharge current of ic(t) and high-voltage of uc(t) on an explorer in the chain of GIC. A formula is resulted for the close calculation of critical integral of current of Jk at EE in gas of explorers from different metals. Executed on powerful GIC heavy-current experiments were confirmed by substantive provisions offered approach near the analytical calculation of basic parameters of electro-explosive process for the probed explorer. Originality. Offered and the engineering going is scientifically grounded near the analytical calculation of the indicated thermophysical, gasodynamic and electroenergy parameters of Tm, Pm, tex, Rc, γp, Wi, Wc and vmw at EE in gas of metallic explorer, plugged in the discharge chain of GIC. Practical value. Application in electrophysics practice of the offered engineering going near a calculation in the chain of GIC of basic parameters of electro-explosive process will allow to facilitate labour of workers of scientific laboratories and promote efficiency of work of technicians-and-engineers during practical realization by them different electro-explosive technologies

    Розрахунок основних теплофізичних, газодинамічних та електроенергетичних параметрів електричного вибуху в газовому середовищі металевого провідника

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    Goal. Receipt and analysis of close analytical correlations for the engineering calculation of maximal temperature of Tm and pressures of Pm in a plasma channel, time of tex explosion of explorer, active resistance of Rc and specific conductivity of γp of plasma channel, to entered in explorer Wi and selected in the channel of Wc of thermal energy and high speed of vmw distribution of shock acoustic wave in the plasma products of electric explosion (EE) in gas of explorer under the action of large impulsive current (LIC). Methodology. Basis of thermophysics, thermodynamics, theoretical and applied electrical engineering, electrophysics bases of technique of high-voltage and large impulsive currents, basis of heavy-current electronics, theory of explosion and plasma, measuring technique and electromagnetic compatibility. Results . Close formulas are got for the analytical calculation of temperature of Tm and pressures of Pm in a plasma channel, time of tex explosion of explorer, active resistance of Rc and specific conductivity of γp of plasma channel, to entered in explorer Wi and selected in the channel of Wc of thermal energy and speed of vmw of shock acoustic wave in «metallic plasma» at EE in gas of explorer, testing action LIC in the discharge chain of high-voltage generator of impulsive currents (GIC) with the stocked energy of W0. It is rotined that at EE in atmospheric air of copper explorer long 110 mm and by a radius 0,1 mm in the bit chain of GIC of the microsecond temporal range (Imc≈−190 кА; tmc≈42 μs; ωc≈26,18·103 s-1; W0≈121,4 кJ) levels of temperature of Tm, to time of tex explosion, pressures of Pm and speeds of vmw in the area of his explosion can arrive at numeral values: Tm≈121,6·103 K, tex≈3,32 μs; Pm≈14,19·109 Pa and vmw≈4693 m/s. The ways of receipt are formulated in the bit chain of GIC of «record» (most) values of temperature of Tm, pressures of Pm and speeds of vmw. It is set that at EE in atmospheric air of the indicated short thin copper explorer the coefficient of the useful use of ηc of electric energy of W0 of condenser battery of GIC arrives at the numeral value of ηc≈(Wi+Wc)/W0≈0,326 (32,6 %). Arising up in the plasma channel of discharge, initiated EE in gas of explorer, temperature of Tm and pressure of Pm, time of tex explosion of explorer, specific conductivity of γp of channel, thermal energy of Wc and speed of vmw of shock acoustic wave selected in a channel in «metallic plasma» can be certain experimental a way on results decoding of oscillograms of discharge current of ic(t) and high-voltage of uc(t) on an explorer in the chain of GIC. A formula is resulted for the close calculation of critical integral of current of Jk at EE in gas of explorers from different metals. Executed on powerful GIC heavy-current experiments were confirmed by substantive provisions offered approach near the analytical calculation of basic parameters of electro-explosive process for the probed explorer. Originality. Offered and the engineering going is scientifically grounded near the analytical calculation of the indicated thermophysical, gasodynamic and electroenergy parameters of Tm, Pm, tex, Rc, γp, Wi, Wc and vmw at EE in gas of metallic explorer, plugged in the discharge chain of GIC. Practical value. Application in electrophysics practice of the offered engineering going near a calculation in the chain of GIC of basic parameters of electro-explosive process will allow to facilitate labour of workers of scientific laboratories and promote efficiency of work of technicians-and-engineers during practical realization by them different electro-explosive technologies.Надані результати інженерного розрахунку температури Tm і тиску Pm в плазмовому каналі, часу tex вибуху провідника, активного опору Rc і питомої електропровідності γp плазми каналу, теплової енергії, що вводиться в провідник Wi та виділяється в каналі Wc, і швидкості vmw розповсюдження ударної акустичної хвилі в «металевій плазмі», що утворюється при електричному вибуху (ЕВ) в газовому середовищі металевого провідника під дією великого імпульсного струму. Показано, що при ЕВ в атмосферному повітрі короткого тонкого мідного провідника в розрядному колі високовольтного генератора імпульсних струмів (ГІС) мікросекундного часового діапазону рівні температури Tm, тиску Pm і швидкості vmw в зоні його вибуху можуть досягати чисельних значень Tm≈121,6·103 К, Pm≈14,19·109 Па і vmw≈4693 м/с. Сформульовані електротехнічні шляхи отримання в розрядному колі ГІС з металевим провідником, який вибухає у газовому середовищі, найбільших значень температури Tm, тиску Pm і швидкості vmw


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    Purpose. Description of construction and basic technical descriptions developed and created in Research & Design Institute «Molniya» National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» high-voltage heavy-current coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to measure the peak-temporal parameters (PTP) of impulses of current of artificial lightning in wide peak and temporal ranges with the integral of their action to 15·106 J/Ohm. Methodology. Electrophysics bases of high-voltage impulsive technique, scientific and technical bases of development and creation of high-voltage heavy-current impulsive electrical equipment, including the powerful generators of current of lightning (GCL), and also measuring methods in bit chains powerful high-voltage GCL AVP large impulsive currents of micro- and millisecond temporal ranges. Results. Offered and described new construction of measuring high-voltage heavy-current shunt, containing a measuring round disk from stainless steel easily soiled a 12Х18Н10Т thickness 2 mm and external diameter 80 mm. Experimental a way impulsive active resistance of RS≈0,08 mOhm of the indicated measuring disk and on his basis a calculation coefficient transformation is found of SS of coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, numeral equal in the concerted mode of operations of his coaxial cable line (CCL) SS≈2/RS≈25·103 A/V. It is rotined that it is expedient to use this value SS for measuring in the heavy-current bit chain of GCL ATP impulsive A- and repeated impulsive D- component of current of artificial lightning, and also ATP of aperiodic impulse of current of artificial lightning of temporal form 10 μc/350 μc. It is set that taking into account application in the end CCL of shunt of a co-ordinate divizor of voltage with two output coaxial sockets 1:1 (for SSA≈25·103 A/V) and 1:2 (SSC≈12,5·103 A/V) at measuring of ATP intermediate B-, protracted C- and shortened protracted C*- component of current of artificial lightning in GCL it is expedient to utillize a numeral value SS for the examined shunt, equal 12,5·103 A/V. Practical approbation and verification of capacity of the improved measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 is executed in the high-voltage heavy-current bit chain of powerful GCL, forming on the actively-inductive loading of A- and C*- the components of current of artificial lightning with rationed ATP. Originality. Developed and created new high-voltage heavy-current measuring shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to register rationed ATP of attenuation sinewave and aperiodic impulses of current of artificial lightning in the bit chains of powerful GCL with amplitude to ±220 кА and integral them action to 13,5·106 J/Ohm. On the measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 from government metrology service of Ukraine the certificate of accordance of the set form is got. Practical value. Application of the created shunt of type of SC-300M2 in composition the high-voltage heavy-current bit chains of powerful GCL will allow in a certain measure to improve the metrology providing of tests of aviation and space-rocket technique, and also objects of electroenergy on stability to lightning


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    Purpose. Description of construction and basic technical descriptions developed and created in Research & Design Institute «Molniya» National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» high-voltage heavy-current coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to measure the peak-temporal parameters (PTP) of impulses of current of artificial lightning in wide peak and temporal ranges with the integral of their action to 15·106 J/Ohm. Methodology. Electrophysics bases of high-voltage impulsive technique, scientific and technical bases of development and creation of high-voltage heavy-current impulsive electrical equipment, including the powerful generators of current of lightning (GCL), and also measuring methods in bit chains powerful high-voltage GCL AVP large impulsive currents of micro- and millisecond temporal ranges. Results. Offered and described new construction of measuring high-voltage heavy-current shunt, containing a measuring round disk from stainless steel easily soiled a 12Х18Н10Т thickness 2 mm and external diameter 80 mm. Experimental a way impulsive active resistance of RS≈0,08 mOhm of the indicated measuring disk and on his basis a calculation coefficient transformation is found of SS of coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, numeral equal in the concerted mode of operations of his coaxial cable line (CCL) SS≈2/RS≈25·103 A/V. It is rotined that it is expedient to use this value SS for measuring in the heavy-current bit chain of GCL ATP impulsive A- and repeated impulsive D- component of current of artificial lightning, and also ATP of aperiodic impulse of current of artificial lightning of temporal form 10 μc/350 μc. It is set that taking into account application in the end CCL of shunt of a co-ordinate divizor of voltage with two output coaxial sockets 1:1 (for SSA≈25·103 A/V) and 1:2 (SSC≈12,5·103 A/V) at measuring of ATP intermediate B-, protracted C- and shortened protracted C*- component of current of artificial lightning in GCL it is expedient to utillize a numeral value SS for the examined shunt, equal 12,5·103 A/V. Practical approbation and verification of capacity of the improved measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 is executed in the high-voltage heavy-current bit chain of powerful GCL, forming on the actively-inductive loading of A- and C*- the components of current of artificial lightning with rationed ATP. Originality. Developed and created new high-voltage heavy-current measuring shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to register rationed ATP of attenuation sinewave and aperiodic impulses of current of artificial lightning in the bit chains of powerful GCL with amplitude to ±220 кА and integral them action to 13,5·106 J/Ohm. On the measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 from government metrology service of Ukraine the certificate of accordance of the set form is got. Practical value. Application of the created shunt of type of SC-300M2 in composition the high-voltage heavy-current bit chains of powerful GCL will allow in a certain measure to improve the metrology providing of tests of aviation and space-rocket technique, and also objects of electroenergy on stability to lightning.Описана конструкция разработанного и созданного измерительного коаксиального дискового шунта типа ШК-300М2, позволяющего с помощью коаксиальной кабельной линии связи и цифровых запоминающих осциллографов одновременно измерять амплитудно-временные параметры (АВП) основных компонент тока искусственной молнии, генерируемых высоковольтным генератором грозовых разрядов в соответствии с требованиями нормативных документов США SAE ARP 5412: 2013 и SAE ARP 5416: 2013. Приведены основные технические характеристики измерительного коаксиального дискового шунта типа ШК-300М2. Показано, что данный шунт позволяет измерять и АВП апериодического импульса тока временной формы 10 мкс/350 мкс, нормированный интеграл действия которого согласно требований международного стандарта IEC 62305-1: 2010 может численно составлять до 13,5·106 Дж/Ом